mooodlighting · 3 days
List of “(un)requited love” prompts 
Requested by: @girlwonder-writes Request: “I would like 24 prompts about unrequited love please!” 
“You’re the best thing that will never happen to me.”
“I love you. I know it’s one-sided. And that’s okay. I just needed you to know.”
“I swore to everything I love that I would never catch feelings for someone like you, but here we are. And what’s worse is you don’t feel the same, and I’m the one who’s going to embarrass themselves when all is said and done.”
“I don’t ask for you to love me back. I only ask you to understand it will take time for me to stop feeling this way for you.” 
“I never asked to fall for someone whom I know doesn’t feel the same way.”
“There’s a twisted beauty in being in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same.” 
“What’s worse is, this is the first time I’ve genuinely felt this way about someone.”
“Do my feelings disgust you that much that you can’t even look me in the eyes now?” 
“I’ve always known that you don’t feel that way towards me. I just… Didn’t expect you to confirm it in a way that would both embarrass and hurt me.”
“Even love itself bested me.” 
“Your mind’s not occupied by anyone else, so why can’t you let it be occupied by me instead? Like you occupy mine.”
“I mean, it would be nice if I was given even one chance to prove myself to you.”
“I respect that you don’t like me back, so I hope you can at least respect my feelings for you.”
“Did you really just ask me if I know how it feels to not have someone love you back like that? Me, the biggest lovesick loser of them all?”
“I’m tired. I want to let go.” 
“I don’t want to feel like this way towards you anymore.”
“I’m not used to this lack of reciprocation.”
“Not to be a whiney bitch, but why can’t I be the one?” 
“I don’t mind loving them from afar if it means I get to keep them in my life.” 
“If I let go of you now… Then I’m letting go of you forever. And I don’t know… I don’t know if I can do that just yet.”
“We could be something more but there’s just one thing missing.” “Which is…?” “You also holding the same feelings for me, as I hold for you.” 
“I fell for you, fully knowing the risks… Yet I was still unprepared for the crash.” 
“This is why I never wanted to tell you how I felt! I knew it would ruin everything between us, and that’s exactly what’s happening right now.”
“You warned me not to fall for you. And it’s my fault I didn’t listen.”
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mooodlighting · 15 days
the issue with writing for yourself is that you will get sucked into rereading your own fic over and over and pretend it’s “editing,” but really you’re just reading because it’s exactly what you want to read. because you wrote it. for you.
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mooodlighting · 16 days
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mooodlighting · 25 days
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people who let me wake up to this get a special place in heaven. firefly_fox how does it feel to hold my life in ur hands....
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mooodlighting · 26 days
As a writer, I love going back through the comments I've gotten on AO3. I promise that the minute you take of your time has been appreciated for hours/months/years
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mooodlighting · 2 months
“omg you’re so creative. how do you get your ideas” i hallucinate a single scene in the taco bell drive thru and then spend 13 months trying to write it
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mooodlighting · 2 months
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Caress Your Soul
People didn’t…touch Henry.
He was a rule of etiquette, not to be breached. He was a mother of pearl caviar spoon, held aloft between two discerning fingers, a fussy little utensil with a set of rules so as not to impart any undesirable flavor upon the roe.
But Alex had never liked caviar, and he cared fuck all that Henry was a prince.
Or, five times Alex touched Henry.
Chapter 4/5 | 3.7k | Read on AO3
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mooodlighting · 2 months
writer’s block (dry) = no desire to write, no ability to write (bearable)
writer’s block (wet) = HUGE desire to write, no ability to write (very evil)
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mooodlighting · 2 months
That moment when the unrelated scenes you've been writing for two weeks both somehow connect (i have no idea how this happened)
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mooodlighting · 2 months
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Swing the Spinning Step
Alex went to the gay bar with June and Nora on a Thursday night and walked out with the blond smokeshow he’d been exchanging heated glances with for hours.
His name was Henry, and his hands were on Alex and under his coat as soon as they walked through the front entry of his beautiful, enormous fucking brownstone. Alex would circle back to that later.
Henry swiftly divested him of two and a half layers as Alex loosely gripped him by the elbows, just trying to hold on. Eyes slipping shut on an appreciative groan, Alex swayed forward to capture Henry’s mouth with his own.
A firm palm at the center of his chest stopped him halfway there.
Alex blinked to find steady blue eyes staring back at him.
“No kissing, if you don’t mind,” Henry said coolly.
AU. Alex and Henry are friends with benefits. Henry has a rule about kissing.
Chapter 2/2 | 8k | Read on AO3
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mooodlighting · 2 months
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mooodlighting · 2 months
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Swing the Spinning Step
Alex went to the gay bar with June and Nora on a Thursday night and walked out with the blond smokeshow he’d been exchanging heated glances with for hours.
His name was Henry, and his hands were on Alex and under his coat as soon as they walked through the front entry of his beautiful, enormous fucking brownstone. Alex would circle back to that later.
Henry swiftly divested him of two and a half layers as Alex loosely gripped him by the elbows, just trying to hold on. Eyes slipping shut on an appreciative groan, Alex swayed forward to capture Henry’s mouth with his own.
A firm palm at the center of his chest stopped him halfway there.
Alex blinked to find steady blue eyes staring back at him.
“No kissing, if you don’t mind,” Henry said coolly.
AU. Alex and Henry are friends with benefits. Henry has a rule about kissing.
Chapter 2/2 | 8k | Read on AO3
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mooodlighting · 2 months
Honestly? My main piece of advice for writing well-rounded characters is to make them a little bit lame. No real living person is 100% cool and suave 100% of the time. Everyone's a little awkward sometimes, or gets too excited about something goofy, or has a silly fear, or laughs about stupid things. Being a bit of a loser is an incurable part of the human condition. Utilize that in your writing.
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mooodlighting · 2 months
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mooodlighting · 3 months
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mooodlighting · 4 months
hi freya! your work with the TLB series is phenomenal and truly a gift to my life! do you have any advice for first time book planning/outlining, specifically in the realm of historical fiction?
oh boy. I rely on two guidelines for my planning process, and they are absolutely NOT historical fiction specific, but you can have them anyway:
make the romance (if there's a central one) more or less follow the romancing the beat structure, which is both simple and very flexible.
a structure-for-dummies version of four act structure, which boils down to deciding early on three key landmarks:
at the 25 % mark, something happens which commits the characters fully to the story, whatever that is.
at the 50% mark, something major happens which twists the direction and shape of the story - new key information is revealed, the second body is found, first sex scene, whatever.
at the 75% mark, the story tips towards crisis/disaster/the lowest emotional point.
...then I try to sketch out a dot point list of a roughly equal number of scenes to take place on either side of each of these (these are the four acts). this is how I make pacing work as early as the first draft, when I have very little innate sense of pacing and I detest doing structural edits.
ALSO: start as late as possible in the story (have the main inciting incident take place within the first scene) and finish as early as possible (diana wynne jones is particularly excellent at this; I will sometimes bend this rule if an epilogue is expected, but my PERSONAL opinion is that for the most part You Don't Need That Epilogue).
this may be helpful for you, or it may be no help at all. most writers discover what balance of planning/not planning works for them via trial and error. good luck!
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mooodlighting · 4 months
i just saw you did a sewis fic rec, can you do one for fedal, seeing you are @fedal themself LMAO
lmaoo yes of course i will :)
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(link to the divider i used!)
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