moeshajournal · 8 years
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its 2015 yeah ik but idc im still doing these idk if it’s cause the community really needs it or if it’s cause these entertain me lowkey ANYWAY im TIRED of Kae’s that put me to sleep
name: first name is usually sth asian, last name tran. i saw three or four mulan trans in the urban rp tags before and i……. what the fuck. there are more “oriental” surnames than tran or trang. HONESTLY GOOGLE IS Y'ALL FRIEND, STOP BEING LAZY RP'ERS 2K15. THIS PISSES ME OFF
age: the bio is gonna say she’s somewhere between 20-23 but the rp'er is probably 16 and wants to live vicariously through kae so the bio might as well list her age as 16. 
occupation: fashion designer / owns her own clothing line / model… um ‘the kill’ hasn’t been relevant in a year i dont even think kae herself is proud of being a fashion designer / owning her own line so enough. the model thing i haven’t really seen but tbh just stay away from it it’s boring. don’t make her a photographer or an artist either. ESPECIALLY not an artist cause that’s a weak attempt to connect with the CB chara over sth and that makes me wanna stab you. why not make her a party promoter, talent agent, cafe owner, childcare worker, dental assistant, magazine editor, veterinarian, nail tech, or beauty guru like IDFC IF SHE’S A BUS DRIVER AT LEAST SHE’S INTERESTING. 
born in some asian country obviously because her name is asian but it doesnt even matter if the origin of her name doesnt match her birthplace. dont name her tran and then make her half japanese thats offensive??? 
but it reALLY doesnt matter if she’s half anything because it doesnt show in her personality/interests at all
other than her fave food being chinese and/or sushi which i shouldnt even have to explain why that is so wrong. it’s ok to like those foods but dont make that the basis of your oriental character ur being lazy and rude
the number one reason why these characters become boring is because no effort is put into their background when this character has the potential to be the most interesting
its like the backgrounds of them are copied and pasted so the rp'er can skip to the part where ppl love her which doesnt work
then the rp'er wonders why they’re constantly ignored…. i mean ok
just FUCKING stop for 5 MINUTES and THINK about the childhood of your chara and HOW THAT DEVELOPS THEM INTO ADULTHOOD !!!!!!!
put her on a life quest or sth
i’ll never understand why all of her personality traits are an attempt to make her desirable…. even the negative ones which aren’t really negative, they're neutral and that’s boring
she can have romantic and soft and passive and tolerant as her most prominent character traits and it’s hard to tell which of those are meant to be positive and which are meant to be negative??? 
if i see quiet or shy in her bios one more time im going to lose my shit like steve harvey on family fued
idk it just distresses me that she cant be bratty but confident or charming but manipulative !!!!! PLS
and if her chara somehow doesn’t go overlooked despite having nothing to offer, she becomes the most likely to clique up with 4 or 5 other popular fc’s and that just… im baffled
the kae trans in urban rp are all just a yawn in human form im tired of it 
sometimes in a clique
actively ignoring chris brown fc
actively ignoring rihanna fc or feuding with rihanna fc
everyone’s fave sidechick 
everyone’s fave person to treat like shit and she just laughs it off cause she doesn’t want to complain and be yelled at for complaining 
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moeshajournal · 8 years
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y’all have tried to be diverse with chris brown recently but there’s nothing outstandingly different and you’re not slick
name: christopher brown but goes by maurice, or maurice brown but goes by christopher (( …. wyd )), there’s been 20 cairo’s in every rp, usually name starts with a C, M, X, or a Z or he has an 100000 year greek old name that would have made homer and sophocles collectively say what the fuck 
age: it doesnt matter how old the age is bc the chara will always be too mature to be that listed age or too immature. i dont even think age crosses ppls minds the way it should when rp’ing….
occupation: tattoo artist, gang leader/gang member, druglord, or regular artist. for why….. when there’s so many careers in art??? and street art??? art curator, art dealer… not to mention other subsets of the art world like graphic design / fashion. or idk he could be interested in computers, science, law!!!, history (( he should fucking love history with that 9000 BCE name )) im so done with the limited careers in the urban rp community
born in tapestryhammock, virginia ((wherever chris brown is from)) or some random southern city/state
but isnt southern at all
alternatively born in california, but has no traits/interests typical of someone born in california
born at 21 and immediately forced to live an adult but not doing a great job at it
outrageously underdeveloped backgrounds to the point where im confused if his life is supposed to be a secret?? does jesus himself come down and whisper the origin of this character to those that are only favored? 
or, overwhelmingly developed backgrounds that im so confused about everything ???
