moomoof · 11 months
It's time for Radio Dead Air: IT'S OUR 23RD ANNIVERSARY SHOW!
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moomoof · 1 year
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Everyone needs a picture of J. G. Hertzler (Martok) holding a gay bat'leth on their dash
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moomoof · 1 year
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moomoof · 1 year
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moomoof · 1 year
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moomoof · 2 years
Looking for many of my dearest friends, most of whom exist entirely in my head
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moomoof · 5 years
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Strawberry Shortcake Cheesecake Bottom crust:
22 Golden Oreos Crushed
5 Tbsp Melted butter Filling
4 8oz packages cream cheese
1 2/3 cups sugar
¼ cup corn starch
1 Tbsp Pure Vanilla Extract
2 Large Eggs
¾ Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
Jar of smuckers strawberry ice cream topping
12 Golden Oreos Crushed & divided into 2 bowls (one for plain Oreo topping, one for your strawberry ones)
1 ½ Tsp Softened Butter
3 Tbsp from a small package of strawberry gelatin
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Line the outer perimeter of your pan with aluminum foil and generously apply butter to the inside to prevent sticking.
Crust – crush the Oreo’s & incorporate the butter, press into the bottom of your spring form pan.
Filling – Place one 8-ounce package of the cream cheese, 1/3 cup of the sugar, and the cornstarch in a large bowl. Beat with an electric mixer on low until creamy, about 3 minutes, then beat in the remaining 3 packages of the cream cheese. Increase the mixer speed to high and beat in the remaining 1 1/3 cups of the sugar, then beat in the vanilla. Blend in the eggs, one at a time, beating the batter well after each one. Blend in heavy cream. At this point mix the filling only until completely blended.
Be careful not to over mix the batter.
Gently spoon ½ of the cheese filling on top of the prepared crust. spoon plops ½ the jar of strawberry topping here and there.
Drag a butter knife through the strawberries to marbleize the cheese/strawberries.
Spoon in the other half of the batter and the repeat the strawberry process on top. Bake for 1 hour or until there is only a slight jiggle when shook gently. crumb topping – In a small bowl or the food processor, add the Oreo cookies and pulse into large crumbs.
Add the softened butter and mix gently with a fork or your hands to make pea-sized pieces stick together.
Scoop out 2 tablespoons of the mixture into a small bowl and set aside.
Pour strawberry jello powder over the remaining crumbs and continue pinching the pieces together.
Add more softened butter if needed for mixture to stick to the cake.
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moomoof · 6 years
Stop it.
I was friends with this person for almost 2 years and it the last few months it turned into a toxic relationship.
We used to do hangouts and talk about issues we cared about on his channel but i found myself not being comfortable with some of the topics
 but if i ever voiced i didn’t want to do the show he would keep pushing the issue and i was weak to put a stop to it.
 That’s not to say i didn’t enjoy the shows cause i did buti  didn’t want ot do them all the time .
The problems started with our view points really 
I personally feel like he hid his real views out of fear of being abandoned or maybe he just posed as a liberal to ge friends who knows this is all speculation on my part after thoughts . 
This post is just to let out all my angst and frustration. 
I didn’t handle the last encounter withh im well i should’ve just said what i wanted and left i hoped he would understand but what scared me was his reactions again i wanted out of his show at least for a little bit 
i would suggest he find other ppl he would pick up on the hints ...
i was going though a rough patch with my health and i had no energy what’s so ever i didn’t want to disappoint him so 
..i told him straight up i couldn’t do it  to get our mutual friend and o  it with him he seemed annoyed at least in text
 i didn’t speak with him directly then i saw the show live with our friend and ..
his reaction to my illness was annoyance he was like she’s off ill or
 whatever the hell hshe has with the biggest eye rool i ever seen
 ...and then even if i told him multiple times
 i was ill i did'nt want to talk he tried to force me by calling my hangout
...and he was rude to our friend cause i suspect he was jealous of our friend or annoyed
 that our friend was trying out his own show i don’t think my friend picked up on this  
He lied about how his old friends broke up with him 
 Of course i believed him ....well actually no for a while now i wasn't believing him cause he lied or omitted things i found them out on my own. 
That's the heart of the issue it was a slow crawl but i woke up and wasn't going to be used by him.
