moreorlessfish · 1 year
Hi, will you please add a read more cut to your fic? Thanks! <3
Hi! Thanks for suggesting this. It didn’t cross my mind when I first posted my fic. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. :)
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moreorlessfish · 1 year
Después de la Playa
din djarin x female!reader
Word Count: 6,412
Summary: How perfection can turn someone into a mess.
Warnings: no y/n usage, cursing, mentions of alcohol and weapons, small smut, 18+ - no minors allowed!
Notes: Did I stay up writing this chapter? Yes..yes I did. Enjoy :)
Previous Chapter - Moscow Mule
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It has always come to your attention that there are a plethora of amazing and talented bounty hunters. Those who excel in catching their quarries, those with phenomenal navigation skills, those who never lose in a fight, and those who manage to make connections anywhere they go. You had your strengths and weaknesses and there's no doubt in your mind that others have their own as well. Being on your own, you had these thoughts in the back of your mind, but when you joined Greef Karga's guild - man did these thoughts take the driver's seat. See, you thought that your flaws were on display for everyone to see - that wasn't the case.
No matter how many times Greef Karga applauded you for another great job, you just couldn't get yourself to believe him. There was always something you could have done better - actually making a plan and following it, not getting cornered and having to use more ammo than usual, observing your opponents' moves - then you wouldn't have had so many wounds - whatever it was, it could have been executed better. Being a member of a bounty guild meant that you knew who excelled more in places where you lacked. That was the first time you heard about him. The Mandalorian.
He was a member of the guild before you joined, and yet you had never seen him. You only ever heard the stories about a member who was a Mandalorian or the jealous comments hunters made when they learned he captured more quarries. Everything that he did was perfect. In fact, he was the entire definition of perfect. Which is why you laughed hard when you realized he wasn't perfect at all.
"Wait.. so you mean to tell me that he tried scorching a few Jawas over him not being able to speak Jawa fluently?" You said as you tried calming down the roaring laugh that was creeping up your throat.
"I was right next to him when it happened," said the Ugnaught man who was currently adding wood to a fire. To add to the flame, he repeated what the Jawas said about the armored man. Now that really got you going.
After a few seconds of your rumbling laughter and unclenching your abdomen from laughing, you pointed in the direction of the man of the hour and giggled, "They said you sounded like a Wookiee," you tried calming your laughter again, "that's fucking hilarious!"
You heard him grumble a small - "Shut up."
You laughed some more, "It's so funny!"
"It really isn't," He retorted.
The humor of the joke had died now, but you still wanted to tease the man, "Aw.. are you upset? Did the Jawas hurt your feelings, Tin Can?"
Before he could throw one of the loose pieces of the starship in your direction - the Ugnaught man spoke up, "C'mon, let's get back to work you two."
When you met the Mandalorian, he seemed like no fun to you. In fact, you thought he wasn't capable of having fun at all. He was reserved and quiet - only speaking when he deemed it necessary. It makes you a little giddy seeing how he's opened up to you - even if it was a small opening.
You remembered how he acted during your first interaction.
"Mando, welcome back," Greef Karga said with a smile. You watched the man's helmet nod. Greef Karga looked at him and then at you. You took his hint.
"I'ma get another drink," you uttered as you rose from your seat and made your way to the bartender.
You watched from the bar both men having a conversation. You assumed they were talking about the quarries the Mandalorian managed to capture. Your assumption was answered when you saw the armor-clad man almost snatch the bounty pucks off the table. Maybe the credits just weren't coming in as they use to. You made your way back to the table after being handed your new drink.
"Are you sure there are no new jobs available?" The Mandalorian sighs.
"I can assure you that I have no new jobs. Plus, you just finished five of them.. wouldn't you want to relax?" Karga responds.
The beskar-wearing man doesn't answer the question. "When new jobs open up, I'm the one taking them, got it?"
Greef Karga only smiles and you watch as his face turns towards you. "Actually.. a new job did just open up."
You tilt your head at him. The Mandalorian responds, "Give it to me."
"You see, Mando, my lovely friend here has a bounty on her head, but I'm working on getting it taken down. In the meantime, I'd like for you to watch over her."
You choke on your drink after hearing his statement. You notice as the visor on the beskar helmet makes its way over to your form. In a matter of seconds, the man responds, "No."
Now your eyes are on him. You hear his modulated voice again, "I'm not about to play babysitter for a grown woman."
Greef Karga tries to respond, but you interject, "Yeah, I don't need someone to watch over me.. plus Tin Can seems like a bore. If you're gonna give someone this 'job' let it be anyone but him."
