MASTERLIST: Hidden in Plain Sight
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Summary: Nora von Koenigsegg and Max Verstappen could be desribed as two sides of the same coin, both had an incredible talent within motorsport and both had become F1 drivers at the young age of 17 during the 2014 season. But what happens their stories becomes complete opposites.
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Fem!Oc (Nora von Koenigsegg)
Warning: Google translated languages, angst, general stupidirty, blood, injuries, anxiety, drive to survivie, Jos Verstappen, mysoginy, let me know if there's more.
Prequel: The story of Nora
Chap 1: X
Chap 2: X
Chap 3: X
Chap 4: X
Chap 5: X
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The Ex-Files: Vettel & Rozzi in Imola
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Summary: Claudia Rozzi, Retired F1 driver and Charles Leclerc, current F1 driver for Ferrari had once upon a time a seemingly perfect and passionate relationship but in the middle of the ‘22 season Rozzi dropped off the face of the earth. What happens when the two are forced back into the vicinity of each other, can they forgive each other?
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Fem!Ex!Oc (Claudia Rozzi)
Warning: Google translated languages, online hate, angst, let me know if there's more.
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Real Life
“À QUOI PENSIEZ-VOUS? (WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?)” Was yelled so loudly through Claudia's phone by her mother that people on the other side of the principality could probably hear the woman yelling at her daughter. Whilst the two women often didn't get along, Claudia had tendencies to call her mother and ask for her opinion because she knew her mother had good instincts and Mrs Rozzi had always respected her daughter's drive and passion for her career. “NE VOUS SOUVENEZ-VOUS PAS DE CE QUI S’EST PASSÉ LA DERNIÈRE FOIS! (CAN'T YOU REMEMBER WHAT HAPPEND LAST TIME!)”
“Bonjour Mère, comment vas-tu ? Je vais bien Claudia, comment vas-tu ? Quelque chose d’excitant s’est passé dans votre vie récemment ? Eh bien, en fait, je... (Hello Mother, how are you? I'm well Claudia, how are you? Anything exciting happening in your life recently? Well actually I…)” A tired Claudia answered, who had just woken up by her phone ringing at four o clock in the morning as she lay wrapped in her heavy and warm duvet.
Whilst rambeling trying to get her mother to calm down, she pulled on the blinds, allowing the Mediterranean sun to creep through the windows. Only in the early mornings would the sun lay heavily on the flat as a building blocked it during the rest of the day.
“Arrête ça! (Stop that!)” Claudias mother roared at her daughters antics.
“J’ai juste pensé que ce serait bien de... (I just thought it would be nice to…)” Claudia started before getting cut off.
"Qui, sain d’esprit, retournerait dans cette équipe ? Et ce garçon quand même ? (Who in their right mind would go back to that team? And that boy nonetheless?)"
This was how most of their conversations went, neither would listen to the other and in the end they would just say goodbye without resolving it and never bring it up again or realise that the two of them had been saying exactly the same thing but with different words and therefore end the conversation.
"Maman, n’est-ce pas toi qui as dit que je devais saisir toutes les chances de revenir en F1 ? (Mum, wasn't it you that said I should take every chance to get back into F1?)" Claudia said groggily, as she ran a hand through her hair to take a look at the time before turning over and slowly start running her hand thorugh her dogs fur. Claudia had found her little puppy Red, named after her then team, out in the middle of the street right outside of her then flat.
"Eh bien, je ne m’attendais pas à ce que vous retourniez chez Ferrari, que vous alliez chez Williams et que vous remplaciez cet américain à la place ! Tu as déjà conduit pour eux, je suis sûr qu’ils aimeraient te revoir, (Well I didn't expect you to go back to Ferrari, go to Williams and replace that american instead! You've driven for them before, I'm sure they would love to have you back,)" Mrs Rozzi hissed through the phone, her voice almost giving up in the end since she didn't take a breather during her entire monolouge.
"Maman, je ne peux pas faire ça. Ferrari est bon, ils ont un nouveau directeur d’équipe qui semble savoir ce qu’il fait. C’est une excellente occasion de montrer que je suis toujours aussi bon et que je veux un siège pour la saison prochaine. Je devrai juste être cordial quand je le verrai, alors que Fred m’a promis que je n’aurais pas à le faire à moins que cela ne soit nécessaire. Et je peux le faire puisque je suis généreusement rémunéré. J’étais leur soi-disant dernier espoir, alors ils ne se sont pas vraiment retenus, (Mum, I can't do that. Ferrari is good, they have a new team principal who actually seems like he knows what he's doing. It's a great oppertunity to show that I'm still as good and want a seat for the next season. I'll just have to be cordial when I see him, whick Fred has promised I wont have to unless neccesairy. And I can do that since I'm being compensated generously. I was their so called last hope so they didn't really hold back,)" Claudia argued back whilst rubbing her face with the palm of her hand as Red climbed up on her bed and decidning to lay down on her mothers chest and curl up there.
