mothyposts · 11 months
Mothy report: Kaze no uta Concert
The Kaze no uta concert, aka the concert that was suddenly announced mid-June, giving me a fucking heart attack when I saw the cast and setlist, consisting of the entire main cast of HxH 1999 and their character songs, as well as a bunch of songs from the musicals that are more than twenty years old. In short: a dream come true! I miraculously managed to get a ticket even if they sold out in about twenty seconds flat, and yesterday was finally the day!
I went to see the afternoon performance at 2 o'clock. I could definitely have taken one earlier train, because I got to Ginza station and had fifteen minutes to find the venue… which was alright, but I went to the bathroom first, then my maps app was acting up and showing me the wrong way, so I got turned around. And it was SOOOO fucking hot, oh my god. I wore my jeans and long sleeved blouse, and wow, it was definitely the wrong day for it, especially when you have to powerwalk. I was sweating bullets by the time I actually reached the venue. There was a line outside to take the lift up to the 8th floor, where the theatre is located. I messaged with Willeke (who I was meeting for the first time) and she was already upstairs, so I took the lift up and met her there. It was really nice to meet her! She gave me an extra penlight to use, and I deposited my fan letters in the present box. We chatted for just a bit before we went in to find our seats. Willeke had the best seat ever, right in the middle of row 3 – so lucky! I was on row 10 over on the left, which was honestly a good seat. I was really surprised, because there were literally two seats right next to me that were unoccupied. I would have expected the venue to be chocked full (they even had standing seats), so I wonder if they weren’t able to come or what. There were pamphlets on each seat, and a little card hand-signed by Ueno Keiko. They were playing instrumental versions of the songs in the theatre before it started, and there was a screen displaying the title “Kaze no uta Concert”. The excitement was real.
Soon enough, it was time. The screen showed a countdown of years from 2023 to 1999, with song titles appearing on screen, starting with Idolstage and ending with Hunter x Hunter, Kaze no uta. Then the screen lifted, showing Akane Liv in a white dress just as Kaze no uta started. She sang it beautifully, and there was also a transparent screen in front of her showing lots of pretty scenery, like a starry sky and clouds. It was so pretty! Most people set their penlights to green, so I did the same, waving it in time to the music. It felt really magical… You could really feel Mito-san's soul.
The MC, Kiuchi Hidenobu (who incidentally played Basho in HxH and Oshitari Yuushi in PoT, hehe), came on briefly to introduce Akane Liv, and then it was time for the next song; Hareta sora otenki, sung by Suzuki Masami (Canaria in the Zoldyck musical), which she sang absolutely gorgeously! Again there was a screen showing pretty clouds and sky. It was really fun using the penlight and moving it in time to the music, hehe.
Next up was Kazamuki ga kawattara by Jun-chan, and I straight up started full-on crying the moment she appeared on stage… and I just couldn’t stop for about half the song. She was so adorable, in a green dress and looking just the same as always ;w; She sounded just the same too! During the instrumental bit, she sat down on the stairs and waved her arms back and forth, and everyone started waving their green penlights back and forth too<3
Then Kana-chan came on in a black dress, singing a lovely rendition of Mashou no tenshi. She even made her voice deeper than the actual song sounds on the cd, so it sounded even more like Killua than the recording, haha. It was really nice<3 Unfortunately my penlight died at this point, so I wasn’t able to use it for Kana-chan :(
After Kana-chan it was time for Inori<333 The music started up, and Kaida-san came in slowly from the side, looking cool as hell in her long black dress and hair covering half of her face. I don’t know how to describe how it felt to see her irl, it was CRAZY. I cried again, of course. She sang so fucking well, with these dramatic little flairs of movement. And just… it was Kurapika. On stage. I can’t. She was sooo fabulous. I didn’t notice because I was too far away, but I read on twitter that she had blue and yellow fingernails, and she wore five rings on her right hand… queen behaviour.
After her song was over, Dancin’ yodel night came on and Gouda-san came out WEARING HIS LEORIO GLASSES, holding a mic stand and swinging it around like crazy, lmaooo. Everyone laughed and cheered, and everyone was really into the song, clapping along like mad and laughing again when the yodel part came on. He could still yodel really well, lmao! He just stood there with his hands on his hips while doing the yodel part lmao. And the very last yodel he did almost like a joke at the end, letting the music drag on before doing it really fast before the song ended.
I may be remembering wrong, but I feel like the next song was Fukushuu no toki from the first HxH musical, sung by Kishi Yuuji (incidentally he played Pietro, Kite and Kastro in 1999) – they changed the setlist around a little. He sang it really well, and it’s such a damn cool song. I also really love what they did with the stage for each song, this one had red and green strobe lights and looked really cool.