"Tin Can?" The Mandalorian whispers.
You scoff, "That's what you heard me say...?"
Greef Karga speaks up, "C'mon," he looks between you and the Mandalorian, "it's perfect for the both of you." His eyes stop on yours, "I need you to stay here on Nevarro while I work on removing your bounty," his eyes move back to the frame of the armored man, "and you want a new job, so I'm suggesting you do it."
Before the two of you could try and object, Greef Karga chugs his drink and stands from his seat, and says, "It's final. You can't change my mind now." He makes his way out the front door of the cantina.
That leaves the two of you just there in the cantina - staring at the chair that the guild master was just sitting on a second ago. You sigh and decide to take the seat across from the helmet-wearing man.
As soon as you sit down, the man stands from his and starts walking out of the building. You slurp your drink down and follow him out. Before he can even get away from the building, you tap his shoulder and watch as he slightly turns towards you.
"Dude.." you raise your arms in a 'what the hell' gesture and continue, "You can't wait for me to finish my drink?"
"I'm not waiting for you, period," He declared.
He starts to walk away from you, but you're not giving up that easily, "Hey, Greef Karga said that he wanted you to watch over me."
"So? You think I'm going to listen to him?"
"Uh.. yeah?" You puzzled, "I mean he is your boss."
"He's not my boss," he responds, "he's just the one giving me the jobs."
"Isn't that technically what a boss does.." you added.
The man doesn't respond and continues walking. You didn't know what to do. You didn't see which way Greef Karga headed, you had no other business to do on Nevarro, and worst of all.. you didn't have your own ship to head back to your home planet. So, you made a decision that would forever change your life. You followed the Mandalorian like you were a lost puppy.
It had officially been five hours since the both of you had left the bounty guild. Within the five hours that the two of you were together, the Mandalorian had tried to sneak away from you - he failed.
Every time.
He tried to run into alleyways - nope, you ran after him. He tried stopping at one of the market's stands to buy something - nope, you waited patiently till he finished. He tried hiding behind buildings, nope, you found him every time. At last, he made his way back to his ship and you managed to still keep up with him.
At this point, he was annoyed, yet he sort of enjoyed the little cat-and-mouse chase. He pressed a button on his vambrace which opened up the hatch of the spacecraft. He walked forward and as he thought - you didn't follow him. Although he was happy that you finally weren't right behind him, he was curious as to why you continued following him despite him refusing to 'watch' over you.
"Why are you following me?"
You sigh, "Not sure. Got nothing better to do."
"Well... I'm not letting you on my ship. Can't you go somewhere else?”
You watch as you kick your feet against the ground, "Yeah, I do.. I just wanted to waste some time..," You continue, "Plus, I have to get my bags from the guild."
"You should have just done that instead of following me," He deadpans.
You chuckled, "Yup. Well, it was nice following you around, Tin Can. Maybe we can do it again sometime?"
He responds quickly, "No."
You shook your head and then started your journey back to the bounty guild. He watched your form retreat until he could no longer spot you.
Your back hurt. Instead of taking your bags and finding a place to sleep for the night once you made it back to the bounty guild, you decided to enjoy some alone time and drink. Or well... you tired to enjoy it.
At some point during the night, a group of members of the guild asked you to play a few drinking games with them. A small drink of alcohol to calm yourself down turned into you mixing alcoholic drinks, so you could have bragging rights about winning the games against your old guild members. The games must have lasted the entire night because the last thing you saw before you slept was the sun creeping its way on the horizon.
You sat up and scratched your head. What woke you up was a slight banging on the table that you currently were laying on. You searched for the person who thought it was the best idea to wake you up and kickstart your morning hangover. Your eyes widened when you caught a glimpse of your reflection on beskar. You rose your head to look straight into the visor of his helmet.
"Let me guess, the members ended up asking you to play their games?" He asked.
"Why the hell are you here?"You grunted out as you rubbed your eyes to see if he was physically standing in front of you or if it was a figment of your imagination.
"I'm looking for Greef Karga. You happen to see him around?" He responds.
You stared at him.
You raised your voice, "Do I look like I fucking know where he's at right now?"
You immediately regretted it and the Mandalorian knows.
"If I were you, I wouldn't be opening my mouth to shout at someone when I'm clearly hungover."
You growl, "Go the fuck away, Tin Can."
You hear a chuckle pass through the voice modulator, "That's funny coming from someone who followed me like a dog yesterday."
You roll your eyes, "Are you going to leave? Or do I have to walk away from you this time?"
You see him shrug his shoulders. You sighed and walked towards the bathrooms located in the back of the cantina.
