mochidom · 7 days
if anyone wanna ask some questions (pls) about my fairies next gen (pls) so i can write some headcanons 🫰🫰🫰
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mochidom · 9 days
FAIRIES HEIRS (The Dragneel)
Masterpost here!
nb: presenting my nalu babies... kinda nervous idk
Lucy asked Natsu out first (Happy never fails to remind her of that fact) a few months after the gang came back from the 100 years quest;
Do I need to say that Natsu was giggling for the whole day after?
Because Lucy initiated the first date, Natsu made sure he was the one who proposed (he asked Gadjeel and regretted and Gray who had that point were already fiancés. I’ll let you guys imagine the ideas that came out of the brainstorm between the three);
Finally after a discussion (he got mostly yelled at) with Jellal and Luxus, he decided to bring her to Hargeon where they first met and asked for her hand there;
Very important detail: Natsu asked for Aquarius' blessing (because in my dictature, Lucy got the key back) before proposing to Lucy;
Career wise: Natsu became one of the most sought mage in the kingdom and even overseas while Lucy became a very successful author;
Lucy stopped going on missions when she got pregnant with their first child Ignia a few months after the wedding, and from that point only concentrated on her writing career;
She published three other novels from that point and all of them did pretty well. The guild, of course, organised a book signing event for each of the releases.
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Atlas Salamander Dragneel was born in the middle of the guild on a beautiful Thursday afternoon.
After months of following Polyussica's diet for a painless delivery, Lucy realized way too late that the diet worked way too well and she did not realize her water broke nor felt that the baby was coming;
Some would say such an eventful birth is an omen as to how the baby will be and they would be right because Atlas is nothing if not eventful;
For the first ten years of his life, if there was a catastrophic attack on Magnolia's flora, you could bet your house that he had something to do with it. The boy destroyed a mountain when he was barely 6!;
That is when Luxus start to get worried for his hairline;
Natsu is over the moon to have found a partner to accompany him on his bizarre adventures;
Natsu and Atlas are always sparring each other and they're keeping count. It is currently 124-2 for Natsu;
Lucy can't believe that someone who looks so much like her can be so different from her. Atlas cannot sit AT ALL and for the longest time, the parents had to team up with the city's authorities to give him a simplet haircut;
He's a very volatile person and he hates staying in the same place for a long time;
Him and Gideon are actually dangers to society;
Atlas is also very impulsive and also kinda have a saviour complex; He is always the one to come to help to another being, which is not bad but sometime he does it without thinking much about himself or the people who care about him;
He is very charismatic which is such a bad combo with his eclectic personality. He gets away with a lot such as the fact that he is a player;
Because they obviously are not strong enough to pin him down (no one is, they would know), Lucy and Natsu agree to let him leave on a two years long mission with Gildarts and Gideon when he turns 15;
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The princess of the family! You can get a real-life target on your back if you even mispronounce her name;
After the nightmare that Atlas was, Lucy was so happy to have such a calm baby. Natsu is just really happy because Iggy is a carbon copy of him;
Happy's running joke is to look at Iggy and say something along the lines of "Oh my god Natsu, your hair grew so much";
Iggy grew with an overbearing dad, a very protective mom and a brother who was way too much into her business, that being said the rebellion period was to be expected;
It didn't last too long (Natsu thank the skies every day), she hates being in trouble too much. She mostly sulks when she's upset now;
She is best friends and teammates with Cairo Scarlet-Fernandes and Silo Fullbuster;
Because both boys are very prone to partake in activities that result in broken bones and skulls, she has been tasked by Juvia and Erza to chaperone them at all times;
She is very responsible and a person you can count on always;
Whenever her parents leave for a mission or book tour, they very specifically put her in charge of her older brother;
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mochidom · 9 days
FAIRIES HEIRS (The Mikazuchi)
Masterpost here!