Then the MC came on again and introduced Kukuruu mountain, setting the scene for the next couple of songs from the Zoldyck musical. Then Kazama Miki came on and sang Netsu wo motanai yaminingyou and Kotae wa mou deteiru. Her voice is just perfection, and it was so amazing to hear her sing those songs again<3 Her voice was just the same as 20 years ago, and she looked so fabulous. The screen bit was cool too, showing basically a graveyard with lots of graves.
I forget the exact order of things as they changed up the setlist, but I think maybe Kishi Yuuji came in again and sang Hisoka’s apple song (aka the hisogon anthem), which was amazing. The screen had an apple tree and some star shapes on it, and he was wearing a sort of Hisoka-inspired vest. He did a really good Hisoka impression too, including the laugh!! The penlights were mostly pink or red here (though I definitely saw some dual pink/green ones for Hisogon haha). It’s a pretty short song, but I love it…  
Then I think it was Mou konna koto wa yosou, or Gon vs Canaria. It was really cool! I love this song too… For the “nakama dakara da” part they played Kaida & Gouda’s voices from 23 years ago apparently, lol! During the talk later they were reminiscing about how Gon was being beaten black and blue during this song in the musical, lol.
Then it was one of my fav songs, Tomodachi dakara!!<3 Gouda-san came on first, in the middle of the stage. He sang his bit, then in the chorus he was joined by Kaida-san, which was a really nice surprise! To think we’d get a duet for this song… Then after Leorio’s part was done, Kaida-san said “I’m glad you’re wearing clothes this time” LMAO!!! Then she sang her part, then Gouda-san came on again to sing the last chorus together with her. It was so wonderful<333
Then it was time for Jibun no michi, where Junko came to join the other two on stage. This was really beautiful too! And then Kana-chan joined and they sang Saa ikou, which was also really gorgeous, and Kana-chan poked Jun-chan’s forehead just like in the musical, it was sooo cute! And Miki, Masami and Yuuji came on again to sing the last part together with them.<3
Then the MC came back on and they did a little talk with the whole HxH cast. This part felt a little unrehearsed and awkward, but it was so cute to watch them all… I just couldn’t believe I was watching them all together on stage tbh. They seemed so at ease and comfortable with each other. They talked about how this is the first time they’re performing their character songs (which is crazy), how Gouda-san brought the glasses without telling anyone (MC asked if he was gonna bring a towel too, and he replied ‘for the evening performance’ lol). MC asked Jun-chan and Kana-chan why they were flirting LOL and they replied it was hot. I wasn’t looking too closely at them before he said that, SADNESS… Kazama Miki noticed an Illumi uchiwa in the audience, hahaha. Someone also mentioned Hiroki not being there and Kishi Yuuji looked up at the ceiling as if to say he was dead, lmao.
Then it was time for Kaida-san to sing Que sera sera! Jun-chan helped her get her overshirt off before she left the stage with everyone else, but it almost seemed like she had a wardrobe malfunction because she kept adjusting her clothes while joking about doing a live clothes change, which garnered a lot of laughs. But she was sooo cute, she danced so much and she made a funny voice for the chorus (I dunno if that was supposed to be her character from Nadja or what lol), the whole thing was adorable and I love her.
Then Kanako and Yokoyama Chisa (Bisky in 2011) sang Mainichi no problem from Kochikame, which was so cute!! And Chisa stayed on to sing the theme song from Ano Hana. I didn’t know the song, but it was really beautiful.
Then it was time for Akane Liv as Madam Red! Her singing is so beautiful – she didn’t say any of the speaking parts, but they came up on the screen so you could read them. Then Uehara Takuya came on, and I thought he was just gonna say his lines, but he actually did a dance instead! Not sure if it’s the same dance he did in Kuromyu, but you could definitely tell it was supposed to be Grell, hehe. Then the MC chatted a bit with both of them after, and Takkun was soooo cute omg<3 He seemed so happy to be there<3 It was so nice to see him!! I’ve never actually seen him live before, so I was really happy. He even did a cute little thing at the end pretending to go the wrong way off the stage pfff. (Moment of remembrance for that one time he liked my Instagram post about Christmas pudding)
Then came the Idolstage stuff, which I don’t know anything about, but the songs were good, the boys were handsome and good at livening up the audience, so it was a good time overall.
Then at the very end, everyone came out again, and then Ueno Keiko herself came out to thank everyone personally.  And then it was over! It felt so quick, god – just two hours.
Afterwards, I went to karaoke with Willeke and it was so much fun<3 We sang HxH songs, and some Tenimyu and YYH songs too<3 We did DAM which is supposed to have more HxH songs, but they didn’t have Hunter ondo!! Sadness ;-; Anyway, I had the best time.
It still feels so damn surreal - like I still can't believe this happened. Guess I'll go watch the livestream ten thousand times.