"Geez.. when are you going to leave me alone?” You asked.
It was officially an hour after the Mandalorian had abruptly woken you up. You were currently walking through the city of Nevarro. The whole thing was funny to you. One minute you're walking around like a lost puppy and the next minute you got a lost puppy following you. For some odd reason, the Mandalorian decided to stick by your side as you walked around. The two of you didn't really speak. Matter of fact, you didn't dare look his way due to the blinding sun being reflected off his beskar armor - that was the last thing you wanted to see after barely being awake.
You made a few stops at some stands to try and gather some supplies. You needed to figure out a way to get off Nevarro and return back to Kipler. Just because you left the guild, doesn't mean that your skills as a bounty hunter left you as well. You could defend yourself if needed and let's be honest - you did not want to spend your time on Nevarro.
You thought about asking the Mandalorian for a ride, but he'd most likely say no. He was probably only following you around as revenge for you following him the day before. You just wanted to get away, but like you - he wouldn't let you leave. How in the hell were you going to get home?
You finally decided to take a leap and look at the man walking beside you, "Why are you following me?"
He doesn't say anything. He just keeps looking straight.
You were getting tired of this game the two of you were supposedly playing. In fact, you were just straight-up tired since he woke you up before you could knock out for the entire day.
You speak up, "Seriously, Mandalorian, why are you following me?"
Same thing - no response.
That's it.
You abruptly stop walking and fully face him for the first time since the two of you left the bounty guild.
"Lame-o, you wanna tell me why the fuck you're here?" You snapped.
He was a few feet ahead of you when he turned back and responded, "Lame-o?"
You threw your hands up in the air - the bags of supplies almost hitting you in the face, "Really? That's the only thing you focus on?"
You can feel his gaze on your form despite his visor blocking the view of his eyes. You ask sarcastically, "What, you've never been called stupid names before?"
He just shakes his head, "Nope - most just call me the Mandalorian as normal beings do."
"Good for you," You snickered.
The two of you continued walking around. It was nice to people-watch with another person. Even if this person sort of annoyed you. It was a nice feeling that you didn't expect to have. About an hour or two later, the two of you rounded back to the bounty guild - where your bags were left... again.
You placed your new supplies in one bag and hunched one onto your shoulder. You picked your other two bags up from the floor. You looked over at the armored man and sighed.
What the hell am I gonna do about him?
You started, "I'm going to try to find a place to stay."
He doesn't say anything.
"From here on out, do not follow me..," you pause, "I don't want to have to wake up to you again."
He stays silent.
You make your way to the door and that's when you hear a modulated heavy sigh.
"Follow me."
You followed his orders. Not completely uncharacteristic of you, but definitely something you didn't do often. He was a stranger. Normally when strangers tell you to follow them they're up to no good. Yet, your instincts weren't giving you any signs of malice from the Mandalorian. It didn't take long for the sight of his starship to make its way to the both of you.
It was like the events of the day before were unfolding again. Only this time, you would be following him into his ship. Well - you didn't know that yet.
"What are we doing here?" You ask as you witness the hatch of the ship slowly meet the ashy ground of the planet.
The Mandalorian walks into his ship before he turns around, "You can stay here."
He said what?
"You're joking, right?" You say after a minute goes by.
"Do you want it to be a joke?" He retorts.
You stared at him, "No. I just don't think you're serious."
Now, he's the one staring at you.
"If you'd rather sleep on a table in a cantina, then knock yourself out." He turns his back towards you and walks further into the ship.
You hear a small mumble of, "That's the last time I offer someone a place to stay."
You chuckle to yourself. Maybe this stranger could turn into a friend. Who knows?
At some point, you had dropped your bags inside the man's ship. You insisted that he showed you around; although to him, there wasn't much to show. The ship was a nice space and you had no doubt in your mind that it was precious in his eyes. So, you would treat it the same way.
After the small tour, you rummaged through your bags and grabbed a blanket you had packed. You felt awkward because you didn't want to intrude on the Mandalorian in his own space. Luckily, he let you sleep in one of the chairs in the cockpit.
You were knocked out for a few hours. Or so it seemed. Turns out, a whole day had passed. You were woken up by the sounds of the armored man walking around. You could hear a few tinkering sounds and then a sigh. You decided to see what he was up to. As you climbed down the ladder, you saw him facing the opened hatch. He seemed to be doing maintenance on his ship. He noticed your figure after your left foot was no longer on the ladder. He turned around and nodded your way before he walked outside. Most likely to check on the laser cannons.