Both the children of Kagura were adopted. She has dedicated her life to Mermaid Heel and then later her kids and she just never saw the purpose of a long relationship, a marriage even less;
In X80X, as Kagura was on a mission following the traces of a new prominent dark guild, she stumbled upon a burnt village in ruins; As she was about to leave, she heard cries and followed the sound, and they lead to a toddler and a baby in nursery;
Her initial plan was to save the babies and bring them to the orphanage, but the journey changed her mind. Taking care of them for the three days from Deimos to Margaret City unveiled a maternal spirit in her she did not think she had. She ended up keeping them when she realized they were all crying when the lady of the orphanage wanted to separate them. She adopted them formally a few months later;
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The toddler who was not older than 3 when she found him was a little boy with dark hair just like hers. She had found him hugging tightly the other baby, trying to protect her the best he could;
Kagura named him Malachi Simon Mikazuchi after her brother who just like Mal had tried to protect her;
Malachi is very calm and logical. A very talented mage and even better tactician. He is very plan-oriented and will not do anything out of spontaneity;
100% introverted, speaking to anyone that is not in his close circle is basically a death sentence for him;
Also, whenever people talk to him, they think he is being facetious or even sarcastic but no most of the time, he is dead serious;
Kagura is the exact definition of Mama bear. She forced him to wear a Lacrima-camera for the duration of his first mission and she was also watching the live feed sitting on a tree on the literal location of the mission;
They’re very close to each other and there’s not a thing Mal would not tell his mother.
When he grew up old enough to wield his magic correctly and commit to a guild, Kagura decided to let him reluctantly go to Crime Sorciere and entrusted his care and training to Jellal. (Mermaid Heel being a women's guild only, Kagura as headmaster could not let him join the guild. Mal is still an honorary member and everyone there considers him a nephew.)
Even though he lived in Magnolia with the Scarlet-Fernandes when he was younger and now in an apartment with his roommate Hayeis Cobra, Mal makes it a point to go visit his mother whenever he can;
Him and Minaelle are blood siblings and seeing the hardships they both went through, it's not surprising that they are very close;
*His birthday is not exactly accurate so it was decided that the day of his adoption would be his birthday.
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Erza always say that Minaelle stole Kagura's looks and personality to a point, Kagura might as well birthed her;
Minaelle takes a lot of pride in that comment because in her eyes, no one is better than her mother. The girl almost idolizes Kagura;
Just like her brother, she is very introverted, maybe a bit more than him;
She is a perfectionist and strives to be the perfect swordsman. Kagura offered to her a katana named Raiak when she was 10 years old and she never leaves the house without it;
So so so diligent, she trains exactly 3 hours a day without fail and has a routine that she respects dutifully;
Kagura, sometimes worry about the fact that she is so serious and won't make a lot of friends but that worry is quickly forgotten when Minaelle makes besties with Siegria Scarlet-Fernandes;
Sierra is an anarchist but Mina thinks she is cool and just happily follows her around;
Her nickname is Minnie but only Siegria, her mom, brother and maybe Erza and Minerva occasionally are allowed to call her that;
Kagura is over the moon that hers, Ezra's and Minerva's children get along so well;
Any other guild than Mermaid Heel was never an option for her;
*birthday is not exactly accurate but based on the doctor’s examination, she couldn’t have been born more than three days before Kagura found her September 8th;
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mochidom · 9 days
FAIRIES HEIRS (The Orland-Chenney)
Masterpost here!
When Yukino and Sting started dating, they with the help of Lector and Frosh took great pleasure taunting Rogue about his obvious crush on Minerva;
It took months before the man finally admitted it to himself and another few months before actually asking Minerva out.
The dragon twins weddings took place during the same week (on different days) and they both cried at each other wedding.
