morvoldpress · 1 year
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SLW | Thunder Cliff Caverns [80 x 52]
[Morvold Press, 2022]
Welcome to the Thunder Cliffs, a system of caves off a dangerous coastline where the waves wash many a ship to its doom upon its craggy shores. This encounter map is from Storm Lord's Wrath, though it could certainly be used for any homebrew encounter with bandits, pirates, or cultists.
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morvoldpress · 1 year
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Forest Gorge | Random Encounter [90 x 120]
[Morvold Press, 2023]
The Forest Gorge has several points of entry, elevation, difficult terrain, cover and many other features that would lend itself well to combat encounters you may have planned, whether it be Stone Giants raining boulders down from above to a tribe of goblins waylaying travelers.
| 👉 If you enjoy maps like this, consider joining us on Patreon and gain instant access to over 200+ more for as low as just $2!
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morvoldpress · 4 years
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Lower Halls of the Dwarven Kingdom of Mhalduun [46 x 44]
This battlemap provides a view of the lowest level of the dwarven city, housing many of the dwarves in various quarters having to do with artistry/crafting, military/combat and learning/research. The map contains the main Forge, an Open Temple to their Dwarven God, a fungus farm, communal kitchen and individual housing for over 32+ dwarven families.
Perfect for dwarven-based campaigns as a home city, quest hub or simply a stop on the way toward your objective delving deep into the Underdark.
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morvoldpress · 4 years
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Pirate Port of Velkarta!
Ahoy matey!
This map provides your players with a great choice of port to offload some booty, find a particular pirate, book passage on ship, obtain a treasure map or find a bunch of trouble with the Pirate King.
Able to serve as a starting location, quest hub or simply a stop along the campaign, this highly-immersive environment will get you and your players in the mood for some fun of the High Seas!
Get it on Patreon!
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morvoldpress · 4 years
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Just finished this commission for STONEworks Gaming - a mansion haunted by a malevolent spirit. Invited to dinner, your party finds that the doors, windows and other exits are impassable. The only way out now is to play his game, find the clues and discover a way out before your mind gives in to madness.
Fun, 4-level Manor with rotating rooms and all kinds of twists and turns. Be sure to check them out on Kickstarter @ The Lights of Winthrop Manor.
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