You freshened up a bit before deciding to take out your journal and write. Write about what? Maybe the random stranger you met who is allowing you to stay on his ship. Wait did he say how long you could stay?
Before you could think of making your way to ask the man, you heard footsteps enter the ship and a little later you heard him mumbling to himself, "It's going to take a lot of credits to fix that."
Maybe you'd wait to ask.
Blah, Blah, Blah.
You kept mimicking his voice, "If you have a problem with me working on my ship, then you can get off it."
Blah, Blah, Blah.
Those words just kept repeating in your head. Not in a serious way, but in an annoyed way. The sun was beaming on you as you walked through the main part of the city. You noticed that a few new vendors had set up shop while you were knocked out. Maybe you could buy a few things?
It was busier than the past few times that you walked these paths. You didn't mind. You could easily take a seat somewhere and people watch for a few hours. You weren't entirely sure what to do - you just didn't want to head back to the ship yet.
As much as the Tin Can annoyed you, you had to admit that you were enjoying his presence. A little too fast.. which frightened you. Nevertheless, you would let life take the reins for a bit rather than control it. You thought about the Mandalorian for a bit. Maybe you'd bring him some lunch since he's been working hard on maintaining his ship?
Your thoughts died down when your gut instinct started blurting out for you to flick your knife out of your sleeve. You let your hunter instincts sit in the driver's seat of your brain. Immediately, you noticed a shadow - no two - following you. When you went down an alleyway - a few seconds later the two shadows would follow. Now, you were becoming more aware of your surroundings. Did someone want to attack you in broad daylight? You wouldn't be surprised - it's happened before. You were now making your own small path between the cracks of buildings. The two figures were now catching up to speed. You needed to do something. Do you attack and risk making a scene? Or do you lay low and wait for them to attack you? What do you do? You were now frantically asking yourself. You were so occupied with getting away from the figures that you didn't realize someone was also rounding the corner you were.
You had bumped into something. No. Someone.
"Hey, I was looking for you."
You felt a hand holding your arm - stabilizing you after bumping into someone. You looked up and you thanked Maker that you bumped into this person.
Mr. Tin Can.
"Did you hear me?" He asked after he removed the hand that held your arm.
"Huh?" You furrowed your brows.
"I said I was looking for you," He repeated, "I just met up with Greef Karga - he said he got a job for me."
As much as you tried, you couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the alleyways of Nevarro City. Even when Mando was telling you about the planet the two of you were heading to - you just couldn't focus. It bothered you a lot. So imagine the look on your face when the Razor Crest lands on Arvala-7. Maybe you should have been listening...
You witness the preparations that the Mandalorian takes before hunting for a quarry. It all seems so.. perfect.
It mesmerizes you how he prepares for his job. Something you have no idea about because he hasn't uttered a word to you about it.
"No, you're not helping me out. You're staying here because this is my job. Not yours," He states.
You shrug your shoulders, "Go ahead. I'm not a bounty hunter anymore, so the quarry's all yours."
"Try not to steal my ship while I'm gone. Or I will hunt you down and claim the credits your head is worth." He chided.
He made his way down the hatch with his Amban Sniper Rifle in his hand - ready for something to jump at him - and boy did something jump.
You witnessed as a blurrg attacked him - immediately taking his arm into its mouth. He was struggling to fight it - let alone put some space between him and the blurrg. You saw another blurrg running towards him. You were about to step in, but that's when you saw something fly in the corner of your eye. It turned out to be a tranquilizer. The two blurrgs were now laying on the floor. Another blurrg comes into your sight, only this time it has a rider.
You walk over to the Mandalorian - just in case he needed backup. You shiver as you hear the noises that accompany the removal of the man's arm from the blurrg's mouth.
He pants, "Thank you."
The rider nods at him, "You are a bounty hunter."
"Yes," he says as he fixed his glove.
"I will help you."
You watch as Mando gives him a once-over.
"I have spoken."
The rider turns around and heads back the way you saw him come. Mando looks at you - expecting an answer for some reason. You shrug and start following the blurrg and its rider.
The sun was now setting on the horizon. Mando's savior had taken the both of you back to his moisture farm. He led you two inside his home - there he prepared a small drink for the two of you.
"Many have passed through, they seek the same one as you."
"Did you help them?" Mando asks.
"Yes," the Ugnaught man pauses, "they died."
"Well then, I don't know if I want your help," Mando states.
You interject, "No, no. You would have died back there. I was not about to save you. You should give him a chance since he did."
The two of them continue their conversation - you gladly listen as you sip on the drink the Ugnaught man poured for you. Nighttime fell peacefully and it did not prepare you for the chaos that would await you when you woke up the next morning.