Like i was saying i was sick he didn't care i told him i can really do this show cause i have things to do or i honestly didn't want to i told him that once but... a disturbing patterned emerged with him. No matter what i said or did he would act like i didn't say it and want his way. In the long run i got anxious around him any time i had an opinion he will shoot it down i couldn't express myself on my twitter feed without him screaming at me and somehow making me feel dumb.
I told him on many occasions i was emotionally abused and physically abused nothing. He of course said he was there for me to chat but i don't like talking about that stuff to ppl. But i suspect it was an empty gesture put there to pretend to be a good friend but in the end he wanted just a person to speak to cause he had issues but also he would use those issues against you. one year ago he said something awful or something like that and i disagreed true i got heated he screamed when that didn't work then he play oop i'm anxious card that then played with others and me for ever more.
He had to be right all the time. He had that stupid internet idea that if you don't have evidence of what you are speaking then you are wrong! or shut up even tho i never really went to his feed after a while cause i was tired of arguing. 
He enjoyed arguing.
Then the big event that woke me up. 
We were arguing about jill stien or third party voters actually i was talking about it on my feed and he shoved his opinion in my face....
yelled at me then i tried to be funny and say get with the program! with the clapping emojis 
He flipped a switch and said i was stupid by saying oh you think i'm dumb? really? ok then your writing skills are mediocre at best or worse actually. (yes i am aware my writing is terrible) but a personal attack like that for no reason hit me hard. 
He just...went to that , that's what he thought about me ...i suposedly let go but it churned for days i have very low selfesteem it took me years to get out of a dark head space. He knocked me down. He hates everything i am cause i do agree with him. That was my head space the next few days i wrote warnings but didn't name him. 3 changes and then i block you don't care you are my friend if you hurt me and put me in a dark space i am cutting you off. He got weirder with me hostile almost after then we butted heads and we airred things but i somehow had an inkling it wasn't safe to talk in the dms i talked in public ...it was weird i suggested we should take a break i wanted it so badly....he said no... and i caved and went back to the same shit different day. Then the last draw happened 
I hate susan sarandon's white feminism i fucking hate it i hate her i hate that she cares three fucks about what she created 
He has this weird white knighty behavior that he will attack you for talking shit about his favorite ppl. 
He also probably felt personally attacked he thinks i somehow am talking about him all time. 
We got heated i was already tired of his shit i started to withdraw from our supposed friendship. Then he did it...he attacked my identiy aka my puerto rican ness and added hillary to it he later deleted it. So he can claim he didn't know what he did to cause my silence but more on that later. He knew that after Maria the hurricane i lost family i wasn't connected to the for weeks i had to worry aobut their well being for months without being able to do nothing ...i was a wreck for months he knew i told him, it was on his show too ( he since deleted all of them GOOD!) I did not deserve this more over i had a very hard anniversary coming up as well not to mention it was september ( still is) i lost my cousin and everythign that i knew as my world this month and it was Maria's anniversary. He just threw it in my fave he used my pain to win a stupid internet argument.  I decided to ignore him for a week or so until i can figure out what to do with him, talk to him again, stop talking to him so often but still be friends or completely run away in fear.
I could not speak to him it hurt it really hurt he used my pain against me i could not trust him....and the silent treatment happened. 
The next day he acted like nothing happened and asked me if i was ready to talk about gay muppets like nothing happened ( the whole bert and ernie incident) that scared me ....he acted like everything was ok ...it wasn't it could be clear for anyone that it wasn't...
i muted his feed and muted him but twitter doesn't understand that maybe ppl want not to get notification from a follower or person you are following for a bit...
He kept liking my stuff in the hopes i would be happy? this is speculation on my part...
He commented on my posts to see if i would bite. 
 i ignored him hoping he would get it i muted hangouts cause i feared he might call 
i had growing fear my heart would race thinking he was there replying liking and dming me...
This might sound dumb but ...it isn't it is harassment...
His former friends mentioned this he would use his second account to spy on them months after the fact they blocked and left him behind..that should've warned me.
He would mention them a lot. Like i said earlier i believed them but i didnt let on to him that i suspected something happened...at first i thought well they should've told him why and then block him and during the a conversation he did something and they didn't likee it's normal ...let it go ..in my head... i nodged him to write it out and let it go in a nicer way.
 But he was controlling i saw it when he hated when friends posted somethign he would scream about it...
They mentioned that they felt free from his smug behavior that he would not value their opionions and then later one of his ex friends said it wasn't the change the channel movement but the how he held certain views on gamer gate..when i voiced my own he screamed at me cause he felt like he knew better and how dare you think otherwise!