(Minerva proposed that a third reception be organized to legalize their bromance. Sting was absolutely for it, Rogue did not think it was funny);
Because of the experiences on Minerva body during the Tartaros battle, they had to try multiple times before finally welcoming their baby girl;
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Siam is the result of the old tale of shy and introvert people give birth to extrovert and bubbly child;
The girl is actually such a sweetheart. She is overly nice to people and her kindness is sometimes taken advantage of;
When she was younger, she had heard the stories about her maternal grandad being basically a dictator and her mother who was on the dark side for a moment and it is something that has affected her behaviour and personality towards others;
She always dresses in black and wears heavy dark makeup which is such a contrast with her personality;
She loves animals and convinced her dad to let her adopt Smitie who is a full grown-black tiger. Like full size tiger. Rogue is scared of him and Minerva is stuck taking care of him when Siam is away at school;
The Orland-Chenney are very close. Probably the closest family;
They eat together every evening and Siam is unable to go to sleep if she has not talked to both her parents that day;
Her best friends are Sie Scarlet-Fernandes and Solea Eucliffe;
Because their mother are besties, she is also very close with Malachi Mikazuchi;
The three of them are very protective of her and will threaten you with great violence if you ever try to hurt her;
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mochidom · 9 days
FAIRIES HEIRS (The Eucliffe)
Masterpost here!
Sting, with all his confidence, did not wait long before asking Yukino on a date a few months after their return to Fiore after the war but he also did not expect her to say no (only because she didn't think it was serious).
So from that point, Sting took it upon himself to prove to her that he was already in love with her and that the date was really just a formality. In fact, he was ready to propose to her already;
Despite all that talk, they did date for about three years before getting married and they had their daughter not long after that;
Even years after their wedding, Sting never fails to bring up the fact that he had chase after her for years (three weeks), beg on his knees (he tripped and fell while talking to her) and cry (he has allergies and they were in a flower field) before she finally gave him a chance;
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Soleah has lived her entire life witnessing her father absolutely cherishing the ground her mother walks on so she has a very clear image of how she wants to be treated;
She does not tolerate bullshit and is very straightforward in everything she does;
She is the mother hen of her friend group and will go to lengths to protect her friends, especially Siam and the people she loves;
She is very close with Atlas Dragneel but in a very sibling-y type of way;
Soleah is very confident in her person and her abilities, so much so that she may sometimes come across as arrogant much like her own father when he was younger;
She does not care much about what other people think of her but she is conscious that being the daughter of the Master of Sabertooth, she has to act a certain way;
She sometimes hides behind that fact as a reason to not do things she want to do and would do if she wasn't terrified;
So easily irritated! She goes from 0 to 200 so fast, it's actually scary to witness. The members of Sabertooth and her dad learn to steer clear of her whenever she has that look in her eyes;
She is very close to her parents and spend a lot of time with them;
She is also very close to her auntie Minerva, whom she admires a lot;
She and Siam have been best friends since the beginning of time just like Sting and Rogue;
Because of that, the two dads were responsible for playdates and training sessions with the girls;
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mochidom · 9 days
Masterpost here!
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Feirn was adopted by Fried when she was about 5 years old and is the only child of Fried Justice.
During one mission with the Thunder God Tribe, just before Luxus took on his guild master role, the members saved a bunch of children from a dark guild. However, there was one kid that refused to leave the guild building until Fried went in there to talk to her.
For a short amount of time, she was in an orphanage with the other kids, but Fried would always visit her and bring her sweets.
Evergreen got sick of always passing by the orphanage when they went on missions and yelled at Fried to just adopt the girl and bring her to Fairy Tail (She said that because she got attached too)
Feirn originally has black hair but she dyed her hair green when she was formally adopted by Fried because she wanted to look like him (Fried cried for days and Luxus was sick of it).
Luxus loves Feirn, not only because because she is the kid of his best friend but also because she is the only next gen member that does not makes him want to pull out his hair. He loves sending her as chaperone on the other teams missions.
Luxus and Ever did fight at one point to be her Godparent. (Bickslow and Lisanna got the roles)
Feirn is an introvert and never really takes part in conversations. She's just content with observing others.
Always has a stash of sweets somewhere on her person that she whip out at the most random moments.
Yin to Weiss's Wang. Wherever she is, be sure that Elfman' daughter is not far away.