0 notes
mothyposts · 1 year
Mothy report: Hunter x Hunter the Stage
Here’s my report from Hunter x Hunter the Stage! I went to the matinée performance on May 16th. I got there super early because I wasn’t sure how the ticket system worked – I didn’t have a numbered ticket yet, so I figured I might be able to get a better ticket if I got there earlier. I followed a Hisoillu fan to find the way there (they had a Hisoka plush and Hisoillu’s badges on their backpack hehe). But it turned out the ticket thing didn’t matter much in the end, as the doors didn’t open until an hour before the show. I queued up with everyone else when they said we could start queuing, and was almost first in line. Turns out most people had their own tickets already, but I went to the counter and received my ticket. I had no idea what kind of seat I had before then, but I was really excited to see I was on the first floor (there are three floors in total).
We were let upstairs into the lobby, where they were selling merch and taking preorders for the DVD and Blueray. I’d already bought the merch I wanted at Animate, so I just waited around until the doors opened at 12.15. I went in and found my seat and was SO happy when I discovered I was in an aisle seat on row 12 – I sat down and got really emotional because I was SO HAPPY WITH MY SEAT!! The view was really nice, I was slightly over on the right side but close to the center, and idk man, I was so happy that I cried. Not even just tearing up, but actual full-on suppressing-my-sobs crying – not a great look. It was just a culmination of how long I’d been looking forward to this and how relieved and pleased and excited I was all in one. They were playing sounds of the sea in the theatre and it was really calming. The curtains weren’t drawn so you could see the stage setup, which basically stayed the same through the whole show; a sort of dynamic, three-dimensional space with two levels and staircases on both sides, plus a revolving part in the middle that changed between a wall and a staircase. The walls were aptly decorated with a crossing pattern that kind of emulated a bunch of cargo boxes.
It was still 45 minutes until the play started, but I just sat there for most of it. I wondered if it was even going to be a full house, but the seats gradually filled up until it was completely full. And then it was showtime!
So, onto the show itself: it starts off on the ship at sea in a storm. The sailors tell the captain most of the prospective hunters are out for the count, and there’s only three remaining. The spotlight then shines on Gon, who’s standing in the crow’s nest and says there’s going to be a bigger storm coming. The captain sees a shadow of Ging behind Gon and realises who he is. Then it’s time for a Gon solo! He basically sings about leaving home to become a hunter. Shion’s voice is really pretty! Then we get flashback scenes: first of him and Kite where Gon turns into a hurt baby who gets saved by Kite. There’s no actual foxbear but you can hear it crying and then Gon holds it in his arms, petting it. Then Mito-san is there and they say their goodbyes, with Mito apologising to Gon and confessing that Ging didn't abandon him, but she forced him to give her custody. Gon says he already knew she’d been lying, as she refuses to make eye contact with him when she lies. Then they hug and say goodbye, and Gon finishes his song.  
I gotta say, Shion is a perfect Gon – this boy is SO talented! His acting is really good, he sings well, and he looks just like a porcelain doll! An absolute gem.
My memory is a bit blurry for the next part but I think Gon runs offstage for a little and then reenters with Leorio and Kurapika. The captain then interviews them about why they want to become hunters, and the iconic Leopika fight ensues. First the verbal fighting (‘character can’t be bought, Leorio’<3) and then the physical fighting also looked really cool – Kurapika using his swords and jumping all over the place and Leorio kicking at him lol. Then there’s the part where Gon jumps to save the sailor that’s been washed overboard. They did this part in slow motion, with ‘kurogo’ (stagehands) dressed in all black helping hold Gon up so Leorio and Kurapika could grab onto his legs. It worked pretty well!
Then the two lovebirds make up and the captain informs them that they’ve passed the screening. So we skip the whole ‘getting to the exam location’ bit, and we move on to Satotz opening a song about the hunter exam. He’s joined by several of the examinees: Tonpa, the Amori brothers, Gittarackur, Michael and sniper. They sing and do a little dance and it’s very silly and cute. Gon, Kurapika and Leorio arrive in the midst of this and are looking around confusedly. No sign of Killua yet!
Gittarackur was awesome, his movements were really good – super shaky and unnatural lol. Gon gets his poop juice from Tonpa and there’s a fun little moment where the spotlight goes on Tonpa and he’s gloating by himself about how Gon’s gonna poop his pants. But of course our boy ‘spits’ it out like it makes him sick, which makes Leopika promptly hand theirs back too. Then there’s a really awesome scene where Hisoka gets his own entrance: some guy comes onto the stage with his arms cut off and is like “my arms!!”; cue Hisoka sashaying his way onto the stage with those sexy hips of his and sitting down in the most flamboyant way possible with his leg up *g*  
Then Satotz starts walking/running, and they all follow him. The running scene was pretty fun – they start moving rhythmically and move back and forth on the stage, and then suddenly Killua comes rolling by on his skateboard! He rolls into the wings, everyone on stage changes directions and he rolls back across the stage again. Everyone changes directions again and he comes rolling by a last time before he stops and asks Gon how old he is. And there we have our meet-cute! He does a cool flip on his skateboard and joins in running with his hands in his pockets. Then they’re all running/dancing and there’s a song too – it’s pretty cool and dynamic, and then we get a cute Leopika scene where Kurapika asks Leorio why he REALLY wants to be a hunter, and they stop running at this point and Leorio explains about his friend (his shirt is also off at this point lol).  
