monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
Boyfagdyke / Boydykefag
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Boyfagdyke / Boydykefag: A gender related to being both a boy and a fagdyke / dykefag, a boyfagdyke / boydykefag. Can also be called Manfagdyke / Mandykefag, Malefagdyke / Maledykefag, etc.
Alternatively can refer to someone who is both Boyfag and Boydyke at the same time, fluid between the two, etc.
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[ID] A flag with 7 horizontal stripes, the middle stripe is twice as thick as the rest. On the left and right sides of the flag there's a trio of chevrons, the smallest being the same color as the middle stripe, the second being the same color as the second and sixth stripes, the largest being the same color as in blends into the third and fifth stripes. On the top and bottoms there's circular thorn-like protrusions facing the middle of the flag, on the left and right and also mirrored horizontally. The space within the thorns blends into the second chevrons, the thorns themselves blend into the top and bottom stripes. There's a small diamond/square shape that's the same color as the middle stripe in the middle of the flag, forming an irregular octagon. The colors from top to bottom are: pastel pale turquoise, pastel bermuda teal, cornflower blue, warm blue, cornflower blue, pastel bermuda teal, pastel pale turquoise. [/End ID]
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
Girlfagdyke / Girldykefag
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Girlfagdyke / Girldykefag: A gender related to being both a girl and a fagdyke / dykefag, a girlfagdyke / girldykefag. Can also be called Womanfagdyke / Womandykefag, Femalefagdyke / Femaledykefag, etc.
Alternatively can refer to someone who is both Girlfag and Girldyke at the same time, fluid between the two, etc.
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[ID] A flag with 7 horizontal stripes, the middle stripe is twice as thick as the rest. On the left and right sides of the flag there's a trio of chevrons, the smallest being the same color as the middle stripe, the second being the same color as the second and sixth stripes, the largest being the same color as in blends into the third and fifth stripes. On the top and bottoms there's circular thorn-like protrusions facing the middle of the flag, on the left and right and also mirrored horizontally. The space within the thorns blends into the second chevrons, the thorns themselves blend into the top and bottom stripes. There's a small diamond/square shape that's the same color as the middle stripe in the middle of the flag, forming an irregular octagon. The colors from top to bottom are: pale bubblegum pink, pastel candy pink, pastel orchid purple-pink, purple flower, pastel orchid purple-pink, pastel candy pink, pale bubblegum pink. [/End ID]
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
Enbyfagdyke / Enbydykefag
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Enbyfagdyke / Enbydykefag: A gender related to being both an enby and a fagdyke / dykefag, an enbyfagdyke / enbydykefag. Can also be called Enbanfagdyke / Enbandykefag, Nonbinaryfagdyke / Nonbinarydykefag, etc.
Alternatively can refer to someone who is both Enbyfag and Enbydyke at the same time, fluid between the two, etc.
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[ID] A flag with 7 horizontal stripes, the middle stripe is twice as thick as the rest. On the left and right sides of the flag there's a trio of chevrons, the smallest being the same color as the middle stripe, the second being the same color as the second and sixth stripes, the largest being the same color as in blends into the third and fifth stripes. On the top and bottoms there's circular thorn-like protrusions facing the middle of the flag, on the left and right and also mirrored horizontally. The space within the thorns blends into the second chevrons, the thorns themselves blend into the top and bottom stripes. There's a small diamond/square shape that's the same color as the middle stripe in the middle of the flag, forming an irregular octagon. The colors from top to bottom are: pastel blond yellow, pastel sand yellow, pastel tumbleweed orange, pastel red, pastel tumbleweed orange, pastel sand yellow, pastel blond yellow. [/End ID]
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
Femfagdyke / Femdykefag
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Femfagdyke / Femdykefag: A gender related to being both feminine/FIN and a fagdyke / dykefag, a femfagdyke / femdykefag. Can also be called Femininefagdyke / Femininedykefag, FINfagdyke / FINdykefag, etc.
Alternatively can refer to someone who is both Femfag and Femdyke at the same time, fluid between the two, etc.
