morpheusxollivander · 4 years
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morpheusxollivander · 4 years
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morpheusxollivander · 4 years
Send “🖊” for a quick doodle of your muse!
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morpheusxollivander · 4 years
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Nyx had been all day inside, it was a bit like she didn’t spend all day messing around with people, she didn’t really care if it was during her classes or during the time she was at the common room, but somehow she was already tired of messing around her house mates. She just needed a break from those walls.
As Nyx walked outside finding Morpheus standing there. Well that’s the perfect prey, she thought as she walked quietly towards the Ravenclaw, she was trying not to make a noise when she felt the parchment ball hitting her. “Mate, you ruined everything,” she said chucking the parchment back at him, making the ball hit his head. “I was going to scare you so bad” she said as a chuckle fell from her lips. “What are you working at, Ollivander?” she asked sitting next to him with a smile on her face.
Morpheus felt the hairs on the back of his neck creep up, a storm was coming. Looking around the courtyard and not seeing anything distressing, he frowned warily; shaking his head in denial, he continued working until the smudge happened. Upon chucking the paper behind him and delivering an apology once he heard a voice in response, his eyes fell on the one girl in all the castle that he conflictedly hated with every being of his body.
“Proudmore.” Phe responded flatly, hoping his disinterested tone would ward her off. However, like everything she seemed to do, Nyx did the opposite. Resisting the urge to pinch his brow in annoyance and let out the heaviest of sighs, he quickly composed himself and cleared his throat. “I was working on writing down a new melody. It was inspired by the concept of a delightful afternoon which was ruined by an annoying storm.” He smirked at his own cleverness. 
Nyx and Morpheus had a... complicated relationship. They were polar opposite beings that were magnetized to constantly attract each other. As much as Morpheus hated Nyx Proudmore, he also needed her. Falling into near depression-like states of boredom, Morpheus needed a pushy, annoying, pestering, radiant and beautiful soul to pull him out of the darkness. 
“How many detentions have you managed to get today?” Phe teased mercilessly. “Did your latest hair-brained scheme actually work this time so at least the detention was worth it?” Giving her an ‘im-so-superior-and-clever’ look, Morpheus gave a laugh. 
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morpheusxollivander · 4 years
“All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions.”
— Leonardo da Vinci
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morpheusxollivander · 4 years
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The blonde looked at the Ravenclaw “Well… It didn’t sound bad” she admitted “It’s not like I’m a musician or anything, but it sounded pretty good” she said softly. One of the things that Tessa was being sincere, she wasn’t lying when she said it did sound good, but maybe the boy needed a second opinion.
Tessa, when she saw him staring just, smiled a chuckle fell from her lips, she thought that maybe the Ravenclaw knew her brother. “Oh yeah, I’m pretty much used to me in the common room, but I have to say that I needed a little bit more peace” she explained “Oh, and the sunshine is way better rather the firepit” nodded the blonde “Are you used to be around here?”
Morpheus shrugged distantly, the melody already disappearing from his thoughts. He knew he was a skilled musician, and a decent composer, but hearing that his work was ‘pretty good’ from an unbiased audience was refreshing. “Thank you.” Phe replied honestly. 
“Your common room keeps the firepit running at this time of year?” Morpheus looked shocked and intrigued. “It must be a Gryffindor thing, fire being it’s natural element and all...” He muttered to himself thoughtfully, scratching his chin absently. “Yes, I’m usually around and about in the upper level corridors. I hate walking any further and it’s pretty close to the Ravenclaw Towers.” Morpheus gave a slightly sheepish look to the girl, admitting to being lazy. 
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morpheusxollivander · 4 years
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morpheusxollivander · 4 years
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morpheusxollivander · 4 years
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Finding the youngest Wood reading outside her common room was a little strange, the girl always preferred sitting on the sofa in front of the firepit and just spend all the time possible reading. That afternoon Tessa decided just change a sit outside. She sat on a bench behind another student, he was playing the guitar a humming a melody that it was new for the blonde. Maybe someone would have prefered a silent place to read, but the Gryffindor was used to study and read in her common room, the nosiest place during the day that you could find at Hogwart. 
The blonde looked up at the guy a couple of times when he muttered to himself, but she just took here eyes back to her book and kept reading until she felt something hitting her head. “Merlin, you have a good aim” chuckled the blonde. “Oh, I know, you’re the only person here” she said tossing the parchment back at the guy. “Don’t worry” she said softly “What are you working at” she said getting up and walking towards him.
As the smiling blonde girl chucked the parchment back at Morpheus, he fumbled a bit and barely caught it in return. Crumpling the parchment up further he stuffed it into his robe pocket. “A whole bunch of nothing unfortunately.” Phe pursed his lips in disappointment at having smeared his latest musical composition, it had been a nice melody and being distracted by conflicts had ruined it. “It had been a new composition I was working on, but it’s not much of anything now.”
Examining the girl in front of him, Morpheus barely recognized her as Benjamin Wood’s younger sister; he had the male as a Transfiguration partner a couple of times in the past. She was on the quidditch team if his memory was correct? He wasn’t very invested in quidditch, too much caught up in his own world, but he held a polite interest when it came to Hogwarts School affairs and rivalries. 
After an awkward moment of just staring at the girl, noticing absent-mindedly that she was very short, he cleared his throat and commented on their surroundings. “You’re a new face in this part of the castle, usually this upper courtyard is mostly empty around this time of day. Needed some sunshine?” Morpheus tried to make casual conversation with the girl. 
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morpheusxollivander · 4 years
.~*a spare bit of parchment*~.
The dusty-haired Ravenclaw student sat on a stone bench under one of the older trees in the Hogwarts courtyard, tapping out a beat with his left-hand and writing musical notes on a sheet of parchment with his right; barely audibly humming the melody under his breath. Morpheus’ eyes roamed the courtyard, observing the other students rushing around and laughing brought a small lazy smile to his face. 
“She’s such a mudblood, I just -ugh!” 
Frowning upon hearing the dated phrase, Phe lowered his head and hunched his shoulders slightly; his mantra resounding in his head - keep your head down, stay neutral. Eyes returning to his parchment he scoffed as he noticed a large smudge across the page made in his momentarily distracted state. Crumpling the paper up in annoyance, he tossed it behind him.    
“What the-?”
A startled voice echoed behind Morpheus as they were hit by a carelessly chucked piece of parchment.  
“Sorry. That’s mine.” 
Phe answered with a bit of a flush on his ears in embarrassment.
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morpheusxollivander · 4 years
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Look who it is, Morpheus Ollivander! the adopted son of Garrick Ollivander. he is a 7th year Ravenclaw, who is a part of the neutral side. some describe him as honest, but he has also been called lazy
Name: Morpheus Elric Ollivander
Sexuality: Bi
Birthday: February 17th, 2000
Age: 20
House: Ravenclaw
Club: Music
-Bio on Blog-
cw: fire
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