moon-imyoona-blog · 12 years
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moon-imyoona-blog · 12 years
{/waves happily in the girls face with a rather dorky smile as a chuckle escaped her lips} HI! It's nice to meet you. Does it hurt your neck to look down? Sorry, I was never able to really grow. I'm Taeyeon, what's your name?
{/ raises a brow at the bubbly girl who was waving at her, tilts her head to the other side -- quite amused} nice to meet you too. {/ chuckles, shaking her head} no, it does not. i suppose that is cute though. {/ pats her head lightly} my name is im yoona. nice to meet you, taeyeon-sshi.
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moon-imyoona-blog · 12 years
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터치 - touch (4/20)
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moon-imyoona-blog · 12 years
ah, welcome to the academy! ( ; smiles )
{/ lips tug into a light smile, giving a polite bow} thank you, miss.
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moon-imyoona-blog · 12 years
Approaching her warily and with masked disdain Minhyuk takes a calming breath and nods at her. "Welcome to the academy."
watching the stranger pass by, yoona takes a moment to carefully analyze his appearance and gives him a simple nod, "thank you."
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moon-imyoona-blog · 12 years
does anyone want to plot? (:
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moon-imyoona-blog · 12 years
sun-seulmi replied to your post: -she bows low, not looking at the beautiful female in front of her, mumbling- w-welcome.. -was all she could mutter to control herself from making a fool out of herself-
-she nodded ehr head quickly, feeling a little relieved- i-it’s nice to meet you, um..
{/ blinks, realizing that she didn't give out her name} im yoona. and what is your name?
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moon-imyoona-blog · 12 years
-she bows low, not looking at the beautiful female in front of her, mumbling- w-welcome.. -was all she could mutter to control herself from making a fool out of herself-
{/ raises a brow at the other female, her lips curve into a light smile upon hearing the welcome and tries to reassure the other, that she was not a fool at all} thank you. {/ returns a polite bow} i'll be sure to see you around sometime. mm, yeah? {/ purses her lips}
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moon-imyoona-blog · 12 years
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» Background:
Born and raised to an affluent family, Yoona was given everything she desired and pleased. Since she was the only child, both parents loved her to the fullest and dearest, practically babying the girl.  The doctrine her family played was awfully quite too rigorous to follow, having such high expectations and demands. Most of her cousins and family members were unable to live up to these high expectations, thus, leading the family members filled with nothing but mere disappointment. Not being able to fulfill their demands, obviously — consequences  were to be made. Though, Yoona was the exception as she fulfilled every desired and command, reaching up to their expectations — doing nearly whatever it took to be obedient. Due to this, she was often praised and adored by everyone, if so.
Molded into perfection, she was believed to be an epitome of a Goddess; possessing beauty and wits. Seemingly blessed with the life she had, she yearned for only one thing and it was freedom. Freedom was something she could not perceive and especially not from her Mother and Father who were plain-out strict. Moreover, since she was the only child and a female, her parents stayed alert the whole time and literally locked up their daughter in her room for days and days, reaching to the point she was not allowed to have a window. The days she stood so lonesome and secluded from society, she lacked a lot of things in life and wanted to experience what it was like, living in the outside world. For years and years, she was locked in her room and strived off of human corpses.
When she finally reached the age of adolescence and with much confrontration to her parents, she was given the previlage to be ‘free’, but under with conditions. Certainly, Yoona would not abide whatever her parents had in mind and longingly, patiently waited for freedom for way too long. So at a late night, once her Mother opened the door, she took this opportunity and ran away far as she could to never ever face her parents again, not wanting to see such people treated her like an animal. And at that, she stumbled upon Cross Academy — in the hopes to start a new life, a life that she had always wanted.
» Personality:
The first impression of her would often be ‘cold’ or ‘emotionless’, she does not show her true colours and holds a certain belief that she would rather keep everything confidential, which can render her a little cynic. Yoona may be a little hard to approach since she does seem to give off that anti-social vibe, but she is nowhere near that and does intend to make friends which is extremely difficult for her, due to the fact that she possess an abrupt and blunt demanor, which may often come off as her being rude.
Due to the fact that she was born and raised into a wealthy and noble family, she does not tolerate poor mannerisms and an unhealthy lifestyle. She seems to be overpolite with the way she has a habit of using honourifics, whether if with beloved ones or not. And not to mention, her high expectations may be a little bit high for others to reach. 
Although she was given beauty and wits, underneath that is an extremely insecure girl who puts others above her needs, whether if it be an urgent matter or not. Overall, she is extremely self-conscious. To those she holds dear, she will cherish you forever and show a warmer side, which others may find a little bit odd due to her cold exterior. But if you were to break her trust or do something regretful, she will not hestiate to remove you from her life.
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