Your idea of Mando being perfect was chipping bit by bit. Stories of Mandalorians being fierce warriors plagued your mind as you watched the one in front of you struggle to ride a blurrg. You tried not to judge him since you opted out of the blurrg-riding lessons yourself, but you couldn't help but snicker each time the Mandalorian fell. One try after the other, he just kept falling until he got frustrated - and your constant snickers were not helping.
"Perhaps, if you removed your helmet."
"Perhaps, he remembers I tried to roast him," Mando pants out.
"This is a female.. the males are all eaten during mating."
"Oh, so she's a girl boss," You add. Kuiil nods at you.
The two of you now witness another one of Mando's attempts to ride a blurrg. He comes close to staying on - which makes both you and Kuiil hopeful.. that is.. until he falls again.
Mando quickly walks to the spot where both of you were observing his failed attempts. He asks Kuiil for a landspeeder, but the older gentleman refuses to let Mando give up. Someone had to encourage him, and you were not about to be that person. After a million attempts - or what felt like a million attempts - the Mandalorian was able to ride the blurrg.
You were proud of him.
Kuiil nods his content at the Mandalorian - you on the other hand are overcome with joy.
"Mando! You're doing it!" You shouted.
You couldn't see it since his face was covered by his helmet, but a small smile lifted up the corners of his mouth.
After lunch, Kuiil explained to you that he would be riding with Mando to the site where his quarry was last tracked. He said to make yourself comfortable in his home while he was gone. What a generous man, you thought. You watched as both Kuiil and Mando rode away on their blurrgs. You looked over to the one that was left behind. Maybe you would try and learn to ride a blurrg... how hard could it be?
Mando was not in fact exaggerating when he was trying to learn how to ride the blurrg. You're not sure why you thought it would be easy. Maybe you just wanted to feel on par with him. Either way, for the life of you - you just couldn't figure it out. You gave up way before Kuiil returned.
"I see you tried riding the blurrg while I was gone."
You looked up from your journal with shock on your face, "How'd you know?"
"You have dirt all over your legs," He chuckles.
You shake your head as your mouth forms a smile, "Fine, you caught me."
"If you'd like to learn, I'm glad to teach you," He pauses, "it's better than you struggling and not asking for help."
Your smile fades a bit...
it's better than you struggling and not asking for help.
Mando doesn't return until the day after. You weren't too worried about it - he was a man capable of taking care of himself. During his absence, Kuiil's presence aided in blocking the feelings of worry and loneliness that would overcome you in small waves.
"You are a bounty hunter," He says as he prepares dinner for the both of you.
You shake your head, "I was."
He looks at you briefly before his eyes return to the food, "So, why are you with him?"
You sigh, "Not sure."
"You two don't seem awfully close. Are you two even friends?"
"Not sure."
He hums. Silence takes its place before he continues, "For what it's worth, I think this can bring a new experience for you.''
You don't say anything.
"I'm well aware that I don't know your backstory - nor do I know his. What I do know, is that you both have been through things in your lives. This partnership, friendship, whatever it is, may it be something beneficial for the two of you."
One can only hope.
When Mando returns to the moisture farm, it's nighttime, and you're watching Kuiil repair his moisture vaporator. Your eyes wander over to Mando's form, but they don't stop on him. They stop right next to him. A floating sphere that remained by his side.
That was his quarry? A child? What kind of monster puts a bounty on a child? Unless the child was deemed dangerous, but c'mon, look at the little guy - he instantly won you over.
You hear Mando and Kuiil talk about the child, but you didn't pay any attention to them. You only focused on the little green child that watched a frog jump by. You crouched down to get a closer look at him.
"It didn't take long for the kid to get his hands on it," You say as the three of you witness the child swallow the frog whole.
You dusted invisible dirt off your hands by rubbing it against your shirt. You realized that Kuiil went off somewhere - he's probably inside his house. You realize that Mando was watching you.
"I'm not sure if you heard, but my ship was destroyed."
You furrowed your brows, "How?"
"Good luck with that," You said as you patted his back before walking inside Kuiil's house.
Kuiil and Mando returned the day after at night. They both hauled the parts from the Razor Crest that the Jawas stole. You were assessing the damage when they returned to the ship.
"Holy shit, you reek.. go wash up, Tin Can," your voice is pitched up since you're holding your nose.
"You're not helping," he says with a deep voice, "I already know that I smell."
"Well, do something about it."
He ignores you as he walks around the ship and assesses the full-on damage. He stops in front of you. You swear he's doing it to annoy you, but you just back away so that his stench isn't as potent.
