mister-langdon · 3 years
🎀heyhey! if it’s not a bother, could i get a ship?
i’m a leo, isfp, and my enneagram type is 2w3!
i’m pansexual and gender-fluid
i’m a very anxious person, so i have a hard time interacting with people. but when you get to know me, i’m a really chill and fun person. i really care about the people i’m close to, and i love being able to help them. i’ve always been labeled as “the mom friend” lol
i’m pretty short, and i have short, brown, curly hair and like hazel (idk how to describe it tbh, they’re a weird mix of green and brown) eyes. i dress very casually, mostly because i’m too lazy to put effort into my appearance, but thats besides the point.
i really like horror movies, rock music, and video games. honestly, i could ramble on for days about my interests.
anyways i hope this is enough and sorry if i kinda rambled its a bad habit of mine
i hope you have a wonderful day/night❤️
hello, hun! ty for leaving a request! <33
i would ship you with Billie Dean Howard!
she’d love to talk with you about all your interests, and you could ramble all you want. (dont apologize btw it’s completely ok). she’d try and comfort you if you ever got anxious, and her calm demeanor would be really helpful.
she’d love if she could talk about her interests, too! she’d love to show you her skills :)
i hope you like this!
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mister-langdon · 3 years
💖plz can i have a ship! Im pan-sexual and KSIP. I have long dirty blond hair and brown eyes. Im 5,6 so slightly tall. I have lots of mole all on my face and body and also some subtle freckles. Please could i have a AHS ship, any season or gender i dont mind!
Thank you, Sxx
hello, doll! tyty for leaving a request!!
i decided to take inspo off your username.. and..
ship you with the countess!!
you sound SO pretty, she’d give you the finest dresses and strut around with you everywhere, you two catching the eyes of all the guys and gals.
she’d totally pamper you, and would take as much time to be with you, and love you.
i hope you like this!
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mister-langdon · 3 years
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am i valid?
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mister-langdon · 3 years
first question for me!
i got an ask about who my favorite Evan’s were, but i can’t find the question in my inbox anymore :(( i hope you see this!
(i believe it was @thatspookyagent !! thank you !! )
but my favorites are Kit Walker, Jimmy Darling, and James Patrick March!
an honorable mention is Peter Maximoff
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mister-langdon · 3 years
James Patrick March Personalized Letter
requested: @victoriascult
warnings: mentions of sadness
My dearest Victoria
 My doll, I feel like I have been so busy. For, planning Devil’s Night takes a man and a half, and I am just me. But, oh how I miss you.
 The gloomy look on your face pains my heart, I want to see your gorgeous smile again, the way your lips curve, the smile etching onto your soft cheeks. I miss that feeling it gave me in my heart, a warm feeling, like hot caramel draping itself over my soul.
  I will be back to you soon, my love. I will hold you, and kiss you, and we can dance in the pale moonlight again, I shall wait for that moment. Please stay in my room while I am gone. When I return, I want to feel the warmth you left from sleeping in my bed, your scent in the room.
  I love and miss you, darling. Please forgive me. We will be together soon, love.
James Patrick March.
(i hope you like this!)
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mister-langdon · 3 years
Hello would it be okay request a letter from Rory Monohan with the name Salem. where he writing a letter saying that he loves Salem who is his s/o.
Dear, Salem
 Hey, baby! Writing a letter is so old-school, eh? I hope you like it though.
 I think I’m in love with you. Is that wrong? Oh wow it feels really weird to admit! I hope this doesn’t feel weird.
 I miss seeing your eyes, your smile, your lips, everything! Even when I’m away shooting, I just wanna call you, and hear your voice say my name. I’m hopeful you like me. I really am
 Do you think I have a chance with a girl like you?
Rory Monahan
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(sorry for responding so late! i hope you like this!)
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mister-langdon · 3 years
Hey I've been recently obsessed with Evan peters. I was wondering if you could write something with just Him and not any of his characters? If yes I would really appreciate if you could write something really romantic but not necessarily smutty with a girl named Faseeha. Is that okay?
