moriacavandish · 4 years
Barbacue Style Meatlof
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Barbecue Style Meatloaf Ready in 1.5 hours Serves 6-8 people Ingredients Large package of ground beef ¼ cup crushed crackers ¼ cup barbecue sauce ¼ cup of parmesan cheese ½ lrg onion 4 -5 cloves of fresh garlic minced 2 eggs 1-2 tablespoon soya sauce 4-6 strips of bacon 2 tablespoons of paprika 2 tablespoons of salt and pepper 1 teaspoon of thyme, and sage. Preparation First dice up your garlic,(I am a huge believer in the healing power of garlic, it's good for your heart and helps to prevent colds and flus.) add bacon, onions, then add your eggs, soya sauce and barbecue sauce into a large mixing bowl. If you don’t like barbecue sauce add hosion, teriyaki black bean or even a brown or peppercorn gravy mix, whichever you and your family prefer. Take your ground meat and add to the mix. (You can substitute ground turkey, chicken) For our darling vegetarians you can use Beyond Beef. You can find BB at your neighborhood Save on Foods, you will find it in the freezer section. Again this might change the flavor slightly, and texture. Add your bread crumbs. If you want to add gluten free crumbs by all means, it might change the flavor slightly. I prefer crackers or cornflakes. Why Breadcrumbs and eggs, they bind your meatloaf and stop it from falling apart. Add your parmesan cheese and spices. Mix well, it will be gooey and moist, we want this because it keeps the meatloaf moist as it cooks. No one likes a dry meatloaf! Except maybe the dog! Like Mikey he eats everything! Now cover the tops of your meatloaf with a few strips of bacon,(veggie bacon or turkey bacon works!) this helps to lock in moisture. Cover with tin foil and set into a preheated Set your oven on 350- 375. We chefs know our ovens. Mine is best at 375 degrees. Baked for 1 hour. Tips Some people like to add diced peppers, I recommend any but the green pepper it overpowers the flavor of the spices. In my opinion it changes the entire flavor of your meatloaf and not in a good way! I’m not big on counting calories as many people like to substitute ingredients. Remember everything in moderation, and a walk after dinner! Enjoy!
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moriacavandish · 4 years
We are all creation of love, without it we wither and die. To those that have much, share with those that have less. Be kind to that woman sitting on the sidewalk asking for help, shes not a bum, she doesn’t want to be there either. Her husband died and she couldnt afford to pay her rent. Be paitent with that boy who seems to always get into trouble stealing. His mother died in Afganistan, he is asking for help, be it the right way or the wrong way.That girl you call a slut, she was raped by someone she trusted. When you hear something cruel or mean about another, its a rumor, words are like weapons, the scars remains far longer. We are all imperfectley perfect. We are all flawed. Judgement hurts, lies and rumors destroy lives. In an instant you could be one of these people. The less fortunate, give, freely and without expectation. Its not what we do when others are looking but what we do when no one is watching.
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moriacavandish · 4 years
Remember no matter how much money you have, how much stuff you fill your homes with, when we pass to the next life, we take nothing but our naked bodies and the memories we collected through life. Measure wealth by how much good you have done in this world, who you helped, what you gave, being rich isn't about money, its about how you lived your life.
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moriacavandish · 4 years
Never suffer the indifference of a good man
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moriacavandish · 4 years
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moriacavandish · 4 years
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moriacavandish · 4 years
Its Raining Again
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It's raining again,
Another day of watching and waiting
Feeling as if there is no reason to go on,
Where are you?
I am so sick of waiting,
Be patient they say,
How can they understand? They have their perfect version of ‘You’ already,
They don’t cry themselves to sleep alone every night,
I see you in the faces of every man that smiles at me,
But I know they could never be you,
I dream of your lips on mine with ever kiss someone places on my mouth
But I know they are not your lips,
Ever man that fucks me the wrong way I know it's not you inside me,
I sit watching the rain lightly tapping against the glass,
Please hurry,
My heart can’t take any more of this being alone shit,
Doesn’t it hurt?
Can’t you feel the hole in your heart,
Your soul doesn’t scream out for me, like mine for yours?
Just settle they say,
It is better than being alone right?
