moose-therian · 9 years
i need 2 follow more people who are fictionkin so please like/reblog this post if you are kin with anyone from snk or fnaf!! 
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moose-therian · 9 years
Otherkin giveaway
This was originally for 100 followers but since only like three people reblogged it I’m gonna make a new post!
You can win:
-One (1) small sculpture of your design (I don’t have many examples up yet but check customkingifts.tumblr.com for the like two examples I have lol everything else I have is a wip whoops (please don’t make it /too/ complex as it will be a mini sculpt but like I can do basic Pokemon and kintypes amongst p much anything else. Except I’m not well-versed in humanoid figures yet so if you choose that as your prize it may not look as pretty, I can potentially do a chibi human or otherwise less-detailed) -A digital drawing of your choice of kintype! -Whatever the hell else I feel like throwing in the box! (will probably have something to do with kintype and/or candy)
-‘d prefer if you were otherkin so that otherkin have a chance to win kintype stuff but ig I have no real way of checking that -you may like for reference but only reblogs count -and on that note only one reblog counts -no giveaway blogs or side blogs please (unless it’s a kinblog, but then only it counts and not your main/personal) -Must be comfortable giving me your address for the sculpt to be mailed -if you live outside the US I am a broke soul and I haven’t actually looked at shipping costs outside the US but I’ve heard about them and would greatly appreciate you paying shipping if that is your location -Ends February 1 at 11:59 EST and is only valid if I get at least 30 participants (because I don’t want like two entrants which is probably what will happen because I’m not that tumblr popular) -I may add another prize/winner if I get enough entrants???
Good luck to you all! ^^
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moose-therian · 9 years
This would be very nice!
i edit videos a lot, and i just got an idea i could make kin-themed videos. for example, a video for me would be with footage of wolves, dogs, monster-ish things, the forest, night skies etc, paired with a song i like. i could take requests for your kintypes! o: would anyone be interested in seeing this?
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moose-therian · 9 years
are there any other moosekin out there? i dont see many at all and its kinda lonely :c
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moose-therian · 9 years
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decided to draw my kinsona with my little cat mandy. who says moose and cats cant be best friends
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moose-therian · 9 years
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im done with my shiras moose therian pic aaaa
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moose-therian · 9 years
Meditation tips
a lot of people get really frustrated and confused when it comes to meditation. Now, everyone is different, but i’hm gonna share some things i do and maybe it’ll help you get an idea of what to do
- Try to do it in a quiet place where you know you won’t be disturbed. This one is pretty obvious, but you really don’t want any disturbances, cause that’ll mess you up.
- If you can, locations having to do with your kintypes help tremendously. For example, spacekin might have more luck outside at night, under the stars (i have a spacekin friend irl- they lay on top of their shed at night). Forest-dwelling kin obviously have more luck in the forest, the beach for ocean-dwellers, next to rivers is a great place for freshwater aquatic kintypes and bears, a nice high up place for birdkin, etc.
- Incense, scented oils, candles, etc. do help a lot! Try to pick scents that remind you of your kintype- like dragon’s blood for dragonkin and demonkin and forest things for foxkin and deerkin and stuff.
- I’ve found that experimenting with gems helps a lot! You can hold them in your hands while you meditate or lay down and put them on your chakra points. Experiment with different gems/crystals/rocks/shells/coral/etc. generally if something just seems related to a kintype (bloodstone for demon/dragon/monsterkin, sea stuff for sea creatures, tiger’s eye for felinekin, etc.) or sometimes if you feel that there’s a color your kintype’s attracted to (whenever i’m trying to connect more with my fox theriotype i use a lot of rose quartz, that just seems to be something that helps/is more attractive to it/more pleasant, if that makes sense. I associate the color pink with my fox theriotype, and many others have colors they associate with their kintypes, so just a suggestion).
- It’s better to close your eyes
- Try counting backwards from ten, or imagining a color gradient from a dark color to white. You might have to do that a few times, but it helps me to try and get to a blank white space. Sort of an empty room, if you get what i’m saying
- Try imagining some sort of entrance/portal. Could be a door, a pool of water, a portal, a tunnel, an opening in some trees, a cave, whatever.
- At this point my mind usually takes over and i get memories and i’ll often see things from an animal’s point of view. I’ll be in a different place, like a forest or the ocean. Just try to explore that place if you can
- This method does help with finding your kintype- i’ve heard of similar things but when you go through the portal thing you’re still a human and you have to look around and find animals and then eventually you find which one is you- i’ve never done that, when i discover a new kintpye it’s usually through meditation and i end up with a completely different portal in a completely different place and i need to try and figure it out from there.
- There are plenty of methods out there, i learned this one from a therian on youtube i’ve watched for a long time, and it works nicely for me, but everyone’s different so don’t give up if this doesn’t work for you. You just gotta find what works!
- Youtube is your friend. It’s been very helpful to me for this kind of thing.
- Online communities sometimes have meditation help too so check those
- Don’t get frustrated if you get random thoughts, just let them past. Don’t try to force them away.
Okay i hope this helps! I just wanted to share my method because i lot of people don’t even have an idea of how to start, which is a bummer, so i thought this might be helpful
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moose-therian · 9 years
things that are perfect: otherkin, cats, clouds, most animals, chocolate
things that are not perfect: mountain dew, antiotherkin, our education system
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moose-therian · 9 years
Otherkin Ask Meme
1. What are your kintypes?
2. What are your strongest kintypes?
3. How long have you known you were otherkin?
4. What reminds you of home?
5. Have you ever drawn or written about your kinself?
6 Are you “out” as otherkin in real life?
7. Do you have any kinfriends? Are they the same kintype or different?
8. Do you have a favourite otherkin blogger? who?
9. What was your first kintype?
10. What was your most recent kintype?
11. Do you eat or drink food that reminds you of your kintype(s) would eat?
12. Do you dress like your kintype(s)?
13. Give a fact about your kintype
14. Is there media that reminds you of your kintype? (ie dogkin and Lady and the Tramp)
15. Is there mythology about your kintype? Do you have a favourite story?
16. What are some challenges that you face with being otherkin?
17. What is some advice you would share with someone who has recently Awakened?
18. Do you ever doubt your kintype?
19. Have you identified with a kintype in the past that you no longer have kinfeels with?
20. Do you hold memories with past-lives?
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moose-therian · 9 years
May i have some moosekin positivity please?
Oh wow, I love moose! Impressive antlers, amazingly powerful, and very resourceful! You’re a very under appreciated animal, anon! And on top of that, you’re a very beautiful animal! 
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moose-therian · 9 years
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“Every creature is better alive than dead, men and moose and pine trees, and he who understands it aright will rather preserve its life than destroy it.”
~ Henry David Thoreau 
I do not own any of the content presented in this post 
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moose-therian · 9 years
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“She loved mysteries so much that she became one.” - John Green
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moose-therian · 9 years
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Becoming frustrated when cold, and wanting the warmth of the heavy fur you once had.
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moose-therian · 9 years
Looking for More Blogs to Follow!
Please reblog this if any of the following relates to your blog! • Wiccan • Pagan • Witchcraft • Herbs • Otherkin • Therian • DemonKin • WolfKin • ElfKin
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moose-therian · 9 years
That feeling when your theriotype loves to swim but you can't swim because you don't have a private pool
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