mokusharuru · 2 years
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The one who is the most in denial about my sexuality … is me .
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mokusharuru · 2 years
the precious detective that can't stay awake past 10pm and fall asleep on his bf
okay back to my 10-hour rf5 a day
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mokusharuru · 2 years
I love yuta. And I love them.
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mokusharuru · 3 years
Sweet, a bit too sweet - AreMizu/MizuAre (Arknights shipping)
paring : Arene x Mizuki (Arknights)
genre : Fluff
words : ~2000
summary : Modern AU - Valentine, it's always a boring holiday for the unenthusiastic Arene. A meeting with a strange boy can change that, maybe?
note : i. love. aremizu/mizuare. too. much. And happy (late) valentine to you all. Reup from my ao3 because why not? It's an oneshot in my AreMizu/MizuAre Modern AU and I'll write more ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡•)
14/2, this day has never been special for the young researcher. Valentine, what is everyone’s huge obsession with this day, except for those marketers try to sell their products. Arene, with his face trying not to express his annoyance yet can’t really hiding it, sits in silence at the corner. Not that anyone would notice him, when normally they don’t even look into his eyes. Everyone in the laboratory is distracted, even his professor who has told everyone to have the rest of day off after finishing their assigned work.
Today, couples would go on date, exchange sweets, have romantic moments in life. As a person who has never really paid attention to those kind of stuffs, Arene just wants to focus on his work. “I can’t get anything done like this”, thought the student while he gathers his belongings and walks out of the laboratory. The hallway is filled with lovey dovey vibes and those sparkling eyes of those enjoying the economy-centered holiday. He just wants to leave this place as fast as possible, yet realizing that there is no escape when everywhere is Valentiny. Wanting to escape this atmosphere but not really in the mood to return to his apartment, he just wanders around the neighborhood, leaving the destination all to his feet. While waiting for the red light at the intersection to change, his eyes are drawn to the large billboard at the intersection displaying some celebrities’ advertisements. At that moment, it features a video of a blue-haired boy, around his age, advertising a cafe-theme event with a cheerful smile. He’s totally not his type, not even the kind of person he would get close with. Yet, the young researcher finds that he can’t turn his eyes away. “Hey, the light is turning”, a voice from behind snaps him out of the moment and he continues to walk around until his attention is caught by a small coffee shop in the alley. A hidden place, one would say. There is not a sight of the lovey-dovey atmosphere here, so he isn’t a bit hesitant to enter.
“Welcome”, a cheerful voice greets him. Not a person can be spotted here except for the person who greets him, he does wonder why a bit yet feel more pleased that it would be more easy to concentrate on his works. “A coffee with no sugar, please” “Would you like anything else? A cake? We do have -” Not waiting for the owner, he guessed, to finish, Arene turns down the offer and sits down at the table near the window. The shop doesn’t have many seats so it’s really cozy. He has just put out all his materials when the hot coffee is delivered. And a cake.
“I didn’t order any-” “It’s a Valentine service.” Like paying back his interruption from before, the owner cuts his sentence. “... I don’t like sweets that much.”
“Then, can I have it?”
The sudden request makes him look away from the paper. Only now do their eyes meet. There is a bit of familiarity in the person in front of him, yet Arene couldn’t figure out. Also, the mask covers most of his face doesn’t help. “If you want to”, given a short reply, Arene returns to his work. Why do the owner even offer something then ask if he could have it? “Thank you very much! Can I sit next to you?” “No” Arene isn’t the one to express any courtesy, even more when he’s annoyed like this. Not that he is an emo who hates everyone or anything, just that his bluntness makes people a little too discouraged to get close to him. Even so, that person proceeds to sit down despite his rejection. Bothered but decides not to speak a word as it would bring more troubles, Arene ignores the weird person. At the moment, the sight of blue enters his field of vision. Just like the wind, blue hair hidden in the hat escapes and captures the young researcher’s perception, holds him in an embrace at the depth of ocean, sways his mind like waves middle of the sea. It’s emotion of warmth and iciness at the same time, entwining all his consciousness. When he finally takes off his mask, Arene sees that the person in front of him has a boyish charm, not even his type, but it’s hard to turn his gaze away.
