mizu-chin · 23 days
Dragon´s Heart "Growth"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The days passed in the palace of Asmodeus and Fizzarolli, and with them, the bond between S/n and her newly hatched dragon grew. From the moment the tiny creature emerged from the flames of the hearth, an unbreakable connection was formed. S/n named him Cannibal, a name that seemed to echo in the depths of her mind, as if it were always meant to be.
With each sunrise, Cannibal seemed to change a little more, his body growing in size and strength, and his black scales shining with greater intensity. The deep red on his wings and horns became more vivid, like fresh lava in a dormant volcano, creating a striking contrast with the absolute black of his body. The young dragon was already beginning to show signs of intelligence and power, something everyone in the palace noticed and admired.
As Cannibal grew, so did S/n. The little girl, who was once so shy and reserved, now displayed a keen curiosity and a fearless spirit that often surprised Asmodeus and Fizzarolli. She asked questions that sometimes left even the oldest demons perplexed. Her mind was a bottomless well of questions about the world around her, about Hell, the other realms, and the magic that seemed to flow through her veins.
During the day, she spent hours exploring the palace gardens, with Cannibal always by her side. He was already the size of a large hellhound, and his wings, still not fully developed, occasionally flapped in the air, trying to adjust to his growing body. S/n loved to watch her friend take small, clumsy flights, each attempt followed by a look of concentration and then a joyful laugh from her when he stumbled or fell.
One morning, as the infernal sun bathed the palace in its scarlet glow, S/n and Cannibal were in the garden, as usual. The dragon was trying to take off again, his wings beating with more strength and precision than before. S/n, her golden eyes shining with excitement, cheered him on.
"Come on, Cannibal! You can do it!" she encouraged, clapping her hands.
Suddenly, with a powerful flap of his wings, Cannibal managed to lift off the ground, flying to a surprising height for his age. S/n let out a shout of joy, jumping excitedly. The dragon made a circle in the air, but when he tried to land, he ended up crashing into a bush. S/n ran to him, laughing, and helped him out of the leaves.
"You were amazing!" she exclaimed, stroking his head. Cannibal made a sound that resembled a low purr, clearly enjoying the praise.
Asmodeus and Fizzarolli watched from a distance, always vigilant but also amazed at the growth of the two. The relationship between them was not just one of owner and pet; it was something much deeper. Fizzarolli commented with a smile, "She's becoming quite a fearless little girl, isn't she?"
"She is. And Cannibal... well, he's a reflection of her," Asmodeus replied, his voice tinged with pride.
As the days went by, S/n became more skilled and confident. She began to show signs of her own unique magic, something that clearly came from her connection with Cannibal. Small fires would ignite at her command, and she could sense the presence of beings around her without seeing them. Her control was still rudimentary, but everyone knew her potential was extraordinary.
One afternoon, Stolas visited the palace to discuss business with Asmodeus. As he walked through the corridors, he found S/n practicing magic in the courtyard, with Cannibal standing by her side like a protective sentinel. Stolas, with his keen owl eyes, noticed the complexity of what she was attempting.
"S/n, what are you doing?" he asked with genuine curiosity.
"I'm trying to make a fireball float," she replied with a smile, focused on her hands where a small flame flickered in the air.
Stolas smiled, impressed by her determination and boldness. "You know it's not an easy thing to master, especially for a little girl."
She laughed, undeterred. "I know. But Cannibal believes I can do it, so I believe too."
Cannibal, hearing his name, looked at Stolas, his nostrils releasing a small puff of smoke, as if warning the prince not to underestimate his mistress. Stolas raised an eyebrow and chuckled softly.
Their growth was not just physical. The dragon and the girl were maturing together, their skills and confidence developing in unison. As S/n became wiser, Cannibal seemed to learn from her, understanding her emotions and responding to them. Sometimes, when she became frustrated with a difficult lesson or her own limitations, the dragon would lay his head in her lap, offering silent comfort.
As the weeks passed, it became clear to everyone in the palace that S/n and Cannibal were inseparable. When one was happy, so was the other; when one was in danger, the other became fierce. Cannibal grew with S/n, not just in size—he grew in loyalty, wisdom, and strength.
And so, each passing day was another page written in the story of two extraordinary beings who, despite being so different, were destined to walk together, side by side, in the vast and unpredictable world of Hell.
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mizu-chin · 3 months
Dragon's Heart "Part 2 Finale: Lucifer's Gift"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The night was silent, and darkness enveloped the palace of Asmodeus and Fizzarolli. The infernal moon cast a pale glow through the windows, bathing everything in a spectral light. In the middle of the night, S/n woke up suddenly, her ears catching a strange, whispering sound. It was as if something was calling to her, a soft murmur coming from inside the dragon egg.
Curious and a little frightened, S/n quietly got out of bed and walked through the corridors to the living room, where an ancient and imposing fireplace dominated the room. The sound inside the egg seemed to grow louder as she approached the fire. Instinctively, she knew what she needed to do. Carefully and determinedly, S/n placed the dragon egg in the fireplace, watching as the flames began to envelop the dark surface.
Time passed, and the room was filled with an expectant silence, broken only by the crackling of the flames. Suddenly, a louder sound, like a crack, echoed through the room. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli woke up with the noise, both alarmed. They rushed to the living room, fearing the worst.
Upon entering the room, they saw a scene that made them stop in their tracks, hearts pounding. S/n stood in front of the fireplace, the flames dancing around her. To their shock, she reached out and picked the egg directly from the fire. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli shouted in unison, running to her, afraid she had burned herself.
“S/n, no!” Fizzarolli exclaimed, the panic in his voice evident.
Asmodeus grabbed S/n's hands, taking the egg from her small hands. With a sigh of relief and surprise, he realized that, despite having touched the fire directly and held the hot egg, there was not a single injury on her hands.
“How...?” Asmodeus murmured, stunned, looking at S/n’s unscathed little hands.
Before they could fully process what was happening, the egg began to crack. The cracks spread across the black surface, and a deep red glow began to emanate from within. They all stepped back slightly, watching in awe and anticipation.
With a final crack, the egg completely broke open, revealing a baby dragon. Its scales were black as night, with horns and wings also black, but with deep red tips reminiscent of glowing lava. Its eyes, two golden-red pools, smoldered with an intensity that reflected S/n's golden eyes.
The little dragon looked around, its eyes shining with curiosity and intelligence. When its eyes met S/n's, there was an instant connection, a deep bond that went beyond words. S/n slowly approached, extending a cautious hand. The baby dragon tilted its head, as if recognizing its new owner, and approached her, rubbing against her hand in a gesture of affection.
“He... he is beautiful,” S/n whispered, amazed. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli stood by her side, equally enchanted.
“What do you think this means?” Fizzarolli asked, looking at Asmodeus.
“It means that our little S/n is even more special than we imagined,” Asmodeus replied, his gaze fixed on the scene before him.
The baby dragon made a soft sound, almost like a purr, as it snuggled closer to S/n. She smiled, feeling complete and safe with her new friend by her side.
“Welcome to the family,” Fizzarolli said softly, stroking the baby dragon's head.
As the night went on, the family stayed together, admiring the baby dragon and the special connection that had formed between it and S/n. They knew the future would bring many challenges, but with the strength of love and unity, they were ready to face anything together.
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mizu-chin · 3 months
Yes My Lord "Nightly Comfort"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The journey back to the Phantomhive mansion was silent. The incident in the forest had left everyone deep in thought. Ciel maintained his cold and determined expression, but his distant gaze betrayed the concern he felt. S/n watched the young master attentively, noticing the burden he carried.
Upon arriving at the mansion, Ciel withdrew to his room while Sebastian busied himself with his nightly duties. S/n also went to her room, longing for a moment of rest after the tense night. However, not long after, a gentle knock at the door caught her attention.
"Come in," she said softly.
The door opened, revealing Ciel in his pajamas, with an expression that mixed frustration and vulnerability.
"S/n... I... can't sleep," he admitted, his voice laden with emotional fatigue. "Can I... can I stay with you tonight?"
S/n felt a pang in her heart. Ciel rarely showed his weaknesses, and seeing him like this, so young and fragile, reminded her of how much he was still a child, despite all his responsibilities and sufferings.
"Of course, Ciel," she replied, making room on the bed for him. "Come, sit here with me."
Ciel lay down on the bed, holding the pillow protectively. S/n sat beside him, her presence providing immediate comfort. She gently stroked his hair, trying to soothe him.
"Would you like me to tell you a story?" she asked, recalling the many nights she had done the same for him, offering refuge amid the darkness.
Ciel nodded, his tired eyes shining with silent hope. "Yes, please."
