moryelalala · 4 years
The Little Mermaid 500 words critique
It was nice. But re-watching it made me realize that when I compared it to the original story by Hans Christian Andersen, I loved the original story for its specifics and characters, but if it was going to be told to a child, some of those details seemed a little more traumatic than appropriate. The story's morals, however, were still strong. In the beginning, the original little mermaid pursued the prince and a soul, but by the end, she concentrated on obtaining a soul, even though it meant no prince for her. In the Disney version, the little mermaid, Ariel, focuses on being a person to attract Eric and nothing else. One of the reasons this film gets criticized a lot, I suppose, is because Ariel is so determined to improve herself because she loves Eric. First of all, one would think that it would be enough to ring a bell in her head to say "Ariel is a two different animal" because he has legs and she has a fish tail. You have to relax and stick to a merman. But no, she's searching for Ursula in her creepy den instead to get some legs in hopes of Eric kissing her in three days. Who knows, maybe the fact that Disney encouraged one species falling for another was their odd way of saying, "Yeah, love comes in all types and sizes," but when there is no "real love" to be found, that message is undermined. Ariel is obsessed with Eric because of his looks, and Eric is obsessed with the voice of Ariel. None of those things are equal to passion. I think re-watching it also made me remember that, except for Sebastian 's song and Ursula 's song, this movie was never one of my favorite Disney’s. This is one of the few movies where a father figure is actually present with the girl. Sure, Triton, especially when he's angry, can be scary. If he could fire some zappy stuff out of his trident whenever he feels like it, I'd be scared of my dad too. I believe his concern, however, was understandable. He said that people were dangerous, and the people they encounter are dangerous when you live under the water, of course, because they are usually fishermen who live to catch and kill sea life. On top of that, without having to run experiments and experiment on other creatures, humans are notorious for their refusal to consider those that are different from them. I just doubt she would have found true love or any love at all if Ariel had been seen by those humans before she had a chance to get legs. However, Ariel doesn't see this, she only sees her father as someone who rules and rebels against him. The scene where Triton sits in the dark alone thinking, "What did I do?" just kills me because he was just trying to defend Ariel and she wanted to act like a stupid teenage girl.
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moryelalala · 4 years
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For you? Which is better, Library or Internet?
We live in the information age, where access to many wonderful Internet resources is just a few quick clicks away. For this reason, you might be thinking, "Cool. I don't have to go to the library. I can do all my research online." Not so fast. The Internet is not a substitute for the library. It's a tool best used in addition to traditional research sources.
Why use both? Because each has resources, benefits, and limitations that the other does not. Examine the advantage and disadvantage of both the library and the Internet below.
Let’s start with:
 Advantages of Library:
They play an important role in English language learning. People from all over the world come to the U.S. looking new opportunities for them and their families, and often times, English is not their first language. Before they can find success, they need to find a place to learn a new language.Libraries provide English language learners with the opportunity to immerse themselves in their new language, whether it be through periodicals, books, audiobooks, or resources online. Many libraries also offer multilingual books for adults and children that are designed to help new English learners master the language in a fun and engaging way.
Libraries are safe refuges for the homeless and underserved populations. Each morning when public libraries open their doors, they become shelters, learning centers, and employment centers for the most underserved population.In many areas, homeless shelters partner with libraries and provide transportation between the two locations every day.
Libraries make communities healthier. When you think of a library, you probably don't think of it as a center for health and well being, but in many cases, it is exactly that. Through their community programs, direct librarian assistance, fitness classes, and basic internet access, libraries provide important equal access opportunities to those seeking health information and services.
Advantages of Internet
Easy to find information and knowledge. The Internet allows people to learn information about any topic and offers an answer to any type of question, as it contains endless knowledge and information. Using a search engine like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and more, they all allow users to ask any question and find a web page with an answer about that question. You can also watch videos about any topic on sites like YouTube, which contain millions of videos of several topics. Also, you can learn online courses in many different subjects.
Lots of entertainment. The Internet provides people to access endless entertainment. With the Internet, you can watch movies, videos, play games online, listen to music, etc. There are many sites available on the Internet, which contain different entertainment material like music, videos, and more. Also, you can watch online videos on a platform like YouTube. Furthermore, you can download any movies, videos, or other entertainment material via the Internet on devices like computers or mobile phones that can be played anytime without an Internet connection.
Cloud computing and cloud storage can save your files. One of the biggest advantages of the Internet offers connectivity to your computer and Internet-enabled devices to connect with cloud services, such as cloud storage and cloud computing. A device can have access to more powerful computers to perform complex tasks with cloud computing whereas your business work on other tasks.With cloud computing, you can access your data anywhere as cloud storage synchronizes data across any of your Internet-connected devices. It makes your data more secure because your files are stored in a professionally-maintained server. Therefore, if you are using a cloud storage backup service, you will not lose all your valuable data even if your home or office burned down.
Next is the:
Disadvantages of Library
Searches Take Longer and Are Less Efficient. Searching for a specific book in a card catalog the most iconic manual library system means moving from one index to another when you change your search from author to title. With an automated system, you can conduct any kind of search you like from the same location with a few clicks. This saves patrons time as compared to the old way, and needs less help from library employees. Because all indexes are virtual instead of physical, an automated system can have more search categories without adding another piece of furniture.