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[ID] A flag with 7 horizontal stripes, the middle stripe is twice as thick as the rest. On the left and right sides of the flag there's a trio of chevrons, the smallest being the same color as the middle stripe, the second being the same color as the second and sixth stripes, the largest being the same color as in blends into the third and fifth stripes. On the top and bottoms there's circular thorn-like protrusions facing the middle of the flag, on the left and right and also mirrored horizontally. The space within the thorns blends into the second chevrons, the thorns themselves blend into the top and bottom stripes. There's a small diamond/square shape that's the same color as the middle stripe in the middle of the flag, forming an irregular octagon. The colors from top to bottom are: pastel powder pink, thulian pink, rouge magenta-red, wine berry magenta-red, rouge magenta-red, thulian pink, pastel powder pink. [/End ID]
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
Neufagdyke / Neudykefag
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Neufagdyke / Neudykefag: A gender related to being both neutral/NIN and a fagdyke / dykefag, a neufagdyke / neudykefag. Can also be called Neutralfagdyke / Neutraldykefag, NINfagdyke / NINdykefag, etc.
Alternatively can refer to someone who is both Neufag and Neudyke at the same time, fluid between the two, etc.
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[ID] A flag with 7 horizontal stripes, the middle stripe is twice as thick as the rest. On the left and right sides of the flag there's a trio of chevrons, the smallest being the same color as the middle stripe, the second being the same color as the second and sixth stripes, the largest being the same color as in blends into the third and fifth stripes. On the top and bottoms there's circular thorn-like protrusions facing the middle of the flag, on the left and right and also mirrored horizontally. The space within the thorns blends into the second chevrons, the thorns themselves blend into the top and bottom stripes. There's a small diamond/square shape that's the same color as the middle stripe in the middle of the flag, forming an irregular octagon. The colors from top to bottom are: pastel peach yellow, brown sugar, leather orange-yellow, otter brown, leather orange-yellow, brown sugar, pastel peach yellow. [/End ID]
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
Mascfagdyke / Mascdykefag
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Mascfagdyke / Mascdykefag: A gender related to being both masculine/MIN and a fagdyke / dykefag, a mascfagdyke / mascdykefag. Can also be called Masculinefagdyke / Masculinedykefag, MINfagdyke / MINdykefag, etc.
Alternatively can refer to someone who is both Mascfag and Mascdyke at the same time, fluid between the two, etc.
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[ID] A flag with 7 horizontal stripes, the middle stripe is twice as thick as the rest. On the left and right sides of the flag there's a trio of chevrons, the smallest being the same color as the middle stripe, the second being the same color as the second and sixth stripes, the largest being the same color as in blends into the third and fifth stripes. On the top and bottoms there's circular thorn-like protrusions facing the middle of the flag, on the left and right and also mirrored horizontally. The space within the thorns blends into the second chevrons, the thorns themselves blend into the top and bottom stripes. There's a small diamond/square shape that's the same color as the middle stripe in the middle of the flag, forming an irregular octagon. The colors from top to bottom are: pastel light blue, dark pastel blue, muted blue, nile blue, muted blue, dark pastel blue, pastel light blue. [/End ID]
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
Planing to coin:
Freak genders: Asti, Salticidae, Hunter
Dyke, Fag, Fagdyke/Dykefag genders: Salticidae, Hunter, Snow, Frost, Blizzard, Space, Void, Eldritch, Lesboy, Turigirl, Bi, Pan, Ply, Omni, Sun, Moon, Jester, Clown, King, Queen, Ruler, Royal, Biohazard, Prophet, Harbringer, Prince, Princess, Cannibal, Cat, Pup, Queer, Ace, Aro, Apl, Abro, Plural, Autism, ADHD, Soda, Aspec, Mspec, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple, Pink, Brown, White, Gray, Black, Rainbow, Rain, Crystal, Raven, Crow, Xip, Hex, Asti, Xen, Keno, Dia, Boygirl, Enboy, Girlby, Xenby, Xenoboy, Xenogirl, Xenboy, Xengirl, Holy, Unholy, God, Goddess, Deity, Goddex, Angel, Devil, Demon, Corrupt, Pure, Ocean, Sea, Pond, Stream, Transbian, Transdian, STPD, AVPD, ASPD, NPD, Demiboy, Demigirl, Demienby, Demihex, Demiasti, GFFS combo genders, GFFS flux, Neptunic, Saturnic, Uranic, Sapphic, Lesbian, Faunic, Trixic, Vincian, Veldian, Floric, Enbian, Cenelian, Toric, Tiric, Diamoric, Achillean, Julietian, Romeric, Lunian, Solian, Stellian
Below the cut are things that have already been completed.
Dyke, Fag genders: Boy, Girl, Enby, Masc, Fem, Neu
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
-fagdyke / -dykefag suffix
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Here's the flag template for the -fagdyke/-dykefag gender system. Following the same format as my -fag and -dyke gender system, don't have a "main" flag for it nor a unique name. This was made to be in the same vein as -freak, -teacher, -thing, etc genders.