He would go into these rage fits over this topic, if you didn't agree with him , eye roll 
condescenion and disdain. This was the topic which lied about and the ppl he lied about or omitted it cause if he didn't he could push his narrative which was that gamer gate was a good movement ...by ignoring all the misogyny and abusive behavior cause he hated ppl on the attacked side. He hated that todd in the shadows blocked him for saying awful things about his friend. He kept on and on about that...like it was a bad thing...
He believed a group of rapey men that wanted a transgender woman to die and claimed she raped her sister... i will not go further into this. 
I put my feelings on that forward he would probably be annoyed in his head about it..whatever. 
He hated lindsay ellis cause she liked the tweet that told him off for harassing todd and his friend..
Sorry to his ex friends for my words about them cause i believed him for the most part and i did care about him i wanted ot make him feel better. 
i was wrong i fed a monster.
I wanted a week of peace away from him ...didn't happen he kept on and kept on ...he even got our mutual friend involved and lied .... he lied he said to him oh she's angry at me cause i don't know i did something wrong i am worried about her ...she's sad about stuff and the world is a bad place blah blah making me sound like the problem...
remember our mutual friend can't really pick up on these things 
He asked i just told him not to be dragged into this cause i was pissed off 
then i said it was nothing i was fine. and i moved on and ignored him some more...
He kept going ...
Then finally he did th final final thing and made up my mind for me.
He tried to guilt trip me into being his friend again or even to talk to him it scared me ...i blocked him completely on everything
he said you are hurting...me 
me?! i hurt him what? he hurt me he didn't care and he dares to accuse me of something i never did so he can look like victim yet again! 
That pissed the shit outta me i got tired of his toxic domineering personality 
He wanted to control you by making you feel bad about challeging him on his views about having my own views for breathing for not wanting to do the thing he wanted on the day he wanted ...
him not caring about my illness really hurt me... he hurt me and i still have the anxeity and have it in my head his words ....i want it gone...so i wrote this to stop it! 
He was not worth it...he's a bad person toxic it's not your fault...
I reached out to one of his ex friends i needed reasurance ...i needed to know i wasn't crazy and seeing something that wasn't there ....now its over i want never to ever see him or talk to him again. 
I recount times were he said awful things like ugh when my face showed up on the hangouts ...like my face is ugly...
i took pictures he would say geez or something like that ignored it..
he laughed at my lack of furniture or equipment..to do audio work...
He even got super hostile with me when our mutual was with us...cause i didn't agree with him ...
I wrote a memorial for my cousin and he sullied it by commenting on it moments after he hurt me like a psycho...
Now i know why he kept trying to bring up his friends cause i interacted with mutuals he wanted to know if they told me about him...and for weeks i struggled to find out by asking them but i never did...
He is disturbed i am stupid for allowing it to continue to this point i don't know how far he would've taken it but my psyche could not take it anymore...
He even made fun of my drinking 
it was a terrible idea to engage with him but i honestly thought he was a someone else like a person i watched turned out he wasn't he was using an account to get ppl to like him then he change later i guess...
Maybe i'm wrong maybe he isn't all bad just immature but i don't care he scares me and hurt me...sorry for this post but i need it out of me 
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moomoof · 6 years
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BUB met Kitten Lady’s heroic lil Badger today at Cat Camp in NYC. Two lil troopers!
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moomoof · 6 years
How to deal with pain of truth
Something happened recently and we (as in a community) found out a person that we were mourning was not worth it. This person committed unspeakable acts of abuse against another but no one knew ,until now... and here's my question, this another mourning process another death? Can we still care about someone even after we fine out the truth? Do you feel like you feelings were wasted on a terrible being? Do you feel partially responsible for not knowing something so obvious? (at least you think is obvious) all these feelings are attacking you at once and you don't know what to do with them... Is it valid what you feel? Your not the victim.. You are a victim? so.... what do you do? There is no clear answer just cry,scream and let it out, but be respectful of the victims and the person's family, it's not their fault nor yours, it's their(the person in question) fault. Life is chaos and bleak but there are pockets of light and love in it too
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moomoof · 6 years
Wow, just wow change the channel has gotten worse with... Their response to the Google Doc. Holy shit
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moomoof · 6 years
My thoughts on the trump tower fire 
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moomoof · 6 years
Today marks the day that part of my young adulthood died
An empire that I admired and loved and helped me form some of my ideas and worldviews and friendships has been mortally wounded….