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mochidom · 9 days
FAIRIES HEIRS (The Groh-Alberona)
Masterpost here!
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Cana has often looked at herself, then at her longtime boyfriend of 12 years Bacchus (she still wasn't ready for marriage) and then at their son Gideon with questions marks in her eyes;
Yes, Cana was crazy, yes Bacchus was also crazy but why was her son unhinged ?;
The situations in which young Donny was regularly found in were nothing but extraordinary (derogatory);
Here's two examples:
Caught in a casino, actively beating old men at Poker (9 y.o);
Found swimming in an apple cider river after using his gravity magic to empty the river from its water and then filing the hole with Apple cider (12 y.o);
Gideon has been traumatizing the Fairy Tail guild since birth. Seriously, Luxus has been sleeping with one eye open since he and Atlas Dragneel birth;
Donny is very much a free spirit who is not scared of anything and is always willing to do anything. By the time, he's 13, the police don't even bother when they catch him doing something weird, they just ignore him;
He is best friend with Atlas Dragneel. The bromance between them is actually so intense, they are stuck by the hips;
Cana and Lucy were at first so happy that their son were best-friends before they realized that the friendship was actually a catastrophe waiting to happen;
Gideon and his grandfather are the closest. For the first three years of his life, it was impossible for Gildarts to go on a mission as Gideon would literally throw the biggest tantrum if his grandad wasn't the first person he saw when he woke up;
Gildarts loved it and used that opportunity to mend his relationship with Cana;
As much as Cana pretends to be exasperated, she loves that her son does not worry himself with things such as common sense ? logic ? and that he just does stuff as he pleases without fear of judgment! This is what she says whenever Luxus calls her to complain about Donny;
Cana still tries to instill some sense of responsibility into Gideon but she also can't get mad at him or even slightly yell at him. Gildarts can't either so Bacchus is stuck with the role of the strict parent;
Bacchus and Gideon are still very close and often train together;
When Gideon turns 15, he leaves for a two years long mission with Gildarts and Atlas Dragneel;
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mochidom · 9 days
Masterpost here!
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The physical embodiment of "I'd rather not be here at all";
Alisea seems cold at first sight because she is. She does not like people much outside of her family and honestly with the cousins she have (Makiva with her anger issues, Eldeweiss being unhinged etc), she's not even sure she likes them that much;
Only person other than her family she seems to tolerate is Feirn Justine, but again every member of the Strauss family loves Feirn since she's the only one that can control Eldeweiss;
She's not exactly mean, just really bad at social interactions and also a bit mean;
In a competition of who can be the most judgmental with Eldeweiss since birth;
She takes the judge-y side from her dad. They both sometimes sit at the guild and just talk shit VERY LOUDLY about the people passing by. (This is how Wakaba learned that his toupet wasn't actually hiding the receding hairline);
She is such a complainer. Sometimes, nothing is actually bothering her but trust that she will find something to complain about;
She does not go on missions very often and when she does, she only works solo, with her twin brother Alistair or her dad;
She is a model just like Mirajane when she was younger and is often traveling for photoshoots;
Her twin is her literal ride or die, she'd faster leave this world than live one day without him;
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Where his sister is gloom, colds winds and compressed pessimism, Alistair is all sunshines, rainbows and the belief that everything will be alright;
The guy has a smile tattooed to his face. It is so rare to see him upset;
Lisanna does not understand how two people who shared a womb can be so different from each other because on one side you have Alisea who is Alisea and then you have Alistair who is physically incapable of talking badly about someone;
He is the new permanent guild bartender after basically stealing Mirajane's job (fair steal btw, it was a democratic vote);
He is very grounded and gives great advice which is needed since in addition of being the guild's bartender, he is also the in-house psychologist;
Most of the kids go to see him whenever they have an issue they don't feel like sharing with a real adult;
In fact, the three idiots Grey, Gadjeel and Natsu and Luxus have also used his services more than once; Kiera Redfox who have him on speed dial for whenever she has couple issues is begging him to start charging people for his time;
He is the glue of the Strauss cousins, always planning activities for them to do, something that Lisanna is so grateful for.
