mountain-sunshine · 5 months
Tiny snippet of a meeting in The Room of Requirement 🗝️
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mountain-sunshine · 5 months
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Auror Malfoy from any post-hog dramione au is still my fav image of him
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mountain-sunshine · 5 months
He caught gold Twice! Happy Valentine’s Day! 💝
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mountain-sunshine · 5 months
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Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by @isthisselfcare • featuring art by @nikitajobson @alinadoesartsometimes @makiblueart @catmintandthyme
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mountain-sunshine · 5 months
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“He loved her. He kissed this realisation into her neck. He was light-headed with it, sick with it, afloat with it.
The dinner gong rang.
After the stupidities – gorgeous, bright, shining stupidities – Draco found that there was love in everything he did. It was in the door he held open for her as they left the library, in the brush of his shoulder against hers in the corridor, in his walking her to the dining room.
There was desperate love when he stood still for her to fix his collar. There was tender love when he pulled out her chair. There was aching love in pouring her a glass of wine. When he, like a fool, reached to push a curl of her hair behind her ear, it was wrecked with love.
He teased her for her small bites because he loved her. He threatened to steal her last profiterole because he loved her. It was why he followed her into crypts – why he wrestled hinds in swamps – why he kissed her scar.
And that pull – that gravitational force – l’appel du vide – was falling into love, over and over again.
At the foot of the stairs, after dinner, there was frightened love in his “Good night,” pulling back on itself, trying to keep itself secret.
His “Sleep well” sounded like “Come here and kiss me again.”
As she went up the stairs, and he watched her ascend, her every step away from him was a heartache.
He ran his hand through his hair and stared at the empty stairs.
He loved her. It was in every embrace, in flights under stars, in the crossing of swords, in secret ballroom dances, in the giving of things, in the life-savings, in the passing of handkerchiefs, the accidental touchings, the arguing about hyphenated surnames, the drunken picnics, the shared cups of tea. He loved her.
She made him understand the word.” - Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love, Chapter 32: A Paedagogical Exchange, by @isthisselfcare
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mountain-sunshine · 5 months
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Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love ❤️
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mountain-sunshine · 5 months
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Fan-art for Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by isthisselfcare
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mountain-sunshine · 5 months
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“What the bloody hell are you doing?” asked Draco.
Granger collapsed out of the horrid tangle and found her knees. “Yoga. What the bloody hell are you doing?”
Draco had seen this mysterious term on Granger’s schedule. “That’s yoga? What kind of self-inflicted martyrdom–?”
Now that he had ascertained that there was no immediate threat, Draco could take in the scene. There were candles flickering in a corner and soft music was playing. Granger was outfitted in those ridiculously form-fitting Muggle clothes, khaki green this time. Her hair was pulled into a French braid, thick as Draco’s wrist.
Granger was looking at him like he was an absolute bellend. “I was trying a Taraksvasana–”
“A what?”
“A scorpion handstand – I’ve been working towards it for weeks, and I almost had it, until you came in like a bolt from the blue and frightened me out of my wits!”
Draco was feeling increasingly foolish. He pulled his cloak closed to cover his pyjamas. There was little he could do about his bare feet. “What, pray, is the point of yoga?”
“Flexibility. Strength. Balance. Finding serenity.”
Draco eyed Granger with cynicism at the last bit. “Have you found it?”
“No,” said Granger. She got to her feet with evident irritation. “Kindly recalibrate your ring so you only show up in a real crisis.”
She flicked the Elektik lights on. Her cheeks were flushed. A trickle of perspiration was running down her neck. Her chest still heaved from her exertion. Draco could smell salt, female sweat, and the burnt wick of a candle.
His idiot brain took this image and immediately created several new neural pathways that had never existed previously, connecting the idea of Granger with the concept of sexy.” - Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love, Chapter 6: Finding Serenity, by @isthisselfcare
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mountain-sunshine · 5 months
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“A glowing rendition of Draco’s skull floated in the air between them. It was very handsome and shapely, with cheekbones quite as nice as the Magdalene’s.
Along the mandible, a crack glowed in red.
Granger took in a little breath.
“It’s bigger than I thought,” said Granger.
“I’ll be gentle,” said Draco.
Granger laughed, then regained control of herself and gave him a look that was deeply unimpressed.
After studying the schema from several angles, she said that she wanted to be particularly careful healing this one, to make sure it was realigned properly and didn’t affect his bite.
Good. Finally. Be careful. Be slow. Be close.
Granger cleared off one of the side tables for Draco to sit upon.
“Pretty,” she commented as she moved an ornate hourglass out of the way.
“Do you think so? It’s my great great Uncle Snodsbury.”
“I’m sorry?”
Draco flipped over the hourglass to demonstrate. “He wanted to be cremated and still be of use.”
Draco sat on the side table. Granger stood between his knees and took his face in her hands.
This was good, thought Draco as he looked up at her. Very good.” - Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love, Chapter 28: The Viking, Shameful Conduct of/Healing, Pleasures of, by @isthisselfcare
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mountain-sunshine · 5 months
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Art for ff Little Boy Lost by @sodamnradd ✨️
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mountain-sunshine · 5 months
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Malfoy’s Rune Scars.
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mountain-sunshine · 5 months
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Art for „Manacled“ written by @senlinyu
this art was inspired by „The Kiss“ - Francesco Hayez
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mountain-sunshine · 5 months
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Dramione power dynamics are my favorite thing in the world. The S M I R K I N G
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mountain-sunshine · 5 months
“Heya, mate. Is Hermione Granger around?”
