morecontentpls · 3 years
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morecontentpls · 3 years
“Living In The Question”
Life is, and always has been, ultimately meaningless. Yet the human animal continues to hunt for definitive meaning in life, regardless of evidence to the contrary. This occurs because people are deeply afraid of not knowing things. Knowing the outcome of any action is, of course, impossible. Even if you prepare for negative outcomes, there will always be mistakes and miscues since the human is not perfect. But the myth of absolute knowledge plagues every person, forcing them into making arrogant and often misguided decisions. The search for deeper meaning in life ruins relationships, careers and minds. It sends us searching for mythical utopias, quack cures, and charismatic prophets. Instead of searching for definitive meanings, it would be much better for humans to live in a constant state of redefinition. Living in the question is always preferable to searching for the answer.
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morecontentpls · 3 years
Sometimes people see the bad, and nothing else. They seek to destroy a perceived threat to their dominance. But why? Why do people seem to want the worst thing to happen? Perhaps people know that the system is bad. Perhaps they projecting that onto others in a search for better world, only to be disappointed with the damaged system that remains.
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morecontentpls · 3 years
The Worship of Success
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morecontentpls · 3 years
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This episode of More Content Talk is about survivorship bias and the way it distorts reality. Trying to emulate successful people makes us avoid the mistakes of others when we actually should learn from those mistakes. Since we never encounter these mistakes from a learning perspective, we are more prone to making them.
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morecontentpls · 3 years
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Prepping, that thing you do when you’re paranoid about anything and everything. Collecting a bunch of garbage has never done anything to save anyone...ever. Yet preppers believe that hoarding is the answer to everything, that buying a bunch of junk will save the day. Apparently floods, fires, and earthquakes don’t harm hoards of useless junk. So buy your huge pile of needless crap today. Money isn’t the answer, but at least you’ll have plenty of canned corn!
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morecontentpls · 3 years
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Trust was actually a goddess in Ancient Greece, known as Pistis. In Christianity, Pistis is the word for faith in the New Testament, which is written in Greek. The Romans called the god of trust Fides, where we get the term “bona fide” from, which means “good faith”. You can always trust More Content Talk.
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morecontentpls · 3 years
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morecontentpls · 3 years
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During the 1950s, the term witch hunt became synonymous with political leaders who falsely accused people who were charitable of communism. We are now seeing the return of this narrative. Anyone who dares to help people is called a communist, a socialist or a terrorist. These are not valid arguments and we at More Content Talk are not intimidated by this bullying. Let it be known.
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morecontentpls · 3 years
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Happiness is relative, and so it is up to us to find our own paths to it. This does not, however, mean that we must struggle for it. The path to happiness can be just as enjoyable as happiness itself. More Content Talk is available where podcasts are available.
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morecontentpls · 3 years
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The world is full of lies. But every once in a great while, a team of truth seekers comes along to separate the truth from the lies. That team has come. The time is now. This is More Content Talk.
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morecontentpls · 3 years
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More Content Talk examines the brain in all its true glory. Listen to how stimuli can cause the mind to descend into madness, delusion, fantasy and extreme happiness today.
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morecontentpls · 3 years
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More Content Talk brings you the best in podcast news every day...with a touch of color of course. Find us where podcasts are available.
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morecontentpls · 3 years
Everyone is a genius these days. Everyone has all the answers to everything you ever wanted. All you have to do is step outside and someone will offer you the keys to a better life. But who are these geniuses? Where do they come from? What did they study? Often times no one knows, but we are still expected to believe every little utterance that comes from their mouths. It sounds like the genus of genius is rapidly blending into a genuine fraud.
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morecontentpls · 3 years
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More Content Talk is a daily comedy news podcast. You can find us on youtube, instagram, spotify, iheartradio, applepodcasts, googlepodcasts and many more. Follow, like and subscribe today for the only daily news show that seeks out and exposes the scam artists, no matter what they are promoting.
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morecontentpls · 3 years
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morecontentpls · 3 years
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“When life gets you down, you can always laugh at something else. More Content Talk is real news for real people. Headlines without the proper manners of high society. Give us a listen today on your favorite podcast app or check us out on youtube.
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