momsavvyus · 4 years
Feeling a little scratch in your throat? Sinus Pressure? Can’t afford to miss work?
No worries,  this tea recipe is guaranteed to make you feel better in just 3days!
This all natural remedy is great for your little ones and expectant moms also. Of course you always want to check with your doctor before consuming! :)
It was a cold gloomy day, a thunderstorm brought heavy rain overnight. I woke up feeling every bit of this day. I felt fine just the night before however when I woke up in the morning, I felt as if a sudden case of the flu had taken over me. As a single mom to a 6 year old who was battling her own case of the “stuffies” I was determined to kick this cold and get me and babygirl back to feeling 100% by Monday.
I didn’t want to leave the house for obvious reasons, I felt like crap and didn’t want to go out in the rain to grab meds. Running the risk of enhancing our symptoms just wasn’t worth it. Already an advocate for all things natural, I wasn’t too stressed about not having over the counter meds available. I’m an herbal tea connoisseur so I was sure I had something that would soothe my throat and cure our “stuffies”
Sleeping the day away was not an option, I needed energy to work from home, keep an eye on baby girl and get breakfast, lunch & dinner situated. You know typical mom shit. 
I ran to my tea cabinet and realized I had a box of Green Tea with Ginger, at that moment I literally felt like I hit the jackpot. Green tea naturally contains caffeine & ginger acts as an antioxidant, just what I needed. We were both congested and we only had two full days before Monday came around, so I needed to add a booster to break the congestion and get rid of any phlegm building up. I took a look at my spice cabinet and I could've sworn the Tumeric bottle jumped right out at me. I took that as a sign the universe was speaking to me.
I did some quick research on the healing properties of turmeric, and VOILA, I had found my booster. Turmeric is a very strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory When combined with ginger root and brewed in hot tea, this combination can help loosen mucus from clogged nasal passages and relax sinus pressure.
 These flavors can be a bit strong, so in order to balance them out  I added a tablespoon of Raw honey which heals digestive imbalances while stopping the growth of sore throat-causing Strep bacteria. These ingredients combined make for a quick and effective healing remedy. 
By Monday morning, my throat was healed and we were no longer congested! Trust me you will not regret giving this a try. You can find the ingredients at your local grocery store. Follow the steps below to begin your Journey & let me know how it works for you!
1 Green tea with Ginger Tea bag  (BIGELOW)
1 tsp Turmeric powder
1 tbsp Raw Honey
Lime (optional) adds a boost of vitamin C, it also helps break down and rid the body of mucus.
Bring water to a boil
Steep tea bag for 2mins (longer for more flavor)
Consume 8 ounces of tea  2-3 times per day for three days (morning & afternoon)  
At night swap green tea with a lavender/chamomile blend
*If you have concerns with your child drinking green tea due to caffeine content you can substitute with Chamomile or Lemongrass.
Not really a tea drinker? Try this method (good for people on the go or who work long hours)
Combine 1 tablespoon turmeric powder with 3.5 ounces raw honey (store it in an airtight jar.)
When needed, follow this three-day remedy: On day one, take ½ teaspoon every hour; on day two, take ½ teaspoon every two hours; on day three, take ½ teaspoon just three times.
To get rapid results it is always best to begin the remedy at the first sign of feeling ill. Once completed you will want to keep your immune system boosted by staying hydrated and taking a daily vitamin/supplement.
Hope you feel better!
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momsavvyus · 4 years
Mamba Mentality forever.
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Rest easy Mamba
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momsavvyus · 4 years
LA Legend!
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momsavvyus · 4 years
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momsavvyus · 4 years
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momsavvyus · 4 years
Welcome to Motherhood
But, what if you're not ready? You don't know if you'll be a good Mom.. Breathe! Everything will be OK.
Whether planned or by complete surprise, I'm more than sure you are wondering what to do next.
Focus on the basics right now doing so will set the tone for the next 9-10 months with minimal stress.
Step 1. Schedule an appointment with your Primary car physician.
They will confirm the pregnancy and advise you on choosing specialists to help monitor your pregnancy. Some family practice doctors provide prenatal care and attend deliveries.
How will they confirm? Most PCP will confirm via urine and/or blood. Me personally I'd prefer urine but the reality is that sometimes urine will not suffice, be prepared for blood work. Make sure you are hydrated, drink at least 16oz of water prior to your appointment. Trust me, you will be glad you did.
Step 2. Take a trip to your local Vitamin Shop or GNC and stock up on Prenatal Vitamins!
Prenatal care starts in the womb, keep your energy levels high by taking nutritional supplements to supply you and baby with essential minerals needed as you both develop.
