mlsecretsanta · 5 months
THIS IS SO LATE. But here is the Miraculous Ladybug secret santa gift for @nirby-wirby!
I really wanted to incorporate several of your preferrences together, so I decied to go with a Marigami fic for you, with some added core four time!
Preferred Ratings: General Audiences, Teen and Up Audiences Preferred Characters/Pairings: Any side of the lovesquare (ship), Marigami/Kagminette (ship), and the core four (platonic) Preferred Themes: Fluff, Romance, Friendship/family bonding
This is really the first time I've written for MLB, so I hope doesn't stand out too much. [I'm also not caught up on the recent seasons ripperoni]. But! I tried to keep it fun. Hope you enjoy it.
And thanks for the @mlsecretsanta for working with me on everything and being patient with my lateness.
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
Are people still making their gifts? I just wanted to double check because I haven’t gotten mine yet.
We are still waiting on a couple of gifts, but if you’d like to check if yours is one of them, feel free to message us off anon (or email us!) and we can let you know if your gifter is still creating yours or if you just weren’t notified when your gift was posted!
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
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Finally! Here is my gift for @daniwolf9005 for the @mlsecretsanta event!
I looooove Lukadrien, so I was delighted to know that you asked for it hahaha. Since you mentioned the Paris special variants, I tried to go for an emo/rock/punk look for Luka, and I really liked the idea of a hoodie as you had it in your design, so I added a leather vest, a lot of zippers and a darker palette and that was the result!
Also, I immediately knew in my heart that those two would savagely flirt in that version, so that's that.
(Last thing. I realized Paris shouldn't look that pretty in their universe... but let's pretend that as soon as they came back Chat and Lady fixed everything fairly quickly so these two could have their flirty rooftop rendezvous lol)
I am so sorry I'm this late 🥺... I went through a very sad event at home, but making this helped me a lot during those hard times. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I did making it!
Wish you the best for this 2024!
(No dialogue version under the cut, in case you are interested in it 🤭)
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
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Hi @alcnolien ‼️Sorry I’m so late with the @mlsecretsanta qvq..
Hope the new year is treating you well ^w^ here’s to fun times with friends 🙏🏼
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
I'm so sorry this was later than expected! All my files for this, including the backups, got corrupted so I had to restart from the lining stage T.T
Since Mylene uses the mouse and Ivan uses the bull, I wanted to do a thing where they're messing around pretending to be the other's animal!
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A lot of bonus info down below ↓
So I kinda got really into the smaller details for this. Mostly cause I had two cute ideas for Myvan and ultimately chose this idea.
So because they're pretending to be the other I also wanted thier clothes to match.
So for Mylene, I made her jacket dark blue along with some other details.(I didn't want to give her the same buttons cause in my head this is a different outfit, so I gave her similar but still different buttons to her normal ones) I also drew this design for her shirt.
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Since her usual shirt is a bird with an olive branch, now its a winged charging bull with an olive branch. Basically representing Ivan's peaceful but protective nature. (Though you can barely see it in the art.)
But with Ivan, he just has crossed bones on his shirt. So I wanted to do something different but still fitting his style. I gave him a light gray shirt and I was gonna put him in bright pink shorts but it looked... Off? So I just made the pink darker and darker until its basically black.
Now! For his design! One of my favorite artist, @/pangur-and-grim this sticker/pin (which I still need to buy but I keep forgetting) and I just really love it! So I wanted to try something like it!
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So Ivan's design is this, a mouse skull with red tulips for ears, white camellias for eyes and holding honeysuckle, heliotropes, and yarrow! Basically, everything Ivan thinks about Mylene (I got really into a floral theme with this whole piece, idk why)
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Also! The background is red and white carnations! I used all these flowers because of this little guide. So hopefully I did everything well ^.^
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
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Happy (super delay) holidays @darkmoonravewolf !! I was your @mlsecretsanta. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Felices fiestas (super atrasadas) @darkmoonravewolf !! Yo fui tu "@mlsecretsanta". DeviantArt || Facebook
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
Happy Holidays!
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Somewhere in the French countryside Mari and Adrien enjoy each other’s warming company (with Tikki and Plagg). Thank you @fruitdragon1a for your patience and I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and that your gift was worth the wait! I had so much fun drawing what you requested! Have a happy new year! 🍧❄️ @mlsecretsanta
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
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[Image description: a colored pencil drawing of the characters from the Miraculous Ladybug series. In the bottom half of the drawing, Chat Noir is shown in front of a pink background. He is clasping his hands and looking up to a daydream bubble with hearts in his eyes. His tail is curled up into a heart shape.
In the thought bubble, it shows Chat Noir and Ladybug getting married in their wedding outfits from the season 5 episode "Jubilation". They are walking down church steps arm in arm. On either side of them there is a crowd of people throwing flower petals and cheering. Among those visible are, on the right: Nino, Kim, Alix, Max, Manon, and Mr. Ramier and his pigeon. On the left: Rose, Juleka, Mylene, Zoe, Ms. Bustier, and Alya's hands holding a camera.
End of description.]