Alistair hate physical work. He does not go on missions very often except for when his twin sister asks orders;
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mochidom · 10 days
Writing Sibling Relationships
A sibling relationship is perhaps one of the most complicated things to realistically write about. Your character dynamics and personalities will help determine their relationships but here are some things to consider:
Building their past:
Think about how they were raised. Upbringing plays a large role in impacting a person’s character, and it also helps shape relationships with siblings.
Consider their favourite memories. Good memories are important to a person, and people often seek to create new memories similar to the old good ones.  On the other side, also think about their worst memories.
Who was the oldest? Who was the baby? Birth order does have some impact on personality. It also is especially important for the earliest memories.
Think about the roles that they ended up in. Siblings do, to some extent, define themselves by how they are different from each other. They pursue different interests, take on different roles, and explore different identities. These roles can be a source of self-realisation and sometimes frustration. 
Giving siblings personalities:
Choose personality traits for each sibling. Even if the sibling is only a minor character, it’s important to know their basic personality.
Think about each character’s dreams, hopes, and struggles. What do they want in life? What are their goals? Every character needs something to strive for.
Figure out their insecurities. Everyone feels insecure about different things: skills, personality traits, perceived physical flaws etc.
The siblings in your story might have similar looks, qualities and characteristics. However it’s important to make them their own person too. 
Keep in mind that siblings might have the same habits, sometimes without even realising it. (Personal example- My eldest brother and I do not look the same. He has green eyes, mine are brown. I have dark hair, he’s blonde. Our faces are shaped different. He takes after our mum, I take after our dad. However, we have a lot of the same habits and mannerisms. We both carry ourselves in the same way, we both quirk our eyebrows in the same manner when confused. Little things like that, that when growing up I’ve picked up from him and vice versa.)
Things siblings do: (This is a generalisation)
Siblings know how to push each others buttons.
Usually they spend so much time with each other, they know exactly how to annoy their sibling and the best way to do it.
Whatever annoys your character, his (or her) siblings already know about it. If your character’s siblings decide to get on his nerves, it shouldn’t take them very long.
Most (if not all) siblings make fun of each other to some degree. Usually they are just messing with each other. Depending on the circumstances, the insult may be forgotten almost immediately.
But it’s important to consider how siblings react when someone else is picking on their brother or sister. A lot of siblings will get defensive in this situation.  Unless you have set up a reason otherwise, make sure your siblings know how to tease each other but also how to protect each other.
They rarely call each other “sis” or “bro” unless they’re trying to be annoying. This is seen a lot in films and TV but it’s not common. The occasional greeting like that is fine, but overusing it just sounds strange and unnatural.
Sibling conflict:
Siblings will argue other pretty much anything. Most of the time it’s just to get a reaction. Sometimes one will start an argument just because they’re bored.
The silent treatment! A lot of siblings, particularly children teenagers and young adults will give each other the silent treatment over the pettiest things. But it’s incredibly hard to ignore someone living in the same house as you for a long period of time.
The sibling on the receiving end of the silent treatment will usually do absurd and annoying things to get their brother or sister to speak. 
Common things siblings argue about:
The tv remote
Who is going to use the bathroom first
Someone is taking too long in the bathroom
Who gets to sit in the front seat of the car
Who the favourite is
Estranged siblings:
“Sibling relationships are our longest, but it’s also an accident by birth. There are no guarantees that the siblings will grow up with similar personalities, interests or like each other,”
You should be able to find plenty of conflict amongst brothers and sisters. But most of the time there is a resolution.
If you were to fall out with a friend, you can unfriend them, you can’t un-sister a sister, whether you like it or not you’re stuck with that person in some sense.
However, some siblings do fall out and never speak to each other again. It happens, but if this happens in your story there are a few things to consider: 
When asked about their family will your character acknowledge that they have siblings? Or will they claim to be an only child?
Why did they stop speaking?