“Do you want some?”, recognized attention to himself, the boy offers a spoonful of cake. Even thought Arene doesn’t really want some, he still has a bite and indeed, is uncomfortable by the overwhelming sweetness in his appetite. “It’s too sweet. You should reduce the amout of sugar next time” “I think it’s not that bad, but I’ll tell her your opinion anyway” “Who?” “The owner. She’s out so I’m taking care of her shop for now. I’m busy too, you know? It’s lucky that no one recognizes me, or it’d be really tiresome” The blue-haired boy continues to talk a lot after his question, which makes Arene regret for asking. Nevertheless, the sense of curiosity embodies in his mind making him wonder for more. “Why would someone recognize you? Are you like, famous or something?” “Well … it’d be better not to tell you.”
Well, it’s a lie if he says that he doesn’t care anymore. Not just anyone could take his attention like that, but if that person doesn’t want to share, he wouldn’t pry.
“Would you like some company? I’m a bit bored, you know.” Finished his dessert, the boy turns and asks “I’d certainly mind.” “Do you want to play some games? I have brought with me some video games here, but it’s more enjoyable to play with someone else.” Ignoring his rejection, the boy brings out the console from his pocket. “Don’t you see I’m working here?” He’s a bit upset, can’t he do his work in peace. “But…” purposely stretching his voice, the boy says “You haven’t done anything since you entered this place.” Looking at all the blank answer sheets in front of him, there is no deny. It’s true that he’s distracted. Is it really because of the Valentine atmosphere, or is it the blue sight in front of him? There is no sight of Valentine here, a secluded place with only the two of them. Someone sees through his mind, but surprisingly he doesn’t bother.
“What’s your name? I’m Mizuki” said the boy when he sees the other agrees to his invitation. “Arene” “So Arene” Somewhat fluttered when his name is called as it’s a rare occasion “Nice to make your acquaintance.” “Mizuki…” Where has he heard this name? He wonders while taking the another console.
Excited by Arene’s acceptance, yet Mizuki doesn’t realize that he has invited the most terrible player ever. He either falls down or hits his partner, which truly agitates Mizuki. Is it really a surprise that an unsociable person like Arene is, like, extremely terrible at collaborative games? “Should we play something else?” After playing, and failing a few games, Mizuki sighs and puts down his console. “Your choice. I can’t promise anything.” “Maybe we should take a break. Would you like more drink, my treat. Do you want a Mizuki’s special?” Not letting him a chance to choose, Mizuki stands up and goes to the counter anyway. But Arene doesn’t mind. Why isn’t he bothered by this free spirit? He’s intrigued instead. It’s rarely since he finds himself in an excited moment.
“Wait, is it really this late? Sorry Arene, but I have to close the shop now. The owner just texts me, she goes out with her fiancée and won’t come back.” Checking his phone while waiting for the coffee machine to operate, Mizuki says with a slight disappointed tone. “Oh so, then I’d be going home.” Feeling a little disappointed, he stands up and pays the bill. “It’s fun to play with you. Can I come back here later?” Arene is honest than many people think, he does not have a problem with expressing his thoughts. It’s just that he’s bored all the time, hence the annoyance with everyone. It would be nice if he can spend time like this, a carefree slice of life. “It’s my pleasure.” Mizuki answers with the brightest smile ever, which emerges a strange sense in Arene’s body. It’s warm but tingling, a moment of happiness. “Goodbye”
Turning his back and almost exiting the door, a voice holds back his footsteps
“Wait!” There is a bit of urgency in his voice.
“I wonder… if you’d like to go to my apartment? I mean, like… yeah, I’ll make you the Mizuki’s special there.” Although the calm expression is still there, Arene can detect a hint of nervousness on the boy’s face. At the sudden request, he finds himself in a hesitance. Visiting a stranger’s house, he has never done this kind of thing before. Nevertheless, Arene can’t seem to exit. It’s the sense of familiarity, warmth, strangeness overwhelming him as once. “You can think about it when I’m closing the shop. Just sit down there” Noticing his reluctance, Mizuki, once again, directs his action and starts cleaning the coffee shop. How can this boy read his mood this well? Arene sits down, not knowing what’s really to do. He puts his head on his hand, boringly, watch the strange person clean. It seems like he’s accustomed to these tasks as he proceeds to do in a speedily movement, leaving Arene hurried to chase his thoughts.