S/n thought for a moment, trying to remember a story that could calm Ciel's mind. Finally, she recalled an old story someone had once told her.
"Once upon a time," she began, her voice soft and rhythmic, "there was a powerful family with a special bond with dragons. They were known as the Targaryens, and they ruled the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. But like all great families, they also faced great conflicts. One of the greatest was the civil war known as 'The Dance of the Dragons.'"
Ciel, now with his eyes closed, listened attentively, the steady rhythm of S/n's voice calming him.
"This war began after the death of King Viserys I," S/n continued. "Viserys had two children who sought the Iron Throne. Rhaenyra, his eldest daughter, and Aegon, her half-brother. Rhaenyra was the rightful heir, but Westeros had never been ruled by a queen, and many would not accept a woman on the throne."
S/n went on, detailing the fierce struggle between the two sides, the aerial battles between dragons, and the devastation that followed. She described Rhaenyra's courage and determination, and Aegon's relentless ambition, painting a vivid picture of loyalty and betrayal, bravery and despair.
As S/n told the story, Sebastian patrolled the mansion, looking for Ciel. His concern grew with each passing minute without finding the young master. Finally, following his instinct, he headed to S/n's room. Opening the door, he found Ciel lying on the bed, almost asleep, while S/n, seated beside him, continued the story.
"...and so, the war of the dragons brought destruction to Westeros," S/n concluded softly. "But it also showed the strength and determination of those who fought for what they believed was their right. Rhaenyra fought bravely, but history was not kind to her. However, her spirit remained, reminding everyone that true strength comes from within, regardless of who sits on the throne."
Ciel struggled to keep his eyes open, trying to hear the end of the story, but the comfort and security provided by S/n were irresistible. Slowly, he fell asleep, a soft sigh escaping his lips.
Sebastian watched the scene, a slight smile curling his lips. He quietly entered the room, approaching the bed.
"He was worried," S/n whispered, looking at Sebastian. "He needed some comfort."
Sebastian nodded, his gaze softening as he saw Ciel's peaceful expression. "Thank you, S/n. He needs someone like you by his side."
S/n smiled gently. "He is strong, but everyone needs someone to care for them from time to time."
Sebastian observed for a moment longer before speaking. "I'll ensure no one disturbs us tonight. Rest well, S/n."
With those words, he left the room, closing the door behind him. S/n continued to watch Ciel, feeling a mix of affection and responsibility. She knew that as long as she was by his side, she would do everything she could to protect him and provide him moments of peace, even amidst the chaos surrounding them.
With one last look at the sleeping young master, S/n extinguished the candle beside the bed, plunging the room into the tranquil darkness of the night.
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mizu-chin · 3 months
Sarcasm and Love "Deep and Unexpected Connections"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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After the nighttime encounter in the kitchen, the routine in the Okumura residence began to change subtly. S/N, who initially remained reclusive and disinterested, started to notice a constant presence around her. Rin, almost unconsciously, sought to be close to her, whether sitting next to her while reading a manga or inviting her to help in the kitchen. These initially unassuming interactions began to build a new and unexpected dynamic between the two.
In the days that followed, Rin became a constant presence by S/N's side. Whenever he read a manga, she could feel his furtive glance, almost as if he were waiting for an opportunity to start a conversation. When he cooked, he often called her to help, turning meal preparation into a collaborative and surprisingly enjoyable event.
"Can you cut the vegetables?" Rin asked one morning while they were making breakfast.
S/N raised an eyebrow but picked up the knife and began slicing the vegetables with precision. "You really like dragging me into your activities, don't you?" she commented, a slight smile forming.
Rin laughed, the sound warmly resonating through the kitchen. "Well, you make everything seem more interesting," he replied, almost without thinking.
The change in the dynamic between Rin and S/N did not go unnoticed by Yukio. He observed with a mix of concern and curiosity, unsure how to interpret the growing bond between his brother and the enigmatic hybrid.
"Have you noticed how different Rin has been lately?" Yukio remarked to Director Mephisto Pheles during a meeting.
Mephisto, always an enigma with his cryptic smile, responded calmly, "Yes, I expected a bit more chaos with this arrangement. But it seems S/N has a... taming effect on Rin."
Yukio frowned, worried. "That doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thing. We need to keep an eye on them."
Meanwhile, Rin continued to get closer to S/N. He didn't consciously realize it, but his need to be near her grew each day. He appreciated her sarcastic responses, her analytical gaze, and the way she managed to be incredibly competent even while appearing disinterested.
"Shall we bake a cake today?" Rin suggested one afternoon, his eyes shining with anticipation.
S/N looked at him disdainfully, but there was a soft gleam in her golden eyes. "As long as you don't blow up the kitchen in the process," she replied, grabbing an apron and joining him.
Over time, S/N began to trust Rin more. Initially reluctant to open up, she found comfort in Rin's gentle persistence. He didn't force anything, but he was always present, a reliable constant in her life. This presence made her gradually lower her defenses, allowing herself to relax and even genuinely smile in his company.
As S/N started to open her heart to Rin, he became increasingly aware of his own feelings. What began as innocent curiosity transformed into something deeper. Rin realized he longed for her presence, her rare smile, and her insightful interactions. He fell in love with her without her noticing, admiring every little quirk that made S/N who she was.
One night, while they were preparing dinner together, Rin looked at S/N and felt a wave of affection that nearly took his breath away. "S/N, have you ever thought about... staying here permanently?" he asked, half-joking, but with an underlying seriousness.
S/N looked up from the vegetables she was chopping, surprised by the question. "I'm still deciding if you're a good enough reason to stay," she replied, but there was warmth in her voice that showed she was leaning toward the decision to fully trust Rin.
Life in the Okumura residence transformed not only the routine but also the hearts of S/N and Rin. The bond they formed grew from simple curiosity into a deep and meaningful connection. As Rin fell more and more in love, S/N began to open her heart, allowing a new trust to develop between them. And although she didn't fully realize Rin's feelings yet, his constant presence and dedication started to paint a promising future where both could find strength and comfort in each other's company.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Yes My Lord "The Masquerade Ball"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The Trancy mansion was enveloped in an atmosphere of luxury and mystery, the lights of the grand hall shimmering through crystal chandeliers, creating a stunning scene. Masked guests paraded through the hall, their laughter and conversations mingling with the music that filled the air. Alois Trancy's invitation had been irresistible, and now the mansion was filled with masked figures in elaborate costumes.
You, dressed as a Victorian Gothic vampire, stood out immediately. Your black dress with fine lace and blood-red details, along with the ruby necklace adorning your neck, contrasted with your long wavy hair. Your eyes, accentuated with dark makeup, shone with an intensity that did not go unnoticed. Beside you, Ciel Phantomhive, in an elegant pirate costume, maintained his usual expression of seriousness and suspicion, while Sebastian, dressed as a Renaissance nobleman, remained vigilant and alert.
Ciel observed the crowd with a critical eye. "Sebastian, make sure there are no unpleasant surprises tonight."
Sebastian inclined his head in agreement. "As you wish, my young master."
As the trio walked through the hall, Alois Trancy, dressed extravagantly as always, approached them. His eyes gleamed with a mix of malice and curiosity as he noticed you beside Ciel.
"Ciel, what a pleasure to see you here!" exclaimed Alois, his voice laden with false joy. "And who is this charming lady by your side?"
Ciel responded coldly. "This is Y/n, a trusted ally."
Alois's eyes swept over you, and he smiled seductively. "Y/n, what a pleasure to meet you. I hope you are enjoying the party."
You responded politely but with a tone of suspicion. "The party is... interesting, Lord Trancy."
Alois laughed, but his eyes betrayed a flash of envy at the closeness between you and Ciel. "I hope you find something that entertains you, Y/n. Perhaps a dance?"
Before you could respond, the music changed to a softer, more mysterious melody, and the guests began to scatter, forming pairs to dance. Alois seized the opportunity to take Ciel's hand.
"Come, Ciel, I have something special to show you in the forest," said Alois, his voice soft but insistent.
Ciel hesitated, but curiosity and the need to uncover Alois's true motives made him follow. You noticed Ciel's discomfort and decided to accompany them.
"I'll go with you, Ciel," you said firmly.
Alois tried to disguise his frustration, but his eyes showed a flicker of disapproval. "Of course, Y/n. The more, the merrier."
They followed Alois into the darkness of the forest, where the air was colder and the atmosphere charged with tension. Amidst the trees, Alois stopped and turned, revealing he was wearing the clothes of Hannah, the demonic maid.
"Surprise, Ciel," said Alois, his voice full of malice.