Would they reconcile in times of crisis? For example, if a family member died would the siblings put aside their differences to deal with the situation?
Do they tell stories about their childhood that include the sibling? 
It’s important to remember that if someone has a sibling, a lot of their childhood memories and stories from growing up will have some reference or include that sibling. It’s hard to complete cut them out, they will be mentioned at some point. 
Given the entangled, long-lasting bond, what’s the price paid for suspending or ending it? 
Does the sibling have other brothers or sisters whose relationships are satisfying? “
“If they have no contact with a sibling, it’s losing a shared history and there can be a sense of guilt,” 
Or are your character’s relieved? Do they express a sense of relief. 
“Like the end of a marriage, sibling estrangement is always sad, even when it brings relief. It’s not what anyone hoped for, but sometimes it’s the wise and necessary choice.”
Ways of bringing together estranged siblings:
Write compassion between your characters. Show them trying to see things from the sibling’s viewpoint alongside their own.
Have them say what they want from their sibling moving forward. Don’t just have your characters vent all the time. Your reader might grow tired of that.
Confirmation of love and affection:
Are the siblings in your story the type to talk about feelings? Maybe they don’t talk about it but the feeling is still there. Consider showing the depth of their relationship through actions.  
(Personal example - When I was born my brothers were 4 and 6 years older than me. From what my mum has said they were both excited to have another sibling and would fight about who got to hold me first. When we were younger we used to cuddle on the sofa and play together, and frequently said I love you etc,  however as we got older that stopped. I can’t remember the last time I said I love you to either of them, which sounds terrible. But it doesn’t change the fact that I know they love me and that they know I love them, we just show it and say it in different ways.)
Relationships with parents:
How did parents or caregivers react to fights between siblings?
Was there parental favouritism, real or perceived? How did the non-favourite sibling(s) react?
Do your siblings stick together when arguing with their parents?
Would your characters lie in order to prevent their brother or sister being told off by their parents?
Some siblings will join forces to tease their parents. 
What if the siblings don’t have a good relationship with their parents:
If this is the case in your story, research it, google is your friend.
Try and read up on real life experiences.
Consider how the siblings view their parents. Do they stand together with the same opinion or do they have conflicting recollection of events?
Do the parents have a healthy relationship with each other? How has this impacted their children?
Writing siblings who have abusive parents:
If the siblings come from an abusive home, how has this affect their behaviour? 
Do the siblings ever talk about what happened? 
Do they have the share the same experience? Do they ever argue about the situation?
Are they over protective?
Has their own relationship become strained? Have they drifted apart?
Do the siblings ever acknowledge the past? If not, does this cause friction?
Common assumptions about sibling age order:
Oldest child: people pleasing, bossy, organised, punctual, natural leader, controlling, ambitious, expected to uphold family values, caretakers, financially intelligent, responsible
Middle child: flexible, easy going, independent, sometimes feels like life is unfair, sometimes will engage in attention-seeking behaviour, competitive.
Youngest child: silly or funny, risk-taking, creative, sometimes feels inferior, easily bores, friendly, outgoing, idealistic, the baby of the family.
Only child: close to parents, demanding, leaders, spoiled, self-absorbed, private in nature, may relate better to adults to kids their own age, independent, responsible
While these are common assumptions, they are not strictly true and it’s important to consider your characters personality before you apply any of these stereotypes because it may clash with how your character truly is.
Half siblings:
Half-siblings can run along several lines:
They might act like full siblings, depending on how long they’ve known each other.
They may view each other as space takers.
Your characters may feel “eh” about their half- sibling, they could just be someone who is there but they don’t have a relationship with. The half-sibling may even be a complete stranger.
Consider that they might be rivals. Are they friendly rivals or bitter rivals?
Don’t get caught up in trying to build their relationship based on what “should be” in accordance with society. As you establish these characters, let your own imagination lead you to what their relationship is. But remember that their relationship will be impacted on how the parents treat them too.
(@its-the-tear-in-my-heart ​ thanks for asking about sibling relationships. This post is more generalised than your question but I hope it helped in some way.)
