uncle-illya · 5 years
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Happy 86th birthday, dear David!
From Illya to Ducky and all the wonderful performances and characters in-between, thank you for providing us with drama, laughs and entertainment over the years. We’re looking forward to seeing your work for many years to come. With respect and love from a lifelong fan. Enjoy your September 19 birthday. Cheers!
P.S. You are STILL the greatest thing since peanut butter and jelly.
#DavidMcCallum #IllyaKuryakin #Ducky #DuckyMallard #duckyncis #themanfromuncle #NCIS #ncisfamily #manfromuncle #unclesequelplease #savingtheworldnevergoesoutofstyle @wbpictures @armiehammer https://www.instagram.com/p/B2lb8r2BI2j/?igshid=12tz13w573zft
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uncle-illya · 5 years
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During my tumblr hiatus after meeting the gorgeous Armie Hammer at a London film festival party in 2016 I was lucky enough to meet him again in 2018 and earlier this year the first time I was wearing my TMFU tee which he loved and the second time I got him to sign my TMFU 2015 dvd case (which has also since been signed by Hugh Grant and Elizabeth Debicki).
After meeting him three times I can say that Armie is the perfect gentleman and he always has time for those wanting to speak to him. I’m also amazed that he remembered me on the third time and instantly made me feel at ease (I’m a usually chill person and confident, but always get a little awkward talking to someone I admire, especially when they’re super tall, handsome with a deep voice ;D). He asked me how things were going and made small talk which he didn’t have to do and then we spoke about all things man from uncle including a sequel, his Illya Kuryakin and David McCallum’s Illya Kuryakin. Plus it was only myself, my friend and Armie and his wife the third time around, which made it easier to converse with him as the second time he was trying to divide his attention between at least 30 fans! :)
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uncle-illya · 5 years
I’ve been away from Tumblr for so long! But I’m back and my love for Man From Uncle and my fave Russian agent never disappeared! Here’s a a short four chapter pre slash story I wrote in whilst I was gone, it’s based on the tv characterisations of Napoleon and Illya!
‘Loosely inspired by the great song, ‘The Fairytale Of New York’, by The Progues. Napoleon persuades a reluctant Illya to spend Christmas Eve with him and the two men enjoy a memorable evening out together in the beautiful city.’
Please give it a read and a review if you have a spare moment or two :) I’m working on a sequel and would be nice to get some feedback!
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uncle-illya · 6 years
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uncle-illya · 6 years
ok here are some F.A.C.T.S.
1. the man from u.n.c.l.e. came out in 2015
2. no one wanted to see it with me
3. i was lazy and did not watch it alone either
4. i finally watched it last night, in this, the year of our lord, 2017
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uncle-illya · 6 years
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Look at these! Baby McCallum and Illya McCallum!
[Image description: two b&w photos of suited David McCallum, head and torso, in an almost identical pose, one from the mid to late fifties and one from the mid sixties.]
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uncle-illya · 6 years
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Today’s Robert Francis Friday post: Robert as Napoleon Solo in “The Jingle Bells Affair” episode of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (ft David McCallum as Illya Kuryakin)
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uncle-illya · 6 years
I still miss Robert Vaughn so much :( *sigh*
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uncle-illya · 6 years
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He’s So Tall And Handsome As Hell
He’s So Bad
But He Does It So Well…
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uncle-illya · 7 years
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how to be chill around your crush: 1) hand on hip 2) weight on one leg 3) casually lean over furniture
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uncle-illya · 7 years
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This picture. Their expressions. Priceless.
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uncle-illya · 7 years
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Two things.
First I went to the Lego store today and created Man From Uncle mini figures the best I could with the limited parts provided :’) in loving the camera and spanner accessories for Illya and Gaby respectively. No surprise they didn’t have a gun for Napoleon :’(
Second. I found out for definite where Armie Hammer is filming here in London and I’m so tempted to swing by and see if I can watch and possibly meet Armie ahh
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uncle-illya · 7 years
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TMFU vs Urban Dictionary
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uncle-illya · 8 years
gaby x illya for the who does what meme thingy majiggy ;)
Gives nose/forehead kisses. Illya. It’s easiest to reach her there for quick pecks.