Ciel frowned, feeling the tension rise. "What do you want, Alois?"
Before Alois could respond, you positioned yourself protectively in front of Ciel, your eyes fixed on Alois. "What is your game, Alois?"
Alois laughed, but there was bitterness in his laugh. "Game? It's not a game, Y/n. It's just a way to show Ciel something he still doesn't understand."
Alois's envy intensified as he saw how you protected Ciel, like a maternal figure he never had. He hated the bond they had, the trust and affection Ciel felt for you.
"Do you think you can protect Ciel from everything, Y/n?" asked Alois, his voice dripping with disdain. "You don't understand what's at stake here."
You kept your gaze steady. "Maybe I don't understand everything, Alois. But I know enough to protect Ciel from you."
Sebastian, who had been watching closely, felt the tension rise. He knew Alois was not someone to be underestimated and that Hannah's presence complicated matters further.
"Alois," intervened Sebastian, his voice calm but firm. "What exactly do you intend to achieve with this?"
Alois looked at Sebastian, his twisted smile. "Oh, Sebastian, you know very well. It's all a game of power and control. And now, Ciel, it's your turn to decide."
Ciel, feeling the pressure, looked at you, who gave him an encouraging look. "Ciel, do what you think is right. I'm here to support you."
With renewed confidence from your presence, Ciel faced Alois with determination. "I won't play your game, Alois. I have more important things to do than to toy with your manipulations."
Alois, frustrated, took a step back, realizing his attempt to destabilize Ciel had failed. "Very well, Ciel. But remember, this is far from over."
As Alois withdrew, still dressed as Hannah, Ciel felt a mix of relief and the tension that still lingered in the air. He looked at you, his expression softening.
"Thank you, Y/n," he said, his voice gentler. "You always know how to be in the right place at the right time."
You smiled, gently placing a hand on Ciel's shoulder. "I'll always be here for you, Ciel. Let's return to the party. There's still much for us to do."
Sebastian observed the interaction, feeling a mix of relief and a new feeling he was still trying to understand. The bond between you and Ciel was strong, and he knew that together, they could face any challenge that came their way.
As they returned to the Trancy mansion, the party continued, but the tension of the night had revealed much about the bonds and loyalties between them. And so, with renewed determination, they were ready to face whatever came next, united by the trust and affection they shared.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Dragon's Heart "Part 1: Lucifer's Gift"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The echoing sound of Asmodeus's footsteps resonated through the dark corridors of Lucifer's palace. Accompanying him was S/n, whose golden eyes gleamed with curiosity and excitement. The Lord of Hell had summoned Asmodeus for a special meeting, specifically requesting him to bring the little hybrid of dragon and human along.
Lucifer, the most powerful entity in Hell, had a soft spot for S/n ever since he first met her at a high-ranking demon council meeting. Her purity and sweetness were rare qualities in such a dark place, and even the Devil himself could not resist her innocent charm.
As they reached the enormous, ornate doors of Lucifer's throne room, Asmodeus took a deep breath before pushing the heavy doors open. Inside, on a majestic throne, Lucifer awaited, his burning eyes fixed on the entrance. The room was illuminated by a soft red light that reflected off the dark stone walls, creating an atmosphere of power and mystery.
“S/n, Asmodeus, welcome,” Lucifer said in a voice that resonated like thunder. A gentle, almost paternal smile played on his lips as he saw the little hybrid.
“Thank you for receiving us, Lord,” Asmodeus replied with a respectful bow. S/n, on the other hand, ran forward, stopping at the foot of Lucifer's throne and looking up at him with admiration.
“Hi, Uncle Lucifer,” S/n said in her sweet voice, unafraid in the presence of the powerful ruler.
Lucifer laughed softly, the sound reverberating through the room. “Hello, my little one. I have a very special gift for you.”
With a gesture, Lucifer signaled to one of his servants, who approached carrying a red velvet cushion. In the center of the cushion rested a dragon egg, completely black, so deep in color it seemed to absorb the surrounding light, reflecting only an infernal red glow.
S/n’s eyes widened with fascination at the sight of the egg. “What is that, Uncle Lucifer?” she asked, her eyes fixed on the fascinating object.
“This, my dear, is a dragon egg,” Lucifer explained, his voice soft and patient. “I found it in the human world, and I thought it would be perfect for you.”
S/n extended her small, pale hands, touching the egg gently. She felt a faint pulse of life within it, and her golden eyes shone even more intensely. “It’s so beautiful,” she murmured, in awe.
“It’s yours, S/n,” Lucifer said, watching the girl’s reaction with a surprising tenderness for someone of his stature. “Take good care of it, and it will be a loyal companion to you.”
Asmodeus observed the interaction with a mix of pride and caution. Although he trusted Lucifer, there was always a layer of distrust when it came to the supreme ruler of Hell. However, seeing S/n so happy and excited eased his concerns.
“Thank you, Uncle Lucifer!” S/n exclaimed, holding the egg carefully. “I will take very good care of it, I promise.”
Lucifer smiled, his expression almost gentle. “I know you will, my little one. Now, go and show your parents your new gift.”
As S/n and Asmodeus prepared to leave, Lucifer called Asmodeus aside for a moment. “She is a special child, Asmodeus. Take good care of her. And remember, she may have a significant role to play in the future of our kingdom.”
Asmodeus nodded, understanding the depth of what Lucifer was suggesting. “I will always take care of her, Lord.”
With a final look at Lucifer, Asmodeus took S/n’s hand and guided her out of the throne room. The little hybrid was radiant, holding the dragon egg as if it were the greatest treasure in the world.
Upon returning home, S/n could hardly wait to show the gift to Fizzarolli. Entering the living room, she ran to him, who was resting on the couch.
“Mama Fizz, look what I got!” S/n exclaimed, proudly showing the dragon egg.
Fizzarolli looked at the egg, his eyes widening in surprise. “Is that... a dragon egg? Where did you get that?”
“Uncle Lucifer gave it to me,” S/n replied excitedly. “He said it’s a special gift.”
Asmodeus approached, placing a comforting hand on Fizzarolli’s shoulder. “Lucifer believes S/n is special, and this gift is proof of that.”
Fizzarolli looked at Asmodeus, a smile of pride and admiration forming on his lips. “Our girl is destined for great things, isn’t she?”
“Yes,” Asmodeus replied, looking at S/n with tenderness. “She certainly is.”
As night fell over Hell, the family gathered around S/n, admiring the dragon egg and imagining what the future held for the little hybrid and her new companion. Lucifer’s gift was not just an egg; it was a symbol of something much greater that was to come, something that involved S/n’s destiny and the future of Hell. And at the center of it all was the love and dedication of a unique family, ready to face any challenge together.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Sarcasm and love "Nighttime Encounters and Discoveries in the Kitchen"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The night was silent at the Okumura siblings' residence. The full moon softly illuminated the hallways and rooms, creating a tranquil atmosphere but also carrying a certain air of mystery. Awakened by a sudden thirst, S/N decided to leave the comfort of her room to get a glass of water from the kitchen.
Walking down the hallway, her bare feet made hardly any noise on the wooden floor. She carefully descended the stairs, avoiding the creaky steps. As she approached the kitchen, she noticed a faint light and the sound of clattering pans.
Entering the kitchen, S/N was surprised to see Rin in an apron, focused on something cooking on the stove. The look of concentration on his face was almost comical, and the scene made S/N pause for a moment to watch.
Rin, sensing her presence, turned around with an enthusiastic smile. "Hey, S/N! I couldn't sleep and decided to cook something. Want to try it?" He held a wooden spoon with a small portion of what seemed to be an aromatic broth.
S/N frowned slightly, her golden pupils narrowing with suspicion. "You want me to taste this? At this hour of the night?" she asked, her tone laden with skepticism.
Rin laughed, a soft sound that filled the kitchen. "Yes! I promise it's good. At least, I think it is," he said, extending the spoon towards her.
She hesitated, her eyes fixed on the spoon as if expecting something unexpected to jump out of it. But the sincerity and enthusiasm on Rin's face were almost contagious. He seemed so genuinely excited that, for a moment, S/N let her guard down.
"Come on, S/N. It won't kill you," Rin encouraged, his expression softening into an encouraging smile.
With a resigned sigh and a look that said "I can't believe I'm doing this," S/N stepped forward. She slowly approached, keeping her eyes fixed on Rin, before finally opening her mouth and accepting the spoon.
As she tasted the broth, S/N's eyes opened slightly wider than usual. The flavor was rich and comforting, a perfect blend of spices she didn't expect. The pleasant surprise caught her off guard, and she couldn't hide a small, satisfied smile.