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mochidom · 1 month
oc asks: character design edition
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
day: What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to those clothes? Do they wear similar things, or do they change it up?
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
outerwear: What's your OC's outerwear situation? Jacket, sweater, cloak? What sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves?
footwear: What does your OC wear on their feet?
road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
armor: What kind of armor does your OC wear? Is it well kept? Bonus: where does it come from? Is there a story behind it?
arms: Does your OC have any weapons? What weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting?
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
makeup: Does your OC wear makeup? How often? What kind? Why do they wear makeup, and do they like it?
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
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mochidom · 2 months
Masterpost here!!
Six years after the events of Alvarez, Meldy followed Jellal to Magnolia to create the GQ of Crime Sorciere. Jellal promoted her to vice-master of the guild (and honestly let her do all the paperwork).
Meldy and Leon met again while the construction for Crime Sorciere GQ was ongoing and other guilds came to help and the rest is history.
The couple lived apart for most of their relationship and moved together in Margaret City after marriage. They ended up getting married two years after their first date and Melly gave birth to a girl.
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Julia grew up in between Magnolia and Margaret Town, often following Meldy on her trips to Magnolia for work. She does not have any real attachment to either city and didn’t actually care at what guild she would end up. She finally chose Crime Sorciere (surrendered to Hayeis’s peer pressure);
Julia has a good relationship with both her parents but is definitely a daddy’s girl. Lyon has been spoiling her since birth. Meldy has been overprotective, and Julia finds her overbearing sometimes, but she knows it is out of love and her own history;
She has short white hair and sometimes add pink strands to it and green eyes. She is also quite short but cancel it with wearing ridiculously high heels. The only time she will be seen not wearing heels is when she is fighting and even that the shoes she wears for fights have wedges. Her wardrobe consists of only white and pink and the occasion purple;
A gossip with a capital G. She is literally known within the new generation for being in everyone’s business.
Also a bit manipulative and calculated she knows what to say to get what she wants and never says anything without carefully thinking about the consequences;
Even though she loves them both, her favourite thing to do is instigate the quarrel between Silvia and Xiala;
She never had any grand ambition when it came to magic. She did enter Fiore Magic Academy with her generation's peer but she never had the intention to become a mage. She actually plans to become a fashion designer.
Hayeis's frenemy;
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mochidom · 3 months
love ft100yq but omg the animation for the new season is kinda...
like I admit im not up to date in the manga but I don't remember it being drawn like that
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mochidom · 5 months
raaaah I love her so much, might be my favourite with kay, can't wait to see hers!!!
(UPDATED) Chimera Strauss, the daughter of Elfman and Evergreen Strauss (Fairy Tail) !
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mochidom · 5 months
Masterpost here!
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Luxus and Mira only have one child even if it doesn’t feel like it because they always have the others Strauss children over at home.
Their daughter was an only child only in the title.
Makiva is actually her middle name, her first is Nieva but she prefers people call her Makiva due to the likeness to her grandfather’s name.
She is so mean! Luxus swears she takes it from Mira and that he was never like that. Mira just smiles and accept the fact that she married a delusional man.
Also very scary. When she was a baby, Luxus would bring her with him to the guild every time he needed the members to go work instead of lounging at the guild. Whenever, she was hangry, she would somehow summon white lightning which hit the closest person to her.
Still is the case today. The guild even have an alarm for when she comes so everyone can hide.
She is in a power competition with Storm Fullbuster since birth.
She loveeeees the Royal bakery.
For some reason, she can never get any name right, even the names of the people she grew up with. Kiera thinks she does it on purpose.
When she finally reached S-rank, there were talks of her being the next Headmaster. She never was really interested by that position but she is starting to embrace it.
Also, Storm Fullbuster was also mentioned as maybe a future master which pissed Mak off and only fuelled their beef;
She is pretty responsible in general.
Extreme anger issues and she hold grudges for a LONG time. Macao is still collecting subliminal threats for a prank he did 10 years ago.