Kirugon end up at the front together, and Killua asks Gon why he’s doing the exam and Gon says he wants to be like his dad even though he doesn’t know him. Then they reach the wetlands, they skip the bit with the fake examiner thing and iirc next it’s Killua and Gon running through the swamp and Killua warning Gon to stay away from Hisoka. And then it’s time for Hisoka to play examiner, and he slices up some people. And here we get a Hisoka song! It’s really good, I don’t remember many details right now but he fucking slayed it, and he was the only solo performer who got his own round of applause for this song. This Hisoka??? Just the sexiest. The deep purring drawl, the swaying of his hips, the fucking MOANS… but we’ll get to that.
We’ve reached the part where Leorio attempts to attack Hisoka and ends up getting knocked out. Gon shows up to help him and then we get the SEXIEST SCENE EVER. So it goes pretty much exactly as in the manga, except Hisoka comes real fucking close and fucking drags a hand up Gon’s entire body as he appraises him – you’ve all seen the gif. He tells him he passes, then leaves while carrying Leorio. And Gon FALLS TO HIS KNEES right where he stands, all shaken up *g*
So Hisoka carried an unconscious Leorio to the next phase of the exam. Gon comes running up to Hisoka and asks where Leorio is, to which Hisoka just gestures in response. Leorio doesn’t remember much, and Kurapika says it’s best they don’t tell him about what happened. And then we get Killua’s comment that Gon must be part dog since he followed Leorio’s scent to get there.
Then they’re like “what’s that noise??” and it’s Buhara’s stomach rumbling, of course. I was so surprised to see Buhara, there were no pictures of him prior to the show but his stomach was HUGE lol. And I also had no idea until after that he’s played by Koki who also plays Milluki! Actually most of the actors besides the mains are playing several parts which is really cool – and most of them I was unaware of when I watched this. I’ll make sure to keep more of a lookout on my next viewing!
Menchi was really cute and played the part perfectly. She sang a song about gourmet hunting, and then there was the famous sushi scene!! Buhara rolls out a tray of ingredients from which they have to put together a sushi dish – Hanzo trying not to let on that he knows what sushi is was REALLY funny in this part, he was jumping all over the place lol.
Then comes the time for them to show the fruit of their labour, and Leorio is up first. He makes a pun with a type of fish (tai) & the word for ‘large sum of money’ (taimai), and is promptly failed. Then Kurapi holds up his squirming still-alive fish and the way he shook his hand to make it move was really funny lol. Kurapi being clueless at cooking is just so adorable…<3
Then Hisoka holds his tray up and uncovers a fucking chicken wing standing up from his groin. AND HE EVEN GOES ‘ZUKYUUN’. I CAN’T, HISOKA. Then he squats down and hides his face with the lid when Menchi fails him and it’s the actual most adorable thing ever. Also it’s funny that they must be changing these up since we’ve already seen a pic of him holding up a banana. I wonder how many different ones they’re doing!
When it’s Killua’s turn, he holds up an apple and says “if you eat this you’ll be granted a wish”, acting like the witch from Snow White. Menchi promptly quips back “I’M NOT SNOW WHITE!!!” lol. I wonder if this is an adlib or something. But Killua keeps the apple and he eats it together with Gon ;v;
Then Menchi tries all the fail!sushi until Gittarackur just hands her a cup of tea, which she sips and declares she’s full. To which there’s a full uproar, to the point where the chairman has to intervene. And Netero was really fucking awesome in this, hobbling in on his tall af geta and looking the part to a T. Menchi agrees to do another test, and we get the egg scene. There’s a song to go with it, and it’s really cute though I don’t really remember specifics except them dancing with their eggs.
Then they’re on the airship and we get the adorable scene where Gon asks about what Killua’s parents do and ends up being weirded out by Killua wanting to turn his family in to the authorities. And then we get the ball scene with Netero! It’s a really cool action scene, in which they showed Killua making shadow versions of himself, Gon’s boots flying off him, and lots of slo-mo and kurogo shenanigans.
Then they touch down on Trick Tower, which they made pretty faithful to the original, as with all the other parts. They get the wristbands and there’s a screen on the wall showing who voted yes and who voted no. The only thing they skipped out on was Leorio betting on whether Leroute is a woman or not, which THANK GOD. For the candle fight they had Gon’s candle just be lit with stage lights, whereas Sedokan’s candle was actually lit. The fight was over super quick as Gon just skipped over and blew it out lol. (Sidenote, the guy playing Sedokan was really cute, I haven’t quite figured out who else he plays yet lol.)
