monimuasblog · 19 days
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monimuasblog · 2 months
I had a bit of a request. My sister told me her daughter (10 years old) really enjoys anime and manga. But she is not an anime fan so she asked me some suggestions.
I recommended Fairy Tail and Atelier Witch Hat and all and everything Ghibli.
Can you share suggestions? I mostly watch adult stuff that I don’t think are appropriate for a 10 year old (either violence, scary or sexy themes).
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monimuasblog · 2 months
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monimuasblog · 2 months
I just wanted to share this because it might help someone?
All my life I have felt that people are either my close friends or actively dislike me. No middle ground, love or hate. I have a strong personality after all and I’m not shy to voice my opinions.
I don’t post much in IG. And I hadn’t shared my pregnancy there. At all. And yesterday I posted some stories of my Baby Shower with my huge 8 months belly.
I was floored by the amount of people congratulating, saying I look so pretty. People from school, from summer camps, my ex’s sister. People who live in other continents. Who just felt like being nice to someone they haven’t spoke in years.
I felt very loved. And very liked. “These people don’t hate me, they care enough to send lovely messages”.
And I just want people to know. That I think everyone is like that. I think most people like you, most people have at least one good memory of you and feel happy to see you thrive. I don’t think there’s anyone in my school that I don’t feel happy for when I see them succeed.
Don’t be fooled by self doubt. Most people are good and like to see other people they know do good in life.
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monimuasblog · 2 months
Not a tail but a pillow
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monimuasblog · 2 months
I think many people, specially lurkers like me, either fully left tumblr or downplayed their time A LOT after the porn bots flooded in. I know I did. Navigating the tags is very uncomfortable now because you’ll see 3 porn bots and then a post of the tag you want. And this coincided with Yashahime.
The whole Seshomaru - Rin debate threw off me off a lot too (people of both sides were truly vicious, my god). But I don’t know if others were affected too.
The Great Inukag Drought of 2024.
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monimuasblog · 2 months
Patience is a skill
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monimuasblog · 2 months
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monimuasblog · 2 months
The cutest baby
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monimuasblog · 2 months
Puppy attack
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monimuasblog · 2 months
I mean. It is EXACLTY as you say. He isn’t intended to be a Messiah. He is intended to be a Male Revered Mother with all the Reverend Mother abilities + something extra.
They never cared for Fremen. They don’t even care about the Emperor or the Empire.
They care about something else… and well, they kinda have a point. Kinda. But that’s all Frank Herbert’s books + the pair his kid wrote with notes from his father + a couple of thousands of years occurring.
Based on the discussion on whether or not Paul is actually the Messiah for the Freemen and/or the Bene Gesserit, I would like to put forth the idea that the Kwisazt Haderach isn't necessarily a fated person but a higher state that can be obtained, through the specific combination of the right genetics and the right circumstances. It's an evolutionary step (albeit an engineered one). This is why the Reverend Mother mentioned in the first movie that they had other prospects at play if Paul were to fail his promise/potential. Their centuries of careful breeding was only one part of the process. The male candidate(s) would also have to go through certain circumstances and be tested, with surviving the Water of Life being the final and most important test/step. And since no man has ever been able to do so, the survivor would prove that he has "evolved" and has become what they for so long sought. So, it wasn't that Paul was necessarily the fated one but that everything around him and within him worked to make him become the Kwisazt Haderach.
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monimuasblog · 2 months
Where can I read "Kusuriya no Hitorigoto" Light Novel?
Since a lot of you have been asking this question lately, here is everything you need to know in brief...
What is a Web Novel (WN) and Light Novel (LN)?
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A WN is basically weekly chapters released by the main author on a weekly basis. You can find it on a lot of Japanese sites. Some amazing people also translate them on a regular basis and post those chapters. LN is a compilation of WN chapters. A number of Chapters from the WN are taken, translated, properly rewritten and edited to publish a final LN. It has a few illustrations as well like the one you can see below...
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Manga, Light Novel and Anime
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Basically, the LN is taken and illustrated by an artist and we call it a manga. And when the manga has reached a certain number of Chapters, and gained a lot of popularity, it is converted into an anime. So that's the flow of things. We have
WN -> LN -> Manga -> Anime
I think that clears up a lot of misunderstandings. Firstly, the WN is published on a weekly basis, some chapters from WN are taken and translated properly to make a LN. The LN is illustrated by an artist to make the manga and the manga is generally adapted to make the anime.
