mousou-note · 11 months
Isekai with male protags: "I was a loser on earth but now I'm super fucking strong and gettin mad bitches"
Isekai with female protags:
Reincarnated princess uses earth knowledge to make magitech a thing and romances sad girl
Girl romantically pursues her video game waifu
Girl is tasked to teach actual fucking gods to be more empathetic to humans
Woman reincarnated as the daughter of a magic item crafter uses earth knowledge to advance her trade
"Straight" girl is sucked into a world with zero men and lesbians everywhere and finds out she's sapphic (there's like actual plot but the gay is what matters.... to me)
A ghibli film. Need I say more
Woman reincarnated in video game as doomed villainess desperately tries to change her story
Girl reincarnated as a tiny baby spider kills monsters to level up
Like the male protag one but the lame guy's mom got isekaid with him and she's the op one.
Two normal girls fight urban legends in terrifying danger dimension
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mousou-note · 4 years
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I think this might be a little too accurate...
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Use this to make yourself, and tag a friend!
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mousou-note · 4 years
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I cannot resist a dressup game...
Ok, I really like this picrew! I wanna see what you guys would look like fantasy-wise!
Here’s me!
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mousou-note · 5 years
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Writer aesthetic 👓📖 . . . (or something 🤷‍♀️) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2H9tt8lkY7/?igshid=3c8a81e31nay
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mousou-note · 5 years
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もう大丈夫だ! https://www.instagram.com/p/B2F6k5wl6bu/?igshid=1kkf1f6m7yij9
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mousou-note · 5 years
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First post 💙💛 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2DHT1EpX21/?igshid=1gfcc3d71apnl
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mousou-note · 6 years
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Roxas vs Axel
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mousou-note · 6 years
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mousou-note · 6 years
The Purge
So uh, I have like one and a half followers and this blog is super small and PG but still, in case it disappears and any of you wanna find me After:
My Twitter (Yami_sama)
My Deviantart (tsidykh)
My Ao3 (Nekohime_Yami)
My Dreamwidth (mousou_note)
y’all can also DM me for my email if you want ^^
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mousou-note · 6 years
Heading to Pillowfort, and I’m Offering Keys
Hi, you may or may not know me. I go by Tyramir, and I’m an author. Mostly I write fanfic, but I have also published a book at some point. (Yes, that was a subtle plug – don’t feel obligated to click the links, they’re there to justify to myself why I’m doing this so I can say this wasn’t 100% altruistic because I’m a crusty old troll)
So, recently, Tumblr has made something of an announcement regarding what kind of content they will and will not host in the future. And you know what, that’s okay. It’s their site. They can do what they want. Just like I’m free to say, “Hey, @staff, go fuck yourselves with some sandpaper, you masochistic fucks.”
Ah, that felt good. You know what else feels good? Moving to Pillowfort. I’m in no way associated with them, beyond that I am now a user. I just bought a key. More than one, actually. I bought a whackload of them. I am not rich. See: author. Very poor profession if you’re not ultra-successful. However, what I am is angry, and disappointed with the direction this site is taking. 
This site is home for the marginalised, for the outcasts, for the misfits. It’s also the home for a lot of fellow artists, like myself. Ones that might not have a little extra cash in their wallets. So, as a Christmas gift (and as a way of sharing that link up above advertising my book, see self, you’re not totally altruistic), I’m making this offer.
Reblog and like this post. You don’t have to follow me. You don’t have to buy my book. You don’t have to tell anyone it exists. You don’t even have to click that link. Just like and reblog. Anyone who likes it will get one entry for drawing for a key. Anyone who reblogs it will get one. Anyone who does both will get two. And on December 17th, the Day of Ignominy, I will draw ten names, and I will gift ten keys. I’ll even wear a Willy Wonka hat while I do. You won’t be able to see it, but the spirit will be there.
If you want to get the word out, but don’t want to get an entry (say you already have a Pillowfort account), just reblog and tag the post with “no entry,” or some variation thereof. I’ll exclude you from the draw, but thank you (in my mind, I’m not gonna actually thank people, but that requires effort, yo) for helping others learn about this opportunity.
TL;DR: Bald author wants to use very little cash he has to give people Pillowfort accounts. Just like and reblog for entries. Also, I hope you are feasted upon by a swarm of angry weasels, @staff.