Kuiil turns on his light as Mando says, "This is gonna take days to fix."
"If you care to help, it might go faster," Kuiil says as he starts to organize the different parts.
Before the thought of running away even crossed your mind, Mando pointed an accusing finger at you, "Don't even think about leaving, you're helping us."
You whined, "Do I have to?"
"Yes. You don't get to ride along for free," He snaps as he hands Kuiil some of the spaceship's parts.
You kick your feet against the ground and sigh, "...Fine."
After ten breaks deemed mandatory by you, five arguments, and one 'pillow fight' with the parts of the Razor Crest between Mando and you, the ship was complete as daylight started to rise in the sky. Man were you proud of yourself - you helped Mando and Kuiil restore the Razor Crest to its natural beauty. You totally didn't refuse to get your hands dirty.
"Thanks for only handing us the parts," Mando says as he walks around the ship. He no longer smelled which made him a bit more tolerable to you as of now.
The two of you bid goodbye to Kuiil - the wonderful Ugnaught man who you prayed would be safe and happy for the rest of his days.
"Good luck with the child, may it survive and bring you a handsome reward," Kuiil says as he waves goodbye to the both of you. Once, the three of you were settled in the cockpit, Mando started preparations to fly back to Nevarro.
"The kid's still asleep, right," You whispered.
Mando only nodded his head. As much as you wanted to stay silent, you just had to ask him.
"Hey, Lame-o, what do you plan on doing with it now?"
He shrugs, "I have no choice but to finish the job."
You scoff, "That's bullshit. It's just a kid, you're not seriously thinking about returning him to the client.., are you?"
You had fallen asleep during the journey back to Nevarro. You curled more into the seat when you heard footsteps leaving the cockpit. Peace and quiet. You didn't think about where Mando was going - you just went back to drifting into dreamland.
When you woke up the second time and realized that you had landed back on Nevarro - you decided to make your way to the bounty guild. Maybe Greef Karga had an update for you.
He didn't - which made you annoyed, but that feeling went away when you overheard his conversations with the guild members.
"You had your shot, dust breather, but you failed. No pucks for you, now get out of here."
You sat across from Greef Karga as he carried out his duty of being the leader of a guild. You raised an eyebrow at him, "Dust breather.. seriously? That's the best you got." The man just shrugs.
"So, I've heard you've been hanging around with an infamous man. Who so happens to be one of the best members of my guild," He smiles at you, "How's that been for you?"
You signed, "Oh, it's been something."
"Speaking of the Devil," He laughs, "Mando!"
You take a sip of your drink before you call out to him, "Sup, Tin Can."
It didn't fully register to you, until you saw him standing next to the table you shared with Greef Karga. That's when you choked on your drink for a second time at this very same table.
"What the fuck, Mando? Now, you actually look like a Tin Can."
He doesn't try to make a comeback. He just asks, "How many of them had tracking fobs?"
Greef Karga tells him the answer and then he says, "Please, sit my friend."
You scooch over so he can sit right next to you. You can clearly hear the conversation between the Mandalorian and Greef Karga, but you can't understand it. It's like your ability to comprehend went out the door when you saw Mando decked out in pure beskar armor.
Wow. He looks...
From what you could hear, Mando was choosing another job to go on. He doesn't seem like the type to know how to relax, so you're not completely surprised. You're just wondering where you're going to go now. You're sure that his invitation to stay aboard his ship was temporary, but man, you didn't know how to feel.
The next thing you heard was Mando asking about the child and what was going to happen to him. Clearly, something that is out of the hands of the bounty hunter, yet it seemed to bother him deeply.
That's why he has on pure beskar.
You tried your best to not let the guilt eat at you, but you couldn't stop thinking about the kid's beady brown eyes. The way they peered into your soul when you first met him. The way he snored as he was worn out from saving Mando from a mudhorn. That poor kid.
You continued listening to their conversation - now realizing that the Mandalorian was standing rather than sitting next to you.
"Buy a camtono of spice. By the time you come out of hyperdrive, you will have forgotten all about it," Greef Karga says to him, but alas, Mando walks out without another word.
You catch up to him before he makes it to his ship.
"So.." you start, "how about that camtono of spice?"
"I don't do spice," He jabbed.
"Yeah, I can tell. You act like you always have a stick up your ass," You jabbed back.
There goes another moment where he doesn't make a comeback towards you.
By now, you could tell the guilt was eating him alive. Even if he hadn't muttered a word to you.
You sighed, "Look, what's done, is done. You can't change that. You just have to wish the little guy the best and move forward."
He stays silent - only looking at what's straight ahead of him.
