#starter: open
izakvoros · 1 month
where: metamorphosis on canvas showroom with: open @vievecorcitystarters
𓇼 - - - - - - - - 🩸 - - - - - - - - 𓇼
Izak leaned against one of the bare corners of the foyer, watching the crowd with smug interest. He had no true happy feelings about being at another art show when his last ended in disaster, but there was always the option of slipping away if things grew to his distaste or boredom. For the mean time, he continued to scan each patron, determined to detect any shred of weakness or restlessness in hopes to play a little game.
Even with the blood shortage, it seemed that the vampires in the masses were still sticking true to the Golden Rule. He had yet to hear of anyone succumb to their darker natures, yet to hear of a mass killing or simple mistake because of an accidental scrape of the knee of one beckoning pulse of a heartbeat. What a shame, what a shame. Maybe vampires were evolving to become more docile.
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fallenfantasyworld · 9 months
Dirty Dealings
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The Ice archer March had been visiting the new town and found herself taking a lot of photos, but met someone who had a enticing proposal which is what led her to being in the secluded room taking a few risqué photos. "Make sure you get my good side." She commented as she was a little red with how nervous she was doing such an activity.
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drummerboi-ash · 6 months
I don't think I realized how much I was going to miss my bandmates when we took this break. Even though I'm still in the studio working on my own stuff, somehow it feels a lot more quiet and empty without them around. I can't imagine this being the norm for solo artists, and I'm sorry to everyone who is one who doesn't get to have that fun of bouncing ideas around with their bandmates in the studio.
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casualscx · 3 months
status: open to m / f / nb / mutuals & non mutuals
character: vivian drake ( mid twenties )
connection: anything! stranger, significant other, sibling's significant other, parent's friend, professor, anyone! age gap more than welcome / encouraged!
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The pleasure was like a coiling spring deep inside her, and each thrust of their hand brought her closer to releasing the pressure. Vivian was delirious, her head lolling about, her mouth hanging open as the person behind her pumped her body with their fingers. Her sundress was a wrinkled mess around her waist, her underwear somewhere in the dirt below, and all she could do was gasp and whimper. The last vicious pump did it, her body bucking as the spring of her arousal finally let loose. It was a wave of pleasure and release, and she felt the warm spray of her orgasm leaving her body, squirting over their hand and the ground below. "Oh my god!" she exclaimed, both in pleasure and embarrassment, especially having never done that before. Vivian quickly tried to close her legs, the orgasm so strong and the worry painting her cheeks red as she realized what she had done. "I'm..." she tried to speak, but their continuous pumping was distracting. "I'm sorry, I didn't... I didn't mean to—"
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cal-fleischer · 1 month
where: metamorphosis on canvas showroom with: open @vievecorcitystarters
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Cal felt underdressed, suit withheld. He should have expected as much. Even after nearly seven years of living in the city, he still wasn't accustomed to the flashiness or desire to be seen, especially in regard to the unknown wishing to remain secretive. The contrast was almost comical at times, but he kept those thoughts buried deep within. Stepping on the toes of some of the people in this city was more than just a death sentence, and at the end of the day, he was still a politician and required the general vote from those living and those that were dead.
He held a champagne flute delicately in his hand, only sipping when he saw the person he was talking to do so. He wandered the room slowly and methodically, back straight and expression bright. He could feel the eyes of his werewolf bodyguards on his back, but he paid the sensation it brought no mind. A few of them had subsequently disappeared, for lack of a better word, over the last year, and from what he was told, they had quit and moved abruptly. He knew better than to believe that reason, but it was not his problem to decide what was being relayed from the underworld.
Taking in a deep breath, he stopped in front of one of the pieces and stared into its colors, though not really seeing it. Someone was already there, and he wondered if they were looking at it the same way. "Art was never my forte," he said abruptly, and he began to trace the outlines of the canvas in the air with rapid movements of his fingers. "I could never quite draw a straight line or get how you can make a still story with just blue and green. Hm. So, what do you think of this one?"
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roy-richter · 8 months
where: lunar heights pub with: open @vievecorcitystarters
Death had the same vibe as a long, disappointing vacation that you could never return from, and if there was one thing Roy hated, it was the feeling of being chained, of being too aware of himself. Was his head on right? Were his feet hidden in the dark or strategically placed behind or beside something? Were the muscles of his flayed skin curated with a magic veil that he sometimes forgot to conjure? He desperately wished he had died any other way, and the vampire that did this to him had one hell of a haunting in their future. Though, the anger-ridden daydreams did little to satisfy him.