Gets jealous the most. Both. Illya is overtly the more jealous of the two. It’s a real issue — he’ll rage and pout and act possessive. Gaby has to work to curb his jealous nature. Hers is more subtle but way deadlier. She doesn’t try to compete with other women or shout or any of that. Oh no. Gaby, her abandonment issues on full display, protects herself with feigned indifference. She walks away. She puts on a show of ignoring him. If she’s feeling particularly spiteful, she’ll encourage Illya. Anything to belie how weak she is for him. 
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive. Illya. Gaby is a drinker and a dancer. She’ll go out with her girls and Illya be there to put her to bed.
Takes care of on sick days. Both. Illya fusses to the point that Gaby shamelessly takes advantage of him but he can hardly be upset at her. Gaby has a much more tough love approach —  necessary to convince the Red Peril he his mortal —until she can’t help but melt into a puddle over his puppy dog eyes.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day. Gaby. She is, as a rule, the Instigator of Fun and Illya needs and loves her for it.
Gives unprompted massages. Gaby. She likes being able to reach Illya’s shoulders and relieve some of that tension. When he’s sitting playing chess or writing up reports, more often than not Gaby is behind him working those strong, magical fingers of hers.
Drives/rides shotgun. Gaby drives, Illya is shotgun. Of course.
Brings the other lunch at work. Illya. He’s gotta make sure his gal gets three squares. Gaby gets distracted easily. 
Has the better parental relationship. Illya. Even with all his neuroses, even with his father in the gulag, he is the quintessential good son. Gaby “doesn’t have a father” long before Udo Teller is killed.
Tries to start role-playing in bed. Gaby. The little minx does like to make her Russian giant blush. She’s also damn good at figuring out what Illya wants but is too polite/repressed to put into words. Once he has permission/an excuse Illya is into it. Every time he says, “Your fiance would…” in the movie proves that once he’s in character he’ll commit.  
Embarrassingly drunk dancer. Illya. Gaby is a drunk dancer from way back, but she always looks good doing it. Illya, the lanky dork, has zero moves at the best of times — unless it’s a waltz. Mama K made sure her boy could dance like a gentleman.
Still cries watching Titanic Bambi. Gaby. The girl wants to pretend she has no feelings, but that’s a big, fat lie. She inhales sad movies and books and goes off on crying jags, all that repressed emotion just flattening her.
Firmly believes in couples costumes. Both. Gaby for roleplaying reasons. Illya because nothing says MINE like matching costumes.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas. Illya. When this big romantic was role playing as her fiance, he makes sure his woman knows she deserves the finest clothes and jewelry. Gaby, ironically more affronted by price tags (“Have you seen the price of this handbag?”) would buy sensible presents but add a personal touch. 
Makes the other eat breakfast. Both. Whoever gets up first. Gaby is not much of a sleeper, so she likes to be occupied early in the morning. If she’s crashed out or hung over, Illya makes sure she eats a hearty breakfast.
Remembers anniversaries. Illya. Say it with me: BIG OLE ROMANTIC SAP. 
Brings up having kids. Gaby. Illya is the family man; it’s unspoken but very clear that Illya wants kids. Gaby hardly remembers having a family of her own; the concept is appealing but she is wary about the execution. They both know this about each other. Illya is patient, so he waits for Gaby to bring it up herself.
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uncle-illya · 8 years
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I don't know what to say. I'm devastated and heartbroken :( RIP Robert :'(
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uncle-illya · 8 years
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My young cute spy children <3
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uncle-illya · 8 years
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I watched this movie twice and now I’m in so deep with Illya Kuryakin and I’m emotionally invested in the Gaby x Illya relationship.
I’ve spent the past hour writing fanfics at the same time as making a fan video.
Send help.
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