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oh, i love him
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some transparents from the new hetalia episodes
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i guess i post hetalia transparents here now
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some anarchy themed sollux edits for my alt! 💕
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prologue part 1
cw: blood, character death
word count: 1095
ships: none
a/n: i need to accept this is just a homestuck sideblog now, anyways you know that apocalypse au i talked about?
Your name is DAVE STRIDER and you are currently walking back to your apartment with the groceries you just bought with the generous 20 bucks your Bro left you. As you’re walking you notice that the streets are more empty than usual, despite the fact that it’s actually a bit cloudy out and usually you’d see people out walking and taking the chance to not get melted into the sidewalk from the usual Texas weather. You shrug it off, it’s not like you’re going to complain about the lack of people with annoying kids whining as you try and just make it home with a bag full of mostly apple juice and Doritos. You enter the building that you, Dirk, and your Bro live in and make your way to the stairs. As much as you wish you could take the elevator, it’s been out of service for as long as you remember. You push open the heavy door with your hip, due to your hands being full, that protects the stairs and start making your up to the top floor. You really don’t know why your Bro insisted on living on the top floor, oh wait, you do know. Roof access. Still, you don’t think it was necessary to live on the top floor. You should probably stop complaining and just get back to scaling the mountain that is these stairs. Every breath you take and every step you take reverbs against the concrete stairwell, you rap under your breath so you can hear something other than your heavy breaths.
You put down the bags in your hands as you reach the final concrete landing, you sink in on yourself, take some heavy breaths, unlock the door, grab your bags again and push open the door. You have to kick aside some smuppets on the floor but you make your way into your apartment, you drop the bags in the kitchen and look around for Bro or Dirk but considering you don’t see them and you hear some commotion on the roof it doesn’t take much brainpower to guess they were probably strifeing. You decide it’s probably best to just put away the groceries while you wait for them to be done. You open the fridge in a moment of stupidity, as several swords fall out. You manage to force them back in with a couple of boxes of apple juice and the energy drinks your brother Dirk drinks. Any actual food you bought goes up in the cupboard, beside a large ass-ed teal smuppet that you try your best not to touch. Cool, now the rest can go in the food pile in your and Dirk’s room. You drag the bag down the hall and into your room. You dump everything in a box near a couple of strategically placed cinderblocks, as you finish with that you hear steps coming down from the roof. They are obviously Dirk’s which is odd considering usually Bro comes down first after a strife, maybe Dirk actually won for once but somehow you doubt that’s what happened. You hear the door open and Dirk’s voice call out for you.
“Dave? Are you home?” Dirk’s voice has a waiver under it you don’t usually hear, maybe Bro got injured? That would make sense for why he isn’t pounding down the stairs. Nonetheless, you close the box and head out into the main room.
“Yeah dude, I’m here. Just got back.” You hear your brother let out a sigh of relief and you take a look at him. His triangle sunglasses are askew and his shirt is stained with blood and what looks like paint, but you have no idea where he would have gotten teal paint on him. It’s not unusual for there to be blood after a strife but considering the fact that it’s obviously not from him from how it splattered and everything else with his demeanor you’re pretty sure it wasn’t the usual strife.
“What… happened?” You make an obvious show of looking him up and down, “Did Bro get hurt or something?” You hear your brother let out a shaky laugh.
“Something like that.” Dirk’s voice shakes and he sounds out of breath, “Just come look.” He holds open the door and you make your way up the stairs to the roof. Dirk follows behind you but as get to the landing and open the door to the roof you feel time stop around you.
There is blood everywhere, and two bodies lay dead on the ground. Your Bro is lying in a pool of blood with several bullet holes in him, you can’t take your eyes off his body. As your eyes trail his body you see his face, his ironic sunglasses remained unharmed and his expression was stuck in the same poker face as always, just looking at his face you could almost pretend he was fine. But he wasn’t so you rip your eyes away and look anywhere except his body, you see his katana halfway across the roof and… you see the other body. It was surrounded by a pool of what you had thought was teal paint but now you can see its blood. Or at least you assume people don’t have paint pour out of them when stabbed in the heart with a katana. Oh right, the katana. Specifically, Dirk’s katana is sticking out of the body. You looked at the foreign body a bit more and see it has a gun loosely in its hand, guess you know who killed Bro. The body is also grey and has horns, did you forget to mention that? You can’t see its face cause it’s wearing a helmet with what looks like the Pisces sign on it in pink, well its more fuchsia but that doesn’t matter cause your Bro is dead on the ground and there is the body of the alien that killed him on your roof. In an attempt to not look at the bodies you look up instead, which turns out to be a mistake considering you now have a full view of what is, you assume, a fucking alien spaceship. You feel your vision start to fade and your brain starts to feel fuzzy and for once you agree with your body’s decision to shut down. You feel your brother catch you and the last thing you see is the same symbol as before this time in red on the spaceship as your brother pulls you inside.
You really hope you forget all of this.
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not mogai related but i made a new homestuck au! its an post apocalyptic au so i had some fun with designing them! i might make a post explaining the au if im feeling spicy.
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icons i made for me and my moirail! pale eridave has my heart. the edits took about 6.5 hours which is far too long. moirail flag by @/mlmarvus
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i'm dave and i use he/they/hearts and i'm doing edits and stuff now. i'm a bit new to mogai stuff but i think its sick. also homestuck has kind of been my *thing* recently if you couldn't tell and my obsession with davesol, pale eridave, pale kurtuna and cronus [unfortunately] can't be helped. anyways rest of the actual intro post stuff below.
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-pronoun/name affirmation
-flag pfps
-homestuck edits
-banner edits [mogai or otherwise]
-also feel free to send an ask about anything you want
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-anything attack on titan or hamilton related [sorry]
-heavy venting asks or anything heavy gore related
-nsfw media related [i am a minor]
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