morningstaroflux · 4 years
          ❛  That’s where you are wrong. I think drink, conversation and companionship is the best sort of payment. But maybe that’s because I don’t find myself in good company often,❜  she returns to him aptly, hands still wrapped about his wrist. But as soon as they meet in a well formed tread, Kitty releases her hold– her hands instead going to her robe that hangs from her form. Its tie is tugged over her waist, knotted loosely even as they continue to walk.
     Her dressing room was at the end of the hall, even further away from prying eyes– which was great for when she needed a break from the rude criminals who paraded themselves around the pub’s floor. She was tough. She could put up with a lot. But even she had a limit. 
      He compliments her and she beams, warmth true upon her soft features. ❛  Well, I had lovely accompaniment to thank for that. You could have made someone tone deaf sound like they could hold a tune, I’m sure.❜  A rounded hip bounces itself slightly off his form, landing at his legs versus his hip. ❛  You were just perfect, darling. I couldn’t have asked for it any better. ❜  Though they both know the MUSIC wasn’t what had made the crowd happy. Sure, it helped. But the fact that a pretty face was flashing skin while twirling and singing was the real reason it had gone over so well. 
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    That thought dims her expression some, her brow furrowing slightly as they finally reach the dressing room door. She liked his playing AND his singing. It was much better than what she NORMALLY danced and sung to. It was just a shame that’s not what anyone was focusing on. 
         ❛  … Maybe I should take your offer for another song. I’d like to hear it again sometime soon, I think. ❜
He chuckled a bit, company was indeed what he wanted, companionship and friendship, perhaps something a bit more naughty but in the end he wanted her friendship and companionship, not just now but overall. She was right that most of them were staring at her, if not all, but he thought that her voice was at least part of the appeal. “I think anyone whom isn’t enamored by your voice is deaf. Yes you are very beautiful, so much so that if I’m being honest it takes a lot of my willpower not to drag you into the shadows and start kissing you, running my hands along your thighs and holding you up while everyone passes by.” He was honest, and direct, this was just another way that it showed itself, he made absolutely no attempt at secrecy that he wanted her, but at least he also cared about her as more then just a body.
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”I see, so your allowed to bounce your hips against me but I’m not allowed to touch? Is that it?” He teased for a second before pausing at her door, then at her request his finger moved under her chin and slowly lifted it upwards twords him, letting it run along her fur slowly. “You will always have that offer, as long as I can have your voice to accompany mine.”
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
   A   t the end of her set, the white doe dashed on tip toe, as if still dancing her way behind the curtains and backstage in the trek toward her dressing room. But not before she fetched a small, satin robe and threw it over her shoulders. Sure. She danced practically nude but that didn’t mean she lacked decency. Her every step was light and purposeful as she bound across warped wood. A showman in all that she did, Kitty could never act differently even if she tried. And… she had tried. But it never felt organically like herself when she did. So she had given up trying to hide that part of herself a long time ago. Besides, keeping light footed was best when she didn’t WANT to be found. He is there, where she had left him and that calms her some. But, of course, being Lucifer, he saw fit to ‘fix’ that for her.
    Kitty jumps slightly at the unforeseen attention towards her when she nears him, whirling around to look up at the human face that smiled so broadly down at her. A delicate brow tents and she huffs out a gentle laugh, her forget me not eyes rolling in play of annoyance. But, truly, she was amused more than anything else. The little chanteuse was just glad he had stayed out of sight. Lord knows SHE didn’t react well to seeing him the first time, she had no idea how any other individual may react. But she could safely assume it would be poorly. A ‘human’ the size of a mouse? It didn’t make much sense, after all. Of course it would scare people. 
