motherbeasted · 1 month
science isn't about why
it's about wynaut!
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"Do you have a day job? I suggest you stick with it."
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motherbeasted · 1 month
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"And so another day passes with no progress on our research."
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motherbeasted · 1 month
Clears the dust off of this blog
I might have to update a few things but <3
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motherbeasted · 1 year
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motherbeasted · 1 year
That you are a human with quirks and preferences?
oh shit where's the anon button fuck oh god no-
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"I worry they'll get the impression that I am even interested in pursuing romance, at this moment. I haven't completely given up on my husband, after all."
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motherbeasted · 1 year
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"I'd make a bingo board, but some of you may get the wrong idea."
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motherbeasted · 1 year
Also, the Aether Foundation has branches in other regions. Outside of Alola and Unova, there's also branches in Galar and Hoenn.
It’s heavily implied that Aether Foundation, as a whole, wasn’t started in Alola. Hau asks Wicke what inspired Lusamine to start a branch there, to which Wicke responds that she doesn’t know what goes on in the President’s mind sometimes. This also suggests that Lusamine, herself, isn’t Alolan.
My Lusamine is Unovan, and started a branch in Alola after going on a vacation there as a young woman and decided that they could benefit from a conservatory for injured pokemon.
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motherbeasted · 1 year
Send 🐤 for my muse to make a tweet about yours
Tweet Generator: (X)
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motherbeasted · 1 year
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IDK why but I'm feeling like writing Lusamine manipulating someone.
Or maybe putting out some Aether propaganda, idk
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motherbeasted · 1 year
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"That would be correct. It's not often Lysandre Labs sends someone to Alola."
She sighs, having just received a report from one of her employees that had apparently encountered someone working for just that company.
"I wonder what brought them here." She muses. "Perhaps an emergency of sorts. I suggest you leave them be for the time being. Let them accomplish their task, and do not interfere. Am I clear?"
"...Yes, Ms. President..." The employee's voice trailed off.
"Good. The last thing we need is strife with another company."
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motherbeasted · 1 year
send me ‘👀’ for something my muse has said about yours to someone else / when they’re not around.
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motherbeasted · 1 year
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There's nothing like a home manicure after work to make herself presentable to the public. After all the deeds that would have bloodied her hands in the proverbial sense, she needed to wash away any traces of what she's done. Truth be told, her hands looked perfectly fine beforehand, but there was no shame in making them look even better, as far as she could tell.
Her eyes darted towards Aether's research findings that she had retrieved from the lower floor. Were there truly that few options to open the wormhole she needed to be surrounded by that she loved the most? Perhaps this effort was beyond what her poor employees could handle.
Perhaps she did need that pathetic daughter of hers, if only for a moment. After all, the last time she saw Cosmog, it was under Lillie's care.
She sets the nail file down. While she had a pristine reputation to uphold, maybe someone could provide enough of a diversion, someone with a bad enough reputation that he'd have nothing left to lose.
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motherbeasted · 1 year
HC swap: if taken to galar, mother beast could be dynamaxed. God help us now
Implying she wouldn't GIGANTAMAX. ...Alright, now for a headcanon for one of your muses: sometimes the Litleos will go through some of their Malva's old news reports when they get homesick.
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motherbeasted · 1 year
HC Swap: Lusamine retains some Pokemon moves outside of Jelly Form. One such is surprisingly Bite!
Freia is a regular inmate of horny jail.
Non-crack headcanon: Lex doesn't necessarily like having to save cats from trees, since she figures her powers would just make things worse in that department.
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motherbeasted · 1 year
Miss Lulu headcanon of the day: She's trained in basic self-defense in case she needs to protect herself and can't rely on her Pokémon, but hates fighting because she doesn't want to get dirty
Anabel has two separate work phones: one for Battle Frontier, and one for Interpol work. When she's not using one, she'll turn it off to make sure she's not letting her jobs interfere with each other.
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motherbeasted · 1 year
Headcanon swap! Send me an ask with a headcanon about my muse and I will reply with a headcanon about yours.
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motherbeasted · 1 year
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You can laugh, but life’s a test. Don’t do this, don’t do that. Remember, mother knows best.
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