mousesinhouses394 · 10 months
First Impressions - The Greengrass'
The Greengrass Family
Mr Greengrass (the patriarch)
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Mrs Greengrass (the matriarch and the schemer)
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Daphne Greengrass (the eldest and most beautiful)
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Aurora Greengrass (the protagonist and most proud)
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Opal Greengrass (the middle and most forgettable child)
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Astoria Greengrass (the most lively and flirtatous)
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Cressida Greengrass (the one who is always copying her older sister)
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mousesinhouses394 · 10 months
First Impressions - Chapter 1
I previously mentioned writing this. It's a Pride and Prejudice inspired story where Theo is Mr Darcy and its set in an au where the order didn't win the battle of Hogwarts. I hope you enjoy!
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Chapter 1
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single wizard in possession of good fortune and status, must be in want of a wife. 
However little known the feelings or views of such a wizard may be upon first entering a neighbourhood matters not as this truth is so well fixed into the minds of the surrounding families that he is considered the rightful property of someone, or rather their daughters. Especially in times like these. 
With it being almost 6 years since the battle of Hogwarts was lost, everything was still in complete and utter disarray. Well at least for those not fortunate enough to have picked the winning side. You see while war still raged on throughout England, the lifestyles of the wizarding elite had changed only slightly. For the men it meant pledging allegiance to a man who should have died many years ago. And to their wives and daughters it meant securing advantageous marriages. 
"My dear Mr Greengrass," said his lady to him one day, "have you heard that Malfoy Manor is to be let at last?" 
Mr Greengrass replied that he had not and went about his morning business of replying to the particularly important correspondences he had with some fellow high ranking death eaters. News was that the order had managed to intercept yet another attack. 
"But it is for Mrs Davis has just been here, and she told me all about it." 
Mr Greengrass made no answer. 
"Do you not wish to know who has taken it?" cried his wife impatiently. 
"You so clearly want to tell me, and I make no objection to hearing it though I must inform you that you are interrupting a most important task of mine."  
This was invitation enough for Mrs Greengrass for she and grown used to the harshness of her husband. 
"Why my dear you must know, Mrs Davis says that Malfoy manor is taken by a wizard, a young wizard, of large fortune. Apparently, he has just come back from working overseas on top secret missions for the dark lord. Isn't this great news? Mrs Davis says that some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week." 
"What is his name?" asked Mr Greengrass as a wizard taking part in such work must be high in the dark lords ranks. 
"Is he married or single?" 
"Oh single, my dear to be sure! A single wizard of large fortune and high status. What a fine thing for our girls." 
"How so? how can it affect them." 
"My dear Mr Greengrass," replied his wife, "How can you be so tiresome. You must know that I am thinking of marrying one of them to him." 
"Is that why he is settling here?" 
"Well, I cannot be certain but it is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them and so you must visit it him as soon as he arrives." 
"I see no reason for that. And besides, we should not be travelling about any more than necessary. These attacks by the order and getting deadlier and far too frequent for my liking. We cannot risk drawing too much attention to ourselves." 
"But consider your daughters!" Mrs Greengrass cried, "Only think of what kind of establishment it would be to have one of our daughters married to such a wizard. Mr and Mrs Bulstrode are determined to go and what a shame it will to us if they managed to snap him up for their own daughter. Indeed, you must go, for it will be impossible for us it visits him if not." 
"Perhaps I could write to him and assure him of my hearty consent to marry which ever one of our daughters he wishes. Though if I were to do this I must throw in a good word for my little Aurora." 
"You should do no such thing! Aurora is not any better than the others. I am sure that she is not half as handsome as Astoria, and she is not half as good humoured as Daphne. I simply cannot understand why you always show her such a preference." 
"The other girls have nothing to recommend them. They are silly and ignorant to the problems around us and care not for the danger we are all currently in. Why I am certain that the only way they'd take some interest in this war is if it were to interfere with their ability flirt with boys at those wretched balls." 
“Mr Greengrass, how can you abuse your own children so?” His wife inquired but as she looked over to him, she found that he had once again been taken up in his writings.  
Mr and Mrs Greengrass had an odd sort of relationship. So much so that many would probably wonder why they ever got married in the first place. Mrs Greengrass was a shrill, impatient woman who cared only for vanity and wealth. Whereas Mr Greengrass was a strategist and one of the smartest most cunning men in the whole of the dark lord's army though in his youth he was shallow and married his wife within only three days of knowing her. The consequences of this proved to be great as while he manged to create five daughters (four of which had incredible beauty) he was stuck with a woman whose mind was so small that he could never have a true conversation with her.  
Their eldest daughter Daphne was the most striking, the charms of her face and figure were enhanced by her unassuming modesty and calm nature. 
Aurora, the second daughter, made up in wit and liveliness for all small deficiencies in appearance. That was not to say that she was not pretty, for if you were to compare, her to any other girl in the village you would still claim her to be the finest. To her father, her best asset was her mind for (unlike her other sisters) she spoke to challenge the men around her and question the way the world worked altogether. It was her belief that the self-importance of men was the reason the country was the state it was currently in and unknowingly held a grudge against them for it. 
Astoria and Cressida were the two youngest and exhibited all the freshness of youth accompanied by a taste for laughter and flirtation. This recommended them greatly to young wizards around the village who shared the same loud and carefree intentions. 
Only Opal, the middle child, possessed neither beauty, wit nor charm; but her sisters shone so brightly in every way that it seemed to hide her appearance all together.  
Overall, the Greengrass family was a happy one. That was until the inhabitants of Malfoy Manor stumbled into their lives. 
I've got another post on my page with all the members of the Greengrass family on it. This story is also being published on wattpad so feel free to check it out over there. (It's First Impressions by mousesinhouses) Thanks for reading!
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mousesinhouses394 · 10 months
Would anyone be interested in a pride and prejudice inspired fic where Mr darcy is theo? It would be an au where the order lost the war and the elizabeth bennet character (an oc) mother is trying to get them married off to death eaters for security?
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