for example: hi im christopher maurice brown but call me odysseus my father was abusive until my parents died in a fire )): ive been an adult for 9000 years cant you tell by my name its been really hard making money so i had to be a drug dealer artist cause that’s the only way i’ll be able to support the people i care about but i honestly just wanna get out of this life im so fucking tired of fake people, fake friends, fake relationships, all i got is me and that’s all i need FUCK ALL Y'ALL! >:[ 
he has 99 problems and i dont know why
but is somehow unaffected by all these problems 
except of course…. when they’re angry
reacts out of proportion when it comes to anger, and that doesn’t just mean resorting to verbal abuse or physical violence
a lot cb characters deal with anger by not dealing with it or complaining which doesn’t make much sense either
the “im so worried of becoming the typical chris brown chara stereotype that i dont express anger at all, and i’m zen” is exhausting, stop it
and idk if u knew this but… – 100 thoughts posts about how angry you are is an IED symptom…. and so is impulsive behavior… and so is increased energy to do something
do a google search about writing anger/expressing anger in writing… save a life
and on top of all this, the chara is an outcast
a really popular outcast??? 
gee for an outcast literally nobody dislikes you or makes attempts to humiliate you  
weird, maybe that means you’re not a fucking outcast at all
don’t forget to add “battling a mental disorder, usually depression that’s relieved only by art or smoking or sex” because we might as well romanticize mental disorders, right?? 
lol he so crazy 
connections (( cant keep track of his connections as im still baffled by his background but here’s a guess of what they look like )): 
Back And Forth Relationship With Some FC That Is Purposely /NOT/ Rihanna Or Kae Tran
Still “Friends” With Rihanna FC / Kae Tran FC
Or Actively Ignoring Those Two FCs 
All Positive Male Friendships With The Exception Of One Male Arch Nemesis 
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moeshajournal · 8 years
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i dont understand how people are still willing to play the drake faceclaims that’s the exact same as all the other drake faceclaims. 
name: usually drake, or something starting with the letter D, A or G because if you’re not actually playing aubrey drake graham ya might as well have the same initials as him 
age: ?? ? dramatically younger than drake’s actual age. he isnt even close to 22 stop OR he’s exactly drake’s age but appears to be younger cause the player is also dramatically younger than drake by like 12 years
occupation: owns/manages a club, is a singer/songwriter, is a rapper, drug kingpin or he’s unemployed with obscene amounts of wealth that no one knows the origin of –  dear god, there are so many more career options than this. he could be literally anything in the world (( idk a scientist, a music producer, a real estate agent, a sports car/luxury car salesman, a DJ )) but somehow he ends up these only three things i fucking wonder why. 
stable childhood home other than divorced parents that led him to being a bad kid as if divorce between two parents is the end of the world for every child
one parent he is super close to while the other not so much
he grew up a really quiet child but somehow managed to be loved by everyone and super popular?? 
especially with women??? 
actually not quiet or shy at all?? 
so why even mention he was quiet?? 
leaving home at a young age on some self quest for reasons that are never developed
somehow finishes life quest at young age or settles in a place that has nothing to do with said life quest
overconfident – maybe its cause literally everyone is love with him right?? 
but he only has two connections?? ok 
insecure tho ?? and theres no explanation for it ?? 
males either hate or love him
overwhelmingly emotional as in catch him crying in the corner
underwhelmingly emotional as in he’s so stoic it’s borderline sociopath
super nice but underlying anger issues
like really bad “i will murder you” anger issues that are also never developed
also bold in masculinity like no “feminine” traits at all, like super dude man drake chara that cant wash his own ass or cook his own meals because that would be “woman”
there’s literally only one and that’s usually “The Ex Girlfriend I Am Currently Treating Like Shit TrustIssues.mp3 Lmao But I Love Her But I Love Bitches I Will Fuck Every Other Girl But Her And By That I Mean Only Her (((:" 
OR he has the "I Am A Club Owner, She Is My Stripper/Employee, We Are In Love”
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moeshajournal · 8 years
im the '#is this real life?' tag
i can’t believe it’s 2016 and y'all still got drake characters that are strip club owners and part time drug dealers
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moeshajournal · 8 years
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Rick Ochoa
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moeshajournal · 8 years
i dont hate anyone. the correct term is i dont fuck with you. hating people takes energy and effort. not fucking with you takes nothing
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moeshajournal · 8 years
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moeshajournal · 8 years
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moeshajournal · 8 years
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moeshajournal · 8 years
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moeshajournal · 8 years
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moeshajournal · 8 years
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moeshajournal · 8 years
“My big mistake was love. From this day I swear to stay off of love: hetero, homo, bi, dog or cat, car, every kind there is. I will found a society of isolates, dedicated to this purpose, and this sign, revealed by the same gasoline that almost destroyed me, will be its emblem.” And he did.
Thomas Pynchon, The Crying of Lot 49 (via talesofpassingtime)
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moeshajournal · 8 years
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moeshajournal · 8 years
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Carmen explains that she’s her own woman in Carmen Jones (1954). For her performance in this role, Dorothy Dandridge became the first African-American woman nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress.
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moeshajournal · 8 years
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move too fast and your head spins
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moeshajournal · 8 years
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