At least he had a job surrounded by wolves, and it made him feel a little better. If there was one thing dying could not take from him, it was the desire of a pack; though, he guessed his pack now would be the other spirits.
Sighing, he pulled a pool cue from the rack, and it slid from his fingers, clattering to the ground. Cursing, he picked it up, and he stood to see someone watching him. He pointed to the green velvet table. "You wanna play or somethin'? You'd probably win because I was lousy at pool before...well, I ain't got an eye for shootin' right."
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deathtransformed · 8 months
A soft hum echoed in the dark. With his footsteps approaching, the person tied on the chair finally opened his eyes. "Ah. You're awake now. Finally. I was beginning to get bored." Gemini took a generous bite of the apple as he watches with interest when the person rose to consciousness. "Had a good sleep?" A smirk painted his lips as he watched the surprise on the other's face. "Hope you don't mind, I got hungry. And well, I need to keep this body fed in some way or else, it would collapse. Can't afford to have that now, can I? I'm here to have fun with you after all." Putting the apple onto the metal tray, he then takes one of his daggers out. "Shall we begin?" Resting the tip of the dagger onto his cheek as he pondered, Gemini added. "Unless of course, you'd tell me why I shouldn't play with you."
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hcmmersnstrings · 3 months
location: emeralds with: open! @bhqextras song: make it nasty - party favor remix by tyga, party favor It's not a bad night! Patrons weren't being disgusting (for the most part), the girls were all getting equal stage time (for once) and something in the air just had Zoey on cloud nine. She hits the stage, long legs strutting down the platform to her pole, giving herself a spin before sliding down to the ground. There was something powerful about having all eyes on you, and more importantly, having all eyes on you and knowing they know you're unobtainable. The feeling fuels her as she finishes out her song, the DJ announcing Lola Lane will be back the next night.
And with that, Zoey takes her exit, packing her things and bounding out of the club, hitting up some friends to see if they were awake and wanted drinks or to binge watch some shitty Hulu series with her, definitely not paying attention as she walks into a crowd of people hanging around outside and bumping into one of them. "Ohp! Sorry!" She lets out a laugh, hoping this isn't the moment her luck changes for the night.
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gentlelcve · 2 years
open to :: anyone connections :: anything - taboo welcomed written with beta
The storm had been raging on for a couple of hours now, and he'd been listening to every second of it, laid wide away as the crash of thunder echoed around the small bedroom, lightening sending flashes of white light to expose every corner, including their sleeping form beside him. He'd barely moved, trying his best not to wake them, but he was growing restless, Warner's own trauma stopping him for a peaceful sleep. Rolling once more onto his back, he let out a long, drawn out sigh, eyes glued to a crack in the ceiling before guilt set in as he heard the other stir.
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lunadefresa · 2 years
the future is yours boss babes - choose your starter below 
open to: anyone ( @lunarcovestarters​ )
option a location: lunar cove country club 
Maybe she should have asked before wandering off to the country club alone, but if there was somewhere she felt most comfortable, that seemed to be it. Though the longer she lounged by the heated deck, the more suspicious activity she witnessed. Her curiosity knew no bounds, and her eyes scanned and followed each time someone would wander off into a back area that seemed exclusive. If there was something Paloma hated, it was being left out of something exclusive in a place where she shouldn’t be! With a gentle wave to catch a passerby’s attention, she leaned in, lowering her sunglasses so they could hear her whisper more clearly. “What’s that about? Is there a VIP section?” Her eyes darted to the area in question, narrowed. “Is this money laundering for drugs?” Her father said things like that all the time, surely it would get her a clear answer. 
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option b (either the barista misinterpreted her request and put blood into paloma’s drink, she accidentally grabbed your muse’s blood drink, etc - your muse sees this and - your choice!) location: the caffeine crypt
“Not to be rude - but I asked for a pink drink, and whatever your version of it is smells disgusting.” It was definitely pink, but whatever was inside to make it pink was not strawberry acai. “When I asked for an extra scoop, I meant strawberries. What is this?” She pouted, pushed the cup back gently across the counter. “I’ll pay for another drink - but what do you have that isn’t...” she paused - she’d already called their drinks disgusting, it was in her best interest to tone it down. “...like that?” 