"Regardez, c’est tôt le matin, nous sommes dans des fuseaux horaires différents et vous m’avez réveillé. Je dois être à Imola dans quelques heures, alors au revoir. Je te parlerai plus tard et je dirai à Seb que papa dit bonjour, (Look it's early in the morning, we're in different timezones and you woke me up. I have to be in Imola in a few hours so goodbye. I'll talk to you later and I'll tell Seb that dad says hello,)" Claudia cut off her mother for once before ending the call and throwing her phone down onto her bed and getting up with Red in her arms to get ready to drive the almost six hours drive to meet Seb an get everything ready for not only her first race since 2022 but also the running of Ratzbergers and Sennas cars.
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liked by scuderiaferrari, sebastianvettel, wbuxtonofficial and others
claudia97rozzi Buongiorno Imola. Ecco una giornata con me e il meraviglioso Seb. Abbiamo fatto un giro in città prima di scendere in pista e vedere le meravigliose auto che guideremo questo fine settimana. Sono onorato che mi sia stato chiesto di guidare la vettura di Ronald Ratzberger questo fine settimana al fianco di Sebastian ad Ayrton Sennas. Non vedo l'ora di vedervi tutti questa settimana, e ai tifosi: sono molto entusiasta di tornare a gareggiare per tutti voi questo fine settimana e spero in un buon risultato.
Qui abbiamo anche una foto molto bella di Seb che si infastidisce con me e con tutta la mia eccitazione questo fine settimana.
Forza Ferrari Sempre <3
see translation
Good morning Imola. Here's a day with me and the wonderful Seb. We took a ride around town beforeheading out on the track and seeing the wonderfulcars we'll be driving this weekend. I am honoured that I have been asked to drive Ronald Ratzberger's car this weekend alongside Sebastian in Ayrton Sennas. I can't wait to see you all this week, and to the tifosi: I'm very excited to be back racing for all ofyou this weekend and hopefully a good result. 
Here we also have a very nice photo of Seb getting annoyed with me and all my excitement thisweekend.
Forza Ferrari Sempre <3
user1 This will be more entertaining than the current F1 season
→ user2 seriously 😴🥱 → user3 👏👏👏
user5 Are you kidding me? OMG two of best drivers of all time, together. Love you seb, we miss u.
user6 My first time at an F1 race and i will see my favourite athlete of all time is quite a highlight🤩
user7 I've started crying already
→ user8 AHAH SAME
so does anyone have an idea of what dog Red is haha? I have no idea, please help
taglist: @xoscar03 @meadhbhcavanagh @ironmaiden1313
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MASTERLIST: Little Miss Engineer
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Summary: Elaine Newey is making headlines in the world of F1, becoming an important of Ferrari by becoming a race engineer and being they key to the puzzle of where her father Adrian will end up. What will happen when Charles Leclerc does his best to get her to push for Adrien Newey to Ferrari, any means neccersairy.
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Fem!Engineer!Oc (Elaine Newey)
Warning: Google translated languages, angst, genersl stupidirty, let me know if there's more.
Chap 1: Changes at Ferrari
Chap 2: Welcome To Miami
Chap 3: You Can't Park There Sir
Chap 4: Talks about Newey
Chap 5: Monaco Preperations
Taglist: @theseerbetweenus @milenag2008
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Hello, hello and welcome to my complete masterlist. Here you can find all of my works as I'll try my very best to keep this up to date. I hope you all enjoy my stories and yeah...
Currently writing for:
Charles Leclerc:
The Ex-Files Series: X
Little Miss Engineer Series: X
Max Verstappen:
Hidden in Plain Sight: X
Oscar Piastri:
Coming Soon
Dennis Hauger:
Coming soon
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Summary: Claudia Rozzi, Retired F1 driver and Charles Leclerc, current F1 driver for Ferrari had once upon a time a seemingly perfect and passionate relationship but in the middle of the ‘22 season Rozzi dropped off the face of the earth. What happens when the two are forced back into the vicinity of each other, can they forgive each other?
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Fem!Ex!Oc (Claudia Rozzi)
Warning: Google translated languages, online hate, angst, let me know if there's more.
Chap 1: Vettel & Rozzi in Imola
Chap 2: Imola Race Weekend, Part 1
Chap 3: Imola Race Weekend, Part 2
Chap 4: And Here Are Your Keyes Mademoiselle
Chap 5: Welcome To Monaco
Taglist: @xoscar03 @meadhbhcavanagh @ironmaiden1313
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