In this gender system the suffix "order" can be switched, hence why it's both the fagdyke and dykefag gender system. So a gender under this system relating to angels for example, would have two names aka Angelfagdyke and Angeldykefag. It just depends on how one wishes to order it.
This gender system could also include genders one feels is a combination of a -fag and -dyke gender, such as being BOTH Angeldyke and Angelfag, and using Angeldykefag because of that.
@begendered-mogai tagging you again because i'm scheming /lh
Edit: Thanks to @king-mogai for helping me out with the flag ID. /gen (Mostly the just based on what it provided, I just re-ordered stuff around and added some more details. Thanks again to him for giving me an idea on how to describe this flag.)
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[ID] The -fagdyke/-dykefag flag has 7 horizontal stripes, the middle stripe is twice as thick as the rest. On the left and right sides of the flag there's a trio of chevrons, the smallest being the same color as the middle stripe, the second being the same color as the second and sixth stripes, the largest being the same color as in blends into the third and fifth stripes. On the top and bottoms there's circular thorn-like protrusions facing the middle of the flag, on the left and right and also mirrored horizontally. The space within the thorns blends into the second chevrons, the thorns themselves blend into the top and bottom stripes. There's a small diamond/square shape that's the same color as the middle stripe in the middle of the flag, forming an irregular octagon. The colors are all various shades of gray, with the top and bottom stripes being white. [End ID]
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
Masc, Fem, Neu (-dyke)
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Mascdyke (left) | Femdyke (middle) | Neudyke (right)
Mascdyke: A gender related to being both masculine/MIN and a dyke, a mascdyke. Can also be called Masculinedyke, MINdyke, etc.
Femdyke: A gender related to being both feminine/FIN and a dyke, a femdyke. Can also be called Femininedyke, FINdyke, etc.
Neudyke: A gender related to being both neutral/NIN and a dyke, a neudyke. Can also be called Neutraldyke, NINdyke, etc.
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[ID] Three flags with 9 horizontal stripes, the middle stripe is spikey being connected diamond-shapes. On the left and right of the flag there's two triangles, the larger triangle is the same color as the third and seventh stripes, and is behind both the top and bottom stripes, and the middle stripe. The smaller triangle is the same color as the second and eighth stripes, the very tip of it is overlayed over the middle stripe. The colors of the mascdyke flag top to bottom are: dark pastel blue, nile blue, muted blue, dark pastel blue, pastel light blue, dark pastel blue, muted blue, nile blue, dark pastel blue. The colors of the femdyke flag top to bottom are: thulian pink, wine berry magenta-red, rouge magenta-red, thulian pink, pastel powder pink, thulian pink, rouge magenta-red, wine berry magenta-red, thulian pink. The colors of the neudyke flag top to bottom are: brown sugar, otter brown, leather orange-yellow, brown sugar, pastel peach yellow, brown sugar, leather orange-yellow, otter brown, brown sugar. [/End ID]
[ID] A DNI (do not interact) banner with a very faded galaxy background. On the left of the banner there’s a flag as with a rounded side, the circle inside it showing an image of a forest on fire, the flag being the Queer flag with nine stripes. The rest of the image is filled with white text that reads: “DNI (Do Not Interact). Against Good Faith Self Identification Or “Contradictory” Identities, Transmed, Sysmed, Group Arospec under Acespec, Anti-Educated Self-Dx, Call Mspec identities “Bispec”, Anti-Alterhuman, Anti-Otherkin, Anti-Chronosian, Against the term Transandromisia (or similar terms), Anti Aldernic, Anti-Altersex, Pro-Contact harmful paras, TransID,  Anti-Anti, Proship, “Consang”, Anti-SFW Agere, Demonize Cluster B disorders, Anti-BLM, Anti-ACAB” [/End ID]
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
Masc, Fem, Neu (-fag)
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Mascfag (left) | Femfag (middle) | Neufag (right)
Mascfag: A gender related to being both masculine/MIN and a fag(got), a mascfag. Can also be called Masculinefag, MINfag, etc.
Femfag: A gender related to being both feminine/FIN and a fag(got), a finfag. Can also be called Femininefag, FINfag, etc.
Neufag: A gender related to being both neutral/NIN and a fag(got), a neufag. Can also be called Neutralfag, NINfag, etc.
