You do not deserve pain. You do not exist to suffer. I know in your darkest times it is so easy to feel that you deserve this agony but you do not. Your life will get better, and you will receive the love and kindess you deserve.  
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Allow people to like you, to enjoy your company, to want to be your friend. Allow them to compliment you, allow others to think you’re cool and funny even if you think you’re not. It is not up to you to tell others how to feel, and remember that people might see the positive things in you and qualities that you have been failing to see while being too self-critical. Allow yourself to be liked by other people, even when you don’t see why they should. Don’t self-isolate because you think you are not good enough for other people.
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this is your sign to take that next big step in your life, because you are worth the effort.
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New experiences are meant to shape and change you. Embrace it. You are not losing what you used to be, you are growing as a person. Don't avoid challenge in order to stay the same; let yourself become the better version of you.
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gentle reminder
you may not feel it sometimes, but you can do this - you can face and overcome whatever is in front of you, because you are strong
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your progress doesn’t have to be seen, celebrated or validated by others to be real. just because you prefer to get better without sharing that journey, doesn’t mean it’s not valid yet. what you’re doing right now, the effort you put in, has always been and will always be something that you can be proud of yourself for, even if it’s on your own.
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Just because the days are repetitive at the moment, it does not mean you are not still making progress. You are not wasting your life. You still have time.
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your productivity is not synonymous with your worth.
your ability to focus is not synonymous with your worth.
other people’s opinions of your intelligence are not synonymous with your worth.
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new opportunities open up all the time. don't focus on what you can no longer do. you got this.
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It’s okay to be a beginner at the things you are interested in. There is no reason to feel intimidated by people more advanced than you are, because they too were in your place at one point. Keep learning and growing and expanding in whatever it is that you love and let nothing and no one stop you. You don’t have to be at the same stage as someone else. You can just be at your stage and that one is okay too.
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This blog has been rather inactive in 2020 due to the events that have been going on; I understand positvity is important during these times, but as I'm running this blog alone, it can be rather difficult! Hopefully a posting schedule will return. While I'm here I'd like to remind everyone: Black Lives Matter. If you disagree, this blog is not for you. This is a safe and positive space for everyone except those who spread negativity.
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there’s not a person in this world who hasn’t embarrassed themselves or hurt someone or made a mistake. learn and grow from these things, rectify them if you can, but don’t dwell on them. we are all human; we are all imperfect.
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self harm disguised as productivity is still self harm. the all nighter of studying after a failed exam is self harm. studying through personal care is self harm. punishing yourself for apparent academic failure by irrational actions associated with academic success is self harm. forcing upon yourself the image of a person you have not grown into yet is self harm.
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You can begin again. You are not behind. You are exactly where you need to be to get to where you want to go.
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Your blog has helped me so much Thank you💕
♥️♥️♥️ thank you for following me, and for staying positive even through the rough times! Rooting for you Aly, and anyone who reads this too 👍👍
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you'll succeed. even if it takes time. you'll make it.
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