monkiekidfan · 3 years
Arianna is a very hungry baby
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monkiekidfan · 3 years
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Arianna and her Ant Farm she loves bugs and this was a gift from her dads will probably redo her back story
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monkiekidfan · 4 years
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Can y’all learn to behave? Because existing as a Chinese person in this fandom is exhausting
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monkiekidfan · 4 years
Arianna Demon Bull Information 
Name: Arianna Demon Bull 
Age: 16
Personally: kind sweet out going loves making friends 
Parents:  MK (adoptive dad) Red Son (adoptive dad) DBK (grandpa) Princess Iron Fan (grandma) Wukong (grandpa) Macaque (grandpa)
Likes; her parents her grandparents Pigsy Mei Sandy Mo Mr.Tang Yin Jin (when he's nice to her) Syntax (they became friends)
Dislikes: Spider Queen White Bone Spirit Being Forgotten 
Side Info: has big floppy ears and a big long tail has a power her family calls her cuteness spell it's very strong makes people follow her like she's a queen or something can sniffle out rare things loves to learn draw and sing has yellow fur in the shape of a heart
so you guys can know he better
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monkiekidfan · 4 years
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a plushy i made of my oc i have one if Red Son too
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monkiekidfan · 4 years
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and here is Arianna protecting them from Spider Queen when they where babies this was my first drawing of Spider Queen I want to we draw her one day
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monkiekidfan · 4 years
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this is an old drawing of Arianna and Yin's kids Adrian and Adrianna they are horn demon demon bull hybrids and twins i will redraw them
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monkiekidfan · 4 years
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this is what happens when her winter fur gets wet it grows so she looks like a pom pom
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monkiekidfan · 4 years
part three with some Spicy Noodles
A Demon Bull and Her Two Fathers
*Red Son leaves the Flaming Foundry but he left alone no bull clones no inventions or anything he wasn't really going to kidnap Arianna he was just going to take her from the clone so he can spend time with her*
Red Son: why didn't MK just call me to watch our baby bull he did not  need to make a clone who dose not deserve to watch her,now to head to the park and take her from the clone *he walks to the park with the clone and Arianna are*
Clone MK: awww is baby hungry well i *was cut off as Red Son caused him to turn back into a pile of hair*
Arianna: mooooo "t-that not dada?"
Red Son: *picks her up* don't worry sweetie other dada is here and you and I will have a fun day we'll go to the store and get clothes and toys and treats them we'll go to the zoo and the aquarium and the amusement park then we'll visit grandma and grandpa and then head back home to papa
*Red Son took care of Arianna the whole day doing as said his parents knew he was dating MK and didn't really mind it as it was better than it was him and not Jin or Yin as they couldn't stand them after Arianna met DBK and Princess Iron Fan who fawned over her*
Demon Bull King: so this is our granddaughter 
Princess Iron Fan: she's very small but very cute 
Arianna: mooooo "no tickles stop" *giggles and laughs*
*after visiting them Red Son left and head to the noodle shop,he sat in MK's apartment above the noodle shop waiting for him to return*
Red Son: *rubs Arianna's head as she rest and smiled as MK walked in shocked to see Red there and with Arianna* hello my noodle boy
MK: *blushes a deep tomato red* R-Red when did you get here and h-how long have you been holding Arianna 
Red Son: all day my love *kisses him on the lips* I got rid of that clone so I can take care of our baby bull did you know she's very tiny i held her in the palm of my hand all day
MK: y-yes and next time no more surprise visits you gave me a heart attack 
Red Son: I'm sorry my noodle boy,you look tired
MK: i am I've been working all day and I've been worried about Arianna and you I wasn't sure how you'd react to Arianna and I was hoping it would be good like it is now
Red Son: yes well she's cute and our daughter come on let's rest
MK: yeah we should *yawns* I'm beat
*the two of them sleep on MK's bed with there new daughter sleeping between them with Red Son now around helping MK out things can only get better for them or so they think as someone was watching them someone who looked just like the Monkey King and he wasn't the last demon to know about her and won't be the only after her
????: *chuckles evily* enjoy her while you can kid because she will be mine and I will train her to kill you and Wukong *disappears to prepare his plan for now he left them alone but he will*
To Be Continued 
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monkiekidfan · 4 years
Hey dragon when's the next page i want to see how this ends like really its been a while sense you talked about this sorry not to be rude
The Prank
page 4 is here!