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[ID] Three flags with 7 horizontal stripes, the middle stripe is wavy. On the edges of the flag on the top right and bottom left, and vaguely in the middle on both the bottom and top, there are circular thorn-like protrusions facing towards the middle of the flag where the stripe bows away from the respective sides. The thorns are the same color as the top and bottom stripes, and inside them is completely the color as the third and fifth stripes. The colors of the mascfag flag top to bottom are: nile blue, muted blue, dark pastel blue, pastel light blue, dark pastel blue, muted blue, nile blue. The colors of the femfag flag top to bottom are: wine berry magenta-red, rouge magenta-red, thulian pink, pastel powder pink, thulian pink, rouge magenta-red, wine berry magenta-red. The colors of the neufag flag top to bottom are: otter brown, leather orange-yellow, brown sugar, pastel peach yellow, brown sugar, leather orange-yellow, otter brown. [/End ID]
[ID] A DNI (do not interact) banner with a very faded galaxy background. On the left of the banner there’s a flag as with a rounded side, the circle inside it showing an image of a forest on fire, the flag being the Queer flag with nine stripes. The rest of the image is filled with white text that reads: “DNI (Do Not Interact). Against Good Faith Self Identification Or “Contradictory” Identities, Transmed, Sysmed, Group Arospec under Acespec, Anti-Educated Self-Dx, Call Mspec identities “Bispec”, Anti-Alterhuman, Anti-Otherkin, Anti-Chronosian, Against the term Transandromisia (or similar terms), Anti Aldernic, Anti-Altersex, Pro-Contact harmful paras, TransID,  Anti-Anti, Proship, “Consang”, Anti-SFW Agere, Demonize Cluster B disorders, Anti-BLM, Anti-ACAB” [/End ID]
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
Boy, Girl, Enby (-fag)
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Boyfag (left) | Girlfag (middle) | Enbyfag (right)
Boyfag: A gender related to being both a boy and a fag(got), a boyfag. Can also be called Manfag, Malefag, etc.
Girlfag: A gender related to being both a girl and a fag(got), a girlfag. Can also be called Womanfag, Femalefag, etc.
Enbyfag: A gender related to being both an enby and a fag(got), an enbyfag. Can also be called Enbanfag, Nonbinaryfag, etc.
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[ID] Three flags with 7 horizontal stripes, the middle stripe is wavy. On the edges of the flag on the top right and bottom left, and vaguely in the middle on both the bottom and top, there are circular thorn-like protrusions facing towards the middle of the flag where the stripe bows away from the respective sides. The thorns are the same color as the top and bottom stripes, and inside them is completely the color as the third and fifth stripes. The colors of the boyfag flag top to bottom are: warm blue, cornflower blue, pastel bermuda teal, pastel pale turquoise, pastel bermuda teal, cornflower blue, warm blue. The colors of the girlfag flag top to bottom are: purple flower, pastel orchid purple-pink, pastel candy pink, pale bubblegum pink, pastel candy pink, pastel orchid purple-pink, purple flower. The colors of the enbyfag flag top to bottom are: pastel red, pastel tumbleweed orange, pastel sand yellow, pastel blond yellow, pastel sand yellow, pastel tumbleweed orange, pastel red. [/End ID]
[ID] A DNI (do not interact) banner with a very faded galaxy background. On the left of the banner there’s a flag as with a rounded side, the circle inside it showing an image of a forest on fire, the flag being the Queer flag with nine stripes. The rest of the image is filled with white text that reads: “DNI (Do Not Interact). Against Good Faith Self Identification Or “Contradictory” Identities, Transmed, Sysmed, Group Arospec under Acespec, Anti-Educated Self-Dx, Call Mspec identities “Bispec”, Anti-Alterhuman, Anti-Otherkin, Anti-Chronosian, Against the term Transandromisia (or similar terms), Anti Aldernic, Anti-Altersex, Pro-Contact harmful paras, TransID,  Anti-Anti, Proship, “Consang”, Anti-SFW Agere, Demonize Cluster B disorders, Anti-BLM, Anti-ACAB” [/End ID]
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
Boy, Girl, Enby (-dyke)
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Boydyke (left) | Girldyke (middle) | Enbydyke (right)
Boydyke: A gender related to being both a boy and a dyke, a boydyke. Can also be called Mandyke, Maledyke, etc.
Girldyke: A gender related to being both a girl and a dyke, a girldyke. Can also be called Womandyke, Femaledyke, etc.
Enbydyke: A gender related to being both an enby and a dyke, an enbydyke. Can also be called Enbandyke, Nonbinarydyke, etc.