It's a bit late but @peachcitt Merry Christmas! I was your MLB secret santa!! You asked for something fluffy and romantic with the main two. And I figured the wedding in Jubilation was so fun, and there's no way the two of them didn't individually daydream about it later 😝 I hope you like it!! And thanks to the secret Santa team for putting this together ❤️
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
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Happy Late Holidays @blur0se!
I was your @mlsecretsanta! So sorry for how late this is... I got pretty sick just before Christmas and it left me scrambling to catch up with a lot of things, but I hope you like it now! I wanted to try something sorta angsty and you said you liked ladynoir and ladywalker so I made up a scenario where Catwalker has to fill in again and Marinette is super torn between how much she misses Chat Noir vs how easy it is to like CatWalker.
And here's a little ladywalker doodle as a sorry for this being so late!
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
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marinette and kagami's beautiful development <333 @mlsecretsanta gift for @beeapolitan! I hope you love it as much as I loved creating it!
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
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Sorry this came so late- but Merry Christmas @part-time-pixie !! I was your secret Santa for the @mlsecretsanta 2023 event! This piece went through a lot of complications because I was so unsure about a lot of things! Let me run down the process!
I knew it had to be your AU since that’s a lot more personal and I myself am a big fan of personalized stuff! So I actually never knew anything about Winx before this so I researched- about 6 episodes for context of the fairy and specialist relations- so that’s one reason why the startup was slow but then!! I needed to figure out a setting- originally I was going with Magix City- but the color palette was more green and I wanted a more warm palette- but for the life of me I couldn’t find a place that screamed romance- eventually I gave in and just looked up “date in Winx” or something like that- and boom!! This place showed up- so heavy inspiration of the setting from this screen shot (lots of details were forgotten waaah-)
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And then it was little things- from my research I realized they only transformed when battling so I needed a casual outfit (note for some reason I forgot to apply this logic to Luka’s fit I’m sorry 😭) for Adrien that wasn’t his powered up form for a casual setting- I ended up just asking- and I hope that didn’t clue you in but nonetheless I hope it was still somewhat a surprise! I’m so glad I did though because at that point I could finally finish the sketch- which was around the end of December so I was stuck on that for a while 😭
I finished the line art and coloring in a rush and man you can tell ;v; I went through a lot in coloring stage- I tried finishing this piece during a family outing and my markers (about 80+) fell out of their holders and went everywhere- also learned coloring over my white pen did not in fact keep it solid and the white began to get washed away from the marker on top, revealing the line art I messed up on beneath- one of the things that made me glad I was late is when you made this piece and I realized his gem clasp was teal- I was gonna make it yellow since that was the last red fountain specialist color not used and I assumed he’d just take it lmao! Though in short I went through all the stages of grief when doing the coloring ;v;
All to say though I hope despite all the flaws you still like it! I was really happy with this around the line art stage and even now- I’m just harsh on my own work but this is actually the biggest piece in my art book (I’ve been working on this book since Summer 2022!) so I suppose that is to say I’m glad I was able to try something new with this one!
(Also small note but I realized the quality turned out really fuzzy on here- if you want @part-time-pixie I can send a zip file to you in dms?)
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
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My belated mlsecretsanta gift for @blightcedas ! As it turns out, plotting out a couple’s pose involving three people is far more challenging than two. Thank you for your patience!
I imagine this as a sort of endcard to my fic in which Adrien bumbles his way into asking Luka on a hypothetical date with Marinette. They have a lovely time and go out for milkshakes instead of ice cream to be on the safe side—Andre ain’t ready for polyamory.
I do plan on coloring this eventually, but figured I’d kept you waiting long enough already. I hope you like it!
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
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Hey, @mari-monsta!! I was your (late) @mlsecretsanta, and I drew this for you!Hopefully you like it, I had a ton of fun making “ugly sweaters” for them all :)
Happy holidays, and my apologies for being late!!
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
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Howdy y’all!!
It’s a bit late but here is my entry for the @mlsecretsanta event!! This gift is for @fanarchoslashivist ! I hope you enjoy this piece! I had a lot of fun working on this concept. 💚 A bit of Marichat dancing in the snow! I wanted something holiday inspired but also romantic! I was very much inspired by the film’s ending! I just love marinette’s dress at the end when the reveal happens!
Have a wonderful new years!
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
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Merry Christmas @lilyearte 🎄
I’m so sorry for being so late, but I wanted to make something BIG this year so I went for a comic, hope you like it🫣
Thank you @mlsecretsanta for hosting this wonderful event once more, and allowing me a such needed extension❤️
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
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Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @luckychatons! I hope your holidays were good :) Here is some cozy Feligami for the ML Secret Santa exchange hosted over at @mlsecretsanta!! They're on a sleigh ride date; driving a carriage is a skill Felix definitely has.
Artwork ©: alazic02 | buy me a ko-fi
Do not repost.
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mlsecretsanta · 5 months
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🌸☁️ Lukzoe~
~merry xmas to my ml secret santa @lynnimaybe !!!! (thank you for your patience as well :))
~i hope you like them <3 (and i explored this ship and ohmygosh i’mmhyperfixating like crazy)
~happy new year’s everyone <3333
~ @mlsecretsanta
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