mmelorelei · 2 years
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somehow, Stephen King is also involved in this.
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mmelorelei · 2 years
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Petite pause au milieu de notre week-end à Paris, entre les boutiques et le concert de Marillion.
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mmelorelei · 5 years
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Peur pour Quarantinkproject
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mmelorelei · 5 years
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Etranger pour #quarantinkproject
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mmelorelei · 5 years
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couronne pour #quarantinkproject
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mmelorelei · 5 years
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Quand j’ai fini link’s awakening.
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mmelorelei · 5 years
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En réponse à : 
“Meow !  Dans ma sieste j'ai rêvé de: Un scaphandrier issu des ténèbres, avec des canards qui le suivent partout. C'est un rêve facile lvl1 ★ Dessine le et poste le avec #Catsdream ---  bot par @Pigeongratuit”
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mmelorelei · 5 years
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Mon Toonme :)
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mmelorelei · 5 years
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Mon pangolin pour le Quarantine Project
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mmelorelei · 5 years
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Ma participation à la #coronamaison de Pénélope Bagieu sur twitter.
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mmelorelei · 5 years
Je voulais publier des dessins de moi pour faire de ce tumblr ma page de références en dessins mais je n’en ai pas sur cet ordi ;_; 
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mmelorelei · 6 years
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Wow it’s almost like most of human history has been about controlling women… or something…
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mmelorelei · 6 years
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This thread has all the answers
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mmelorelei · 6 years
Toutafé valable pour toutes les femmes de la terre.
Shit No One Told Me About My Period
I knew the basics before I got it, but I had no clue…
* The blood wouldn’t necessarily be red. When I first got my period, I spent a few min looking at my underwear wondering how I shit myself. I didn’t know the blood could look brown, or be thick.
* That tampons weren’t a good idea yet. I was 10 or 11 when I got my first period and physically smaller than an adult woman. My first attempt at inserting a tampon was very painful and unsuccessful. I wouldn’t use them until I was around 14 or so.
* That when you use pads the blood can get on your bottom and I’d have to occasionally clean off the toilet seat after using it.
* That getting your first period DOES NOT mean you’re fully developed and fully able to bear children. I could have technically gotten pregnant at that age, but I was still a child and pregnancy would have put my life in danger because I was still physically immature.
* That it wouldn’t be regular for another few years.
* That very painful cramping is NOT NORMAL once you reach your 20s and is cause for concern.
* That the blood and tissue you pass can look chunky or stringy and not like blood from a cut.
* That stress can halt your period for months BUT
* That doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant
Feel free to add your own
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mmelorelei · 6 years
So my boyfriend did a thing.
My boyfriend of over 2 years sent me a game over skype. He said he wants to try and make Pokemon games since I play them so much. I opened it up and was super excited.
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It seemed really well done and was super ready to start on my adventure!
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He left a lot of cute notes and tips around town.
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He remembered my favorite Kanto starter.<3
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I was surprised it ran pretty well. I went on my journey and leveled up my Pokemon!
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He showed me support and encouragement through a ton of NPC dialogue.
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Then as im ending the game I come across this.
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mmelorelei · 7 years
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Rainbow origami
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mmelorelei · 7 years
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Choose your weapon
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