“You didn’t leave. So, this means a yes, right?” Putting on his jacket, Mizuki walks close to the table and puts his right hand on the table, just far enough that it doesn’t touch the other’s. “This drink had better be good.” Not truly understanding himself, Arene stands up and follows the boy outside while he turned off the light. Darkness fills up the place, yet the warm notion doesn’t disappear. Arene can feel his heartbeat loudly, clearly inside his chest. Is it because this is an extraordinary event for him? “If you want, I can teach you how to play games. You are terrible teehee” Bashing other with a bright smile, that must be Mizuki’s signature. But that doesn’t bother Arene, instead he feels even more ease. Suddenly, all the discomfort coming from the discordant ambience earlier vanishes. Merely walking by a stranger, no, this familiar stranger back to his home, Arene gets a taste of incitement, a small stimulus making him gently feverish. “My house is just by that corner.” said Mizuki as he points to a building not too far away. They walk side by side in silence, yet not a moment of awkwardness. It’s just like they have known each other for a long time. All of a sudden, a drop of water lands on the young student’s cheek. And there comes more, until the landscape drenches in rainfall. The two teenagers stop their footsteps and look at each other. About a minute to make them drowned in moisture.
Suddenly, they both burst into laugh while their eyes still meet. There isn’t a logical explanation why, just that, a rush of emotions fills into their hearts. Not a word being said, Mizuki takes his new acquaintance’s hand and runs ahead. It’s just like a scene from a movie. The two of them, who haven’t actually experienced a moment of impulsion in life, holds the other’s warmth close in the cold rain.
It’s a strange affair.
Only when arriving at Mizuki’s home with hands still intertwined and fully wet clothes does Arene realize he’s put himself into a weird situation. What’s the feelings that his heart is telling him right now? It seems like Mizuki also feels a bit hesitant to let go of his hand.
Not a word is said, they both find their eyesight met at the same time. The sparkle in Mizuki’s eyes is drawing him in, deeply. It’s as if he’s drowning in the warm yet freezing ocean. Somehow, he can’t allow himself to be removed from this connection. He would like, voluntarily, drown forever in those eyes.
A step further, closer and Arene can feel the hot breath on his cold skin.
Their lips touch.
The sense of softness enters his consciousness, plays around and messes with his mind. It’s cold yet intense simultaneously. Even though his logic sense is literally screaming in his head, Arene can’t seem to stop himself from indulging in the sweet taste of the lips which are now filling up all his sensibility. Is the sweetness from the cake that he takes from him, or is it his orignal? As a person thriving for mystery, Arene would like, very much, to find out. With pleasure. With all their clothes being soaked, they still find heat coming from every corners of their bodies and gladly receving from the opposite person.
Feeling the shortness of breath, Arene steps out a bit just to find his partner looking into their eyes with a melting expression. Their rapid breathe catching up for air goes into synchronized, just like a dance. Its choreography matches up with the other, gracefully tangles up and allures for more.
“It’s not my intention, but, did you enjoy the Mizuki’s special? You are the first one to taste it” With a smirk, still out of breath, mischeviously asked Mizuki. “Sweet, a bit too sweet. Yet, I’d like more”
In the moment, Arene thinks to himself that, from now on, may be Valentine wouldn’t be that bad. Provided the company of this strange boy who is soon to be his most important person.
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mokusharuru · 3 years
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"sweet dream, sankta-kun"
they will celebrate valentine once he wakes up🍫
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mokusharuru · 3 years
a casual style for new year eve
my best friend and i call them delnav and i think it's cute
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mokusharuru · 3 years
fleur and i have a complicated relationship
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mokusharuru · 3 years
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something i draw for aeven
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mokusharuru · 3 years
AeVen - When the wind calls my name
paring : Aether x Venti ( Genshin Impact )
genre : Fluff
words : ~1000
summary : A short story when Venti is avoided by his favorite adventurer.
note : i just love drunk Venti a bit too much haha
Venti has only just realises this, but seem like he is being avoided. Everytime those yellow eyes met his, they would just turn away quickly. Whenever he approaches the young adventurer, it is only a matter of seconds before that figure disappears.
And of course, as this behavoir belongs to his dear protagonist, this has been weighing on the bard’s mind. Every Mondstadt citizens can spot this strange happening. The bard would carelessly drop his favorite cup of wine on the tavern’s floor, which consequently was harshly scolded by the red-haired owner. Or he would just sit still in front of approaching cats, in turns were the unstoppable chains of sneezes.
“I wonder what happens” sitting on his usual spot in the tavern, murmured the Anemo Archon.
“What’s wrong?” indifferently asked Diluc as he continues to wipe all the glasses.
“Master Diluc, do you know if something happens with Aether? He has been weird for a few days”
“Is he really? I think he is the same as always. Actually, he was engaged in a game of chess with me yesterday. May be it’s you.”
