mochibotdreams · 6 years
☁☀Your Average Alien Apocalypse☀☁
Hello~♥ I suppose this could be the first dream I’ll post! I just recently woke up so luckily I wrote this down while it was still on my mind. (I get very discriptive sometimes so get ready for a party and a mess.) (Also be warned I also type these on my phone when I wake up so I’m just adding from what I remember and editing these.)
☼ At first I was in Japan (in my own house ???) Being on the news I guess with people— idk why it was weird. I was the one saying what shit was happening but I dont even recall what we were talking about. I just remember this girl speaking Japanese and I was like ?? I’m sorry I don’t speak it.
☼ There was also a lot of people in my house?? also the vision was very clear. I remember every detail of my house. Since everyone left, I saw some food and was like OOOOO jelly but what if I mixed it with this weird frozen ice. Probably wouldn’t work, but I just ate it all anyway.
☀ At some point, I went out with my dad to buy things with him, since I think my mom yelled at us to lmao. My dad was just driving and I was like OHHH I WANNA TAKE sky pics bc it was SOOO beautiful. The skies were pink and orange, with a mix of purple clouds. Everytime I aimed my camera I couldn’t seem to control what I was doing, but every shot was worth it bc it was so stunning. It was still such a mess though, I didn’t know what I was doing with my phone. At this point my dad found something he didn’t want shared but I didnt even share I don’t think I couldn’t tell— Everything was weird and I could barely tell what it would say or what it was. He was yelling NO I DONT WANT MY WORKERS TO SEE HOW MUCH OF AN ASSHOLE I AM— Like he’s not even an asshole so it was weird. Sometimes when he gets mad I totally get that.
☀ But he saw that I recorded our conversation and probably the one before we left and he was really worried but mad at the same time. I think the conversations were just about how mad he was about something- Then I turned to look at the road, I said oh dude watch the road!! We were going on this weird path. The path kept getting smaller and the trees looked strange. Like spooky strange, we basically entered a really deep forest somehow. ☀ When we turned around there were these tree monsters and we just ran over them bc we couldn’t do much else since the path was so small. So when we were about to exit this tree thingy chomped the front of the car. Somehow we escaped, (we kinda just teleported bc my dream needed to move on somehow) and suddenly everything seems off.
☁ We continued to drive back to the roads we were on also we were trying to drive back to where our house was and EVERYTHING WAS ON FIRE it was very jarring. So we immediately turned around, but the bridge was falling. So we got out of the car and shot the car bc it wouldn’t be able to go up anymore (??) so we just ran/flied away the best we could. There was a lot of military just driving everywhere trying to shoot off the aliens. people were driving away with shit on fire— it was crazy. The aliens were shooting everything as well.
☁ And then my dad got this random umbrella and glided away somewhere safe AND THEN I became Jim from treasure planet and my dad became silver from tp and it was just. A wild bunch of buckets ?? Idk why my brain be doing this
✦ It kinda ended there LOL so that was a good yet terrifying dream..I guess? Definitely a better ending then I would expect from my own brain. I hope you enjoyed! I have more in store to show soon. ~♥
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mochibotdreams · 6 years
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