"See? I told you it was good!" Rin exclaimed, beaming at her reaction.
S/N wiped her mouth delicately with the back of her hand and looked at Rin, a different sparkle in her eyes. "Okay, you got it right. It's really good," she admitted, her tone softer than usual.
Rin smiled, pleased not only by his culinary success but also by the rare moment of seeing S/N lower her guard. "You know, if you want, I can teach you some recipes. Cooking can be a good way to relax," he suggested, as he went back to stirring the pot.
She pondered the proposal for a moment, observing Rin with an analytical look. Maybe there was more to this spirited young man than she had thought. "Maybe," she replied, as enigmatic as ever, but with a lightness in her eyes that Rin noticed and appreciated.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Yes My Lord "The Encounter with the Undertaker"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The Phantomhive mansion was in a frenzy that morning, with Ciel ordering everyone to prepare for an important visitor. The Undertaker, the enigmatic and eccentric funeral director who acted as Ciel's informant, had requested a meeting. The Undertaker's arrival was always a peculiar event, marked by his eccentric personality and macabre humor.
S/n was in the library, reviewing some documents related to the ongoing investigation, when Ciel entered, closely followed by Sebastian.
"S/n," Ciel began, his voice calm but urgent. "We're expecting an important visitor. The Undertaker. He may have crucial information for our investigation."
She looked up from the papers and nodded. "Understood, Ciel. Should I prepare something special?"
Ciel shook his head. "Just be present. Your observational skills may be useful."
Sebastian remained silent, but his eyes tracked every movement of S/n. He knew that the Undertaker's arrival could bring complications, especially because the eccentric funeral agent had a tendency to show interest in things that were out of the ordinary. And S/n, with her strength and mystery, certainly fit into that category.
Later, in the main hall, S/n, Ciel, and Sebastian awaited the Undertaker's arrival. When he finally appeared, his characteristic smile and sinister laughter filling the room, all eyes turned to him.
"Ah, what a delightful gathering!" exclaimed the Undertaker, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "And who is this fascinating creature that I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet?"
Ciel stepped forward. "Undertaker, this is S/n. She has been a great ally of ours."
The Undertaker's eyes fixed on S/n with a curious glint. "S/n, what a charming name for such an intriguing lady. May I ask, my dear, what brought you into the company of young Master Phantomhive?"
S/n held her gaze steady but friendly. "I was hired to assist Ciel in his investigations. And it seems our collaboration has been quite fruitful."
Undertaker laughed, a deep and resonant sound. "Fruitful indeed. I see the young master has good taste in allies."
Sebastian, who was watching the interaction closely, felt a pang of jealousy growing within him. He knew that the Undertaker's interest was not merely professional. There was a genuine curiosity and perhaps something more, something he didn't want to admit to himself.
"What have you brought us today, Undertaker?" asked Ciel, trying to steer the conversation back to the main focus.
"Oh, just some information about a recent move by our common enemy," replied the Undertaker, not taking his eyes off S/n. "But I must say, I'm more interested in learning about the new addition to your group."
S/n, sensing Sebastian's discomfort, decided to intervene. "I'm here to help Ciel, nothing more. If you have information that can assist us, I'm eager to hear it."
The Undertaker smiled even wider, a gesture that seemed almost paternal. "Direct and to the point. I like that. Very well, let's get down to business."
As the Undertaker began to detail the information he had gathered, Sebastian couldn't help but observe the interaction between him and S/n. There was something in the way the Undertaker looked at her, something that made the demon inside Sebastian stir. He had always considered S/n an ally and, more recently, something deeper that he was still trying to understand. Seeing another show interest in her stirred up feelings that he preferred to keep hidden.
After the meeting ended, Ciel retired to his office, taking the documents provided by the Undertaker with him. Sebastian and S/n were left alone in the room, a tense silence filling the space between them.
"You didn't like the Undertaker, did you?" asked S/n, breaking the silence.
Sebastian looked at her, his eyes darkening with conflicting emotions. "The Undertaker is... peculiar. And his curiosity can be unsettling."
She smiled, a soft and understanding smile. "He's intriguing, for sure. But don't worry, Sebastian. I'm here for Ciel, for our mission."
He took a step forward, the intensity in his eyes growing. "It's not the Undertaker that concerns me, S/n. It's what he might uncover about you."
S/n tilted her head, curious. "And what could he discover that would bother you so much, Sebastian?"
He hesitated for a moment, his conflicting emotions reflected on his face. Finally, he spoke, his voice soft but laden with intensity. "You're more than you appear, S/n. And that worries me. Not because I fear for Ciel, but because... I fear for you."
She reached out, lightly touching his arm. "Sebastian, I'm capable of protecting myself. And I trust you to help me with that. But there's something more here, isn't there?"
He looked away, a rare display of vulnerability. "Perhaps there is. But it's not something I can easily admit."
S/n stepped closer, her eyes locked on his. "Then maybe we should start by trusting each other. There's much we still need to uncover, both about our enemies and ourselves."
He looked at her hand, feeling the warmth and strength in her touch. "You're right, S/n. Maybe it's time to let some barriers fall."
As they stood there, a new understanding began to form. The Undertaker's presence had stirred up emotions that both were trying to deny, but perhaps it was the key to understanding what they truly felt for each other.
Sebastian finally looked at her, his gaze softer. "Let's face this together, S/n. And whatever may come, we'll face it together."
She smiled, a smile that lit up the room. "Always, Sebastian."
As the two shared this moment of connection, Ciel discreetly watched from the doorway of his office. A feeling of gratitude and affection enveloped his heart as he witnessed the interaction between S/n and Sebastian. He subtly realized that S/n was not just an ally but a maternal figure in his life, a comforting and protective presence he had been missing since his mother's death.
With a slight smile on his lips, Ciel returned his attention to his duties, knowing that as long as S/n and Sebastian were by his side, he would have the strength and support he needed to face any challenge that came his way.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Sarcasm and Love "Coexistence"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The morning was cold and foggy when S/N, Rin, and Shiemi were summoned for a practical exercise in the forest near True Cross Academy. The mission was to exorcise a Leaper, a demonic creature known for its aggressive and unpredictable nature. The group, led by Yukio Okumura, was prepared to face the challenge, though the members' confidence varied considerably.
Rin, with his usual enthusiasm, was ready for action, while Shiemi showed clear signs of nervousness. S/N, on the other hand, maintained her usual disinterested look, although her golden eyes were watching everything intently.
The Leaper appeared suddenly, its quick and erratic movements making it difficult to approach. Rin advanced with his Kurikara, the demon sword, but was quickly sidestepped by the creature’s agility. Shiemi tried to use her Tamer powers to control the situation, but her insecurity resulted in weak commands that the creature easily ignored.
Observing the scene, S/N sighed internally, silently disapproving of Shiemi’s weakness. With a quick and calculated move, she channeled her draconic abilities, generating an intense flame that enveloped the Leaper. In a matter of seconds, the creature was incinerated, leaving only ashes in the air. Rin looked at her with admiration, while Shiemi, embarrassed, averted her gaze.
S/N's impressive performance did not go unnoticed by Rin. He was already intrigued by her enigmatic personality, but now his interest began to evolve into something deeper, though he was not yet fully aware of it.
A few days later, a surprising decision was announced by the academy’s principal. S/N would be transferred to the same building where the Okumura brothers resided. The official reason was to observe how a human-dragon hybrid like S/N and the son of Satan with a human, like Rin, would react living under the same roof.
Rin and Yukio were initially perplexed but accepted the decision, while S/N remained indifferent, accepting the change with a shrug.
The initial adaptation was smooth. S/N maintained her reclusive behavior, spending most of her time in her room or in the gardens, avoiding unnecessary interactions. Yukio, with his usual rigor, observed closely, while Rin couldn’t hide his growing curiosity.
One morning, while Rin was preparing for another day of training, he descended the stairs and found an unexpected scene in the living room. S/N was sitting on the sofa, calmly petting Kuro, Rin’s demon cat familiar. The small feline purred happily, its eyes half-closed in contentment.
Rin paused at the door, surprised. It was the first time he had seen S/N smile, even if it was a small and almost imperceptible smile. Seeing her showing a moment of genuine tenderness and tranquility made something tighten in his chest in an unfamiliar way. He stood there, absorbing the scene.
"Good morning, Rin," S/N said without taking her eyes off Kuro, as if she had known he was there the whole time.
"Good morning," Rin replied, trying not to look too astonished. He slowly approached, sitting next to her. "Do you like cats?"
S/N shrugged, still petting Kuro. "They’re honest. They don’t pretend to be something they’re not."
