moreconsciousness · 5 years
Five tools for more happiness
With the new year many people are taking stock and looking at goals and projects for the coming year.  
What if you could have more happiness this year than any year so far?
What would it take for 2020 to be the greatest year of your life so far?
Access consciousness has some really amazing tools for welcoming in more happiness in life and living.
1.  Access Bars
What if you could lay down and receive a session that would be relaxing joyful and create a sense of peace and space?  What if there was a way to have more of the happiness that is innately you?  Access Bars is 32 points on the head that when lightly touched release the thoughts feelings emotions and energetic clutter that don’t allow us to create what we truly desire.  I invite you to check out Access Bars or better yet learn how to run bars so that you can share this gift with others.
2. Questions
When we ask questions we invite the awareness of a different possibility.  Whenever I am in a funky mood or something is up I ask these four questions: 
What is this? What do I do with this? Can I change this? How do I change this?
Here is a great book with lots of questions: http://bit.ly/2SO4Y5V
3. Nature
The energy and vibration and nature is one of joy and happiness.  If you are in an emotional or energetic slump you can get outside and enjoy nature, do some movement your body enjoys or get present with the wind, birds and trees.  
What can nature contribute to you and your body?
4. Interesting Point of View
One of the ten keys to total freedom is being in allowance.  In allowance everything is just an interesting point of view.  What if you could be in allowance of you?  What would it create if you were in allowance of other people’s choices?
Here is a book exploring this and other keys to total freedom:
5. Who does this belong to?
What if the sadness, despair, lack of joy and unhappiness is actually your awareness of other people’s stuff.  What if you are far more aware than you could imagine.  Next time you are unhappy you can ask...who does this belong to?  If it lightens up or clears, than it is not yours.
So that’s a really cursory introduction to the Access tools for happiness...there are thousands more.  If you would like I deep dive and some dynamic change you can check out the four day Foundation class: http://bit.ly/2ZNSTiy or this super fun two day class on Happiness is Just a Choice: http://bit.ly/happynothappy
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moreconsciousness · 5 years
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moreconsciousness · 5 years
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What are portals of limitation?  How do you close them?  This tele call was totally amazing (and wonderfully its on sale right now).  
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moreconsciousness · 5 years
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This is one of my most favorite Gary M. Douglas quotes from the Access Consciousness Foundation Class.  It speaks to what so many of us are seeking.
What would it be like to be surrounded by people like this?
A great book on this topic: http://bit.ly/whereeverythingispossible
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moreconsciousness · 5 years
You as a being have total power to create your life and you can and you will and it will come together in more magnificent ways than you can imagine possible
Gary M. Douglas, How to Become Money Workbook
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moreconsciousness · 5 years
The problem with meditation
I used a meditate a lot, it allowed me to relax and have this sense of peace with the world.  The problem for me with meditation was that as soon as I got back into the world things would cave in on me again and I would be stressed and unhappy once again.  There were many improvements in my life though there were these other things...triggers, upsets, reactions that would show up again and again.  I would meditate to escape them, and there they were as soon as a meditation session ended. 
Then one day I discovered Dr. Dain Heer.  I heard him on this radio program talking about Access Consciousness® and these tools, tools for peace, for ease, for fun for a better life.  What was cool about this was that he gave some tools to try and I used them for two days and everything changed.  
These tools seemed to validate something in me I have always known and wasn't quite sure how to get there.  
What is Access Consciousness?  It is a dynamic set of tools that allow you to create a life you enjoy and change what isn’t working for you.  It is all designed to empower you to know that you know; you know what works for you, you know how to create your life, you know what is true for you.
One of the tools that Dr. Dain shared the first time I heard him was questions. 
Some tools to play with right now...
How does it get any better than this?  No matter what is showing up, something wonderful, something awful, something magical...ask this question and see what it creates.
What else is possible?  Asking this question is a great invitation to the universe to show you.
What will my life be like in 5 years if I choose this?  What will my life be like in 5 years if I don’t choose this?  When you ask these questions, no matter how ‘large’ or ‘small’ the choice, you calibrate your own awareness of what your choices will create.  Whichever one feels lighter and more expansive is the one to choose.  Even if you choose the heavier option, you get an awareness after of ‘oh, thats what I was aware of.’ 
All of life comes to me with ease joy and glory® This is the mantra of access and if you try it out ten times in the morning and ten times in the evening
And another tool to try out as soon as possible...
Have you had your bars run?  It is like the most relaxing spacious joyful experience.  I am a bit a fan.  The bars are these 32 points on your head that when they are lightly touched release thoughts feelings emotions energies and open the door to an ease for body and spirit.  A 60 to 90 minute session feels like I have been meditating alone for a year, and the cool thing is it doesn’t go away.  It just keeps getting better.  Yes, I still get cranky, of course there are things I would like to see different.  Now I just get my bars run and I have more awareness about how to change things, and more of a sense that things can be handled and easier and better and more fun.  
If this sounds like fun for you, here are some links.  I personally teach classes in Access Bars and Access The Foundation.  Though if you are no where near me geographically please find someone near you and try this out.  If you know its time to find something different and that there is more possible in life, Access Consciousness can be a fun way to open the door.
Access Classes with Me: http://bit.ly/heathercfmw
Access Consciousness Books & Tools: http://bit.ly/weloveconsciousness
My favorite book: http://bit.ly/whereeverythingispossible
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