I’ve tried, and couldn't bear to wake up with the wrong person one more time,
Sure at night in the dark I can pretend that it's you holding me,
That their arms are yours keeping me safe,
But the sun always rises and I am left with the realization that he isn’t you,
Please hurry, I can’t bear to watch the rain anymore,
In moments of anger and impatience I tell myself I don’t believe in love anymore,
Yet here I sit, waiting, watching, hoping.
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moriacavandish · 4 years
Killy me Slowly
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moriacavandish · 4 years
Owning Me
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What the hell am I thinking?
Did I learn nothing the last time?!
The endless nights of crying,
How big this damned bed felt when I slept here alone,
Clutching my broken heart below naked breasts, that fucking pain, so deep I thought for sure I was dying.
I resolved never to trust another honest face!
I promised that no matter how pretty you looked pulling that white t-shirt off your smooth beautiful chest I still wasn't going let you own me,
But when you grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back I felt that familiar sensation swirling in the pit of my belly, the warmth between my thighs it felt as if you weren't giving me a choice,
I told myself that no matter how nicely you could kiss I wouldn't kiss back.
It turns out you don't kiss nicely, your mouth is hard, demanding!
So just because I said please don't stop, doesn't mean you own me.
..and when your fingers curled around my neck it didn't mean you have the right to fuck me,
But your mouth slides up my leg and it makes it hard to think,
The sharp sting of your teeth as you bite your way up my thigh,
I can't help but slip my fingers over the chestnut curls between my legs, but my fingers don't don't really want to stop you.
Its all wrong, the words go through my head even as you spread my thighs and the weight of your body covers mine,
I know this is all wrong, that I will get hurt but it won't stop me from saying yes.
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moriacavandish · 4 years
Silly pretty little thing
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Silly pretty little thing, those big brown eyes hidden beneath dark lashes.
You still keep glancing over at me,
You have no idea how sexy you really are, do you?
That smile! So many ways to play with such a perfectly shaped mouth.
You want to play dirty with me? That's so cute!
When you laugh and toss your head back like that how do you expect me to play fair.
I should just walk over take your hand and lead you outside, find a hidden little spot and... hmmm where to start? Kissing, licking biting so many choices, your neck, mouth or maybe your shoulder?
Don't mess with an old dog my silly pretty little thing we are not sweet, or nice, and I can't promise to be gentle, but I can promise you will come hard, and a lot,
My silly pretty little thing.
Its the look on your face as I walk towards you now,
My poor silly pretty little thing...
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moriacavandish · 4 years
Its not love baby
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Please let me make this clear lad this isn’t love,
Nor will it ever be.
Sure you might think it is because I’ll still treat you well,
Still give you my attention, my body, my lust.
That doesn’t mean I love you, or ever will.
It just means I will worship your body like the sun god,
Touch you just to make you moan,
See I like that, I like feeling that control over someone's reaction, your reaction
When I run my tongue up your thigh, licking and sucking until I’ve put you all the way down my throat,
I want to feel your body tense and react,
But I don’t want you to love me,
So stop looking at me with those wounded eyes.
It's never been about love you see,
Just about sex, lust and you.
Nothing wrong with adoring someone for a time,
But it will end, so make sure you understand this before you jump into my bed again.
The sheets are soft, the room is dimly light,
Yes I’ll go all out for you baby,
As long as it's not love
You can bend me, twist me, make me beg on my knees.
Oh yes while we are in my bed you are the king baby,
Spank me, fuck me, punish me, it's all your game.
These lips though, tell no lies,
It's not love.
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moriacavandish · 4 years
Mojo Baby
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I can tell the moment you walk into a room,
That slow confident swagger, the boyish grin.. yah you got Mojo baby.
I wanna lick my fingers and run them along your beautiful mouth.
I have never wanted to taste someone so badly, my poor soul is in such misery,
Just the smell of your skin makes me wet.
I can't look you directly in the eye, you shine too bright,
Some days I think you see right through me.
I was never was very good at lying.
So instead, I stumble, I stutter and run away.
When you smile I can't stop starring at the shape of your mouth, and how sexy the short dark stubble on your chin is.
I want to feel that stubble scrapping against my breasts.