Then there’s Majitani and Kurapika which was fucking bomb. Kurapika is standing with his back to the audience when his eyes go red, but the stage lighting goes orange and then he gets a solo! His voice is really nice, and I’m gonna take a little moment here to talk about Ogoe Yuki as Kurapika because… he’s just so small and pretty and it’s so fucking adorable! There’s just something very Kurapika about the way he carries himself, even though it feels a bit uncanny sometimes to hear him with such an, uh, male-sounding voice, lol. But anyway, the song is great, and then he ends it with the iconic smackdown of Majitani and it’s super cool. Then after he ‘comes to’ he gives a little gasp when he sees the ‘corpse’, then makes a sort of sighing moan as if coming out of the haze of the scarlet eyes and it’s, uh, really hot. And then he explains very dramatically to the others that he changes personality when he sees a spider and it’s very overplayed compared to the anime but it’s funny lol.
Then Leorio deals with Majitani and his fight with Leroute is over pretty quick with just a quick janken showdown. Also, Kondou Shouri’s Leorio works really well because… he actually looks his age, you know? It’s actually BELIEVABLE that he’s nineteen this time, which is super blessed, because there’s something about gangly pipsqueak teen Leorio that hits better than old man Leo lmao.
Next is Killua’s “fight” with Johness (and apparently Johness is played by Illumi’s actor, which sure is something), and I’m not sure how they did it but with a little bit of stage magic he was holding the heart in his hands, and you could visibly see and hear it beating once, twice, before he squashes it with a loud squish. Gooood shit. Nichika’s Killua works okay for me, he’s a little tall and looks a bit too old and is maybe lacking a certain sort of charm, but those are minor complaints (I’m sorry!!). Either way he played it well.
The rest of Trick Tower goes by quick with a super quick countdown of the extra hours they had to spend in there, and then the debate about who gets to continue towards the goal, before they’re shown ‘sliding’ (running) past the finish line to join the others. Then there’s ANOTHER SONG while they all draw the cards telling them whose badge they need to steal. I honestly don’t remember a lot of specifics about the songs themselves, but this one worked nicely as a segue into the fourth phase.
In the fourth phase we’re joined by Pokkle (I was SO SURE he was played by Yoshimura Takuya, he looked just like him, but apparently it’s not him lol), Bodoro, Geretta, and that guy Hisoka kills when Gon takes his badge. Gon sees Pokkle take Sniper’s badge, there’s a brief Gon training session, there’s the scene where Leorio gets tricked by Tonpa and Sommy but gets rescued by his knight in a shining tunic. Kurapika beating up Tonpa is so cute… No Killua scene with the 3 brothers, though, that would have been cool to see too.
Then comes SUPER SEXY SCENE NUMBER TWO: First there’s the confrontation between Hisoka and the random dying dude, then the dude gets killed by needles and there’s the part where Gittarackur becomes Illumi (a cloud of smoke comes up and the actors get switched hehe). Then Hisoka running into Leopika and them offering him a badge and inching slowly away from him, with Gon up on the platform watching them, conflicted about whether to intervene or not. And then there’s Hisoka’s moaning. And I can’t stress enough how much he was moaning, guys. It was long, and it was loud. LMAO. I can’t describe this very well, but it was a very special experience, trust me.
Then Hisoka’s next target comes on stage and Gon snatches Hisoka’s badge from his place up on the platform, and this was another bit of stage magic because I have no idea how they pulled it off lol. Hisoka clashed with the guy, Gon’s fishing rod came down, and the next moment Hisoka’s badge was gone and swinging from the fishing hook. Gon staring at him all scared before swiftly running away, and then Hisoka laughing maniacally while the curtains come down, ending act 1. A great place to end it!
There was the shortest interval ever, it can’t have been more than 10 minutes because I barely had enough time to go to the bathroom and I was pretty early in the queue too. Anyway, act 2 starts with HISOKA ROLLING IN ON THE STAIRCASE LIKE THE FABULOUS FUCKER HE IS. I actually missed what he said but I think he asked the audience if they’d bought his merch yet HAHAHAH YOU SNEAKY FUCKER. Oh, and everyone else is there too lol. Netero informs the remaining 9 that they’re the last examinees, and that they’ll be holding an interview (I think they only show Hisoka’s interview).
Kurapika asks Gon if something happened, then we get the flashback from when he was shot by Geretta & punched by Hisoka. Gon’s acting was soooo good in this part! From lying on the floor incapacitated and out of breath, to yelling at Hisoka and shakily standing back to give him his badge back – only to be punched hard and knocked out. Meanwhile, Kurapika is standing up on the platform watching all this, which is really cool.