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      A hand swats at his own playfully as she covers her backside with her two hands. ❛  That handful of yours could be considered a bonus enough, you know. Anything more than that and I’d have to charge you. Lucifer darling, ❜  she simpers in a low tease. Kitty twirls herself slightly as she speaks, posture erect and head held aloft. He was much taller than her so she had to tilt her head back to look at him. She slowly pulls a hand out from behind her and takes his wrist, pulling gingerly as if to encourage him to follow her. She’d much prefer this conversation behind closed doors, anyway. Already she is taking small steps, pulling the man along with her as she walked. ❛  But if you’d like to down a drink or two with me and consider that your ‘bonus’, instead, I’m sure I can work something out.❜
He snorted a bit at that, if her rear end being grabbed was his bonus that would truly be one thing but they both knew that it wasn’t, not that he really needed a bonus persay. “I think a drink is a good way to start but it definitely isn’t what I had in mind, and somehow I doubt it’s what you would have in mind either.”
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He moved along with her easily, freely, stepping alongside her with the ease of someone so much taller, he chose a size that wasn’t too large but even so he was one and a half times her size easily, “You sounded wonderful tonight, I hope I fulfilled your request to sing with you well enough.” Eyes would slowly move along her as she moved and a smile spread along his features as she continued to tease,
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
Lucifer, obviously, can play every instrument in the world, and do it better then most masters, however there are four that he at most used his cheating powers on once and fell so in love with he became devoted to learning them naturally and became a true master of them, in order of favorites these are.
The fiddle, obviously, something he only plays for the most special people to him, if he plays this for you that means you are someone he would give his life for, plain and simple
The Piano, this is his second passion and he loves to show it off, the piano in his club is actually the very first piano ever made, he’s changed it’s appearance to keep the times now and then but that’s just an illusion, underneath it’s the first true piano ever made by Bartolomeo Cristofori and he genuinely admired the man, he didn’t accept it right away, not until he learned to play it perfectly.
The Violin, this is a lesser known but very special instrument to him because it requires finesse and skill more then any other instrument out there to truly sound beautiful, he cheated to play it once and the sound was so amazing he decided that he would learn it naturally and master it.
The final is the flute, something that can be done easy, it’s portable, it’s lovely, and it’s something that he just loves, though the only people that know this are @wiccanblood @heavenguided and @wintersovereign, no one else knows how important it is to him, he’s also a bit embarrassed because it’s not something that is more complex like the others.
The fact that he is a true master that spent centuries learning and perfecting them means he is also far better at them then any of the ones that he uses his abilities to know how to play.
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
@heedingcalls​ slightly future thread discussed.
How long ago had it been that Lucifer had met the mouse, at first it was awkward but now? Now it was mostly fun, he enjoyed, greatly so, singing with her and watching her dance, he enjoyed, again greatly so, seeing her move and sway those hips, she wasn’t a tease, she was a showman, but.....Lucifer was Lucifer and it was teasing him even if it wasn’t the intention. So when this little song ended, himself staying a bit hidden so as not to scare all the other small rodents and the like, since he really didn’t have any form he took for this yet....something he would probably have to fix but at least with her he didn’t need to as much, he simply added vocals and a nice piano to her music, most thought it nothing but a tape, so when the curtains closed and she walked back what she saw was only for her........
A single hand moved down and gave a gentle, soft squeeze on the furry rear end. “You certain know how to torment a guy don’t you Kitty? It’s been driving me wild for some time now.....”
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“So do I get a little bonus for helping out or do I have to play you another song first?”
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
You know, I’m very sick and tired of being attacked for things like my views on fictional characters, not being told they disagree, being OUTRIGHT ATTACKED, called stupid, called a fucking crybaby, and bitched out because I don’t like a certain FICTIONAL CHARACTER and I’m fucking furious........
I obviously don’t deserve friends because I don’t like Superman......APPARENTLY
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
     Azrael tilted her head to the side, “Am I?” She squinted slightly as he continued. “I…fear what I would be if you didn’t see me that way. None of the others really took an interest in me and we both know dad doesn’t care what happens to me, and mom was always so busy..there were so many kids, you know?” Her tone is neutral, like she’s just saying facts, because, really, she is. “And I hate to tell you this, but you’re not nearly as hard to understand as you might think. No one else cared enough to try.” Except maybe their father. She nodded at his words, knowing better than to push further. If he didn’t want to talk about it, then she wouldn’t make him. She respected him enough for that. 