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In case of 'Kusuriya no Hitorigoto' or 'The Apothecary Diaries', the anime is doing a great job of adapting the overall story because not only are they properly animating every scene from the manga but also adding their own scenes from the LN.
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Where can I read WN, LN and Manga?
WNs are the hardest to find, since they are released on a weekly basis by the Japanese author. They are written in Japanese and a few fans translate them for everyone. You can find it here...
(They have translated chapters of vol 10, 11 and 12)
The LN has reached until vol 9 and vol 10 is scheduled to release in Jan 2024. Currently, there is no source where you can find it for free (not that I know of, because even I have purchased the e book from Amazon) though the first few pages are available to read for free! So you can check them out!
Where did the Anime, Manga left off?
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The Manga has reached ch 68. If you want to start reading the light novel from where the manga left off, you can start reading from vol 4, chapter 4.
The Anime has released ep 12 and it has covered manga material till ch 20, if you want to read manga after finishing the anime.
If you have any other questions regarding the LN, WN, Anime or Manga, feel free to ask!
~ Sunshine
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monimuasblog · 3 months
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monimuasblog · 3 months
I’m pregnant right now and I’m SO excited to relive with her all my favourite TV shows and movies and books. I want for her to grow a bit and try yoga with her.
My husband got her a few pokemon plushies to see which one she chooses as her starter pokemon.
I’m already planning (in my head) birthday parties for when she is still young and can’t choose about our favourite franchises.
We got a friend’s baby a Goku suit that’s adorable.
That said. I’m obsessed with all vacuum cleaners and talk about them with my friends 🤷🏽‍♀️
We most def keep our hobbies and add new ones 😁
advice i think we should tell children is that when adults say stuff like ‘now that i’m an adult i get really excited about stuff like coffee tables and bathrooms and rugs etc’ they don’t mean ‘and now i don’t care about blorbo and squimbus from my childhood tv shows anymore’ bc your average adult still loves all the same pop culture stuff they always did; they just have a greater appreciation for the mundane as well. growing up just means you can enjoy life twice as much now. you can get really excited about a new stuffed animal AND about a new kitchen sponge. peace and love
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monimuasblog · 3 months
Fun facts!
This is the TV. The flat TV. All flat TV to be specific. Every single one of them.
So basically, the thinguies that make your TV make sound need space to sound good and equalise properly music - sound effects - voices.
In old tube TVs. The big ones with the big box behind this space was available. So everything sounded good and there was balance in the sounds.
Flat TVs don’t have this space, because they are flat. So the thingies don’t work like they should.
If you can afford it, get a surround system, or any or even a regular speaker and connect it and it should be better.
Sorry for the bad English, I’m not a native speaker
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monimuasblog · 3 months
In my school, when you went from middle school to high school you HAD to switch from taking notes in pencil to taking notes in pens, except for maths (And teachers checked. Lol).
It felt like “i’m an adult 💫”
pens scared me as a kid. a pencil that you cant erase? thats fucked up shit to do to a kid man
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monimuasblog · 3 months
Hot take
Diminishing the atrocities committed by Hamas does not increase the atrocities committed by the IDF. Both things CAN be truth.
Hamas did killed over 1K in October. They did rape a lot of women. They did. There’s video evidence. They posted it themselves. They said it. Their commander said it himself. The victims say it too. They don’t deny it.
To say the didn’t and that they are good misunderstood people, just to increase the likeability of Palestinians is like saying that “well, if this things did happen and Hamas is horrible, then the thousands dead palestinian children indeed deserved to die because a bunch of Hamas idiots did something nasty”. And that’s not fair. That’s not ok.
The hostages have said that they weren’t treated right. They said it. They were kidnapped by the people who killed their families in front of them. Obviously they weren’t making friends with their kidnappers. They did suffer. It does suck. Don’t diminish it.
This doesn’t take away that what the IDF is doing is wrong and horrific. But when you say “Hamas are innocent people who never did anything wrong and Israel is the devil” well, you loose credibility in the face of most people with common sense, specially the people in command who just look at you like any other conspiracy theorist claiming “lizard people”.
IOF: Hamas rapes women
Hostages: They didn't harass the women, treated everyone fairly
Meanwhile IOF: *Releases pictures of naked Palestinian men*
Yeah the real sexual assaulter is IOF. Every accusation is a confession.
May zionists burn in hell forever.
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