misskitsune08 · 3 years
Let's have a democratic vote.
a) *stent puts on glasses for the first time* Parck: They suit you. Stent: No.
b) *stent puts on glasses for the first time* Stent: They look horrible. Parck: I thought you didn't care about such superficial things?
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For foxy-miss-vanilla-kitsune-lady
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misskitsune08 · 3 years
It’s for the best. A Mandalorian fanfic.
Title: It's for the best.
Summary: Din's thoughts at the end of the Mandalorian S02e08.
Words: 350. No pairings. 
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misskitsune08 · 4 years
Reluctant Allies
Reluctant Allies 
Five years after the Battle of Yavin, at the end of the Galactic Civil War, Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren embark on a mission to search for Ezra Bridger. Soon they find themselves in the middle of an unfamiliar conflict and they are given a choice that could potentially shape the future of the Galaxy. 
No pairings. Ahsoka Tano. Sabine Wren. Ezra Bridger. Thrawn. Eli Vanto. 
(11,000 words) 
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misskitsune08 · 4 years
Art & Blues
I resurrected Art & Blues. Enjoy pure Legends Parck, Stent, Pellaeon, Niriz, Thrawn and other Imperial characters. 
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misskitsune08 · 6 years
A Parting Gift by MissKitsune08 (350 words)
Summary: Thrawn is given a small token from his brother before the latter departs to the CDEF. Warning: Contains major spoilers for Thrawn: Alliances!
Characters: Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo, Thrass | Mitth'ras'safis
Verse: Canon 
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misskitsune08 · 6 years
Chapter 10: Crossover (1,200 words)
A Kingdom of Isolation by MissKitsune08  (11k+ words)
Summary:  “The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen. A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I’m the king.” Eli Vanto accepts Thrawn’s offer and joins the Chiss Ascendancy, becoming Assistant Syndic Mitth’eli’vanto. Unfortunately, the rest of the Chiss are not exactly thrilled with the prospect of accepting an outsider into their fold.
Characters: Eli Vanto, Ar'alani, Formbi | Chaf'orm'bintrano, Original Chiss Character(s), Thrawn | Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Mentioned)
Verse: Mix of Canon and Legends, Part No#11 of the Freak Fleet verse
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misskitsune08 · 6 years
Eli Vanto visits Fuoror’s Chiss family in A Kingdom of Isolation by @cystemic
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misskitsune08 · 6 years
Voss Parck and Stent (Kres’ten’tarthi) by @ymirr-art-blog
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misskitsune08 · 6 years
Grand Admiral Thrawn and ImperialGirl’s Aristocra Reli’set’harana by @ymirr-art-blog
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misskitsune08 · 6 years
A Unique Art Form by MissKitsune08 and Ma_Kir (1,3k words, complete, a stand-alone story set in Canon) 
Summary: During one of his early reconnaissance missions to the galaxy, Mitth'raw'nuruodo is given an opportunity to study a whole other kind of art in process.
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misskitsune08 · 6 years
The Empire’s End by MissKitsune08 (1,3k words, complete, a stand-alone story set in Canon)
Summary:  One look into the eyes of a broken child tells Mitth’raw’nuruodo everything he needs to know about the future of the First Order. 
Written for Thrawn Appreciation Week, Jan. 13 Prompt: Never again.
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misskitsune08 · 6 years
The Legend of Thrawn by MissKitsune08 (4,4k words, complete, a stand-alone story set in Legends)
Summary:  After the galaxy finally laid down its weapons after more than twenty years of constant conflict, Grand Admiral Pellaeon, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Remnant, receives a coded communique from a man who introduces himself as Admiral Voss Parck, steward of the Empire of the Hand. 
Written for Thrawn Appreciation Week, Jan. 8 Prompt: Regrets. You have been warned.