     “Well, I’m thankful for that at least. I hate being underestimated or made to feel small. I’m not…small. Nor am I weak.” Her physical form was small by human standards, but she had done that to be less intimidating to the souls she transported. Plus, her true form wasn’t exactly pleasing to look at – all those eyes and the way she constantly wrote in her book of the dead. 
     Rae joined him in the water and floated along side, though she watched the clouds instead. “Do you ever feel…cursed? Like all you do is hurt yourself and, more importantly, you hurt those you love? Like, no matter what you do everything always turns out wrong? And you just watch it happen, unsure of how to stop it or fix it. I feel–” She took a breath, and tried to get her thoughts in order. It was so quiet in her head now without the voices of the dead, but it made it harder for her to think sometimes because she had been so used to them. “I feel like death follows me like a shadow. Like I’ll never be able to outrun it and it will take everything I care for away from me. You, Ella…actually, that’s pretty much it. I…have a hard time getting close to people. But I…I’m afraid for you both. That someday I’ll do something to really hurt you.” 
He was grateful she didn’t push, he didn’t know about how easy he was to understand but he didn’t think he was just super complex either, especially not compared to his siblings, it was more a reference to the fact that they simply didn’t try, he knew what it was like to be the outcast, so why would he put her through that? He may have made her take it a bit slower then she wanted but he always treated her as an equal, or at most a student, rather then a burden. It was that that drew them so close together compared to almost everyone else, honestly if she wasn’t whom she was he would have asked her to be his bodyguard instead of Mazikeen, but he couldn’t put her through that, making her torture souls for eternity wasn’t something he could do to her,
“You aren’t, that’s true, but there are things that no mortal and no good soul should ever have to go through.” He went through it and he knew, it wasn’t as easy as she thought it was, an eternity as a tormentor and jailer would break almost anyone, almost everyone. He wasn’t willing to risk it even if she thought she could handle it.
“Not really, what I do know is that anyone getting close to me is a bad thing, I say it to people but almost no one believes me, I’m like walking heroine, highly addictive and it never ends well. Why else do you think all I do are flings rather then anything real.......even Salamander took a while for me to be willing to risk letting her close, and even now I’m terrified of hurting her and destroying her like I do everything and everyone that gets near me.” But he didn’t see it as a curse, he saw it as part of his life, part of being whom he was, the moniker of Devil came with heavy burdens.
“You won’t be able to hurt me, and Ella is a very special woman.....I still don’t know how to make it up to her, returning to hell for a while, it was needed but.......doesn’t make it easier.”
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
tbh as a raised Christian, I am 100 percent down with calling it a mythology. Because that's what we call most recorded oral histories and supernatural accounts.
I try to be as fair as possible I just know how SJW and white Knights are, it’s not that “Christians are hyper defensive” as much as I’ve learned how bad the bad side of dumblr can get, even if it’s just a few people those few WILL swarm you with hate faster then you can blink so I wanted to cut it off before it started.
Thank you for understanding, it’s not like I’m saying it can’t be right, it’s just not what I believe, and I call my own belief’s the same thing for equality.
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
(I did not know that, actually.) The Devil went Down to Georgia by the Charlie Daniels Band, sir. That song.
Yeah I don’t know the band so I didn’t know what it was referencing looked up the lyrics and bam it connected, again when it comes to Mythology of any kind I am a huge nerd, absolutely obsessed with it in every single way possible, and before ANY christian comes to me saying “IT ISN’T MYTHOLOGY!” think about this, any ancient greek, any roman, any practitioner of norse or hindi religion would say the exact same thing about their lore, it isn’t an insult it’s just the word used for anything that cannot be proven when it comes to anything religious so I use it globally.
Disclaimer: I am actually a practionier of paganism focused on Hindi origin so to me that is what “isn’t mythology” but I’m not saying that anything else that anyone believes in is “less important” or “less realistic and valuable” then mine I am literally using it as a blanket term and would use it to refer to my own belief’s for the sake of fairness when talking to others.