Rin pondered this response, realizing that it revealed more about S/N than any conversation they had had before. The forced coexistence was beginning to bring out aspects of her personality that had previously been hidden, and Rin couldn’t help but feel increasingly fascinated by this enigmatic hybrid.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Dragon's Heart "A Visit to I.M.P."
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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Blitz held S/n’s small hand as they walked through the city. S/n’s golden eyes shone with curiosity as she observed the various hellish scenes around her. Despite his usual irreverent attitude, Blitz had a genuine smile on his face as he guided the little girl to the I.M.P. headquarters.
“Today you’re going to meet my team, S/n. I’m sure everyone will love you,” Blitz said, gently squeezing her hand.
When they arrived at the I.M.P. building, Blitz opened the door and S/n entered, her eyes wide with curiosity and expectation. Inside, Moxxie was adjusting some papers on his desk, Millie was sharpening her weapons, and Loona was sitting behind the reception desk, fiddling with her phone.
“Guys, we have a special visitor today!” Blitz announced enthusiastically.
Moxxie and Millie looked up, both with warm smiles upon seeing S/n. Loona, initially indifferent, looked up and her eyes softened when she saw the little hybrid.
“This is S/n, the daughter of Asmodeus and Fizzarolli,” Blitz continued, gently pushing S/n forward. “And my little niece, in a way.”
Millie was the first to approach, crouching down to be at S/n’s level. “Hi, S/n! I’m Millie. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
S/n smiled shyly, feeling a little less nervous with the warm reception. “Hi, Millie.”
Moxxie approached next, offering a gentle smile. “And I’m Moxxie. If you need anything, you can count on me.”
Loona, despite her usual reserved demeanor, couldn’t help but feel a certain tenderness towards S/n. Something about the little girl melted her tough facade. Slowly, she got up and walked over to where S/n was.
“Hi, little one,” Loona said, her voice surprisingly soft. “I’m Loona.”
S/n, who always loved animals, looked at Loona with admiration. “Are you a hellhound?” she asked, her eyes shining with curiosity.
Loona smiled slightly. “Yes, I am.”
“I love animals,” S/n said, reaching out a small hand to touch Loona’s hand. Loona, hesitant at first, held the little girl’s hand, feeling an unexpected warmth in her heart.
As the day went on, S/n explored the I.M.P. headquarters, with Millie and Moxxie showing her the different equipment and telling funny stories about their missions. Loona, while keeping a respectful distance, watched with growing affection for the little hybrid.
In a moment of rest, S/n approached Loona, who was sitting on a couch reading a magazine. Without saying a word, S/n climbed onto Loona’s lap, snuggling comfortably. Loona was surprised, but didn’t push her away. Instead, she instinctively wrapped her arms around the little girl, feeling an unexpected sense of protection grow within her.
S/n played with a strand of Loona’s hair, her eyes slowly starting to close. “You’re my cousin now, Loona,” she murmured sleepily before falling asleep in Loona’s lap.
Blitz, observing the scene, smiled contentedly. “I think she found a safe place here with you, Loona.”
Loona looked at Blitz, and for the first time in a long time, a genuine smile appeared on her face. “Yes, I think so.”
As S/n slept peacefully, holding onto a strand of Loona’s hair, everyone at I.M.P. felt a new kind of energy in their space. The presence of the little hybrid brought a sense of family and affection that had always existed but now seemed even stronger and more present.
Millie and Moxxie exchanged affectionate glances, already imagining the adventures they would have with S/n. For Loona, especially, the experience was transformative. Having S/n in her lap, feeling the little girl’s trust and affection, made Loona realize that perhaps she could open up a little more, accept and give love, even if in a subtle and discreet way.
Blitz, seizing the opportunity, teased Loona like a father would tease a teenage daughter. “So, Loona, it looks like you have a new responsibility now. How does it feel to be the older cousin?”
Loona rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide her smile. “Shut up, Blitz. I’m just taking care of her because she’s adorable.”
Blitz laughed, satisfied with the response. “Sure, sure. But I think you like her more than you’re willing to admit.”
Loona shot Blitz a warning look, but soon turned her attention back to S/n, who was sleeping peacefully in her lap. “Maybe,” she admitted softly.
From that day on, the I.M.P. headquarters was no longer just a workplace. It was a place where a new family, with all its quirks and imperfections, was forming. And at the center of it all was S/n, the little dragon-human hybrid, who with her innocence and sweetness, won hearts and united souls in a place where darkness and light coexisted in a surprisingly harmonious way.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Sarcasm and Love "Draft"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The True Cross Academy, a renowned institution for training exorcists, has always attracted talented and peculiar individuals from all parts of the world. There, amidst century-old walls and hallways filled with history, young people were trained to combat the demonic forces that threatened humanity. It was in this environment, heavy with mysticism and discipline, that S/N, a young woman with long curly brown hair, voluminous eyelashes, and eyes as golden as the dragons from stories, began her journey.
When S/N arrived at the academy, her presence did not go unnoticed. Her golden eyes, which seemed to hold ancient wisdom, aroused curiosity in many, but also a certain apprehension. Despite her striking appearance, she quickly gained a peculiar reputation: she was frequently seen napping in unusual places, from the library to the classrooms.
Yukio Okumura, one of the most rigorous teachers and brother of the famous Rin Okumura, quickly noticed S/N's disinterested behavior. In his classes, while other students paid attention and diligently took notes, S/N was often found with her head on the desk, in a deep sleep.
"Again, S/N? Do you plan to sleep through all of your training?" Yukio questioned in a tone that mixed exasperation and curiosity.
She slowly lifted her head, her golden eyes still heavy with sleep, and replied with sharp sarcasm: "Well, Yukio, have you ever tried sleeping through your classes? Maybe you'll learn something new." And with that, she closed her eyes again, ignoring the surprised and slightly irritated look from the teacher.
Rin Okumura's arrival at the Academy was a significant event. As the son of Satan, he carried a stigma that frightened most students. However, S/N seemed completely indifferent to his presence and his origins. While other students nervously whispered and cast apprehensive glances, she continued her routine of sleeping in classes and avoiding social interactions.
Rin, accustomed to being the center of attention, especially due to his notorious past, was intrigued by S/N's apparent apathy. During a break between classes, he approached her as she was leaning against a tree, serenely napping.
"Hey, aren't you afraid of me?" Rin asked, genuinely curious.
She lazily opened one eye and responded, "Why should I be? You're not my alarm clock." And she went back to sleep, leaving Rin completely puzzled but also more curious than ever.
S/N's indifferent attitude wasn't just towards Rin. She avoided any kind of close relationships, isolating herself by choice. While others formed study groups and friendships, S/N preferred the company of her own thoughts and dreams. This reclusive and self-sufficient nature made many see her as an enigma.
Even Yukio, with all his discipline and rigor, couldn't understand why someone with so much potential chose to behave so apathetically. On more than one occasion, he tried to catch her attention with direct questions or challenging tasks, but S/N's response was always the same: disinterested sarcasm followed by a return to sleep.
Rin's curiosity about S/N only grew. He began to observe her more closely, trying to understand what went on in the mind of that mysterious young woman. What made her so different? Why wasn't she afraid of him or his demonic heritage? And more importantly, why did she seem to care about absolutely nothing except her hours of sleep?
In an attempt to get closer, Rin started sitting near her in classes, trying to initiate conversations that were almost always answered with monosyllables or cutting remarks. He also noticed that despite her apparent disinterest, S/N possessed vast and profound knowledge about exorcism, often surprising the teachers with precise answers and insightful observations when she decided to participate.
Over time, Rin began to realize that S/N's isolation wasn't the result of simple apathy, but a conscious choice. She had decided not to trust anyone, keeping her distance to avoid the disappointments she presumably had already faced. This realization made Rin even more determined to break through this barrier and understand what was really going on in the heart of that enigmatic young woman.
S/N's arrival at the True Cross Academy brought not only a challenge for her teachers and peers but also an intriguing new dynamic to Rin Okumura's life. Her indifference to the world around her, her sharp sarcasm, and her self-imposed isolation made her a mystery that Rin was determined to unravel. And as he sought to understand more about her, perhaps both of them would end up discovering more about themselves and the true meaning of trust and friendship in a world full of dangers and uncertainties.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Yes My Lord "The Hidden Song"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The morning was calm at the Phantomhive mansion. The sun began to rise on the horizon, casting golden rays through the tall windows, creating a spectacle of light and shadow in the elegant corridors. It was early, and the mansion was enveloped in an almost sacred silence. S/n, who had been awake for some time, was in the armory room, cleaning her daggers.