Then it’s time for the final exam, and Gon vs Hanzo is first up. And Hanzo just goes to town on him basically, punching and kicking, and it’s really good Gon whump. The fact that the pace is so fast is also nice, because then we get Hanzo pulling Gon’s arm back and threatening to break it, Gon screaming “no!” and then Hanzo just breaking it with a crack and Gon screaming. It’s really good shit… Gon’s acting is SO good here too, he’s really good at being beaten up! *g*
So Gon ends up being knocked out by Hanzo, and then we cut to where he’s in bed and Satotz explains to him that he’s passed and recounts the events of the final exam to him. Most of it happens at a very fast pace, where we get snapshots of each fight. And then we get to Killua’s fight with ‘Gittarackur’. Most of this is a song sung by Illumi which basically consists of his lines from their final exam confrontation. He repeated “give it up, Kiru” many times, which had a kind of cool hypnotic effect. And then we see Killua killing Bodoro before fleeing. If I remember correctly, Gon is watching all of this too, like Kurapika had done with his memories. Then Gon goes marching straight to Illumi and drags him out of his chair, and next thing you know Gon is declaring that he’ll go and rescue Killua. And thus begins the Zoldyck arc!
The Zoldycks open the scene with a song, “we are Zoldyck”, which honestly didn’t impress me very much. But Killua is literally singing with them while chained to the wall half-naked, so that was amazing. The next scene is Milluki whipping him super fiercely, which was really good. I think Milluki asks him something like “Where have you been?” and Killua replies “I’ve been here. I was singing with you just now.” which drew a lot of laughs from the audience. Milluki is pissed and whips him some more, before being interrupted by a phone call from Kikyo, and he goes from fierce torturer to mama’s boy in an instant. Zeno comes in and Killua rips his chains right off the wall which is awesome as hell.
Cut to Gon and Leopika, who have arrived and are trying to get in (including the phone call with Gotoh). They left out the whole training montage to open the gates though. Suddenly they’ve opened the gates and meet Canaria, and it’s time for Gon to take another beating lol. Killua has his talk with his dad and they do their weird blood oath, Canaria gets shot in the head and they meet Kikyo and Kalluto (who had kind of an unsettlingly deep voice lmao), then Canaria takes them to the butlers. Full disclosure, I got a bit drowsy during the butler part lmao. I blame not getting enough sleep, but I was almost nodding off at the bit with the coins. But they actually made it look really cool, with swishy sound effects and arms moving about everywhere lol.
Enter Killua, who runs up to Gon and hugs him<3 Then the 4 of them sing a reprise of Gon’s first song about setting out on adventure once again, and it’s really nice! Killua didn’t get any solo songs during his family arc, which they could have given him tbh, but anyway, there were a LOT of songs in this stage play! Like, it’s pretty much a musical. I counted AT LEAST ten songs, if I’m not forgetting any, and even though some of them are quite short, the amount of songs definitely make it a musical in my mind. I don’t know if they want to maintain their distance from the original musicals by not calling this a musical, but either way I was surprised by the amount of songs!
At the end of the performance, they all resolve to meet again on September 1st in Yorknew city. Kirugon part ways with Leopika here, and I could see Leorio start walking down the aisle on the other side of the stage. Kurapika was standing on my side, so I was like OH SHIT IT’S HAPPENING, KURAPIKA’S GONNA WALK STRAIGHT PAST ME. AND HE DID!!! I got to see Ogoe Yuki in all his pretty glory walking up the aisle right next to me. Happy sigh! That moment alone was worth the entire ticket price.
Then it was over, and time for the curtain call. We had the ensemble, the Zoldycks, Hanzo, Netero, Illumi, Hisoka, Leorio, Kurapika, Killua and Gon all come out in order and bow. They then all came onto stage for a bow, then the main 4 were clapped back onto the stage two more times. Everyone stayed in character during the curtain call, with Silva, Zeno and Milluki just doing a single nod, and Illumi just standing there, neither bowing or nodding or smiling hahahah I love him. At the end, Killua and Gon put their arms over each other’s shoulders and did a peace sign<3
So that’s it for my HxH stage experience! It’s a really good show that manages to stay really true to the original and manages to tell a story that’s pretty difficult to render on stage! The songs and the actors are a huge plus, but Hisoka’s actor Kiyama Haruki honestly stole this show for me. He embodied Hisoka so much, and he just fucking owned that stage. Fucking fabulous. In fact, I enjoyed it so much I’ll be seeing it again. I’ll be catching the soiree performance on May 24th, and I’ll be purchasing a streaming ticket so I can catch the senshuuraku and stream it to friends too. Thank you for reading this far!