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monkiekidfan · 4 years
I ship my oc with Yin because they're cute together the ship name is in the title
A Sviler Bull Date
*it was nice warm night in China Yin The Sliver Demon was getting ready for his date with Arianna he was very nervous and his brother Jin making a joke about it wasn't helping*
Yin: shut up Jin your other helping 
Jin: oh please your just going to the movies it will be fine
Yin: how do you know that *gets ready to leave picking up the flower he got her*
Jin; I don't 
Yin; then shut up *leaves*
Jin: whatever 
*Yin heads to MK and Red Son's apartment*
Yin: *knocks on the door to MK and Red Son's apartment with flowers with a bow tie on*
MK: *opens the door* hi Yin
Yin; h-hello is Arianna  r-ready for our date to the movies
MK: yes Arianna your boyfriend is here
Arianna: dad! *walks up in a beautiful orange and red dress her ears tied back in a ponytail her tail wrapped around her waist like a belt* hey Yin
Yin: y-you look very lovely 
Arianna: thanks my grandma helped me
Yin; oh this is for you
Arianna: lavender my favorite how did you know 
Yin: I didn't I just got it because it matches your eyes
Arianna: *blushes* we should go before my dads start taking *sees a camera flash and her dad Red Son holding his phone* pictures….
Red Son: have a great time at them movies *hands Yin some money him and MK had on them* in case you want to take out to dinner after the movies 
Mk; yeah and don't stay out to late and stay safe
Arianna: dads! *her normal pink face now a deep red as she blushes in embarrassment she grabs Yin's hand and leaves* I'm so sorry about my dads
Yin: it's okay and maybe dinner after the movies isn't so bad
Arianna: yeah
*they head to the movies to see he new movie about the Monkey King smiling as they look in each others eyes*
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monkiekidfan · 4 years
This is how Arianna looks when her winter fur grows she gets very very fluffy
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monkiekidfan · 4 years
here's chapter two
The Challenges Of Caring For A Young Demon Bull
*MK started to learn just how hard it was to care for a baby demon bull at first it wasn't to much just feeding her cleaning her and giving her attention but as time went on he realized it wasn't easy Arianna would cry if she wasn't with him all the time she would scream at the top of her lungs when he would put her down and if that wasn't enough every time he left for work she would scream moo and cry he was about to give up when Sandy offered to help him*
Sandy: you just have to give her something that she can remember you by she maybe be a demon but she's just like a human baby and a baby animal they get upset when there parents leave them and she doesn't really trust anyone but you right now
MK: I guess you have a point but what do I give her i don't really have anything small enough for her to hold
Mei: hey why not make a copy if yourself that stays here while you go to work 
MK: Mei that's a great idea *he picks out some if his hair about to make the clone when Pigsy stopped him*
Pigsy: NO WAY! you remember what happened last time 
MK: Pigsy I can handle it now and do you really want to here crying and screaming and mooing all the time
Mr.Tang: *wasn't paying attention*
Pigsy: no
MK: I'll only have it watch her while I work then I'll get rid of it
Arianna: *napping next to MO*
Pigsy: fine but if this gets out if hand 
MK: it won't *he blows on the hair and makes a copy of himself that he tells to watch Arianna and keep her safe*
Clone MK: *holds Arianna* of course I'll keep the little cutie pottie safe she's so small and her ears are so big
*MK leaves to work thinking nothing will go wrong while the clone of him takes Arianna to the park not knowing something was watching them and contacted Princess Iron Fan DBK and Red Son*
Princess Iron Fan: a baby demon bull but they haven't been seen in centuries 
Demon Bull King and that little thief has it?! he doesn't deserve to care for a demon bull
Red Son: allow me to retrieve the child for you father
Demon Bull King: so be it
*Red Son leaves with a plan to take the child from the clone of MK knowing it will make his father proud*
To Be Continued
by the way the next chapter has a fake out but what it is I won't tell
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monkiekidfan · 4 years
here is the fist part of the fanfic sorry it was short I was not sure what to do
The Adopted Demon Bull
*MK walks up to his apartment after just finishing up work as he walks he trips over a basket and falls with thump*
MK: ow *sits up* ouch that hurt *looks sees the basket by his door confused about how and why it's there* ummm why is there a basket here how did it even get here *picks it up and looks inside* huh *inside was a tiny pink baby demon bull her big ears covering her face and half of her body and curled up into a tiny ball* awwww
Arianna: *yawns waking up look up at him as she lifted up her ear* mooo?
MK: hey there little one how did you get here? *looks around*,there isn't a note I guess someone left you for me to care for *picks her up from the basket and puts it down as he stands up and holds her in his arms* I'll take very good care of you Arianna *nuzzles her*,that's your name,I'll be a great dad and really how hard can this be? I can teach to be good and about the Monkey King and how cool and awesome he is and how cool and awesome I am,I mean I am your dad now 
*He walks into his apartment holding Arianna thinking how easy it will be to raise a baby demon bull but he'll soon learn it's not as easy as it looks*
To Be Continued 
Red Son and the others show up in chapter 2
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monkiekidfan · 4 years
This is my OC Arianna Demon she is the adopted daughter of MK and Red Son she's so small she can sleep in a shoe she has big floppy ears and a big long tail i have a fan fiction of how MK found her I also have different stories with the different LMK characters adopting her i will post the fanfics here as well as Wattpad i hope you guys like her I will show more drawings
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