mmglimpses · 8 years
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Beautiful, magical St John's Wort. Thank you, precious plant, for your medicine. #stjohnswort #herbalmedicine #tincture
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mmglimpses · 8 years
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Even if they're weird or terrible, I made some things today. #trying
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mmglimpses · 8 years
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This precious baby
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mmglimpses · 8 years
When I am away, in a new place, where no one knows me, and where I will soon be leaving, that is when I am at the most peace.
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mmglimpses · 8 years
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mmglimpses · 8 years
A rare reblog because I have several much older wise woman friends here and it really is a blessing.
i cannot stress this enough, young ladies. 
find a slightly older female friend. like… two to ten years older than you. they will save your life, they will teach you so much, they will give you such great life lessons. they are so vital and helpful and important. 
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mmglimpses · 8 years
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Ramps and garlic mustard gathered from the woods and onions harvested from the farm.
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mmglimpses · 8 years
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Harvesting dandelions for our lunch (at The Abode of the Message)
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mmglimpses · 8 years
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Belle and Lou (at Abode Farm CSA)
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mmglimpses · 8 years
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Rainy day desk views
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mmglimpses · 8 years
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Ain't that the truth... #hazratinayatkhan
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mmglimpses · 8 years
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mmglimpses · 8 years
coffee shop
A man sits with his wife. They are wearing near-matching plaid and both have puffy winter vests on. They comment on the blood orange garnish that has been served alongside their sandwiches. After eating quietly for a few minutes, the man sits up straighter and announces, “I am going to go back to using shampoo and conditioner.” His wife makes an “Ahh” sound, genuinely interested. They continue to discuss the benefits of his decision, and somehow, it is a beautiful scene.
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mmglimpses · 8 years
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Thank goodness I didn’t switch out my snow tires yet! #aprilsnow
Of course the winter we barely get any snow here in upstate NY, we get a snowstorm in April! 😒 Not complaining though, I have been wishing for snow.
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mmglimpses · 8 years
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We went to the beach in Rhode Island over the weekend and I saw the ocean for the first time in months! Here is Evan's feet because he's camera shy but said this one was cool. :)
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mmglimpses · 9 years
When the mind is given a free hand to do as it likes, it dances...
Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan from "Spiritual Dimensions of Psychology"
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mmglimpses · 9 years
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One of the many seemingly unintentional art installations at the house I've just moved into. So I have officially left my residency at the Abode. However, I am remaining closely involved with them, still working in the office and helping with projects(for pay now!). Strangely, it became apparent that I needed to actually step away from the spiritual studies program and the Abode itself in order to feel I had room to fit spritual studies into my life. I have moved just down the street (dirt road) into a wonderful historical Shaker home, heated soley by woodstove, with many big windows and a great open kitchen. I'm living with my partner (who I met the 2nd week I was here:) and his friend, now also my friend, who I adore. They both work on the farm here, along with a few others who live nearby. There is one other living with us, but he doesn't hang out with us or interact much at all. It's a lovely living arrement, full of love and support and meals together and conversation and comfort. We all wake up early, and enjoy mornings making our coffees and sharing the pot of heated milk and sitting near the woodstove, reading or writing. I've never experienced the joy of living with a partner, and it is such a soothing thing to me. To know that however rough a day (or good a day!) him or I have had, we will come home to one another's sweetness. Unending gratitude for such a beautiful, compassionate, empathetic soul to share my every day and night with. The amount of support and understanding he, and his friends, have offerred me is incredible. To have come into this very, very sweet little community of young, creative farmers has been such a blessing. My inner life has been tumultous, with serious bouts of anxiety and re-living of past pains, but it is all a journey. I have been working with myself, and in order to fully realize my Self, I must go through all the diffulties and mazes and breaking-opens. I believe it is the right time to for this to be occurring; a time when I have much support from several people in different capacities, and am living in nature, which is it's own extraordinary therapy. My dreams have been numerous and rich in symbolism, and it feels appropriate to pay closer attention this valuable tool, a gift really, that we are given nightly. My dreams have alaways been vivid and plentiful, since I was a child, so it makes semse that I would be drawn to Jungian psychology as my preferred analytical method. I feel a fullfilment out of finally beginning a more dedicated study and practice of it. Overall, I am feeling a lot of Gratitude.
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