motaka-chan · 11 months
I'm disappointed
I know my account is basically dead but it's the only place I feel safe expressing my thoughts without the possible flood of trolls.
I'm Polish and I live in Poland. I consume media in 3 languages and that includes online spaces. I'm constantly trying to be informed, even if it makes me uncomfortable in reading propaganda - I need to know both sides. Not to make a judgment, but to know how to fight it. What buffles me is the fact, that my government and a lot of people (mostly influencers and celebrities) support Isr*el. Now, I need to explain a little bit of Polish history.
Between 1772 and 1795 Poland was partitioned by three huge countries - Austria, Prussia and Russia. The last partition that happened in 1795 marked the death of Poland as a country. From that year on, poles were systematically colonized and the oppressors tried to eradicate our country. We were seen as lower people. We fought. In 1792, 1830, 1863. And those were not the only uprisings that happened. People who have fought were imprisoned or sent to Syberia - and ultimately killed.
During the Great War, we didn't have one army. Poles served under German, Russian and Austrian uniforms and that means we killed each other. And we did it to show the more mighty countries that we deserve to be seen as a country. And we succeeded in 1918 - Poland was reborn. It was small, way smaller than it was in 1772. It was also poor and because of the years of oppression, we were really behind with everything. But, we were free.
We had our freedom for mere 20 years. In 1939, when both Germany and Russia attacked, we were ultimately partitioned yet again. Even historians call it the 4th partition. Poland was erased from the maps yet again. Poles (and not only us! There were Belarusians, Ukrainians and Jews living there and they too suffered the same fate) were tortured, raped and killed for being Polish. They were put to camps like Treblinka or they were sent away to Germany or Syberia to work and many of them died because of that. My late grandma's friend, we called her Jeżka, was a teenager who was sent away to work in Germany during the war. Her family died and she came back with a man she met there and decided to marry him. She never talked about what happened to her, she never wanted to. My father's uncle was sent to a camp in Sztutowo. We don't know what happened to him. He might have survived but the things that he had lived through must have tortured him untill his end.
The war ended in 1945, but not for us. Up untill the late 50s there was a strong resistance movement towards the new communist government that was installed in Poland without our agreement. Since the 1945 up untill 1990 we were under Russia's control. The men and women who fought and their families were punished. Poles were not silent, they fought. Up untill 1989, there were a lot of protests - some of them ended bloody. Between 1881 and 1883 we had a martial law. People who were in the resistance were arrested. In the first week only - 10 thousand people. My teacher's father was brutally beaten up by the police and she and her family saw everything. She was less than 15 in 1881. As a response, people went on strikes and some of them were killed as a result.
That was not the end of the fight, but I don't want to wrte everything because that is not the point of this post. In 1989 the government organized the first free democratic voting and the Poles decided - we want to be free.
Now, back the the topic I wanted to vent on a little. Knowing the newest history of Poland, I can't wrap my head around on how some of the Poles and our government supports Isr*el. By supporting what's been happening in Gaza since the 50s, you agree with the logic and the propaganda that was used on your ancestors. Knowing what happened in your family, in your friends' family - do you really agree with that's happening tho those people in Gaza?
Talk to your grandma. Make her tell you the things that the Nazis did to her, her friends and family. Talk to your grandpa, who has seen death and couldn't bury his closest people.
Your late grandparents and great grandparents who were murdered because of their nationality must be proud of you.
I'm sorry for the post, I needed to write how disappointed in my own people I am. I'm sorry for any mistakes since English is not my first language.
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motaka-chan · 11 months
does anyone have a blue sky code?
I can draw you sth
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motaka-chan · 1 year
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Doing nothing allows our bodies and minds to have space! Sometimes my moments with nothing inspire reflection and motivation that I wouldn’t normally have.
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Instagram
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motaka-chan · 2 years
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its good to know the extremely apt name for this subculture i guess
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motaka-chan · 2 years
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Plague Gfs
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motaka-chan · 2 years
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motaka-chan · 2 years
It baffles me when you have a clearly asexual character and people erase that like "They're not asexual. They just got other things they're more focused on." As if that's not the peak asexual experience. The most asexual thing that can happen. Peak asexuality.
I'm not asexual. I'm just more focused on reading books. I'm not asexual. I'm just more focused on my career. I'm not asexual. I'm just more focused on my mental health.
AroAces are especially erased with this rhetoric. Of course they're more focused on other things. You're more focused on literally everything when you don't experience sexual or romantic attraction.
Like I get the point the allos are trying to make. "When they complete their goal, they'll start showing interest." But it's never a goal that'll be like... complete. Like "Oh, she's more focused on becoming a knight." But then when she is a knight she'll still be more focused on being a knight. Like you're acting like life goals aren't goals that are intended to expand across your entire life.
And if you do really experience attraction. Your life goals wouldn't get in the way of that. You'd find relationships that fit with your dreams (just like you find friendships that fit with your dreams).
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motaka-chan · 2 years
god i want five guys
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Two Young Women Kissing (1790s) by Louis-Léopold Boilly.
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Luffy expression studies~ 👒🍖
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He’s expressions are so goofy I hope I did them well
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pediatrician and gym teacher
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another perfect ad on this perfect website
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happy birthday pretty boy
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motaka-chan · 2 years
Do you ever remember an unfinished and abandoned fic from years ago which touched you so deeply that it still sometimes resurfaces and lingers in your mind?
And you’re just like, dear unknown author, i hope you are doing well, wherever you are. It wasn’t finished but i loved it, thank you for your words.
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motaka-chan · 2 years
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digging in my trash
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motaka-chan · 2 years
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