Hell what I really want to know is how your cock feels buried inside me. Are you slow do you like taking your time? or you do you like it fast and hard and quick? Really I'm open to both, I might as well be honest.
You naked on top of me, hands gripping my hips, and your face buried in my neck.
But every day, I smile wave, and run away.
I am such a coward,
My beautiful Mojo baby, how I want you so.
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moriacavandish · 4 years
Valhalla Awaits
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Brothers and Sisters
Hail to the guardians, keepers of the great halls,
We are; Chaos divine,
born of the mountain people,
You stand with or against us,
Your blood will spill as easily upon our chests
as any other that attack us,
There is only right or wrong,
Stand with your brothers your sisters,
Raise your swords, and howl at moon
By the Gods, yes! We stand united, savage and proud,
We do not kneel to false gods,
Guardians of the great halls,
when we take our last breath in glorious battle we will
meet our makers, the oldest of gods brother! Welcomed as true kings and queens!
Be fierce my darling beasties
For we are born of mountain people,
lead us into Valhalla
Brothers and sisters, Hail.
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moriacavandish · 4 years
Slow your roll
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Slow your roll, take a deep breath, exhale.
I know right to look around! Did you ever think you'd live someone that makes you this happy? We should go for a walk,
smile at people today, be helpful, even if it is just opening a door.
Lend an arm to someone crossing an icy street. Be the difference.
Do good. Be good, live good. Simple words deep importance!
Random acts of kindness
It doesn't matter what you do when others are watching, its what you do when no one is there.
Love yourself, your friends and family, forgive not for them, but for you. Don't miss out on the beauty this world has for you please.
Slow your roll.
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moriacavandish · 4 years
Firm Hand
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I'm not looking for love tonight,
so if you are looking for more, move along brother,
I'd hate to break that little heart.
Tonight all I want is a firm hand, a big cock and very little talking,
let's not pretend its more then it really is.
Tonight I want to pretend its a 50/50 love hate thing
As long as your hands are firm,
and you listen to the sound of my body when you trail your fingers over the peak of my breast.
Do you know how to listen to a woman's body? With all her peaks and curves,
Can you hear her scream when your fingertips touch that sweet spot deep inside her wetness?
Do you know when to pull her hair just enough that it stings?
Can you grab her in a way she feels owned?
That tingle of fear but more so the delicious thought of what comes next.
I know I'm a little dirty, you get it though, don't you?
If your good to me baby, I'll be good to you, I promise,
soft warm lips, licking their way towards your hips
Your hand on the back of my head, guiding me down.
Let's play with your sweet spots
How far can I take you... oh all the way
On my back, on my knees, whichever you like
Love me hate me, yes, please
Let's pretend baby.
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moriacavandish · 4 years
Death-the beginning
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Death, the beginning.
Do you ever wonder what death is? Some say we die, and become part of the earth, not in a spiritual way rather food for the many. Some believe we die and reincarnate and do so until we reach enlightenment learning valuable lessons each time.
Some say there will be a shining glow, a light as your soul lifts towards heaven. So many thoughts, and ideas, so many choices to believe in. Maybe death is just another phase in our existence, after all, what can one person possibly learn in a mere 90-year lifespan? Someone once told me that the light at the end of the tunnel could simply be the light in the hospital room as you are reborn in another vessel.
There are others still that believe being a spirit or could also be part of life. We have to admit that life itself is very transient—there is no real expiry date on us, no manual on how to. I think death is a personal thing, each being unique and separate from one human to another. Sound corny? Yeah, it does, but think about it. Who are you? Where are you from? Who are your ancestors?
Some cultures believe that we can die with dignity, regardless of illness, station in life, or age.The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, by Sogyal Rinpoche, was an eye-opener for me. It made me realize that death in itself is just part of our life cycle. Vikings pushed their loved ones out to sea in grand boats, setting it ablaze for the gods to see. Glory to Valhalla!
Or perhaps there are four stages to the human spirit's journey, Birth, life, death, afterlife, and according to some Indigenous cultures, you cannot understand death until you have completed these stages.
In Australia, the Aboriginals believe they go to a place called “The land of the dead.” Just look up in the stars, you will see Sky-world as it's commonly called.
In Korea after cremation, the ashes are refined into colorful beads, though not worn, they are displayed in their deceased family's homes.