Draco leaned over the counter, giving the pathetic, gap-toothed wanker sporting a Flourish & Blotts t-shirt a bored look. “Hermione Granger?” he intoned as if he had never heard that name before.
Gap-Tooth shuffled uneasily. “Yeah. She works here. Doesn’t she?”
“Does she?” Draco inspected his nails.
Gap-Tooth wandered off awkwardly, pretending to scan the shelves.
Draco’s eyes narrowed when he paused at the Love Potions, kept under strict lock and key.
Gap-Tooth asked, “Erm are you able to—?”
“No,” said Draco, point-blank.
Something about Draco’s expression made him pale, and he was out the door less than ten seconds later.
When Gap-Tooth was gone, Draco glanced down and said, “You’re all clear.”
Dusting off her trousers, Granger rose to her feet and picked up the inventory scroll again. “I’ve told him I’m not interested,” she said, purposely avoiding Draco’s eye.
“You didn’t drive the point. He probably thinks he’s being cute stalking you everywhere.”
“It’s fine.”
“You don’t even visit Flourish and Blotts anymore.”
“Ordering books in the mail is more efficient.”
He might have believed her if it weren’t for the countless times she’d returned late from her lunch break, carrying teetering piles of new books. But ever since Gap-Tooth started working there, lunchtimes were reduced to eating soggy sandwiches in the lab.
Gap-Tooth returned two days later.
Granger didn’t see him coming through the shopfront window and he caught her unaware, shelving cloud-shaped vials of Dreamless Sleep. His voice made her jump, a couple of bottles flying out of her hands and shattering.
Draco groaned, enchanting the mop and pail to clean up the mess but keeping his distance while Granger attempted to dodge Gap-Tooth’s advances.
Gap-Tooth: Something, something “…thought you worked here but…” gesturing to Draco.
Granger, giggling awkwardly: “Did he? Draco’s such a…” Something.
Draco raised a brow, wondering what she’d called him because it almost sounded affectionate.
Gap-Tooth: Mumble, mumble “…go out sometime?”
Granger more awkward giggling, cheeks pink: “…so busy… not really dating… you’re nice but…”
Gap-Tooth, realising he was losing his chance: “…just one date… promise I…” Stepping closer.
Granger, nearly tripping over the oscillating mop in her retreat: “…it’s just that I’m not… I don’t…”
Gap-Tooth, even closer, grinning impishly, hideous teeth on full display: Something, something “…casual? You look like you could use some fun.”
Draco bristled. The audacity of this wanker.
Having had enough, he rounded the counter and stepped in between Gap-Tooth and Granger. “Did you ask her out?”
Gap-Tooth frowned, looking a little afraid. “Yeah, so?”
“Did she say yes?”
“She was just about to—”
Draco turned to Granger. “Were you about to say yes?”
“No,” she mumbled, dropping her gaze. She was too bloody nice for her own good.
Lucky for her, Draco wasn’t.
“There’s your answer,” said Draco, shooing Gap-Tooth towards the door. “Stop harassing her.”
Gap-Tooth looked at Granger, but she refused to look back. Disheartened, he made his way to the door.
Draco called out, “Oh, and if you bother her at Flourish and Blotts again, I’ll turn you into a rat and dump you in our lab cage.”
“Malfoy!” Hermione swatted Draco’s arm once Gap-Tooth was gone, but her eyes were bright with laughter. “That was so unkind.”
“Yes. And?” He waited.
She sighed as if it physically pained her to say, “Thank you.”
He grinned, pleased. Then tugged at a curl that had come loose from her clip. “And?”
She stepped closer, looking up at him with large brown eyes. “And you were right.”
“And?” Draco’s stomach fluttered. He was usually so composed, but nothing about Granger made him feel ordinary.
“And…” She rose to her tiptoes and locked her hands behind his neck, parting her lips in anticipation as they met halfway. “…maybe we should start telling people about us.”
(638 words, prompt: Yes. And? from Twitter)
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mountain-sunshine · 6 months
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“What do you want me to do now?” he asked.
She blinked. “Whatever you want. You get to do whatever you want now.”
He looked around them. “I don’t think I remember how to do that.”
Hermione gave a wan smile. “I don’t either.” She looked around and held his hand more tightly. “We’ll find out what it’s like together. We don’t have to hurry. We have the rest of our lives to figure it out.”
⚜ Manacled by @senlinyu​ 7/?
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mountain-sunshine · 6 months
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“I have warned you. If something happens to you, I will personally raze the entire Order. That isn’t a threat. It is a promise. Consider your survival as much a necessity to the survival of the Resistance as Potter’s. If you die, I will kill every last one of them.” Manacled @senlinyu @nightbringer @dramionefeltson @littlemoth15 @coyg-81 @trinkisme @daswhoiam @dramione-feltson-forever @dramaenelportal
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mountain-sunshine · 6 months
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Hermione Granger as the Order’s Dark Arts Healer & Potion Mistress 
“You would do anything to end this war.”
“I would.”
Hermione hesitated for a moment before adding “You’re right. I am willing to do anything to win this war. I don’t know that I’m doing the right thing. I’m sure that most people will say I’m not. I know there will be no coming back from this—not to Harry or Ron, even if it buys us a victory in the end. But—saving them is worth it to me. I have always been prepared to pay the price for the lengths I’m willing to go. I have never been blind to the consequences.”
From Manacled by @senlinyuwrites  //  Other edits
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