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
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“As I said, there are two, and you are one of them my snow flower.”
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
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It’s actually something far simpler and yet far worse then that. It’s a point of pride because in the mythos Lucifer’s favorite instrument was the violin, and it’s a point of pride, with him being willing to risk anything of his own for any small reward just to prove he is the best at the violin that will ever be, it’s one of the few skills he loved so much in the origin of time and humanity’s musical innovations that he refused to cheat his way into knowing. The violin is literally considered to be a divine musical instrument.
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
@the anon that asked that question, yes that song is biblical, it’s not just “somewhat” bublical it flat is biblical, it is basically a song version of a very old christian myth about the fact that Lucifer is a violin player, loves the violin more then any other instrument and is willing to risk anything to show that he loves it the best. 
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
Wait, so Charlie Daniels' song is like. Somewhat biographical?
To be honest I don’t know, that would require a song name for me to know. Charlie Daniels isn’t a singer I know.
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
Default Siblings for this blog. This means OC’s will NOT BE ACCEPTED AS ARCHANGELS, OC’s will gladly be accepted as anything at principality/ruler level and below which is 1 step down but for this blog I will be using a mixture of mythos and only accepting the ones that are recorded in them, with some exceptions, as siblings for Lucifer.
These siblings are the following.
Michael in the Hebrew language means "Who is like God?" or "Who is equal to God?" Michael has been depicted from earliest Christian times as a commander, who holds in his right hand a spear with which he attacks Atse'Hashke/Sammael, and in his left hand a green palm branch. At the top of the spear, there is a linen ribbon with a red cross. The Archangel Michael is especially considered to be the Guardian of the Faith and a warrior against heresies.
Gabriel means "God is my strength" or "Might of God". He is the herald of the mysteries of God, especially the Incarnation of God and all other mysteries related to it. He is depicted as follows: In his right hand, he holds a lantern with a lighted taper inside, and in his left hand, a mirror of green jasper. The mirror signifies the wisdom of God as a hidden mystery.
Raphael means "It is God who heals" or "God Heals". Raphael is depicted leading Tobit (who is carrying a fish caught in the Tigris) with his right hand and holding a physician's alabaster jar in his left hand.
Uriel means "God is my light", or "Light of God" (II Esdras 4:1, 5:20). He is depicted holding a sword in his right hand, and a flame in his left.
Sealtiel means "Intercessor of God". He is depicted with his face and eyes lowered, holding his hands on his bosom in prayer.
Jegudiel means "Glorifier of God". He is depicted bearing a golden wreath in his right hand and a triple-thonged whip in his left hand.
Barachiel means "Blessed by God". He is depicted holding a white rose in his hand against his breast.
Jerahmeel means "God's exaltation". He is venerated as an inspirer and awakener of exalted thoughts that raise a person toward God. (II Esdras 4:36). As an eighth, he is sometimes included as an archangel. He is also the only archangel that was raised to, and granted the power of, an archangel rather then being born, this also means he is by far and wide the weakest because no mortal can be infused with too much power without destroying the spirit, but he still holds more then any hundred rulers/principalities, comparatively the others hold millions of times the power of the sphere below them.
Suriel means "Prince of God" Unlike the others Suriel does not hold within him a specific sphere, he is the angel that inscribed the Dead Sea Scrolls. He is also the original Archangel that lusted after mankind, Lucifer was the first to actually sleep with a mortal but Suriel was the first to become obsessed with them and fall in love with them.
Zedekiel means "Grace of God" He is the angel other then Gabriel whom usually manifests to deliver messages, he is also the archangel whom is known as the “Voice of God” or the Metatron.
Ananiel/Amenadiel means "Rain of God" Gods favorite son, the chosen holder of the key to the flaming sword and one whom holds righteous justice as his first and foremost belief
Azrael (Azra’il in Arabic, also called Malak al-Maut, literally “angel of death”). Taking the soul of the dead to heaven or hell.