With meticulous movements, she slid the cloth over the blades, making them shine under the soft light. As she worked, she began to sing softly, almost without noticing. Her voice, clear and melodious, filled the room with the lyrics of the song.
"Cae la noche, me está buscando Hay luna llena y las loba' estamo' cazando Caí en el party, humo volando Di un par de paso' y vi que me estabas mirando..."
Sebastian, always attentive, was passing through the corridor near the armory. The sound of S/n's voice caught his attention, making him stop. He silently approached the slightly open door, curious and enchanted. He had never heard S/n sing before, and the softness of her voice combined with the intensity of the lyrics surprised him.
"Oh, te acercaste y me pediste Fuego pa' encenderte un blunt Ni lo pensé Te lo saqué de la boca, lo prendí y te dije que..."
She sang with a passion and rhythm that Sebastian did not expect. The words flowed naturally, and he could feel the emotion in each verse. There was something captivating in the way she moved, even while performing a simple task like cleaning her daggers. He stood there, immobile, almost hypnotized by the scene.
"Detrás del humo no se ve, no, no se ve Acerquémono' un poquito, que te quiero conocer Te lo muevo en HD, un perreo HP Una hora, dos botellas y directo pa'l hotel..."
Sebastian entered the room silently, his steps inaudible. He leaned against the wall, his eyes fixed on S/n. She was so immersed in the music that she did not immediately notice his presence. He observed her every movement, from the way she cleaned the daggers to how her lips moved as she sang. There was a natural sensuality and strength in her performance that left him fascinated.
"Dá calor quando chega perto de mim Que vontade de sentar em você Faz aquele jeito do macentin' Mírame, y hágale Por trás da fumaça tu sarra em mim Tomamos três goles de prazer Olha nos olhos, olha nos ojos, ah..."
S/n finally noticed Sebastian's presence when she lifted her gaze and saw him watching her. She abruptly stopped singing, a look of surprise crossing her face.
"Sebastian," she said, putting the dagger aside. "I didn't know you were there."
He smiled softly, stepping out of the shadows. "Forgive me for interrupting, Miss S/n. Your voice is... enchanting. I didn't know you could sing."
She shrugged, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. "It's just something I like to do to pass the time. It helps me relax."
"I must say, it was a pleasant surprise," he commented, approaching her. "The lyrics of the song are quite... intense."
S/n laughed, the sound light and carefree. "Yes, it's a song I like. It has an energy that makes me feel alive." Sebastian watched her for a moment, his gaze intense.
"You have many talents, S/n. Every day I discover something new about you." She looked at him, her eyes shining with a mixture of challenge and curiosity. "And you, Sebastian? Do you ever allow yourself to be surprised?"
He smiled enigmatically. "Rarely. But I must admit, you manage to do so more than most." There was a palpable tension between them, something that went beyond words. Sebastian, always controlled and calculating, felt something new and disconcerting.
S/n, for her part, perceived a vulnerability in him that she had never seen before. She stepped closer, her eyes fixed on his. "Perhaps you should allow yourself to be surprised more often. It can be... invigorating."
He tilted his head, the smile still present, but his eyes showing a depth of emotion he rarely revealed. "Perhaps you're right, S/n. Perhaps I should."
In that moment, the invisible barrier that existed between them began to dissolve. It wasn't just attraction or mutual respect, but something deeper. A recognition that, despite their differences, there was something that connected them in a way they were both still learning to understand. As the sun continued to rise in the sky, casting a golden glow over them, S/n and Sebastian stood in silence, a mutual understanding growing between them. It was the beginning of something new, something that promised to change not only the dynamics between them but also the very essence of the Phantomhive mansion.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Dragon's Heart "Special Chapter: Meeting with the Powerful"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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Asmodeus firmly held S/n's small hand as they walked through the opulent corridors of the palace where the meeting of the most powerful demons of Hell was to be held. S/n, with her golden eyes shining with curiosity, looked around, absorbing every detail of the majestic surroundings. Her small white and silver scales reflected the soft light of the torches, highlighting her unique presence.
Entering the grand meeting hall, Asmodeus paused, kneeling to be at S/n's level. "Remember, dear, today you will meet some of the most important demons of Hell. Be polite and don't forget that I'm always here by your side, okay?"
S/n nodded, a sweet smile spreading across her face as she squeezed Asmodeus's hand. With that, they entered the room, where the most powerful figures were already gathered.
First, they were greeted by Beelzebub, whose colossal and impressive presence did not intimidate the little hybrid. Beelzebub, with a friendly smile, bent down to look at S/n more closely. "And who is this adorable little girl?"
S/n smiled shyly, and Asmodeus responded proudly, "This is my daughter, S/n."
Beelzebub laughed softly, extending a gigantic finger for S/n to hold. "Pleasure to meet you, little S/n. I'm sure you will win everyone over today."
As they continued to move through the room, Asmodeus introduced S/n to Lucifer. The supreme demon observed the child with interest, his red eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and approval. "A hybrid child in our presence is a rare sight. Take good care of her, Asmodeus. She has an interesting future ahead."
S/n nodded, feeling the intensity of Lucifer's gaze but kept her sweet smile. She felt safe with her father by her side.
When they reached Stolas's place, S/n couldn't contain her joy. Stolas, with his majestic presence and owl-like appearance, had always fascinated the little hybrid. "Uncle Stolas!" she exclaimed, running to him.
Stolas opened his wings to welcome her, his face lit up with a warm smile. "S/n, what a pleasure to see you again! How are you, my dear?"
S/n snuggled into his embrace, her eyes shining with joy. "I'm fine, Uncle Stolas. Daddy brought me to meet everyone."
Asmodeus watched the scene with a satisfied smile. Seeing S/n happy and well-received among the other powerful demons brought him a certain relief.
However, the peace of the meeting was disturbed by the arrival of Mammon. His cynical gaze swept the room before landing on Asmodeus and S/n. "Well, well, if it isn't the sensation couple and their little one..."
S/n felt the veiled hostility in Mammon's words and shrank slightly but remained firm by her father's side. Mammon, with his arrogant smile, tried to insinuate something about Asmodeus and Fizzarolli, but before he could continue, S/n interrupted him.
With a serious look and a clear voice, she said, "Whore." The word echoed through the room, and for a moment, the silence was absolute.
Then, a chorus of laughter erupted among the demons present. Beelzebub laughed loudly, Lucifer let out a contained chuckle, and even Stolas couldn't help but laugh. S/n's audacity in calling Mammon a "whore" was unexpected and hilarious to everyone.
Mammon was visibly shocked and humiliated, his face contorting in anger. "How dare you..."
Asmodeus, trying to contain his own laughter, responded calmly, "My daughter is quite straightforward, Mammon. Perhaps you should consider your words more carefully next time."
Blitz, who had been watching the event from afar, approached, laughing loudly. "I knew this little girl was special. Great job, S/n!"
As Mammon stormed off in fury, the other demons continued to laugh and talk, now with a renewed admiration for S/n. She had not only won their hearts with her sweetness but also demonstrated a courage and indomitable spirit that impressed even the most powerful in Hell.
As the meeting continued, Asmodeus held S/n in his arms, proud and relieved. He knew that, regardless of the challenges they faced, his daughter would always have the strength and courage to meet them. And that day, S/n had proven to be a true daughter of the King of Lust, earning the respect and admiration of everyone present.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Dragon's Heart "The Clown Show"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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Mammon's hall sparkled with opulence and extravagance, overflowing with spectators eager for the annual clown competition. The atmosphere was electric, filled with laughter and loud conversations, as the competitors prepared backstage. For Fizzarolli, however, the excitement of the event was overshadowed by a wave of overwhelming nervousness. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, his hands slightly trembling as he meticulously adjusted his makeup.
Each stroke on his face reflected the mix of fear and determination he felt. S/n, the small dragon hybrid, watched Fizzarolli's anguish intently. With a sweet and comforting smile, she approached and gently hugged him, her golden eyes radiating a serene calm that helped ease the clown's tension.
Meanwhile, Asmodeus handed over the makeup Fizzarolli had requested, his face showing deep concern. He knew well the pressures Fizzarolli faced, and despite his confidence in his partner's abilities, he couldn't help fearing that something might go wrong. Determined to offer as much support as possible, Asmodeus called Blitzo to help, aware that his friend's presence could be a welcome relief for Fizzarolli.
When Blitzo arrived, S/n was formally introduced to him. Blitzo's chaotic energy and charismatic personality immediately won the little one over, and she looked at him with admiration. The bond between them was instantaneous, and Blitzo couldn't help but smile at the child, so innocent and full of curiosity. He welcomed her with a warm hug, saying, "Hi, little one! You must be S/n! Nice to meet you."