You waited patiently in your car outside of the tall, black building. Your boyfriend, Evan, sat inside, getting an interview about the upcoming shows he had planned. Although you supported his career, it felt lonely whenever he’d leave you for his work like this. Which was quite often. He was a busy man. But while he was away, you fell into guilty habits.
  You knew reading through his comments was wrong, but you couldn’t help it. What did his fans think about his girlfriend? Of course, they did not understand your bond, but it still affected you. Were you wrong to feel this way? You hoped not.
 As your thumbs scrolled through the comments, you stumbled on one. “His girlfriend looks so fat LMFAO 🤭 bitch i bet she’s toxic”
  As you read, tears prickled in the corners of your eyes. Was this person right? Were you fat? Evan always assured you how gorgeous you were, but he was your boyfriend, he could be saying that just to be nice. You wiped your sleeves across your eyes, sniffling in the pain.
 Suddenly, the door opened. Your boyfriend stood, loosening the tie around his neck. “Hey ba-.. What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He rubbed his hand on your shoulder, and laid a soft kiss on your cheek. Then, his eyes wandered, looking at your screen. The filthy comments and disregard, he nodded slowly. “Hey, it’s okay. Come here.”
 He lifted the seat's armrest, and gently pulled you in. Tucking strands of hair behind your ear, and pulled you into his chest, laying a soft kiss on your forehead. “I’m sorry..” You sighed, and he shook his head. “Oh, babe, no. Don’t apologize. We all fall into people's hate sometimes. But, it isn’t true. You’re gorgeous. You hear?” He smiled, and rested his forehead to yours. He rested his palm on your cheek, and wiped the tears from your eyes with his thumb.
 “Wanna go home, I’ll cook a nice dinner for you? Anything you want.” You smiled, and nodded. Slowly, you retreated back to your seat, as he inserted the keys into the slot. He started up the car, and gripped your hand with his. “Let’s go, baby.”
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(i hope you like this!)
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mister-langdon · 3 years
hi you can make a tate langdon alphabet fluff with the shy reader please
Tate Langdon x Shy Reader: Alphabet Fluff
(prompt made by @magical-warlock )
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Tate adores listening to music. Whether it be cradling them in his arms while they play with his hair, or kissing, he loves doing everything with music in the background.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Every feature. He adores every feature of his S.O., but he especially is fond of his lovers eyes and lips.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Gently, he would try and coax them out of it. Rubbing their back, petting their hair, trying to get them to talk. Eventually, if they began to cry, he would cry with them, and hold them close.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
If he hadn’t been stuck in the murder house, he would wish to run away with them after high school. Where to, it didn't matter, but to be with them forever, away from the pain of the town they lived.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Tate tends to be more domineering. In arguments or fights, he likes to take control, to combat the childhood he had.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Tate dislikes fighting, but he can be very stubborn. He hates to disagree, but doesn’t necessarily prevent it. After a while of him cooling down, eventually, he apologizes and wants to be with his S.O again.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He greatly appreciates his S.O’s kindness towards him. Even though they’re shy, and more quiet, he still takes their gentle kindness gigantically. He loves it.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
At the beginning of the relationship, he doesn’t tell them anything. He’s just the next door neighbor who’s kind to the new person. But after they become close, he tells them everything. If they accept him, he will never keep a single secret.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Greatly! Tate, before his lover, was rude, self-centered, and generally violent. After finding love, he slowly changed to be more tender and passionate, and overcame his own mental illness and trauma.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Tate gets jealous extremely easily. Whether it be other ghosts in the house, or new house owners, he tends to get possessive. He would naturally handle it by fighting, but his lover coaxed him out of it, so he just pouts.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Though Tate isn’t experienced, he tends to be fairly decent at kissing. He tends to be passionate and tender, he wants his lovers touch.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
I feel he is poetic, and would get them a flower. Maybe a bouquet of uniquely colored flowers? He would try and make it beautiful, just like his lover.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Since he’s dead, he has no interest in getting married. But if his S.O wanted, he would get them a promise ring to match the ring he has. It may have a small skull, or a raven on the head.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Tate would be interested in using many nicknames for his S.O. He would most likely use the classics, “babe, baby, my girl”, or if you were a boy, “my boy”. But he’d also call them names like “kitten” or “darling”. If it flustered them, he’d use it so often.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
