mom-iety · 4 years
Well to start this off I should introduce myself, I’m Ashley. This blog stuff is totally new to me so bare with me. I decided to start this to heal or grow I guess. Let me explain, I’m a single mom of an amazing boy, who is my world. I never knew if having kids was the thing for me, but now I can’t imagine a life without him. (which is what every mom says right?) Anyways so I am single mom with anxiety, but not just worry did you turn the stove off after you left the house anxiety. I’m talking lay in bed can’t sleep because I’m too worried about one slight inconvenience that could happen the next day and how I would survive it. Yes I say survive it, if you have anxiety you can relate to what I mean. If you don’t I hope that me writing this helps you understand a little better. 
Growing up I’ve always had little episodes of anxiety, nothing major but it would come and go randomly. 3 years ago is when the anxiety I deal with now on a daily basis started. It changed me, I can’t really say for good or bad yet because I am still on that journey. I do know it’s something I had to deal with because of my son. Being a mom with anxiety is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, you have this person who depends on you when you don’t feel like you can even depend on yourself. It took me a while to even get help, I struggled on my own for almost 2 years. I didn’t want people to know and treat me differently. I didn’t want to feel like I was incapable of being a mother because of this, and I didn’t want to be judged. Those 2 years were hell, but I did it I got help and still am finding out who this new me is. Will sharing my story cure me, probably not but it will make me feel ok to be how I am.
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