Left Behind on the Information Highway. Libraries and information are becoming digitalized at a rapid pace. Any library still using a manual operating system can't connect to digital resources. This makes sharing information and publications much more difficult and time-consuming than with an automated system. As the 21st century progresses and more resources become fully digital, patrons of manual libraries will be unable to access a growing percentage of information.
Putting Limits on the Future. E-books, podcasts, blogs and video tutorials are all part of how the modern world communicates the sum of human knowledge. Libraries with manual systems have limited access to this growing body of work. Any quality automated system, by contrast, will by default grant remote and on-site access to most of these resources.
Disadvantages of Internet
Bullying, trolls, stalkers, and crime are common. Anyone who has spent time on the Internet has encountered trolls or abusive people. Another issue that has increased over the years is cyber bullying. With people sharing information on the Internet, stalkers may experience less difficulty finding personal information about others through various means.Hidden places on the Internet and the deep web can be places for criminals to conduct business without as much fear of being caught. A global audience also gives criminals more ways to solicit their goods.
Pornographic and violent images. In our digital age, there is a nearly an infinite amount of content on the Internet. While there are amazing resources, such as Wikipedia, less desirable content also exists. Consequently, users can accidentally come across violent or pornographic images that they may not want to view.
Addiction, time waster, and causes distractions. Surfing and playing games on the Internet can quickly become very addictive. Doing so can lead to spending a lot of frivolous time on the Internet, instead of doing something productive. On this same note, the Internet can hamper workplace productivity as well.
What will you choose?
For me, I chose library. Here are some reasons why I chose library:
Libraries are safer spaces. The internet brings people together, often in enjoyable and productive ways, such as over shared interests (pop culture blogs, fanfic sites) or common challenges (online support groups). But cyberbullying and trolling can leave people reluctant to engage with folks they disagree with or to share their ideas in the first place. Libraries are places where people can gather constructively and all are welcome.
Libraries respect history. Web pages are ephemeral, and link rot is a real problem. The content of library collections is much more stable. Printed materials are generally published on acid-free paper, which will not disintegrate. And librarians are leading the way to bring similar stability to the web through services like the Internet Archive and perma.cc.
Libraries digitize influential primary sources. While looking at historical artifacts is valuable, repeated physical handling can damage them. Making digital versions of important works available online as in the National Library of Medicine’s Turning the Pages project is one solution. Libraries digitization projects also provide information to people who do not have the resources to travel to a particular library. Librarians are using the emerging technology of the internet to further the timeless mission of providing better access to information. The internet is the platform that enables this progress, but librarians are doing the work.
Libraries host makerspaces. Given that makerspaces provide venues for creativity, learning, and community, it only makes sense that libraries champion them. The maker movement has grown rapidly—in 2016 there were 14 times as many makerspaces as in 2006. Both public and academic libraries host makerspaces. You can learn about makerspaces online, of course. But to visit one you have to venture into the physical world.
Libraries can help you sort the real news from the fake. While a plethora of useful, accurate, and engaging content is available online, the web is filled with inaccurate and misleading information. “Click bait” headlines get you to click on the content even if the underlying information is superficial or inaccurate. Misinformation is the spread of deliberate falsehoods or inflammatory content online, such as the Russian-backed ads placed on social media during the 2016 US presidential election. Librarianship has always been about providing objective, accurate, and engaging information that meets the needs of a particular person. This has not changed, and it is why librarians are experts in information literacy.
Libraries guides you to exactly what you need. Google is an impressive search engine, but its results can be overwhelming, and many people do not know to filter them by content type (such as .pdf) or website source (such as .gov). Google offers many search tips, which are useful but generic. A conversation with a librarian can clarify exactly what you are looking for and figure out the best way to use Google or many other resources to find it.
Libraries do not track your reading or search history to sell you things. Amazon’s book purchase recommendation feature is useful for learning about new books. But this usefulness comes at the expense of your privacy because your reading data is valuable business intelligence for Amazon. The same is true for your web searching history, which is why you often see ads for a product for weeks after searching for it just once. Librarians value and protect your privacy.
Libraries do not censor. One core value of librarianship, as exemplified by the work of ALA’s Freedom to Read Foundation, is thwarting censorship and allowing the free and full exchange of ideas. The internet is a powerful tool for information sharing, but it takes human advocates to stand for information freedom.
The use of both library and the internet will depend on the researcher. In a research the material cited on paper needs to be up to date to ensure accuracy. The rise of the internet has presented researchers with new sources of information. The ease of locating an info in a vast array of data on the internet is a tempting alternative to visiting the library. There are numerous benefits to relying on libraries for research purposes. The information stored in the library is usually of quality, and librarians take great pains to ensure that the periodicals and books housed are reliable sources. Libraries often include material that cannot be accessed on the internet, or at least cannot be accessed for free. The library and the internet seem to be serving the same purpose in the lives of the researchers; it is just a matter of pick.
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