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
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one.   who  spends  almost  all  their  money  on  the  other  ?
lucifer  absolutely  SPOILS  his  salamander  .  just  about  anything  she  wants  it’s  hers  with  really  not  much  question  .  it’s  not  because  thorn’s  not  willing  to  work  for  it  ,  absolutely  not  ,  but  he’s  willing  to  give  because  money’s  not  a  matter  &  it  makes  him  happy  to  see  her  happy  so  she’s  learning  to  take  easier  .  it’s  not  really  ’  spending  almost  all  of his  money  ’  because  …  well  ,  honestly  ,  thorn’s  not  even  sure  where  or  if  the  money  trail  ends  .  all  she  knows  is  is  that  other  than  online  she  hasn’t  had  to  use  to  credit  card  since  they  started  seeing  each  other  .
two.  who  sleeps  in  the  other’s  lap  ?
 luci’s  been  known  to  do  this  .  whenever  she’s  occupied  with  reading  or  shopping  he’ll  just  lay  his  head  on  lap  when  wanting  some  extra  affection  so  she’ll  idly  play  with  his  hair  until  he  dozes  off  …  it  takes  a  while  since  he’s  usually  occupied  by  the  view  right  above  his  head  ,  the  set  of  twins  attached  to  her  chest  &  curvy  thighs  just  below  .
twelve.  which  one  of  your  otp  overdoes  it  on  the  alcohol  and  which  one  makes  the  other  stop  drinking  ?
 lucifer  can’t  really  get  drunk  so  by  default  it’d  be  thorn  .  but  even  then  she’s  never  was  the  overly  drinking  type  &  even  then  she’s  definitely  not  a  lightweight  so  he  doesn’t  have  to  tell  her  to  stop  ,  she’s  just  the  only  one  that’s  able  to  get  drunk  .
nineteen.  how  good  would  your  otp  be  at  parenting  ?
i'd  imagine  they’d  make  SUPER  fun  parents  !!  lucifer’s  not  quite  wild  at  the  idea  of  having  kids  but  is  willing  to  try  to  make  sally  happy  because  despite  her  rocker  lifestyle  she  does  want  to  be  a  mom  .  i  see  their  parenting  style  as  a  mix  of  ’  i’m  going  to  give  you  the  world ’  but  also  ’  only  if  you  deserve  it  .  ’  there  are  absolutely  NO  spoiled  brats  being  raised  under  their  roof  because  both  can  be  disciplinary  but  while  the  punishment  can  be  bad  the  benefits  can  be  VERY  good  so  there’s  a  fair  balance  .  of  the  two  lucifer’s  actually  more  lenient  because  of  outlook  on  rules  …  which  is  probably  why  their  child’s  first  words  likely  won’t  be  ’  momma  ’  or  ’  dada  ’  but  ’  bloody  hell  .  '  //  @morningstaroflux​
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
      She watched him, had learned long ago, that when he went quiet he was usually remembering something he didn’t want to talk about. She did the same thing. Their eyes would glaze over slightly, lost, before they’d blink and be back in the present.
      Az swam to the edge of the pool and rested her arms on the side, finally turning towards her brother when he spoke. She was still silent, but pushed herself out of the water. 
       “I…believe you think you need to protect me because I’ll always be that little girl in your eyes that toddled after you, wings barely the size of my hand, while yours were already full grown, begging for you to take me with you, to not be left behind, not again. The girl who would plead with you to train with her because she wasn’t going to be the worst soldier out of the archangels, even if she was so much younger than the others. The young raven haired girl who you thought always needed security and stability because I couldn’t find it anywhere else.” 
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     Rae sat beside him and let her short legs dangle in the water and took a breath, “But–” She put her hand on top of his, “I’m not that little girl anymore, Helel. I haven’t been for a long, long time. The things I’ve seen– what humans have done against other humans. I saw the worst of humanity every single day for billions of years, and I know we missed a lot of time, my fault, really.  I should have been braver and seen you sooner. We could have made up eons ago, but Lucifer, I’m not your responsibility anymore. I’m old enough to make my own choices – no matter how right or wrong they are – don’t shut me out.” 
