moniston · 1 year
Netflix Shera was bad like really bad
so recently I revisited Shera and my view of the show got worse. from the pacing, the world-building, the characters and literally everything was either half-baked or just left a bunch of loose ends. the show's biggest letdown was the world-building, it was really underdeveloped. In the show, there are 8 princesses so there are 8 kingdoms right? And the show in the beginning mostly focuses on Adora building up the rebellion back up and meeting up with the other princesses so which means she and glimmer bow need to travel from kingdom to kingdom. so why did it feel like they would travel city from city, not the entire ass planet, in the middle of the show I forgot that Etheria was a PLANET, not just a country. the kingdoms themselves felt and were so empty and the castles also. so you're telling me none of these princesses had counselors, generals, other royal family members, etc?? we barely saw any civilians and glimmer castle didn't even have a jail and was even made as a joke during season 3 when shadow weaver was locked up. when mermista kingdom fell to hordak and was taken the show was so serious but all I could do is sit there and laugh in confusion and just how ridiculous. who first of all leaves their kingdom with no LEADERSHIP??? like was there no one telling these girls "Hey, you guys can't just leave we need a leader here" but the show completely slides over that. which all leads to a number of plot holes and loose ends in the story. how did none of the princesses build up their military??? like how did they fight off hordak for years with no weapons, military soldiers, etc?? you're telling me all these girls' kingdoms have no military, cities to handle, royal family members, or any advisors?? they don't even get the police force or some sort, it felt so unserious. The next thing is humans, bow is human and his parents are human and his dads mentioned university so does that mean there are other humans and universities too? we never got to meet another human besides Bow or ever hear of Bow "university" ever again, it felt like the creators only made that episode to show bows dads and just glossed off that info as always. The next thing that was my biggest pet peeve, was the first ones. Adora's past and the first ones but never went past actually showing a first one and what happened to them after, what happened to shera family and the current condition of their people. the show focused so much on adding trauma as reasoning to Catra's batshit actions instead of actually focusing on the plots they introduced. let's not forget we never found out why horde prime became a totalitarian space leader. did he just wake up one day and was "Hey, why don't I take over the entire GALAXY??" or wtv. also, how did 3 individuals help liberate and outdo most of Horde's prime rule on the planets?? it felt like just a rushed and cheap way to explain how the other planets were liberated after horde prime was defeated. That's the problem, the series felt rushed and the plots keep being added and left hanging and glossed over for character mental breakdowns and relationships. there are also other issues such as the animation but that's not much of a problem for me but is noticeable because of the lazy writing. I can give credit to its humor even if it cringes at times and characterization which later becomes a problem later on, especially for Catra whose so-called sorry scene was more like suicide for her and who literally gave up on living. the way the fandom talked about the show made you think shera was this mature and smart show that portrays mental illness and relationships in "realistic" ways... literally being so unserious.
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