In Muslim belief, the body is buried rather than cremated, as they believe there will be a day of judgement and physical resurrection.
Egypt they lavish their dead with material things, tombs filled with ransoms worth of treasure; gold and jewels, bestowing statutes and expensive knick-knacks. In some cases, servants and pets were buried alive with their masters. The richer you were, the better your afterlife just might be. Death in many ways seems more of a beginning, Some believed that our station in life had a great deal to do with our comfort in the hereafter.
In the Hindi faith, the body is cremated quickly, within 24 hours, and it is preferred to die surrounded by loved ones in your own home. The mourners wear white, and 13 days after cremation, there is a ceremony. The soul is freed, liberated.
The world worries about dying and the uncontrollable fear of being alone. But truly at that moment, we all die alone. But we take our loved one's memories with us, our good deeds our bad choices, and the love we had for people we shall soon see. Death is part of life. One day we will all face it.
Do we fear death? Or is it more the pain of death, and the unknown that will follow. I like to think that we are forever, energy never truly dies, and I think we continued in some way Who knows, maybe we are all right in our own way. See you on the other side, one day? Maybe?
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moriacavandish · 4 years
Playing with the wild things
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Do you ever want to run away? Find that little boy or girl that once battled dragons, flew to the moon, and ran alongside the wild things in the forests of our imaginations. Some days the weight of the world is too much, and I long for the freedom of childhood when life was still, new, and amazing. Every day something would profoundly change you, it was wonderful. When we looked at one another, different yet the same, and we managed to keep our own faiths, beliefs, morals and opinions to ourselves. We would look upon new faces and new cultures with amazement and excited genuine curiosity.
I imagine there was so much I didn't see through the eyes of a child, but perhaps this is sacred, being a child I mean. I think that we all might go back and enjoy that afternoon nap we so screamed in protest to our parents about. Maybe a do-over, on that family dinner where you yelled at your aunt Agnes, the one that pinches cheeks and smells funny. Maybe if we really understood time, and concept that all people in our lives are precious, intended and important maybe we should appreciate those in our lives, after all, they won't be around forever, at least in this lifetime.
I miss the safety of walking the streets at night, the worst thing to pop out at me was a stray cat that was more afraid of me then I was of him. There were no cells phones and yet 99 percent of us made it home safely, for those that didn’t an entire community mourned along with the family. There were a few broken bones or stitches, but they healed. We learned, when the street lights suddenly went on, like a string of diamonds all at once, we knew it was time to make our way home, dinner, family time, bath and bed. How routine our lives were and we complained so much didn't we? Picking up our laundry, made us make our beds and rake leaves. Such small favours for such a simple good life. Yet with no wisdom or understanding we took it as torture, not a life lesson, but again we learned and we grew.
Summer days lazing on a beach with friends, laughing, exploring, telling and keeping secrets. Do you miss them, those friends you were inseparable with? Those first connections were so important we become one another's family, protectors and confidants. Yes, it gives you an urge to go searching Facebook, doesn’t it?
There was some bad, too. We all remember the lost fights, new love, broken hearts and personal betrayals. Let us not get into bad hair cuts, even worse choices or lack of personal fashion style, personally, Personally, I was more of a geek. But even that was okay, I certainly wasn’t alone. We need all types of people in this world. Some will be the next Wayne Gretzky, others will be the future Bill Gates. Perhaps Canadians will luck out and one of our children could become Prime Minister. A word of advice from an old gal, still trying to learn new tricks herself , take your children places, take away their phones. It's not against their rights, it's opening their eyes to other worlds, read to them every night, because one night when your children have left, and you wake in the middle of the night, you will wish you’d read Clifford just one more time, or let them stomp in that puddle, because it's just water and dirt. Those aren’t the memories your children will remember, the dirt, the messy house, the dishes in the sink. No, they will remember the adventures, and fun, and the truth. Give them the advantage of a balanced real-world-virtual world.
Let your children explore, make friends, do not place your fears, your dislikes, your disrespects upon them. Give them room to make their own friends, their own choices. Let them roam with the wild things in the forest, and battle pirates with them as often as you can. There is no creation in a child’s heart and mind without present parents. Give your children a real-world childhood.
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