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misskitsune08 · 6 years
An Artist at Heart by MissKitsune08 (7,6k words, complete, a stand-alone story set in Legends)
Summary:   After Thrawn’s death at Bilbringi, the Empire comes up with a desperate plan: Use Thrawn’s genetic profile to grow the Grand Admiral’s clone. And while Thraawn indeed shares the Grand Admiral’s fondness for art, he is not the one the Empire had hoped him to be. 
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misskitsune08 · 6 years
A Man Can Hope by MissKitsune08 (9k words, complete, a stand-alone story set in Canon) 
Summary:  Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. Agent Kallus needs to learn how to protect his mind from Imperial interrogators, the Rebels need to learn to forgive their former enemy.
Author’s Note: Written before Zero Hour. 
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misskitsune08 · 6 years
Sith Devilry by MissKitsune08 (1k words, complete, a stand-alone story set in Canon) 
Summary:  The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The victory against the Rebels at Atollon brings the desired result, and Grand Admiral Thrawn is shown the blue prints of the Death Star by the Emperor himself. Character study of Thrawn. 
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misskitsune08 · 6 years
Jedi Devilry by MissKitsune08 (1,7k words, complete, a stand-alone story set in Canon) 
Summary: After the battle of Atollon, Grand Admiral Thrawn takes a moment of self-reflection at being confronted with an entity he cannot explain. Bendu. Thrawn's POV. Mix of Canon and Legends.
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misskitsune08 · 6 years
The Freak Fleet: A series of stories exploring the dynamics among Grand Admiral Thrawn, Pellaeon, Covell, Parck, Niriz, Dorja, and other members of the Seventh Fleet. 
Legends cast in Rebels, a couple of OCs. Mix of Canon and Legends (Essentially AU). Serious, as well as not-so-serious fics. Semi-crack.
Words: 140k+ 
The Freak Fleet: Members of the Seventh Fleet teach Admiral Konstatine’s crew that they are a force to be reckoned with.
Breaking the Ice: Admiral Thrawn and Captain Parck share a story from their past with Commander Pellaeon.
Of Chiss and Men: The most boring tasks often result in the most interesting conversations. Waging a war on paperwork, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Captain Pellaeon get a unique opportunity to learn more about each other.
Witch Hunt:  Captain Pellaeon becomes entangled in power games between Grand Admiral Thrawn and Ysanne Isard who would stop at nothing to bring the alien down to his knees. The title says it all. Loyal? Prove it! You have been warned.
Second Chances: After Konstantine’s death, Grand Admiral Thrawn decides to integrate ISD Relentless, Konstantine’s former flagship, into the Seventh Fleet, giving an opportunity to Commander Dorja to redeem himself.
Chance Encounters: Grand Admiral Thrawn and Captain Pellaeon meet Ensign Eli Vanto’s alternate self whose life had taken the path he had originally intended for himself. A different take on their meeting featuring the far-fetched stories about Chiss Warriors. No spoilers for Thrawn novel. There is always a bit of truth in Legends.
The Evil So Terrible It Tried To Black Out The Stars:  There are two sides to every story, however, understanding is a three-edged sword: one side, the other side, and the truth. Character study of Thrawn.
An Unstoppable Force Meets an Immovable Object: After Grand Admiral Thrawn managed to retrieve the stolen masterpiece of his collection from the Rebels, his senior command staff wonders what the wild mynock chase has been all about and demands an explanation.
All Roads Lead to Coruscant: Members of the High Command are invited along with their senior staff to Imperial Palace for the celebration of Empire Day.
Freak Fleet Files:  A series of ficlets set in the Freak Fleet ‘verse exploring the backstories of my main cast. Everyday life snippets, deleted scenes, what-ifs, serious as well as not-so-serious stuff. Writing a parody of myself? Abso-kriffing-lutely! Jumping back and forward in time through the whole series.
A Kingdom of Isolation: Eli Vanto accepts Thrawn’s offer and joins the Chiss Ascendancy, becoming Assistant Syndic Mitth’eli’vanto. Unfortunately, the rest of the Chiss are not exactly thrilled with the prospect of accepting an outsider into their fold.
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