What's something that would help him..?
"Let me take you to the hot springs," He stops in his tracks and stares at you, "My treat."
It surprised you that he agreed. So here you were, on the Razor Crest, gathering your things, so you could stay in the motel next to the hot springs. You encouraged Mando to bring a bag with him, but he insisted that it was fine. Maybe he's never gone to hot springs before?
You had checked into your motel room. Mando waited patiently for you to put your things away. Once you finished, the two of you headed down to the hot springs. Since Nevarro was still growing its community, the hot springs were a small place run by a family of Twi'leks. The place was pretty secluded. Not many made the long trek from Nevarro City to enjoy the springs.
You weren't sure if they would have you and Mando go to separate hot springs, but unfortunately for you - there was only one hot spring open that day. You had undressed yourself first and let your body get warmed up by the hot water. You closed your eyes to fully take in the warm sensations coming from the bubbles that the water made.
It felt incredible.
Another thing that surprised you was hearing the water around you splash. Feeling the ripples of the water. You opened your eyes to see Mando's bare chest. It was a beautiful sight to see.
That's what you thought when the lights dimmed. Seeing your reflection on his helmet be reduced.
That's what you thought when he moved closer. You could have sworn the temperature of the water got warmer each time he moved.
That's what you thought when he started touching you. His soft and gentle hands roamed over your body. You placed your hands on his broad shoulders. Letting your fingers make indentions on his tanned skin. You ran a finger from his collarbone to the tip of his shoulder - back and forth. He squeezed your hips towards his.
That's what you thought when a soft modulated moan hit your eardrums. When he guided you on the things he wanted you to do to him. When he followed the orders you gave when it was his turn to reciprocate for you. When he finally slid himself inside you. The sighs that left your mouths at the same time. When he took his time with you - there was no need to rush and he made that perfectly clear. When you both made a mess in the hot springs. Perfection.
It was a perfect situation between strangers.
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moreorlessfish · 1 year
din djarin is such a sassy man. i repeat din djarin is a sassy man. he’s so real for that and i love him.
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moreorlessfish · 1 year
Moscow Mule
din djarin x female!reader
Word Count: 1,255
Summary: The fateful encounter and small banter.
Warnings: no y/n usage, a small mention of alcohol and weapons? idk
Notes: I haven't written anything in a while, so I hope this is good. I got pretty excited while writing this and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading :)
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"If you want, I'll go looking for you."
These are words that are muttered when you know you really want someone. To him, they've only known each other for a few days, but to her... they've known each other forever. In reality, they've always known each other.. they just never interacted until that one fateful day.
It was a sunny day. You were walking around a city you had only been in for less than a few minutes. On the way to Nevarro, you were filled to the brim with impatience and annoyance. Now, you were admiring the beauty of the city. A few traveling stands with merchants behind them almost distracted you, but before you could give in to your distractions - you were reminded of why you had traveled so far.
"Ah, I see you made it," calls out a gruff voice. There's a man leaning on the side of a cream-colored wall. The sun shines on his dark skin - illuminating the mustache that lies on his upper lip. He makes eye contact with you - waiting for a response.
With a sigh, you say, "Hello, Greef Karga."
"Well hello to you too." He waits for you to move closer before he continues, "Thank you for meeting with me. I know it's not easy to travel here from your home planet." You nod your head and allow him to continue the conversation, but instead, he observes your face.
"You seem exhausted. How about we get a drink? Sit down a little - talk through our matters and then you can be on your merry way back to Kipler." He smiles and while you try to object he's already leading you into the building that holds the infamous bounty guild.
It's only after he orders your drinks and demands that you sit at a table with him, that he begins the conversation you traveled so far to have with him.
"Look, I know you're upset with the fact that you have a bounty on your head, but there's really nothing I can do." It took a lot of strength for you to not slap him in the face after hearing that, but before you could even lay a hand on him, he continues, "I've looked into it. Your bounty for some odd reason has been reopened to the public." He sips on the beer that he ordered before he speaks again, "I can't say for sure whether someone has decided to pursue your bounty, but what I can say is that I'm working on getting it taken down." You stare as he takes another sip from his drink and he tries his best to not look away from your form.
"I don't believe you."
Once again, he takes sips from his beer to try and avoid having to speak. Once he realizes that you are full-on glaring at him, he sets his drink down on the table. His face takes on a serious look.