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[ID] Three flags with 9 horizontal stripes, the middle stripe is spikey being connected diamond-shapes. On the left and right of the flag there's two triangles, the larger triangle is the same color as the third and seventh stripes, and is behind both the top and bottom stripes, and the middle stripe. The smaller triangle is the same color as the second and eighth stripes, the very tip of it is overlayed over the middle stripe. The colors of the boydyke flag top to bottom are: pastel bermuda blue, warm blue, cornflower blue, pastel bermuda teal, pastel pale turquoise, pastel bermuda teal, cornflower blue, warm blue, pastel bermuda blue. The colors of the girldyke flag top to bottom are: pastel candy pink, purple flower, pastel orchid purple-pink, pastel candy pink, pale bubblegum pink, pastel candy pink, pastel orchid purple-pink, purple flower, pastel candy pink. The colors of the enbydyke flag top to bottom are: pastel sand yellow, pastel red, pastel tumbleweed orange, pastel sand yellow, pastel blond yellow, pastel sand yellow, pastel tumbleweed orange, pastel red, pastel sand yellow. [/End ID]
[ID] A DNI (do not interact) banner with a very faded galaxy background. On the left of the banner there’s a flag as with a rounded side, the circle inside it showing an image of a forest on fire, the flag being the Queer flag with nine stripes. The rest of the image is filled with white text that reads: “DNI (Do Not Interact). Against Good Faith Self Identification Or “Contradictory” Identities, Transmed, Sysmed, Group Arospec under Acespec, Anti-Educated Self-Dx, Call Mspec identities “Bispec”, Anti-Alterhuman, Anti-Otherkin, Anti-Chronosian, Against the term Transandromisia (or similar terms), Anti Aldernic, Anti-Altersex, Pro-Contact harmful paras, TransID,  Anti-Anti, Proship, “Consang”, Anti-SFW Agere, Demonize Cluster B disorders, Anti-BLM, Anti-ACAB” [/End ID]
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
-fag & -dyke suffix
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-fag template (left) || -dyke template (right)
Been meaning to make these but here's the flags for the -fag and -dyke gender systems. These were made to be in the same vein as -freak, -teacher, -thing, etc genders. No catch all term for the gender system though as I can't really think of one, plus genderfag/faggender and genderdyke/dykegender already kinda exist.
I may make a -fagdyke template if I can think of any way of mashing these two flags together. My mindset created these flags was basically using wavy and round shapes for the -fag flag, and sharp shapes for the -dyke flag. I didn't really have any idea on what to do for the -fag flag but I ended up with that, and that is cool as shit, so I'm going with it.
@begendered-mogai tagging you because you had seemed interested when I mentioned coining this :)
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[ID] The -fag flag has 7 horizontal stripes, the middle stripe is wavy. On the edges of the flag on the top right and bottom left, and vaguely in the middle on both the bottom and top, there are circular thorn-like protrusions facing towards the middle of the flag where the stripe bows away from the respective sides. The thorns are the same color as the top and bottom stripes, and inside them is completely the color as the third and fifth stripes. The colors of the flag shades of gray, with the middle stripe being white. [/End ID] [ID] The -dyke flag has 9 horizontal stripes, the middle stripe is spikey being connected diamond-shapes. On the left and right of the flag there's two triangles, the larger triangle is the same color as the third and seventh stripes, and is behind both the top and bottom stripes, and the middle stripe. The smaller triangle is the same color as the second and eighth stripes, the very tip of it is overlayed over the middle stripe. The colors of the flag are shades of gray, with the middle stripe being white. [/End ID]
[ID] A DNI (do not interact) banner with a very faded galaxy background. On the left of the banner there’s a flag as with a rounded side, the circle inside it showing an image of a forest on fire, the flag being the Queer flag with nine stripes. The rest of the image is filled with white text that reads: “DNI (Do Not Interact). Against Good Faith Self Identification Or “Contradictory” Identities, Transmed, Sysmed, Group Arospec under Acespec, Anti-Educated Self-Dx, Call Mspec identities “Bispec”, Anti-Alterhuman, Anti-Otherkin, Anti-Chronosian, Against the term Transandromisia (or similar terms), Anti Aldernic, Anti-Altersex, Pro-Contact harmful paras, TransID,  Anti-Anti, Proship, “Consang”, Anti-SFW Agere, Demonize Cluster B disorders, Anti-BLM, Anti-ACAB” [/End ID]
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
Fagdyke flags
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Style 1 (left) || Style 2 (right)
Anyways I couldn't find any fagdyke flags I liked, so I made two versions of my own. Feel free to use if you feel you're both a fag(got) and a dyke.