Channel Awesome! Omg I loved them but then they turned on their content creators
Used them and abused them and when it was time for them to just say I’m sorry! Omg just an apology!
No none was given it was victim blaming
Then today the straw that broke the final back was Doug defending a harasser and abuser over common decency ….
This isn’t a celebration no this a funeral
Something died today…and I don’t know if it can be fixed
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moomoof · 6 years
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moomoof · 6 years
How many freaking genders part 2
I do think that Chris’s stupid is infecting Laci …but not that she’s copying him in beliefs that she’s getting lazy in research …which he is
it’s sad really 
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moomoof · 6 years
Laci Green dancing here and there everywhere
Well, here’s take four on writing this shit fuck! This slow ass tumblr
Laci Green I didn’t know why ppl on the left ostracized her for dating Chris Ray Gun , the only exposure I had to him was Hugo and Jake formerly known as the bible reloaded for atheists they are tame and not toxic like most on YouTube they just say they don’t believe in god and don’t hate women.  ß- Yes I know tangent.
So I didn’t get it why was the left so up in arms against her? I wasn’t getting good answers when I asked just biased opinions.
Now lets me say this I don’t care if you date whoever this isn’t what this is about at all. She could date whoever. But also the whole situation was painted as the left has lost its mind and the right wing was in the right here….not quite hold it hoooold it!
She isn’t just dating any guy she is dating a guy that lead a campaign to hurt a woman for having opinions on video games ….oh no. He even said death threats are not bad cause everyone gets them after that he covered his ass and said he doesn’t think death threats are good.
How annoying really I believed the narrative cause I didn’t do research cause it’s hard to do so on these subjects cause there aren’t credible sources like a real news org to sort this shit out just shitlords and yes someone ppl on the left that have an agenda or are hurt and go too far.
Well yes, Chris does this shit of misinforming then either saying I don’t know I’m sorry but his fans don’t care or are too young or don’t know how to find this info on their own and believe him on the first time and ignore his correction the damage is done. He flirts with very right wing shit. But many ppl on the left, give him the benefit of the doubt… I don’t know why it’s very obvious what he is to me he is right wing for pay or he is but doesn’t want to take responsibilities for his beliefs or hell maybe he is that misinformed but he doesn’t do jack shit to fix it. He keeps repeating very racist or ignorant dumb shit.
Laci Green remember this was supposed to be about her? Yea why did discuss her boyfriend?
He was against her in the past …and  well some ppl think this is awful some ppl think this means that the two different sides can get along and I think this is all bullshit.
He is an anti-feminist and he says the same ignorant anti-feminist shit and she’s supposed to be feminist. An odd couple I know! Was this the reason why ppl got mad at her? Probably but hey when she started dating him, he did a disgusting thing that he seems to do which is quote mine ppl on the left to make them look stupid or evil. Kat Blaque was a target of his and she was Laci’s friend
Kat was defending herself or trolling bigoted idiots on twitter, he took one of her responses to this man or person and then made her look like a racist or black supremacist and then Laci I believe called her a crazy person after kat asked her to correct her boyfriend or to defend her. 
Which is outright fucked that Laci did that, of course, I could be getting these events wrong if so please correct me.
I think tho not even that is the reason why ppl are angry at laci to me it seems like she is flirting with the right wing. Or maybe it’s cause who she’s dating is causing ppl to think she is the same as him cause she’s dating a borderline (not really he’s full right wing imo but whatever) right wing
But then she says things that seems like she is going there like today she wrote that
“pretty bored with social justice advocates responding to any thoughtful pushback with "fuck you, you're white/male/straight/cis/etc". unless the topic is *about a lived experience*, dismissing people bc of their identity isn't a real response. it's identity politics and laziness.”
Now, this could be legit criticism on some part but I know it seems …a bit pandering to that side of thinking.
The jury isn’t out on her and I am not hating her
I just will not be burned again by lack of research on my part
She seems to flirt with this side of thinking but isn’t dumb like her boyfriend about it
So I can’t tell for sure
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moomoof · 7 years
We Are Americans!
“I would like to clear a few things in relation to my Island of Puerto Rico!! There is a huge misconception that Puerto Rico is being maintained by the USA!
1) USA sends Puerto Rico $4.6 billion a year. For welfare, Pell Grant, roads, etc. This supports 42% of the population. This amount is not enough to support this population.