He shifted a bit, and just pulled himself out of and laid himself down on top of the water, she was wrong of course, he wasn’t trying to protect her because she was a little girl, he was hiding a part of himself that he hated that was part of him, because he hated it not because he thought she would. Many people, many beings, everyone and everything had things they disliked about themselves but Lucifer Morningstar held the prize for the most self hating being in existence.
“You really think that way, you’re wrong you know.  Malak al-Maut.....” He used one of her other names as well, one that very few ever used, “.....I never saw you as just the little one that wanted to cling around, I always saw you as the one with the most potential, and I think I was right. Unlike our dear brothers you at least tried to understand me, and humanity, you are the only one that said no, I’m not shutting you out there are just parts of my life, parts of myself that I don’t share with anyone.”
He just kept staring up at the sky, directly at the sun actually, not that it hurt him the way it could, or would, other’s.....even his siblings could only look directly at it for a few moments before flinching away but not him, the Lightbringer. “I can promise you it’s not that.”
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
“No, it wouldn’t–” Then she let out a surprised but also delight gasp as she felt herself being pushed up into the air. Soon after she found herself landing in his arms, it felt like a scene from a romantic painting. She felt herself freeze in the moment as she stared up to him; her palms rested against his chest while her eyes became locked onto his lips.
Ironically, she barely listened to a thing that came out of his lips. She picked up pieces of what he said every once in a while, but she was more focused on taking in the moment. Before finally she blurted out the question. “Do you like me kissing you?”
He smirked a bit, “If I didn’t would I be doing it so often?” A fair question, if he didn’t like kissing her he wouldn’t constantly kiss her. Of course he liked it, he enjoyed a lot of things, kisses, sex, all sorts of things.
A soft chuckle, “I already know you’re addicted to me, far more then simply kisses too.”
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morningstaroflux · 4 years
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        “That’s the thing though. I knew I could have said no. I just…” Rae trailed off, angry at herself for getting emotional, angry that this effected her at all. It had been so long. “I just wanted mother or father to be proud of me. Just once, I wouldn’t be a disappointment to them. To..to tell me I had done good, that I was a good daughter.” Like they had always told him. He was told constantly between the two of them. And she wasn’t jealous of it – she never was, she was just hurt. She pressed her lips together and looked away, “Like..like that by killing all those people…it would have been worth it. They were innocent, Lucifer. They didn’t deserve it. All those millions upon billions of people over the years and I just – And what for? My own selfish gain.” It was stupid, she had been stupid. 
     Azrael dove underwater then, staying there until her lungs burned with the need of oxygen, and even then some, just to feel it a little bit more, to remember what it was to be alive. She came up near the bottle of scotch she had placed earlier and she gulped down a good chunk of it, enjoying the heat as it went down her throat and into her stomach.
      “And I’m The Angel of Death,” She dead panned, coming back near him. “We both have darkness within us, Luc. We both live with-with guilt and regret and remorse. So, really, I’d probably understand more than almost anyone else in the universe, if you’d give me the chance to.” 
That was just it though, what she didn’t understand, his darkness wasn’t something he hid, rather it was something he reveled in, he was very good at what he did, and not because he was created for it, it wasn’t because he was warped into something, it was because he truly enjoyed it, he loved that part of his work, the part he hated was being stuck in the underworld forever, but everything else about it..........honestly he truly loved it, and the things he did, the things he was really truly good at, well.....they would make even Azrael pale, gag, and probably run screaming. 
It wasn’t about trust, it wasn’t about respect, it was about himself and his own fear, his own desire to keep his baby sister away from that part of what he was, because honestly.......he didn’t want her to see it. But she was right, and he knew it.
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A sigh and a shift, his scars coming into full view as he did, though he had noted her own they were very different then his own. “Would you believe me if I said it wasn’t about you, that it was about me RaeRae?”
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