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mothyposts · 1 year
wow this tumblr is a mess lol. one post about ogata megumi, one about kurahi, 3 reblogs of an anime challenge i never even did, and then 4 years later, a fic roundup outta nowhere.
i'm not sure how much i'll end up using this, but i might end up putting some translations and misc mothythoughts here. and maybe i'll do that anime challenge. 0:
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mothyposts · 1 year
2022 fic roundup
i was tagged for this challenge by my lovely friend fawn (hartbeat on ao3)<3
i was feeling kinda shitty about my writing the other day, but then i got a lovely comment out of the blue on one of the fics i dislike the most, so that really brightened my day ;v; feeling a bit more positive about things today, so we're giving it another go!
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/sparkleworm
Word count for the year: it shows up as 65,417 which is a total lie because a lot of those words were published in 2021. i have 2 lengthy-ish multi-chaptered works i've updated in 2022, so the whole thing is being counted as from that year. i'd say the real word count is more like 30,000 words.
Number of stories posted to Ao3 this year: 6 (counting those 2 works that were originally posted in 2021, otherwise it's 4) - though some of these contain multiple stories.
Pairings written for: daiken from digimon was still my main, but i wrote for a bunch of hxh parirings too, some serious and some that were just pure crack lol.
Fandoms I wrote for: digimon 02 and hunter x hunter
Most popular story: 'daiken kink meme fills' - which is a compilation of lots of little fics. it's no wonder this is my highest rated work (both by hits & kudos) because there's so many chapters in this bitch (23 so far).
Story I’m most proud of: it's gotta be 'in the gold room' (incidentally also my biggest flop lol). it's also my longest story, and it's still unfinished... it's just a story i've poured a lot into, my daiken magnum opus... i've had a lot of angsty fun with all the richard siken quotes, and it has a lot of things i love writing, like angsty ken, daisuke being daisuke and daiken crushing on each other.
i also like 'the space between us', aka the bodysharing fic. i really like mixing humour and angst, and i feel like i maintained a good balance in this one.
Funniest: perhaps 'quickfire' (chapter 22 of daiken kink meme fills) in which daisuke suffers from premature ejaculation. and then there's the bodysharing shenanigans in 'the space between us', and whatever that ikalgo/killua tentacle pheromone thing is. but i dunno, i don't think humour was too prevalent last year... i have other earlier ones i think are way funnier, like the entire premise of 'desperate measures'.
Kinkiest: hmmm, there's some spicy chapters in daiken kink meme fills (particularly chapter 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21), but only one of those is from last year sadly. it *is* pretty hot though. other than that it's gotta be the bodysharing smutfic, 'the space within us'. i feel like the most self-indulgent fics are always gonna be the kinkiest ones, where you really let yourself go and let yourself write whatever you want, laying your own kinks bare.
Saddest: 'the space between us'! nothing like daisuke seeing his family grieving over his unconscious body in the hospital while trapped inside his friend's mind, unable to talk to them...
Least Popular: 'the space within us', but that's barely had any time to prove itself since it's so new. i'd say my least popular fic is 'in the gold room', which has a disappointing number of hits compared to how old it is & how many chapters there are. on the other hand, it's my only story that's not complete, so that's probably why.
Most Cringe-Worthy: anything i rush to finish always turns out a bit cringe lol - this includes 'the space within us' which i tried to finish for christmas. also includes a lot of the hxh kinktober drabbles because i was pushing to write one a day (which ended up not really working out anyway). it's just that when i rush it makes me speedrun to the goal too fast to consider all the details i should be thinking of, so it can end up looking, well, rushed and unplanned. and rereading it makes me cringe. but that's not always the case, i'm often proud of what i can produce under pressure!
another hard cringe for me is the 'fight scene' from 'in the gold room' chapter 4 - it's the first time i've ever tried something like that, and with multiple characters too. it was A LOT, and i'm not convinced that i pulled it off haha.
Favorite Opening Line(s): HMMM this is a cool question, let me go digging...
the first one's too long to quote but it's ken doing jumping jacks in ch 4 of 'in the gold room' to speed his heartbeat up before bed... :)
"Daisuke had a problem. A sexy, handsome, infuriatingly good-looking problem." (in the gold room, chapter 5) it's giving very specific romcom genre fic vibes. idk if i can say i pulled it off, but it was fun!
"When Daisuke woke up, it felt as if he had been dreaming for a very long time." (the space between us) i just felt like this was a good way of saying he's actually been in a coma lol. and then leading into realising that he's looking at ken's ceiling but he can't move, because sike, he's not the one controlling the body he's in.
"During his visualisation training, at the height of his dizzying exhaustion, Kurapika suddenly found himself face to face with himself." (kink x tober x drabbles, chapter 7) idk, pikacest is just hot.
Favorite Closing Line(s):
"He was always running toward Ken. Now he had to make Ken come to him." (in the gold room, chapter 5) - i generally like the opening & closing lines in this fic. this one gives a pretty clear indication of what might happen in the rest of the fic (which *will* be completed one day, promise), but i like it because it shows daisuke's resolve.
