monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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Intenta y falla, pero nunca falles en intentarlo 💪 Try and fail, but never fail to try 💪 #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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No nos limitamos, con esfuerzo y resultado podemos llegar a lo más alto 🐒 We do not limit ourselves, with effort and result we can reach the highest 🐒 #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
No importa lo que pase, pero lo que pase que sea contigo. 👣 It does not matter what happens, but whatever happens with you. 👣 #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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Nunca por encima de ti, nunca por debajo de ti, siempre a tu lado 💖 Never above you, never below you, always by your side 💖 #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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“Vivir es cambiar, y ser perfecto es haber cambiado con frecuencia" 💪 "To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed frequently" 💪 #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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¡QUE VIVA EL AMOR Y EL BUEN TIEMPO! 💘🌞 LONG LIVE LOVE AND GOOD TIME! 💘🌞 #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography . (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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Desayuno saludable y lleno de energía, para afrontar un fin de semana increíble 🍓 Healthy breakfast and full of energy, to face an incredible weekend 🍓 #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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Día de cumpleaños mas que insuperable. Tener que disfrazarme para superar pruebas y muchas muchas emociones. Un final inesperado y feliz con lo que tengo. ¡NO PUEDO SER MAS FELIZ! Birthday day more than insurmountable. Having to disguise myself to overcome tests and many many emotions. An unexpected and happy ending with what I have. I CAN NOT BE MORE HAPPY! #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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La disciplina es el puente entre las metas y los logros.👾 Discipline is the bridge between goals and achievements. 👾 #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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“El reto de mi vida no era otro que descubrir hasta donde podía llegar haciendo lo que me gustaba.” 👣 "The challenge of my life was to discover how far I could go by doing what I liked." 👣 #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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Extra de hierro 💪 Lentejas con verduras (cebolla, pimiento), un trozito de chorizo y morcilla de verduras Extra iron 💪 Lentils with vegetables (onion, pepper), a piece of chorizo and sausage of vegetables #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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Nunca seas esclavo de tu pasado, sino arquitecto de tu futuro 👣 Never be a slave to your past, but an architect of your future 👣 #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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"Algunas veces el camino correcto no es el más fácil" 🎈 "Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one" 🎈 (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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DESAYUNA COMO UN MONO 🐒 ▶️Fórmula 1 cookies & cream ▶️Yogur natural griego ▶️Frutos rojos ▶️Copos de avena ▶️ Cacahuetes ▶️Coco rallado ▶️Semillas de chía ▶️Canela EAT BREAKFAST LIKE A MONKEY 🐒 ▶️Formula 1 cookies & cream ▶️ ️Yogur natural Greek ▶️ ️Red red ▶️ Oatmeal items ▶️ ️Peanuts ▶️ ️Grated coconut ▶️ ️Chia Seeds ▶️ Cinnamon #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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"A veces te mataría, otras en cambio te quiero comer" 💥 "Sometimes I'll kill you, others I'll eat you instead" 💥 #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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Sabes que estás enamorado cuando no quieres dormir por la noche porque tu vida real supera tus sueños 🍭 You know you're in love when you do not want to sleep at night because your real life exceeds your dreams 🍭 #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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monkeysworkout-blog · 6 years
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Pregúntate si lo que estás haciendo hoy te acerca al lugar en el que quieres estar mañana 🍭 Ask yourself if what you are doing today brings you closer to the place you want to be tomorrow 🍭 #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #happy #tbt #cute #like4like #followme #follow #picoftheday #friends #art #girl #fun #nature #smile #style #food #family #fitness #gym #fit #workout #healthy #photography (en Monkey World)
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