Mammon, watching from a distance, showed a cynical interest. He noticed S/n's presence and, although he found her intriguing, disliked the impact she had on Fizzarolli. S/n, on the other hand, seemed to sense the tension Mammon caused her adoptive father and instinctively disliked him. Every disapproving glance she cast towards Mammon was accompanied by a knowing smile from Blitzo, who shared the same sentiment.
The competition began, and as expected, the stage turned into a whirlwind of extravagant performances. Fizzarolli, with his undeniable talent, shone in every act, but the tension in the air was palpable. Asmodeus watched from the side of the stage, his eyes never leaving Fizzarolli, every muscle in his body tense with worry.
However, the event took a dark turn when an obsessed fan invaded the photo session, threatening Fizzarolli's safety. S/n, sensing the danger, almost unleashed her dragon powers, but Blitzo, holding her firmly, managed to calm her and resolve the situation with his usual dexterity. The fan was quickly neutralized, but not before S/n almost set the intruder on fire with flames that could harm even demons. Blitzo, in an act of protection and with a touch of his characteristic irreverence, shot the fan, neutralizing the threat and making S/n laugh, her crystalline laughter cutting through the tension in the air.
Back in the dressing room, Fizzarolli was on the verge of an anxiety attack. S/n, always sensitive to the emotions of those she loved, climbed onto his lap and began to gently stroke his head. The little girl's soft touch seemed to dissipate the storm inside Fizzarolli, bringing him invaluable comfort. Asmodeus watched, with a mix of pride and sadness, as his daughter and partner consoled each other.
When the final revelation came, Asmodeus took the stage alongside Fizzarolli and publicly declared their relationship, an act of courage and true love. The crowd, initially shocked, began to applaud slowly, recognizing the sincerity and love that united them. Mammon, unable to accept defeat without a last attempt at manipulation, launched his threats with a venomous smile.
It was then that S/n, still on Fizzarolli's lap, looked directly at Mammon with surprising seriousness. With impressive clarity, she uttered her first word, taught by Blitzo: "Bitch." The hall fell into stunned silence, and Mammon was visibly shocked and humiliated by the little one's audacity. Blitzo, on the other hand, beamed with pride, while Asmodeus and Fizzarolli couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise, admiration, and a touch of amusement at S/n's unexpected reaction.
Mammon, defeated and humiliated, left the venue as the family united in a moment of triumph and connection, each carrying with them the marks left by this unique experience. The clown competition, which had begun with tension and uncertainty, ended in a celebration of love and solidarity, with S/n proving once again to be the strong link that united them all.
Asmodeus, Fizzarolli, S/n, and Blitzo left Mammon's hall together, each reflecting on the day's events. As they walked, Asmodeus held Fizzarolli and S/n firmly, a look of relief and happiness on his face. Fizzarolli, still holding S/n, looked at her with a tender smile. "You were amazing today, little one. Thank you for being here."
S/n smiled back at him, her golden eyes shining with innocence and love. Blitzo, walking beside them, looked at the little hybrid with pride. "You really know how to make an entrance, girl. Come on, how about some ice cream to celebrate?"
As they walked together through the streets of Hell, they knew that no matter the trials and challenges they faced, they would always have each other. And so, the unlikely family moved forward, united by bonds of love, courage, and a little dragon hybrid who, with a single word, proved capable of changing the world around her... well, at least proved capable of traumatizing a demon.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Yes My Lord "Bonds of Affection and Sebastian's Inner Confrontation"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes.*
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Weeks turned into months at the Phantomhive mansion, and Y/n became a constant and reliable presence. She wasn't just a skilled warrior but also someone Ciel Phantomhive could trust, a rare thing in the treacherous world they lived in.
Ciel, though a young master of only twelve, bore a heavy burden on his shoulders. The responsibility of leading the Phantomhive household and seeking revenge for the crimes committed against his family were tasks he couldn't delegate. However, Y/n's presence brought a sense of comfort he hadn't expected to find.
One late afternoon, after a series of tense meetings with dubious investors and allies, Ciel retreated to the library. Sitting in a dark leather armchair, he distractedly flipped through a book, but his mind was far away. Y/n, passing through the hallway, noticed the tired expression on the young master's face and quietly entered the room.
"Miss Y/n," said Ciel, without lifting his eyes from the book. "What brings you here?"
She smiled softly and approached, sitting in the chair beside him. "Just a hunch, Master Ciel. You seem troubled."
Ciel sighed, closing the book. "Sometimes it feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. It's not easy being the Earl of Phantomhive."
Y/n leaned forward, her eyes full of understanding. "You are an impressive young man, Ciel. Braver and stronger than many adults I've met. And you're not alone. You have me, Sebastian, and everyone who truly cares about you."
Ciel looked at her, his usually cold gaze softening for a moment. "You're different, Y/n. I don't know what it is, but I feel I can trust you."
She reached out and gently touched his hand. "You can. And you always will. I promise."
In that moment, something changed. A bond of trust and affection began to form between the young master and his bodyguard. Ciel, accustomed to hiding his emotions and being strong, allowed himself a brief moment of vulnerability. And Y/n, always the warrior, showed a softer, more maternal side.
Sebastian, observing the scene from the library entrance, felt a pang of something he didn't want to admit: jealousy. He, an experienced demon, accustomed to manipulating and controlling, now found himself disturbed by the growing connection between Y/n and Ciel.
That night, Sebastian wandered the corridors of the mansion, his face a mask of calm, but his interior in turmoil. He couldn't fully understand why the closeness between Y/n and Ciel bothered him so much. After all, he was a demon, and feelings like jealousy should be irrelevant to him.
While preparing Ciel's evening tea, his thoughts were focused on Y/n. Her strength, her resistance to his demonic charms, and now, her ability to emotionally connect with Ciel in a way that he, Sebastian, never could. This troubled him more than he wanted to admit.
"Sebastian?" Y/n's soft voice pulled him from his thoughts. She stood at the kitchen door, watching him with a mix of curiosity and something more subtle.
"Yes, Miss Y/n," he replied, turning to her. "Can I help you with something?"
She entered the kitchen, closing the door behind her. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you."
He raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "About what?"
"About Ciel," she said, sitting down in a chair. "I worry about him. He's strong, but he's still a child. And it seems he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders."
Sebastian sighed, placing the kettle on the stove. "The young master has many responsibilities. And I am here to help him bear that burden."
"I know," Y/n said softly. "But sometimes, what he needs is not just a perfect butler, but someone who can understand his pains and fears."
Sebastian watched her for a moment, his conflicting emotions reflected in his eyes. "You care deeply for him, don't you?"
"Yes," she replied without hesitation. "And I know you care too."
He looked away, a rare gesture of vulnerability. "I am a demon, Y/n. My motivations are... different from yours."
"Maybe," she said, standing and approaching him. "But that doesn't mean you can't feel. I see it in you, Sebastian. You care about Ciel, even if you don't want to admit it."
He remained silent for a moment, absorbing her words. Finally, he met her gaze again. "Perhaps you're right. But I cannot allow this to interfere with my duties."
Y/n smiled slightly. "And it won't. But knowing you care can make all the difference for Ciel. And for us."
In the days that followed, the dynamic between Y/n, Ciel, and Sebastian began to change. There was a new understanding between them, an acceptance of the emotions each brought to the complex web of relationships at the Phantomhive mansion.
Sebastian, though still faithful to his role as butler and protector, began to allow himself small moments of humanity. He watched with a mix of pride and something more as Y/n trained Ciel in combat or comforted him after a nightmare. These moments, though brief, were significant.
One afternoon, while Y/n and Ciel were in the garden practicing fencing, Sebastian watched from a safe distance. Ciel laughed, a rare sound, as Y/n instructed him with patience and encouragement.
"You're improving, Ciel," she said, smiling. "Remember to keep your feet steady."
Ciel nodded, determined. "Thank you, Y/n. I never thought I could enjoy training."
She laughed, a melodious sound that stirred something inside Sebastian. "There are many things you might enjoy, Ciel. You just have to allow yourself to try."
Sebastian then approached, bringing a tray with fresh lemonade. "A refreshment for our combatants," he announced with a gentle smile.
Ciel took a glass, drinking eagerly. "Thank you, Sebastian. You always know what we need."
Sebastian inclined his head. "It's my duty, young master."
Y/n took her glass, looking directly at Sebastian. "And you do it very well, Sebastian. We're grateful for that."
Sebastian met her gaze, something deep and unspoken passing between them. "I am also grateful, Miss Y/n. For everything."