"He groaned in pain, and Ken’s eyes shot open.
“Daisuke… Daisuke!” he cried out, burying his face in his neck.
“Owowowow!” he screamed, but he reached his arms around Ken and squeezed back as hard as he could anyway, feeling their double heartbeats pulse against each other." (the space between us) - i just think this one's cute~ yeah he's just woken from a coma and his entire body hurts, but ken is kissing him so it doesn't matter!
"Daisuke gladly clambered up his boyfriend’s body and landed a barrage of hot kisses on his lips like a meteor shower. Ken accepted him, slinging his arms around Daisuke’s back, and they returned to being two lone rocks in the universe, clinging to each other for survival." (daiken kink meme fills, chapter 23) - i thought it was kinda poetic 8)
Top Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated: uhhh, guh. this is a TOUGHIE. maybe daisuke teaching ken how to float in 'keep me afloat' :') or daiken playing football together in 'in the gold room' ch 5.
from the hxh drabbles: pikacest, whale island killugon somno angst, & killugon being ~massaged~ by cookie-chan >:)
Story I haven’t yet written, but intend to: 
short rundown of current wips:
-last chapters of 'in the gold room'
-i have like 2 daiken wips that are just smutty pwps, but i need them to see the light of day
-i don't have any specific ideas for hxh right now, but i really want to write more of it soon! i've got my eyes on the zoldycks >:)
-i swear one day i'll write the so*th p*rk goth kids fic that's been brewing in me brain since 2013
Fic-writing goals for 2023:
-finish 'in the gold room'
-finish my pwp wips
-write more hxh
-be more daring & uncaring!
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mothyposts · 6 years
Anime Nerd Challenge (3 of 3)
Day 21. Name three shows with scenery you could live in forever.
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Day 22. Pick one or do both: What’s the sexiest scene you’ve watched?  What’s the goriest?
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Day 23. Pick one or do both: What’s the most relatable scene you’ve watched?  What’s the funniest?
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Day 24. Pick one or do both: What’s the most bizarre scene you’ve watched?  What’s the most intense?
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Day 25. Do you prefer sub or dub and why?
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Day 26. What’s a show or movie you could watch over and over and over?
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Day 27. What shows or movies do you want to watch next?
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Day 28. What do you recommend to someone who wants to get into anime for the first time?
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Day 29. What do you like/dislike about contemporary anime compared to nostalgic or vintage anime?
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Day 30. If you had an unlimited budget and a brilliant team, what sort of anime would you want to create?
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Please tag “Anime Nerd Challenge” so I can see what you put!
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mothyposts · 6 years
Anime Nurd Challenge (2 of 3)
Day 11. What’s a really good show that you’re obsessed with but none of your friends have heard of it and you’re in total agony? (pictured is mine: uchouten kazoku)
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Day 12. What character trope are you?
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Day 13. Whose wardrobe would you like to steal?
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Day 14. What show can you go on the biggest rant about?
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Day 15. Name three shows that have you drooling over the food.
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Day 16. What were your favorite shows when you were a kid?
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Day 17. What are your favorite shows now?
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Day 18. What genre of anime are you most drawn to?
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Day 19. What are three shows you absolutely cannot stand?
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Day 20. What are your top three favorite anime tropes?
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Please tag “#Anime Nerd Challenge” so I can see what you put!
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mothyposts · 6 years
Anime Nerd Challenge (1 of 3)
I made a fun little month long challenge, and it’s split up into three parts cause I wanted to put gifs to go along with the questions and there’s a gif limit, oops!  I hope you enjoy and I can’t wait to see your answers! <3
Day 1. Who are your top five anime crushes?
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Day 2. What three intros get you the most fired up?
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Day 3. What scene did you cry hardest to? We all have one that completely broke us…
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Day 4. Who is your favorite under-appreciated side character?
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Day 5. Which show cancellation or funding loss has you most worked up?
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Day 6. What character(s) would you love to be?
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Day 7. What character(s) are you actually?
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Day 8. What are your top three favorite animal/spirit/robot/monster/daemon sidekicks?
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Day 9. Who’s in your favorite imaginary ship? Bonus points if it’s gay ™
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Day 10. What show is your biggest guilty pleasure?
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Make sure to tag “#anime nerd challenge” so I can see what you put.  Ty!
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mothyposts · 6 years
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wanted to share my fav gayest official art of kurama and hiei
(edit: added some more)
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mothyposts · 6 years
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90′s mood
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mothyposts · 6 years
it’s amazing how quickly the fangirl switch can be flipped on. like today, i suddenly became absolutely obsessed with ogata megumi’s voice, literally screaming at my computer screen because she’s so damn cool. it really was like some kinda switch just flipped in my brain and all my EMOTIONS came out.  
gonna make some waffles now. 
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