Signaling the master to pour more wine into his almost empty cup, he replied
“Huh? What do you mean? Master Diluc, is it because he covered my wine bill last time?”
“Who knows” Diluc throws a nonchalant answer before turning to the call of another customer
Venti knows this is the end of attention the bartender gives him, so he continues to drink more in silent when his mind wanders. What did Diluc mean? Is it only him that Aether avoids? Then what must he do then? Is it really about the wine’s bill? But then Aether had paid for him many times before. Of course, he has tried to return the favor many times, so his dearest shouldn’t be that angry, should he?
Finding the answer is a difficult task as he empties a bottle after another. Before crashing down to the counter drunkenly like always, he spots a familiar face next to him. At this very moment, all his reasonings are all gone and the young bard throws himself in the other’s party embrace.
“W-what did I do?”
Although repeatedly joking, Venti actually holds a special feelings for the adventurer. Not as a savior, not as a friend, but much more personal. Therefore, being avoided like that must have hurted him deeply. Perhaps it was his faults, but if it’s only it, Aether would shake his head and tell him like usual. This must be different, he thinks.
Only entering the tavern a moment ago, Aether is sure taken aback by this scene.
“Please stop avoid *hiccups* ing meeeee”
As the Anemo Archon hugs him tightly on the waist, he can’t move an inch. Those slender fingers squeezed his bare back, which makes the adventurer a little tickle and also makes blood rushes to his head. The sweet scent of apple cider enters his sense, accompanying by the fragrance of cecilias.
He looks up to Diluc, who is clearly accustomed to all these drunken moves, and begs for an explanation. In return, the owner just signal him to move this druken bard out of his store.
Aether carefully removes the hands tightly on his back and carries the intoxicated archon on his back with such speed, which implies that he has performed this action many times before.
“Ah, and I will put his bill under your name” A moment before they exit, the master says. Answered is a crooked smile by the adventurer.
 “The breeze is really nice today”
Aether murmurs to himself as they go through Mondstadt’s gate and walk under the endless black canvas shining with millions of stars. Everytime like this, Paimon always disappear to somewhere unknown. May be to fetch an apple like that time.
After placing his beloved bard under the Vanessa’s tree, where they regularly spend idle time with each other, he reserves a place next to the other party. In a druken mood, Venti leans on him. May be a bit too close, Aether thinks. Well, it is not too bad to stay like this on a refreshing night. Somehow the wind feels softer than usual. Calm breathes of the person next to him combines with the rumbling leaves above resonates like the bard’s tellings. Evertyime, his soothing voice with the lyre’s harmony eases the adventurer’s mind to the point his hearbeat is in sync with the melody. As such every matters escapes and there is only two people exist in the extravaganza.
Aether knows that he has been avoiding Venti. It’s just that, everytime he looks into those blue pupils, the event from that night comes back to his mind.
Short breathes envelop between the non-existent distance, his soft yet scandalous voice whispering in his ear. The aroma of sweet alcohol and cecilia attacks every bits of his body. Such as the wind, faintly was his name called.
“Hey Aether, please like me”
 How can he forget about that ? How can he ignore that memory? Everytime that scene appears in his mind, the young adventurer can literally feel fire on his cheeks, butterfly in his stomach.
However, it appears to be that the Anemo Archon doesn’t recall it ever happened, judging by his confusion. All the more difficult for Aether to discuss about it.
The root of all his problems is fast asleep with no care for the world, Aether can’t help but let out a sigh.
Only in this very moment, does he have the courage to confess it. When no words from his lips can be heard.
“I’m liking you” Even if it’s only him, the young adventurer still suffers from all the embarrassment. Wondering when will the day he could confess these emotions like how the wind calls his name. Tender yet passionate.
For now, Aether will try not to avoid the other party’s curious gaze anymore. And try to take back all the wine bills he has to cover all this time. The young adventurer should soon find out that they are proven to be challenging tasks
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mokusharuru · 3 years
i have just re-watch 3gatsu anime and there are something I need to spam sth so here it go.
Throughout the series, we can see that shogi is a means to survive for Rei. At first, he played shogi because of wanting to spend time with his father, but after the accident, he held onto it as a meaning to live. He has said that without shogi, he is nobody.
But then on the match with Souya, we could see that he enjoyed playing with him to the point the whole world escaped beyond the sound's horizon. And I think that is absolutely endearing.