The most noticeable difference is him being kinder, and more warm to be around. His S,O’s warmth is contagious for him, and he slowly becomes a better person, and lets go of his pain he’s been dealing with.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
The bragging he does is mostly to assert himself to anyone who talks to you. He can do a lot of PDA, to make others see he’s their partner.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He plans the BEST Halloween dates.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He is extremely creative with his romantic gestures. He tries to make things different, and unique, for example Violets black flower.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
It’s a bit hard for him to help, but with little goals, like schoolwork, or a talent, he’d support the, the whole way through.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Tate certainly does like to spice things up, but not too much. Too much change is exciting being a ghost, but he still wants the same old you. He loves you for who you are, and as long as you don’t change, he’ll be okay.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He struggled with empathy in the beginning of the relationship, but after some time, learning and growing, he slowly became kind, and wanted to learn everything about his S.O. Now, he knows almost everything, and remembers every detail.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Even if Tate had the world going on, you’d still be the most important thing to him. He values you above all, and he loves you more than anything.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He writes little poetry for you. He thinks it’s stupid, but it’s actually kinda cute. It’s normally about the darkness of the world, and the brightness of you.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Tate tries to seem avoidant, to seem tough, but melts into any touch. And if he barely heard the word leave his partners mouth, he’d end up holding them and playing with their hair. So, yes, he loves it.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He misses them even if they’re just out of the house. He’ll call, and text, and if they don’t reply, he’ll get a bit pouty. When you get home, he holds onto you and tells you that you’re his. He can be a bit possessive.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He would kill for his lover, he loves them extraordinarily.
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mister-langdon · 3 years
🎀 hola! i was wondering if i could request an ahs ship? any character is fine with me :)
i'm latina (specifically honduran), born in the new york city! at times i slur (idk if that's the right term but i'll use it anyways) between english and spanish; for the most part, i catch myself. i'm a sagittarius, an infj, and polysexual (under the bisexual umbrella). i tend to be reserved at first, though i've been told that once people get to know me, i'm silver-tongued, funny and have a larger-than-life personality. also been told i'm wise and mature for my age- well, for the most part anyway. i tend to be sarcastic, though i prefer thinking of it as quick-witted. over the years, i've been considered the "parent" of my friend groups, helping friends out academically and personally. i don't have the best relationship with my parents, as they've been rather absent through my life- i've sort of had to be a parental figure to my younger siblings. i can be incredibly self-doubting and feel overall inferior to others, though i really try not letting it get in the way of things.
i'm really interested in psychology and criminology, which has influenced my love for true crime and horror. i also enjoy writing (though i don't let many read my stuff) and music. specifically, i enjoy indie, rap, hip-hop, alternative, latin pop, folk music. on tv, i mainly watch netflix; my favorite shows at the moment are jane the virgin and lucifer. i'm a huge marvel fan, practically grew up watching the movies and shows! i've also recently become a dc, so more variety from my end!
this is all just- a mess. this also turned out way longer than i thought it was going to be. i hope you're having a great day! i apologize if there's any mistakes in this.
hello, love!! tyty for leaving a request. i am sorry to hear abt all you've been through;; stay strong!!
i would ship you with Xavier Plympton! you and him seem to have a similar personality, kind people with sharp mouths and big personalities, which I love! you two would get along so well. he'd support you through any inferiority you felt, reminding you how great you are.
he'd watch so many shows with you, and grip onto your hand if he got nervous, but play it off to make you impressed. he likes to know you view him well.
i hope you like this!!
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mister-langdon · 3 years
🎀 and some Evan Peters boys please, Im an infj and Im a very caring person. I have short dirty blonde hair. I enjoy horror but I just like any movie that’s entertaining. I love records and most music. I have kinda a grungy look, kinda messy but hey it’s cool. I’m the mom friend with a mom build lol.
hello, dear!! tyty for leaving  request! i greatly appreciate the support. i'd ship you with Kit!
he’s very sweet and loving, and would play so many records to dance with you to. he’d hold your hand as you watched horror, and coax you out of any fear you had!
he’d think you looked SO COOL, and would play with your hair, and would appreciate all the care you gave.
i hope you like this!