2) They send $13 billion a year for social security, but this is not unilateral! This is money that is retained from our paychecks!! Yet the USA reports this as help and money they send.
3) Puerto Rico buys from the US $22.6 Billion a year in goods; Making PR a huge customer for the USA, one of its top markets in the world. A captive market.
4) The Jones Act is 100 years old! We do not have the freedom to choose who ships to Puerto Rico! We have to ship EVERYTHING in US Flag ships, which happen to be the most expensive in the world! This act was implanted with logic, to patrol the seas! But today it’s just an abuse and Puerto Ricans suffer by it adding huge costs to our products. We spend $1.5 billion a year on this added cost. We are 90% of the business of US ships!!! 80% OF OUR foood is imported, making it twice as expensive as in the US.
5) Out of the business done in Puerto Rico, 70 cents of every dollar ($34 billion a year) leave the island to the bank accounts of US businesses. Mainland chains have wiped out local businesses (pharmacies,hardware, department stores, etc). No other territory in the world permits that much money to leave, leaving behind the scraps for its own sustenance.
6) Summarizing: USA to PR $4.7 Billion and PR to USA $72 Billion. 🤔 You do the math.
7) So, when Puerto Rico gets hit by a Hurricane and needs help, USA should send the help. They cannot act as they are doing us a favor, but in reality, it is in their best interest. If you have a gold mine that produces $72 billion dollars a year and it gets hit by a hurricane, you need to get that gold mine up and running again!!
😎 So when Donald Trump states that we "are throwing his budget out of whack!!” It should be because this year that 72 billion will be short! He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
As for our $72 Billion-dollar debt:
1) This debt starts with the removal of Section 936 of the US tax code that granted tax exemptions to US Companies to keep these companies from leaving USA to a foreign land and keeping them in US Territory!!
2) Puerto Rico flourished for 25 years, and then the law was taken away way before it expired!! Someone said, “It’s Corporate Welfare” and boom, in 10 years the pride of our economy, the pharmaceutical, biochemical and electronic industries collapsed.
3) Unemployment rose; professional jobs were substituted by menial service jobs in US stores. Professional class migration soared. Puerto Rico started borrowing to balance its budget.
4) Puerto Rico has borrowed something near 72 billion!! But interest and foul play by Brokers in the US have raised the debt to a unpayable figure.
5) Brokers selling stocks to subsidiaries ( something illegal in the USA) but since it’s Puerto Rico, it is allowed!!!
6) Vulture funds now bought the debt at pennies to the dollar and now they want the dollar!!! They are Not even willing to negotiate even though they would make huge profits if they cut the debt in half!!
7) They want to cut funds for our kids education, utilities and food!!
😎 Donald Trump should not be the person telling Puerto Rico to pay our debt!! Have him pay the $32 million he took from Puerto Rico taxpayers to build a golf course, bankrupt it and leave the taxpayers paying the $32 million!!!
9) Puerto Rican politicians are also to blame! The island was preyed upon by a corrupt system that created more millionaires than we’d ever seen before.political cronies were brazenly rewarded with millionaire contracts, without compliance requirements or enforcement.
Puerto Ricans are US Citizens!! That have contributed to the USA for close to 100 years. Citizenship came with the price tag of obligatory military service in 1917, right on time for World War I.
1) They have served in every war for the USA since then. Proportionally, more Puerto Ricans died in Vietnam than any other state of the union. And for what?
2) The 65th Infantry is the all Puerto Rican regiment that was recently honored by Congress for its valor and loyalty.
3) The 65th were the first to fire against Japan in World war II. Why? Because they where always the first ones to be sent in. The Torres’s, the Rodriguez’s, Morales, etc. first guys in, clearing the path for the Smith’s, Johnson’s and Captain America. We call them “carne de cañón,” cannon fodder.
4) USA will not grant Puerto Rico statehood!!! We fall under the territorial clause that makes us “belonging to but not a part of.” A piece of property with unwanted people in it.Too many business interests would lose money if we were a state! Puerto Rico would have a huge voice in congress and Presidential vote! Not everybody wants that. They prefer that we remain an exploited colony, against international law.
Puerto Rico contributes greatly to the USA every day, both economically and from a human point of view. we have astronauts, engineers, scientists, researchers, musicians, artists, and many other professionals that all contribute to the common good of the USA.
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