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mokusharuru · 3 years
AeVen - But with you, it’s different
paring : Aether x Venti ( Genshin Impact )
genre : fluff
words : ~1000
summary : a day before travelling to Inazuma, Aether meets with the Anemo Archon
note : i just want to write something for my otp haha it’s a little short though, hope you guys enjoy.
Aether never thought that someday, he would want to be with someone this much. From the beginning, from the first day he set foot onto Teyvat, the only thing occupying his mind is finding the whereabout of his precious twin sister. Everything he does, every commisions or stories that he has been through is all for that purpose. However, at this very moment, he feels as though all reasonings have escaped. The night sky in Mondstadt today is filled with the radiant moonlight, but all the traveller can see is the figure of the bard with all backgrounds converting into dimness
The way the Anemo Archon smiles at him right now, which brings his heartbeat in sync with sounds of wind fluttering leaves, makes the young traveller finding it hard to respond. How should he respond when all words seem to have escaped from his very lip ?
Why does it suddenly become like this ? Aether looks for the answer deeply in his head, but he should have already known that it is a difficult task. Meanwhile, the smile on the bard disappears
“Traveller, is there something wrong ? Your expressions seem to have stiffen a bit.” - worriedly asked the Anemo Archon “No… it’s nothing. It’s just that, it’s really nice to meet you, Venti.”
“ Eh? That kind of words make me truly happy, but I will misunderstand, you know.”
Teasefully were the words of Venti, but then seeing that the traveller doesn’t respond like usually, he just smiles and puts his hands behind him, walking forward.
Still at lost for words with his heartbeat rising rapidly, Aether feels his face become hotter and the body can’t move like he wants. It stiffens a bit and his palm feels sweaty.
He and the Anemo Archon have been acquaintances for a while, but never before did he come into contact with this kind of feelings. What is this, he wonders.
He has just returned from Liyue after a long adventure, with all the Fatui’s fight and Morax’s fake death, all that kind of stuffs. The first thing that appears on his mind while waiting for preparation to travel to Inazuma is to see his dear bard. Is him his, Aether suddenly realises but chooses not to pursue it.
“So you are going to Inazuma next, I heard”
“Ah… yes.” Venti’s voice abruptly distracts him from his thoughts “I must meet the Raiden Shogun, however difficult it may be” Venti doesn’t reply but Aether knows that he is contented with the determination of the traveller. From the day they meet, this person has always supported every decisions he made without any hestination. The Anemo Archon never ever questions his wishes.
They have never run out of stories before, but now no one says a word. The two of them just stands next to each other under the moonlight piercing through leaves at Venessa’s tree. Aether doesn’t mind. He never minds the bard’s presence. Opposite exactly, he always feels at peace with Venti. His voice, his hands, the way expressions on his face always change, they are all fascinating.
But now does he just realize this feelings. Although having not found out the name of this feelings, it seems too similar and too faraway at the same time.
“Here, a blessing from the Anemo Archon, ehe” the Archon chuckles softly and proceeds to place a Cecillia on the traveller’s head “It suits you, like I thought” said Venti, with his hands still place on the other’s head.
Aether is taken by surprise with this sudden movement as he swiftly catches the gentle hand on his hair. At the very first moment he feels the warm from the person in front of, he doesn’t want to let go any more. He wants to be able to be in presence of this tenderness all the time.
Surely is Venti surprise by this, but he does not say anything. He is happy instead.
“S-sorry. I don’t know why I did it” said Aether, but he doesn’t let go.
“It’s fine, I don’t mind.”
The bard moves his hands to interwine with the traveller, tilts his head and says.
“Hey. I have missed you. Aether”
Throughout the time they hang out together, Venti never calls his name, instead he addresses as the traveller. The call of his name from the Anemo Archon makes his heartbeat skip a beat, and he can fell a warm notion spreading all his bodies.
“Me too. I have wanted to see you for a long time.”
“So the feelings is mutual.”
He has met many people in his adventures. No matter how amazing they are, how nice they are, this emotion never grows. However, right this moment, as the wind softly brushes their cheeks, the presence of this bard occupies every veins in the young traveller. But then, he can not remain in this place, however warm it is. He must go. It is inevitable.  
“You don’t have to say anything.” As if reading his mind, Venti says. “You do not have to say farewell. Let’s… just enjoy each other’s company, alright ?”
Ten fingers still interwinded, they sit down next to each other. Venti takes off his hat and lay his head on Aether’s shoulder. The time is not relevant right now. May be the world is the same. He would like to escape everything right now.
 “I have never wanted to be with anyone. But with you, it’s different.”
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