She was quite young when Makarov and don’t remember much about him but she is often told that she was his favourite person. She’s very admirative of him and hopes to live up to the Dreyar name.
She goes to visit his grave whenever she can.
She’s very protective of her dad. He’s her favourite person ever.
She met her granddad once and it ended with him getting punched.
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mochidom · 5 months
how i view Levy McGarden (Fairy Tail)! i see her with wavy hair and downturned eyes <3
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mochidom · 5 months
oc asks: childhood edition
time to unpack that backstory!
What was your muse's personality like as a kid? How has it changed since then?
Where did your muse grow up? What was their home like? Did they like where they grew up?
What did your muse's family look like? Parents, grandparents? Big or small? Who was around the house when your muse was a kid?
How was your muse's relationship with their childhood guardians? Has it changed over time, and if so, how? Do they keep in touch?
Does your muse have any siblings? What was their relationship like growing up? Is it any different now?
Did your muse have a best friend? Friends? Who did they hang out with as a kid? Are they still friends?
Did your muse have any enemies? Playground rivalries? How did that turn out?
What did your muse do in their free time? How did they entertain themself as a kid?
What was your muse's education like? Did they go to school? Did they like it?
What responsibilities did your muse have as a child? Chores? Babysitting? How good were they at fulfilling their responsibilities?
What expectations were placed on your muse as a child? Who had those expectations for your muse? How did your muse feel about them?
Did your muse go on any trips or vacations as a kid? Where did they go? How did they feel about traveling?
What did your muse want to be when they grew up? Did they have any childhood dreams, and have they achieved them?
Who was a mentor or a hero to your muse as a kid? Why did your muse look up to them and what did your muse learn from them? How is that relationship now?
What's one childhood memory that has stuck with your muse over the years? What's it significance to your muse now?
If your muse could say one thing to their childhood self, what would they say? Would your muse want to meet their childhood self in the first place?
How is your muse with kids now? Do they want kids of their own? What lessons from their childhood would they pass on to the next generation?
What's one thing that instantly transports your muse back to their childhood? Why?
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mochidom · 5 months
Masterpost here!
No one was surprised when Levy announced a week after their first official date that Gajeel asked her hand in marriage. Everyone really just assumed they were already fianc��s.
Gajeel insisted on performing a musical for his wedding entrance and even got Gray and Natsu to participate.
They had the twins a few years after their wedding and have been a happy little family since then.
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Kiera loves going on missions with her brother, simply because he always do the bulk of the job and still split the reward money with her;
Money hungry! Definitely the type to promote pyramid schemes.
Used to be the one taking care of all the money from the bets on intra-guild fights until she ran off with the 450th Dragneel-Fullbuster fight. (Natsu still hasn't forgiven her to this day.)
Kiera is very close to her dad, probably because they're both extremely extravagant individuals.
The guild had to cancel the annual talent show because the duo takes it way too seriously (Kiera because of the prize and Gajeel, just because he is himself).
Very superstitious! She will ask her auntie Lucy to summon Virgo so she can ask Libra so she can have her horoscope from the "source". Lucy thinks it's funny, Virgo does not.
She has no common sense, like at all.
Jet and Troy's favourite person.
Definitely the oldest!
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Kaen Redfox is THE golden child. Smart, caring, mature, really the whole package or so his mother says.
His sister would agree on the caring, smart is like true 5 out of 10 times and mature is just not a quality she would attribute to him.
If his sister lacks common sense, he lacks self-awareness.
Scaring the girlies at all times but thinks he can give relationship advice to whoever will listen to him. "Listen I understand women, I'll fix your marriage in no time." He says with a record of exactly zero girls talked to.
When he was younger, his dad made him promise to look after his sister when he was leaving for a long mission and he took that promise very seriously. So while, he will physically fight his sister each time she annoy him, he has no problems fighting her battles for her.
Has a BIG crush on Storm Fullbuster;
Atlas Dragneel's arch nemesis;
Is the oldest.
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