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mister-langdon · 3 years
🎀hi, im requesting a ship for one of the evans in ahs or wv doesnt matter to me. i very recently started watching ahs for the first time tho so i've only seen up until freak show. btw dont feel pressured to do this request, only do shit that you wanna do im totally okay with that if you dont wanna do it. <3
im 5'4 and i have brown eyes and shoulder length brown hair that is dyed green at the bottom bc i got bored during the pandemic and now my hair is bleach damaged. im like average size, a lil curvy i guess except im very flat chested but yeah. i also got a very alternative and eccentric fashion sense. idk if u need this info but yeah jsgsgdgsf
i really love writing short stories but i never let people read them cause theyre pretty bad. same with drawing, im not very good at it but i enjoy it in my own time.
i have adhd and autism so i get easily overwhelmed and panic and shit. i also got other mental health issues like depression and periods of self destructiveness where i just dont care abt my well-being at all, so i'd kinda need someone who can handle that.
im an INFP, i prefer to be alone with just myself or one or two people. im introverted and isolate myself a lot but also im really fucking loud and obnoxious so i got the worst if both worlds there.
this is kind of a mess, sorry jdhdgs
hello, dear! tyty for leaving a request! you sound so cool, and i really hope things get better for you!! <33
i would ship you with Kyle Spencer (pre-death)!
he would take you to a lot of places, and if you ever got overwhelmed or stressed, he’d instantly take you home and would gently coax you out of the negative feelings. honestly, any problem you had, he’d love and care for you during it. he seems so encouraging 
he is naturally social, but would give any of that up to spend any second of time with you. he loves you smsm 
random hc, he doodles a lot. he’d probably ask you for drawing tips (if you’d feel comfy sharing)!
i hope you like this!!
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mister-langdon · 3 years
Hii! Can I request an Evan ship? I'm an Aquarius, I'm Twenty and I'm straight. I'm an ENFP and I love making new friends. I talk a lot lol. And I'm not judgmental. I'm forgiving and I try to see both sides to things. I can own up to my mistakes and call myself when I mess up. I love listening to music. I like all genres except for country lol. I love practicing makeup and I adore flowers. I love trying new things and I also love to read and write. 💙💙
hello! tyty for leaving a request! happy to fulfill, you sound adorable 
i would ship you with Tate Langdon! he needs someone who’s willing to listen to him, and values his feelings as much as you value others feelings. he’d have mild trust issues at first, but he’d warm up so fast and would love you so much.
you could try doing his makeup! he’d be hesitant, but I feel if you did a makeup look similar to facepaint, he’d adore it.
i hope you like this!!
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mister-langdon · 3 years
hi! I’m really new to this but I was wondering if I could get a ship for Cody Fern and Evan Peters?💕
im 5’4, I have strawberry blonde hair, I have blue eyes. I usually spend my free time reading horror/mystery books, and if I can’t find a good book I always love to watch a true crime documentary or video. I don’t really have a good relationship with my parents and I often have trouble explaining my feelings to others.
Have a great day!🧿
hello! so sorry for responding so late :((
i would ship you with Xavier Plympton and Rory Monohan!
1. rory would show you all the horror shows and docu’s he was in, and would love to get into all your interests. he’d probably LOVE your hair (it sounds so pretty) and would get his hands lost playing with it. he would try and comfort you about your parents :((
2. xavier would love the shit out of you, seriously. he’d love watching stuff with you, and would always try to make you laugh. he may be a bit of an ass sometimes, but he has good intentions, and would hug and kiss you whenever you felt sad, not forcing you to talk about it.