Suppose if you want certain names for these flags, you could call style 1 the aster fagdyke flag, or the carrot fagdyke flag. Style 2 you could call the forest fagdyke flag, or the moss fagdyke flag.
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[ID] Two flags with equal sized horizontal style, style 1 has 9 stripes and style 2 has 7. From top to bottom the colors on style 1 are: aubergine red, old brick red, terracotta orange, pastel chardonnay yellow, blue-tinted white, pastel light fuchsia pink, cerise pink, violet eggplant purple, eggplant purple. The colors from top to bottom are style 2 are: metallic copper brown, terracotta orange-brown, pastel tumbleweed brown, white, pastel green thumb, green peas, camo green. [/End ID]
[ID] A DNI (do not interact) banner with a very faded galaxy background. On the left of the banner there’s a flag as with a rounded side, the circle inside it showing an image of a forest on fire, the flag being the Queer flag with nine stripes. The rest of the image is filled with white text that reads: “DNI (Do Not Interact). Against Good Faith Self Identification Or “Contradictory” Identities, Transmed, Sysmed, Group Arospec under Acespec, Anti-Educated Self-Dx, Call Mspec identities “Bispec”, Anti-Alterhuman, Anti-Otherkin, Anti-Chronosian, Against the term Transandromisia (or similar terms), Anti Aldernic, Anti-Altersex, Pro-Contact harmful paras, TransID,  Anti-Anti, Proship, “Consang”, Anti-SFW Agere, Demonize Cluster B disorders, Anti-BLM, Anti-ACAB” [/End ID]
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
temporary pinned and blog info
All of my blogs are below.
@sir-eldritch = Main Coining Blog
@mister-eldritch = Adult (18+) Coining Blog
@monsieur-eldritch = Triggering Content Coining Blog (You are here)
@tucuteboything = Discourse/Vent blog (If you genuinely want to talk with me about something triggering or discourse related, please do so there)
So important context for this blog. It's primarily a place for me to coin certain terms in peace without worrying too much about tagging and possibly being shadow-banned on my main coining blog. That being said, this blog will contain slurs and other sensitive language under a general tagging system, where non-coining posts will likely not contain content warnings. (That includes personal posts I make here, along with any asks.)
I will highly likely only coin terms here from slurs I personally reclaim, however I may reblog other terms here that contain various slurs and terms I do not. Feel free to tag me in such posts if you want me to boost them.
For general reasons when it comes to posts on this blog, I'm gonna keep the flag ID itself below the DNI banner just due to how long they are. The DNI ID will be moved into alt text like I normally do now.
The way I tag things on this blog will follow these kinds of formats, using the word "peach" as example.
peach, peach reclaimed, -peach (if a gender suffix).
Due to the nature of this blog, I'll be posting these terms in tags like "mogai safe" and "liom safe" when the post itself is entirely based on a flag for a slur or something. Genders that are based on sensitive language will be tagged as usual.
If you're looking for what I plan on coining in these gender systems, you'll find it in the tag "#to do list"
The words I reclaim are below, this may change over time and I may add or remove certain language here and there. If you don't wish to read these, don't open the keep reading. If you have any terms you wouldn't wish to see, I recommend blocking those tags based on the examples I gave earlier before interacting.
The slurs and other sensitive language I personally reclaim include: fag, faggot, dyke, fruit, freak, insane, fagdyke.
Words and such that I identify as occasionally, periodically, under certain situations, fluidly, etc: tranny, trap, pansy, femboy, tomgirl.
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monsieur-eldritch · 1 year
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ID: Two flags, each with seven stripes, where the fourth stripe is wider than the rest. The order of the stripes on both flags is black, white, gray, black, gray, white, and black. The first flag has a white wavy horizontal line on the fourth stripe, and the second flag is stylized so that the stripes look like they're dripping. END ID
-loser and -freak
Gender suffixes, like -creature, -thing, -being, or -bitch!!
-loser: denotes a gender where one is/feels like a loser, or where one feels that their gender is simply "loser." does not necessarily have a negative connotation!
-freak: denotes a gender where one is/feels like a freak, or where on feels that their gender is simply "freak." does not necessarily have a negative connotation!
tagging @neopronouns @saintgut-free and @wainwrightjakobshammerlock since yall expressed interest dhdjgbdfj hope thats alr!
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