Ciel watched the two, a feeling of security and belonging growing within him. For the first time in a long while, he felt he had a family, even if it was an unlikely one.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Dragon's Heart "Dragon's Fury"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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Life in hell was never predictable, and for Asmodeus and Fizzarolli, chaos was an expected part of everyday life. However, nothing could have prepared them for what happened on the fateful night of Fizz and Blitzo's abduction. Asmodeus was busy at the club Ozzie's when he received the shocking news. Fizzarolli and Blitzo had been kidnapped, and the mastermind behind the act was Moxie's father, Crimson, a cruel and manipulative man.
Asmodeus immediately contacted Stolas, a powerful ally. Together, they decided to do whatever it took to rescue Fizz and Blitzo. They took S/n with them, as they couldn’t leave her alone, and set off to confront Crimson’s lawyer.
The lawyer, a shady and cunning figure, was sitting in a luxurious office, surrounded by piles of documents and contracts. Asmodeus entered with an aura of authority and determination, Stolas by his side, radiating power and serenity. S/n, holding Asmodeus' hand, looked around with her golden eyes shining with curiosity and concern.
"We're here to negotiate the release of Fizzarolli and Blitz," declared Asmodeus, his voice firm.
The lawyer looked up from his papers, a sly smile spreading across his face. "Ah, Asmodeus. I was expecting you. Your partner and the head of I.M.P. are in good hands, but I’m afraid there are certain... formalities to be dealt with."
He slid a pile of documents across the table towards Asmodeus. "Sign these papers and transfer all your possessions to Moxie's father. Only then will we consider releasing your friends."
Asmodeus frowned, his expression darkening. "Do you really think I'm going to give in to your demands without a fight?"
Stolas stepped forward, his gaze fixed on the lawyer. "We're here to negotiate, not to be extorted."
The lawyer just shrugged. "It's simple. Either you sign, or your friends suffer the consequences."
S/n, who had been watching everything silently, began to feel a rising anger. Seeing her father being threatened and knowing Fizzarolli was in danger awakened something inside her. Her golden eyes started to glow intensely, and a sensation of heat emanated from her small body.
Suddenly, without warning, a golden flame erupted from her eyes, striking the lawyer directly. His clothes caught fire instantly, and he screamed in pain, trying to extinguish the flames that burned with an intensity even demons could not withstand.
Asmodeus and Stolas turned, surprised, to see S/n with a fierce look, her wings slightly open and the aura of fire surrounding her. She murmured, frowning with her eyes filled with power.
Stolas, impressed, quickly cast a spell to contain the fire before it spread. The lawyer, now with charred clothes and in a state of shock, looked at S/n with a mixture of fear and contempt.
Asmodeus knelt beside S/n, holding her firmly but gently. "S/n, darling, calm down. It's all right now."
S/n looked at him, her eyes still glowing, but the anger slowly dissipating as she felt the security of Asmodeus' touch. "He won't hurt you or mama," she declared a little messily but firmly.
Stolas, observing the scene, nodded. "It seems we underestimated the power of this young one."
With the lawyer now more "cooperative," Asmodeus and Stolas managed to extract valuable information about the whereabouts of Fizzarolli and Blitzo. Using Stolas' contacts and resources, they discovered that the kidnappers were hiding in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of hell.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, Crimson, in his hideout, was growing impatient, waiting for news of the plan's success. He didn’t know that his plans were about to be foiled by an unlikely alliance and the unexpected power of a hybrid girl.
Upon arriving there, everything had already been resolved. S/n, secure in Asmodeus' arms, watched everything attentively. Her draconic power, although still new and unpredictable, was a force to be reckoned with.
With everyone reunited, they left the warehouse, knowing that despite the dangers, they had overcome yet another trial. S/n, in Fizzarolli's arms, felt a sense of pride and belonging. She was not just a hybrid child; she was a force of light and love in a world of darkness.
Thus, the unlikely family grew even stronger, ready to face any challenge hell threw at them. And as they walked back home, Asmodeus knew that with S/n by his side, there was nothing they couldn't overcome.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Yes My Lord "Draft"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes.*
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In the vastness of the silent corridors of the Phantomhive mansion, where shadows danced to the rhythm of the crackling fireplaces, a new presence was felt. S/n, a woman skilled in hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, and dagger handling, had been hired by the young master Ciel Phantomhive for a specific and mysterious mission. Her long, wavy hair swayed gently as she walked, her keen eyes absorbing every detail around her.
It didn't take long for her to encounter Sebastian Michaelis, Ciel's loyal butler. With his impeccable demeanor and aura of confidence, Sebastian was an imposing figure. Most people were enchanted by his supernatural charm, but not S/n. She immediately noticed something strange about the butler; there was an air of mystery and danger she couldn't ignore.
"Good afternoon, Miss S/n," said Sebastian, his voice smooth and melodious. "The young master awaits you in the study."
S/n kept her gaze steady on his, showing no trace of fascination or fear. "Thank you, Sebastian," she replied with a nod. "I'll meet him now."
As she passed by, Sebastian watched her with growing interest. It was rare to find someone who didn't fall for his manipulations or charms. This made S/n an intriguing and irresistible anomaly to him.
Days passed, and S/n performed her tasks with her characteristic efficiency and precision. However, her suspicion of Sebastian only grew. There was something about the way he moved, the ease with which he seemed to know everything before it happened, that kept her on alert.
One night, while she was training in the mansion's garden, the truth was revealed. Sebastian watched her from the shadows, fascinated by her grace and skill. But S/n, always alert, sensed his presence.
"You can come out of the shadows, Sebastian. I know you're there," she said without interrupting her training.
Sebastian emerged from the darkness, an enigmatic smile on his lips. "You are truly impressive, Miss S/n. Few humans would notice my presence."
She stopped and faced him, her eyes shining with determination. "You're not human, are you?"
Sebastian tilted his head, his smile widening. "You are more perceptive than most. Yes, I am a demon."
S/n did not flinch or show fear. "I knew there was something off about you."
"Interesting," murmured Sebastian, approaching. "You are not afraid of me, nor are you charmed by my enchantments. What makes you so different, S/n?"
She shrugged, sheathing her daggers. "Maybe I've faced worse things than you."
Sebastian became even more fascinated by S/n after that night. Her resistance to his demonic charm and her combat skills were rare traits. He began to observe her more closely, not just out of curiosity, but out of growing respect.
S/n, in turn, started to notice that despite Sebastian being a demon, he seemed genuinely loyal to Ciel. This made her reconsider her initial distrust, but not enough to lower her guard.
One day, the mansion was attacked by a gang of mercenaries hired by Ciel's enemies. S/n and Sebastian found themselves fighting side by side to protect the young master. She wielded her swords with dexterity, while he, with his superhuman strength, dispatched the attackers with ease.
In the heat of the battle, Sebastian couldn't help but admire S/n's skill. She was more than a warrior; she was a force of nature.
"You fight with admirable passion, S/n," he commented as he dispatched the last mercenary.
She smiled, breathless but triumphant. "And you are a formidable ally, Sebastian, despite being a demon."
He laughed, a low and melodious sound. "Perhaps we are more alike than you think."
After the battle, S/n and Sebastian began to develop a silent understanding. Although their origins were drastically different, there was a growing mutual respect. S/n not only tolerated Sebastian's presence but began to appreciate it. He, in turn, found in her an enigma he was eager to unravel.
One night, while they were alone in the mansion's library, Sebastian broke the silence. "S/n, what really brought you here? You don't seem to be just an ordinary bodyguard."
She sighed, her eyes fixing on a distant point. "Revenge," she finally said. "Someone very close to me was murdered by forces I still don't fully understand. I am here because I believe Ciel can help me find answers."
Sebastian nodded, understanding. "Revenge is a powerful motivation. Perhaps more powerful than most human emotions."
She looked at him, surprised by his empathy. "And you, Sebastian? What truly motivates you?"
He smiled, that ever-enigmatic smile. "Serving my master. And, perhaps, curiosity. You, S/n, are an enigma worth deciphering."
She laughed softly. "I don't know if I should feel flattered or worried."
He took a step forward, his eyes shining with unusual intensity. "Perhaps a bit of both. But know, S/n, that as long as you are here, you have an ally in me."
She faced him, finally acknowledging the truth in his words. "And I in you, Sebastian."
Over the following months, S/n and Sebastian became a formidable team, their skills perfectly complementing each other. She not only gained an ally but also an unexpected friend. Sebastian, in turn, found in S/n something he never expected: a genuine connection, not based on spells or contracts, but on mutual respect and understanding.
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