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option c location: the poison room 
The neighborhood was definitely interesting. She was wary of some of the things on the shelves. Names she didn’t quite recognize - some she knew of from her parents or grandparents, who were just as likely to use home remedies for things as prescription medications. She’d overheard someone in the city mention the place, but nothing seemed to be as straightforward as she’d hoped. “Do they really have an ‘elixir that makes your skin glow’? I heard I could get that here - which bottle is it?” She wiggled her fingers at the wall of items in question. 
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ofmarlenemck · 1 year
where: a pub in london who: open!
“mm, okay, is it just me or does this rum taste…” marlene trailed off, thinking of the right word. however, instead of finishing the sentence, she took another sip. “spicy? smokey? something with an s maybe?” they mused. it would be clear to most that this wasn’t her first glass. she licked her lips. “hear, taste it. help me out,” they asked, holding her glass out to the person she’d accosted for this conversation.
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lxdylestrxnge · 1 year
when: current in game date where: tba
what was more terrifying; an otherwise silence being capable of such power and aggression, or a formidable and fearsome force being capable of such stillness? perhaps that depended on the person considering the question. determining which individual bellatrix was, was also a conundrum. had she learned to be watchful and reticent? or had force and passion developed through instruction and exposure to the world?
nonetheless, a cup of steaming hot coffee had always worked to centre bellatrix. even in her most tempestuous moods.
so as such, she sat, poised as her mother had taught her, with a scolding cup upon the table before her. she lifted it by the handle, taking a sip despite the copious steam still rising from the liquid's surface. her eyes were upon a few files on the table. a shadow cast across the paper.
"you're in my light." she stated quite simply.
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casualscx · 2 months
status: open to masc muses
character: madison maxwell. early thirties.
connection: based off this!
She couldn't believe this was happening. One look at her sister's fiancé and Madison felt her world turn upside down. The man staring back at her, shock and awe in his eyes, was the same man that she had left about five years ago, without so much as a note, and hadn't seen since. That night stuck with her for obvious reasons, but she wasn't about to tell him why. Still, the moment she caught him outside on the terrace and alone, she took the opportunity to speak with him. "Well, looks like this party just got a whole lot more interesting." Her honeyed voice drawled and she gave him a shy, almost guilty smile. "Small world... and apparently my sister and I have the same taste in men." She chuckled lightly and looked away, taking a sip of her wine.
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grxxk-tragxdy · 2 years
location: cafeteria open to: all
It was too cold and well, Kit didn’t like it. Like the plants he was surrounded by he preferred the warmth and heat that you could feel down into your bones. Still some sacrifices had to be made when the call of hunger ripped through your body and you realized that yet once again in the midst of a hyper-focas episode, you have forgotten to eat. Which is exactly what Kit did... again.  Rushing into the cafeteria with a microwaveable burrito in his hands, he shook his head like a wet dog causing curls and snow to fly around him. “Fuckin’ hell,” he cursed bouncing up and down on his heels trying to get some warmth back into his body. “Fuckin’ hell. Who said it had the right to be so god damn cold?” 
Chocolate brown eyes glanced around the room before he spotted a familiar face and moved over to them, burrito forgotten for a second as he moved to sit down across from them. “Hey there, mate.” Chin propped up on his hand Kit smiled either not caring if he was intruding on something or wasn’t welcome. Social cues wasn’t something he was all too fluent in. “How’s your day goin’? Stayin’ warm and cozy?” Small talk was also something he wasn’t fluent in but he did try. 
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albamendez · 2 years
Open. Date: Saturday, September 27th, 1924 Location: Drawing room at the Vincelli mansion The party was starting to get in full swing, the alcohol was free-flowing and the entertainment was beguiling everyone. Alba had taken a moment to herself, she was still really worried about running into anyone she knew. She had moved into a separate room, and when she stepped into it, she realised it was the drawing room. The books were a relaxing and familiar sight. Unlike home, there were so many books here, Alba took a moment to take it all in. She was lost in thought, so much so that she didn't hear someone open the door and walk in.
Alba jumped when she heard the door close, she turned around and wrapped her arms around herself as she smiled politely out of etiquette. "I apologise, you made me jump."
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deathtransformed · 1 year
Open Starter
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     "Mrs. Hudson's pretty upset again. Made a mess with a kitchen and I need help cleaning it." Sherlock was holding a rag as he explained his current situation.      "Here, help me." He said to the person who just arrived.
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