Pros:Reduce the risk of a whole array of conditions, from the annoying to the harmful, including:
Leg and muscle cramps
Low immunity
Postpartum depression
Low appetite
Skin irritation
Brain fog
Cons: Honestly there aren't many cons vitamins are necessary however you may experience heightened pregnancy side effects such as
• Nausea. To avoid this, opt for a chew able vitamin vs a huge pill. If you don't mind taking pills try taking your prenatal vitamin with food (and never on an empty stomach). It also helps to take them at night, so you are asleep when the nausea would potentially kick in.
• Constipation. You have the iron content to thank for this.
• A change in urine color or odor. B vitamins, in particular, may be the contributing factor, though these are harmless changes.
Ritual-Essential Prenatal (vegan)
Natures Way- Alive
Honest CODHA Complete
Pink StorkTotal Prenatal Plus (vegetarian)
Step 3.Find an (OB-GYN) or a nurse-midwife.
Which is the best recommendation?
Such a difficult question to answer and so subjective.
But really the question is ‘what are you looking for in your doctor?’ since every OBGYN has their own approach. It is more like a matchmaking service when deciding who to choose. Research both to see which is best for you.
(Keep an eye out for a separate post going into further detail.)
Step 4. Get Business Savvy
Speak to your Insurance provider. These key questions will provide you with a better understanding of what to look forward to financially.
Does the policy cover prenatal care?
Do I need a referral to see a specialist/OBGYN from my primary care doctor? (more details in step 5)
Are labor/delivery costs included?
What are the co-pays, coinsurance, and deductible amounts?
Is prenatal testing covered (ultrasounds, amniocentesis, genetic tests)?
How long after delivery is my hospital stay covered?
Will I need pre-authorization to receive prenatal care?
What hospitals and doctor’s offices are within the preferred provider network?
Are non-traditional deliveries covered (midwife, home-birth, etc.)?
Are private rooms covered or will I have to share a room?
Step 5. Consider your health history.
If you suffer with any chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, epilepsy or a previous antenatal complication that might require special care then it is wise to try and see an OBGYN who has a special interest in caring for high-risk pregnancies.
Some doctors will have a special interest in IVF pregnancies and twin births which is a growing field as more women than ever are having their first baby after age 35 and often with the help of an IVF clinic to conceive.
Step 6. Select a hospital or birthing center.
Now that you have a better understanding of what your insurance covers
You can chose where to give birth whether it be in your home, at a hospital or at a birthing center.
Do your homework, know your options and create a birthing plan. Remember your baby will come when he or she is ready, they have a plan of their own. Learning to accept, adjust and advance will help you deal with the reality that plans are ever changing,
Your plan is simply a guide, you may experience road blocks, detours and at some point you may have to negate your original plan.
Obstacles are necessary most end up working out BEST case scenario. I say that to say, do not get discouraged! If your plan doesn't pan out exactly as you envisioned it. Remain open minded and prepared to adapt. This is where you begin to create your new balance. Everything will be just fine, you got this!
Step 7. Its all in your mind!
A happy, healthy baby is every mothers dream. Remaining stress free & in positive spirits is the key! A positive attitude starts with healthy mindset. Understand perfection does not exist however progression is what matters most.
Here's how you can stay in positive spirits:
Eating well: a balanced diet will benefit you and baby. ditch the junk food and opt for healthier options. There's an alternative for everything now a days so do not worry you can satisfy your cravings the healthy way.
Staying active: We all want to snap back to our pre-baby bodies, do not be afraid to work out during your pregnancy (unless advised otherwise by your doctor). You will be glad you did. Muscle memory is real and though you may not be able to see your toes at the moment remember it is only temporary.
Getting enough sleep: enjoy it while you can, because you will not get a full 8hours of sleep for at least the next 24 months. Do not feel guilty for taking that mid-day nap or sleeping in until 12pm you are creating life and beauty sleep is essential to maintaining that pregnancy glow.
Build your village: Its tough if you are the first friend in your group to become pregnant. Who will you talk Mom & Baby stuff with? Having support from friends and family is vital. If you lack in either department now is the time to be open to creating new Mom bonds. Check recommendations below.
Communicate with your Partner: Vocalize what you need from them during this time. You guys are entering this journey together and should provide support for one another. Make it a priority to attend appointments together.
Draw closer to your family & friends: Lean on them! Let them know you are entering a new phase of your life and will need as much support as you can get. Be open and inviting, allow your family & extended family to attend doctors appointments with you. Those you select will begin to bond with you your partner and baby on a more intimate level.
Take parenting classes: Enroll in prenatal yoga, and join meet up groups. You'll be surprised at the life long connections you'll make, not to mention you'll have a list of friends to confide in & eventually schedule play dates with. You can also invite friends and family to these classes/meet ups.
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