"I am being one hundred percent honest with you. I took it literally when you said you were leaving the guild. I mean.. I had no choice. You practically left me a goodbye note and fell off the face of the planet. Now, I don't know why you made that decision, but I do know that this situation you're in is annoying." He sighs, "I'm sure the reason you went back to your home planet was to relax and get away from this lifestyle. That however is the problem.. once you're in this line of work - it never leaves you. Trust me, it's hectic to run a guild, but I am trying my best to work on getting this bounty off your head. In the meantime, I'd like for you to stay here on Nevarro. A few hunters and I can keep our eyes on you while this bounty is still public."
"I can protect myself."
He chuckles, "I know you can. Hell, you are one of the best bounty hunters that I know. It was an honor for you to be a part of this guild, but I need to make sure that you don't get caught." Before you can protest, he says, "Let me do this one favor for you."
As you were about to respond to him, you hear the door to the guild open. In a matter of seconds, the conversations that were present during your own conversation with Greef Karga died down. The feeling in the air had become intense. It is only when you see a figure stop right at your table that you realize why the energy of the room had changed.
That's when you were face to face with him.
The Mandalorian.
It's the sound of clinking armor that brings you back into the present moment. The sound stops and that's when you see him fumbling with the controls of his ship. He was currently in the middle of doing maintenance work on his beloved ship - the Razor Crest. Even though he wasn't a full-on professional and he didn't know every little thing about starship maintenance - he did his best to keep his ship in good shape.
You were currently writing in your journal. Sitting in one of the chairs in the control room. It had only been two days since you started hanging with the armor-clad man, but you already felt comfortable with his presence. Silence fills the room - with the occasional clicking from the controls - and you loved it. Peace and quiet. It felt like a warm blanket that just came out of the dryer. Silence.
"Why does your face look like that."
"....Excuse me?"
You see your reflection on the visor of his helmet. Your nose is scrunched and you have a small frown on your face as a reaction to his previous comment.
"You seem bored," he says as he turns back around to the controls on the control panel.
You scoff, "I don't want to hear that from you, Tin Can."
He responds quickly, "I have a name."
You continue, "Well, Lame-o, that's a funny thing for you to say. You're only doing maintenance because you haven't gotten a job yet."
You hear a small whisp from the voice modulator on his helmet, but you don't care. You continue speaking your thoughts, "You haven't stopped moving around since we left the bounty guild. You're restless and yet you're talking about how I look bored? How dare you ruin the moment of silence that I was enjoying."
He doesn't look back at you, but he does open his mouth, "If you have a problem with me working on my ship, then you can get off it."
You huff, "Maybe I will then."
"Fine by me," he sasses back.
"Well..," you pause, "..fine."
You stand up from the chair and make your way down the ladder. You placed your journal back into your bag and sorted through your case of weapons. Although you're a bounty hunter who's a new pestering guest on the Mandalorian's ship, you didn't feel the need to keep your weapons on you. A dumb decision, but regardless you were comfortable with the man suited in armor. You grabbed your black woven satchel and checked that you had your weapons concealed throughout your outfit. You placed a black headscarf on your head to help cover your face from the bright sun that beamed onto the planet. Once your shoes hit the ashy ground, you hear his voice again.
"Come back before the sun sets or I'm locking you out."
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moreorlessfish · 1 year
Un Verano Sin Din Masterlist
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din djarin x female!reader
Summary: It's funny to think that strangers can become lovers - or can they? Will a one-night stand turn into a life partner or will they turn into a constant reminder of what could have been? Can Din Djarin live with regrets? Can he learn to trust himself and his decisions when they are at the expense of someone's feelings? Or will he crumble under the pressure? Find out in this story based off of Bad Bunny's album - Un Verano Sin Ti.
Warnings: no y/n usage, 18+ - no minors allowed!, smut, drug usage, mentions of alcohol, fluff, angst, unrequited love, situationship type beat
Status: Work In Progress
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Moscow Mule
Después de la Playa
Me Porto Bonito
Tití Me Preguntó
Un Ratito
Yo No Soy Celoso
La Corriente
Enséñame a Bailar
Ojitos Lindos
Dos Mil 16
El Apagón
Otro Atardecer
Un Coco
Me Fui de Vacaciones
Un Verano Sin Ti
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moreorlessfish · 1 year
Mk's Complete Masterlist
Here are the things that I've written - Enjoy!
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Un Verano Sin Din - Coming Soon!
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Sail Out - Coming Soon!
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Writings Coming Soon!
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moreorlessfish · 1 year
My name is mk and this account is basically me getting back into writing. I’ve had other accounts on here, but I just wanted to make a fresh start. On this account, I’ll write whenever I can - so I can’t guarantee that I’ll be updating a lot. Hopefully, yall will like the things I write. Nice to meet you all!
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