monoskarakaxa · 9 years
Cass Phaedra: What’s wrong with my face? Jaune: Uh, you’re smiling.
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monoskarakaxa · 9 years
Cass Phaedra: It’s like you escaped from a Hallmark card or something. Lavender Virōdha: Is that a bad thing?
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monoskarakaxa · 9 years
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    Unbelievable. Her eyes narrowing, she released a huff before tucking the food back in its small package and shoving it through the bars by way of assent, holding it there impatiently and leveling him with a hard stare as she snapped, “Ask.”
Acts of Kindness
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monoskarakaxa · 9 years
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Birb for findmyownliberation, since you didn’t have an outfit set up I took a little artistic liberty, wanted to showcase her feathers (even tho i obviously dont know how to draw said feathers….)
And Grumpy face Livia for team-lpis-livia / libanomancy
It looks like they’re having a grumpy staring contest or something. I hope their designs are correct and they look alright!
These are from my 500 followering giveaway drawing this, details >> here <<
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monoskarakaxa · 9 years
Jaune: Wait a minute, kid. How old are you? Cass Phaedra: Fifteen. Jaune: Oh… oh, good, she’s fifteen.
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monoskarakaxa · 9 years
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    She blinked once more, before again her eyes narrowed. Was this guy for real?
        “...You’re a real piece of shit,” was her only eventual response when she finally huffed and started to open the small pack Lav had given her. It barely had anything in it—just about a third of her friend’s sandwich and two apple slices—but it was more than this guy deserved. Giving him a pointed glare, the girl made a show of taking an aggressive bite of the sandwich portion, and then a bite of one of the apple slices.
    “Satisfied?” she snapped once she’d swallowed. She may be angry but she wasn’t an animal—she wasn’t going to talk with her mouth full.
Acts of Kindness
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monoskarakaxa · 9 years
what do birds do 
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monoskarakaxa · 9 years
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        “Well, I don’t need you to believe that we’re friends, I need you to get up and take this food so I don’t have to have Lavender mad at me.” She blinked at the shoe bouncing off the door, before her eyes narrowed and her jaw clenched. “You are honestly so full of shit, you think I’m too rude to be friends with her like you’re some gem? At least I am trying to do what Lav wants, you don’t even have that going for you.”
Acts of Kindness
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monoskarakaxa · 9 years
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    One hand clenching at her side, Jade gritted her teeth in annoyance. She already didn’t want to be here and the fact that he was wasting her time like this was infuriating her. Asshole’s lucky I don’t have the keys to this cell.
        “What’s that supposed to mean? Like you know her so well? You live in a cell. Do you even realize that this is her food she’s asking me to bring you? I suppose surely you must, knowing her well enough to be certain I couldn’t possibly be one of her friends, you couldn’t have thought that she pulled this food out of nowhere and that she doesn’t sacrifice anything for you, right?”
    Why was this so maddening to her, anyways? “Look—I don’t want to be here any more than you want me to, but Lavender didn’t give up some of her lunch for some ungrateful enemy to wasting it.”
Acts of Kindness
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monoskarakaxa · 9 years
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    Every passing second she spent there had her more and more agitated, and after double- and triple-checking that the number above the cell door is the one Lavender had told her about, she let out an enraged huff, leaning closer to the bars to peer into the dimly lit cell, her eyes zeroing in on an unmoving form on the rickety cot off to the side of the cell.
        “Hey, asshole, you still alive in there or do I have to go tell Lavender that I couldn’t get this stupid food to her pet prisoner? I can see you, you know.”
Acts of Kindness
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monoskarakaxa · 9 years
Acts of Kindness
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    The fact that she was doing this at all was ridiculous. The fact that she had to duck around corners and check to be sure that the hallways along Lavender’s directions were empty in her own home was ridiculous. How did I let her talk me into this?
    But the how didn’t matter, only that for some reason she’d agreed, and here she was with a small package in her hands, making sure no one asked her what she was doing lurking around the cells as she came to a stop in front of the barred door labeled with the number Lavender had told her about. With a last, paranoid glance over her shoulder—there were no words for how much she didn’t want to be here, but being seen here was worse—she kicked lightly at the bars of the door, causing it to rattle slightly.
        “Jaune?” Her lowered voice was harsh, curt, and above all, annoyed.
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monoskarakaxa · 9 years
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monoskarakaxa · 9 years
Okay, focus up, you little monsters! Not you, Cass. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Blake Belladonna to the White Fang and Cass Phaedra, probably
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monoskarakaxa · 9 years
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beastly thing
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monoskarakaxa · 9 years
having original characters is incredible because you make up these people and give them lives and motivation and personalities and then you can smash them together in romances or kill them and no one can stop you, fucking nobody
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monoskarakaxa · 10 years
A summary of the rwbyvenger OCs, to my understanding:
Jade: has no chill (can also be applied to Ryden) Ryden: I’ll kick anyone’s ass. I’ll kick your ass. I’ll kick your dog’s ass. I’ll kick my own ass. (can also be applied to Jade) Cass: the angriest of angry birbs Lavender: Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure
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monoskarakaxa · 10 years
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    Cass sat back in her seat with a start, eyes widening a little at her friend's outburst. Of course, she was a bit too proud and stubborn to let her friend's words have a lasting effect on her, and as soon as the shock wore off her expression stiffened again. "Well, sure, there might not be anything wrong with it, but I still don't snore. You're making that up."
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   ”There’s nothing wrong with snoring!!” Lavender cried out with anxiety, her palms slamming down on whatever surface Cass had just been resting on. “Snoring is perfectly normal, and you you shouldn’t be ashamed of it!”
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