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mister-langdon · 3 years
Would I be able to get a 💖 ship for a ahs Evan character? My pronouns are she/her, I’m a Capricorn and my mbti type is INTJ. I have long light brown hair with curtain bangs. I love to make my friends laugh and I like to be around people who can make me laugh. My love language is physical touch. When I’m talking to my friends I often go on long rants about niche historical topics and other things I find interesting. However, I'm pretty quiet around people I don't know that well. I like to draw, read, paint, and journal in my free time. I also go surfing, watch movies, and binge watch TV. Sometimes I can get pretty stressed because I take school seriously and I may act bossy or snap at my friends. I also don’t like being told what to do. I am also a big animal lover (I have 2 dogs and 2 cats).
hello, doll! Ty for leaving a request, so sorry for taking so long to respond :((
i would ship you with James Patrick March, the posh romantic serial killer!
he loves history, i would assume, and he would love to listen to you talk, and would inform you about his life in the past!
whenever you’d be stressed, he’d warm a hot bath for you, and he may even help you study. he’d try watching all your shows, but may critique if they are newer shows. burnhey, you may  get to see some of his favorite shows from his life!
i hope you like this! again, so sorry for taking so long ;;
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mister-langdon · 3 years
new fun requests!
hello, everyone! i apologize so much for being inactive, ive been so busy recently, but i hope to be more active! to celebrate my return, i’ve created a new event for me to do for you all until April 20th. (smut, headcanons, and fics will remain the same for as long as i am on the app)
i will be taking more specific requests
✨-headcanons of any AHS character, or Wandavision character. no rules, anything you’d like!
💋 - smut, anything you’d like, just tell me the warning beforehand so i know what im working with
💝 - standard fanction, any character, any scenario, any relationship status, (except anything unrealistic for either fandom)
🎀- ships are back open! provide a description of yourself, mbti type (if you have it), hobbies, and personality!
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mister-langdon · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could get a ship for any Evan Peters💚. BTWs, this may end up being a bit long but I’ll try to keep it easy on you 😭
My MBTI type of INTP who loves to scream with rock music and be alone at times. I have dyed dark brown (almost black) hair that’s chopped at my shoulders, a few freckles on my nose and cheeks, and pale green eyes. I’m 5’4 with an hourglass shape that’s gaining a bit more weight from quarantine. I consider myself an introverted extrovert with weird social awkwardness. When I’m with friends, I’m almost a completely different person that isn’t afraid of anything and can be a bit reckless. Whereas when I’m by myself I can be quiet and not much for conversation with newer people. My love language is gift giving, not much in touch but gift giving and quality time is a big thing for me in showing my love for others. Thanks for taking the time in reading this or even giving me a ship 💚 mean much to me. Have a wonderful day/night.
hello, doll! tysm for leaving a request. i aspire to look like you 😭❤️
i would ship you with Tate Langdon!
Tate totally has a thing for INTP’s (cough violet cough), and him being a bit impulsive, he’d easily relate to your recklessness. he’d introduce you to the rock music he used to like when he was alive, and your love for it would set a spark in him.
he’d get you lots of things around the house, like little flowers, pretty rocks, or anything he could find. on Halloween, he’d wish to take you to a concert with your favorite band, and would pamper you by trying to buy you anything you’d ask for. (idk where he gets his money, don’t ask questions). he’d also feel so loved with any gift from you, since he hasn’t really been given gifts since murder house.
i rlly hope you like this!! <33
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mister-langdon · 3 years
Would I be able to get a 💖 ship for any Evan character (ahs or wv)? I'm female, a virgo and I have a few piercings and tattoos. I have long split black and neon yellow hair. I'm very confident. I love to joke around and make my friends laugh. I like to be around people who can make me laugh too. I'm very social around my friends but I'm pretty quiet around people I don't know very well. I do fire eating as a hobby and I play the drums. I really love cheesy pick up lines especially if they're funny. I also like to draw, go ice skating, go to concerts, watch horror movies, binge watch trash TV or just lay around listening to music. I have a pet parrot that I love very much.
hello, doll! you sound so cool haha, so..
i would ship you with Ralph Bohner/Fietro! 
Ralph is a laid back guy, who seems that he’d make a lot a LOT of jokes. he’d tease you a little and call you cheesy nicknames, like “babe”. he’d turn every oppurtunity into a chance to flirt, like, if you decided to cook, he’d be behind you saying. “Why do you need the oven to cook, babe? You’re hot enough, you could light this whole place ablaze.”
he’d love your musical endeavors, and might even try playing along with you in his guitar. you could make songs together, even if he may mess up the tune sometimes haha.
i hope you like this! ty for leaving a request!!
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