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mousou-note · 6 years
Hey! You guys got any fics featuring Shiro’s gay panic when Keith comes back hotter? Thanks in advance ❤❤❤
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Solo - swallowed_stars
3k. (Teen). Contains: NSFW content
Keith’s grown older and filled out, Shiro’s got a definite thing for it. Unfortunately, the walls are a lot thinner in the castle than Shiro previously assumed.
that’s just the way you make me feel - HiddenEye @chocmarss
9k. (Explicit). Contains: NSFW content
“Dude,” Hunk deadpanned, the second one to break the pregnant silence as they stared at each other. The way his eyebrows disappeared into his hairline showed he was actually handling this situation remarkably well, considering his history by freaking out at first sight. “Did you just get taller after getting hit by a cannon beam?”
Modest Doubt - lasersheith @lasersheith
3k. (Teen).
From the prompt: Shiro and Keith’s first date on Earth after season 7
“It’s so peaceful out here. Forgot how much I missed it,” Keith mused idly, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.
On a logical level, Shiro knew he should have found it appalling, but for reasons he didn’t care to further explore, the thought of crumbs and juice that had once been on Keith’s mouth littering his old jacket had his mouth running dry. He sipped at his bottle of water to buy himself more time to remember how to speak.
“Yeah, it’s really nice,” Shiro finally agreed quietly.
So long, my friend - Nekohime_Yami @mousou-note
3k. (Teen).
The first time was Matt’s fault.The older of the Holt siblings had managed to convince Shiro that he could put off grading papers for one night in favour of meeting the gang for drinks in a nice little pub with good food and music. It had been a long time since Shiro last got a chance to unwind, he reasoned, a nice night out with friends would be good for him. Really, what could go wrong?
After ten years apart, Shiro meets Keith again. Keith has grown, and Shiro is a disaster.            
Check out or disaster gay tag for more gay panic Shiro!
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mousou-note · 6 years
Title: So long, my friend Pairing: Shiro/Keith; Shiro/Head Trauma Includes: Pining Shiro, Disaster Gay Shiro, some angst-flavoured lacroix™ with a happy ending, general crack comedy Summary:
The first time was Matt’s fault. The older of the Holt siblings had managed to convince Shiro that he could put off grading papers for one night in favour of meeting the gang for drinks in a nice little pub with good food and music. It had been a long time since Shiro last got a chance to unwind, he reasoned, a nice night out with friends would be good for him. Really, what could go wrong?
After ten years apart, Shiro meets Keith again. Keith has grown, and Shiro is a disaster.
My very late birthday present to @lasersheith, who encouraged this! I wrote your OTP, Shiro/Head Trauma ❤
(I hope you like it, I think it’s my first time writing comedy)
Inspired by this!
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mousou-note · 6 years
General Keith AU 👀👀👀 I am intrigued
*screams quietly for getting an ask*
Ok, now that’s out of the way... this WIP currently has only one sentence written for it, which is:
Ezor expected to find many things in the Space Mall on her day off. A tiny cub tightly holding a Luxite knife wasn't one of them.
Which means it’s a WIP I half-forgot about, started around s3 I think (before Lotor went bananas and blasted himself to the rift), but is vaguely based on (inspired by?) a bunch of asks in @allawander​‘s blog about an AU in which Keith is one of Lotor’s generals... and then I took the concept and ran with it.
So in this AU Keith is Galra/Altean like Lotor, born and raised in space by some random human after his parents (an Altean rebel survivor and a BOM member) leave him there so he’ll be safe... until that human abandons widdle keef in the space mall... which is where Ezor finds him. He looks adorable, abandoned and half-galra, so she takes him back to their ship, and he’s raised by Lotor and his generals, and becomes Lotor’s secret weapon (because he’s half-Altean and can shapeshift and also no one outside their little group even knows he exists). They’re a happy grey-moral family and it’s adorable. He’s especially close to Narti for some reason (they’re both quiet?) and she doesn’t die in this AU because I love her.
So, in comes the Champion, and Lotor infiltrates human-looking Keith in the Arena so he’ll approach the Champion and get close to him, maybe find out about Voltron and keep it out of Zarkon’s hands for the time being? It works, Keith and Shiro become close, Ulaz busts both of them out (because Keith has a BOM blade!!! And he can actually activate it already!!!), they fly to earth, yada yada, Voltron.
Keith actually tells Shiro all about his life when they get close enough, including that he’s galtean and not all Galra are bad and Lotor wants a good Galra Empire, yanno, and actually convinces him.
After that I don’t have a clear plot, but it involves Allura and the rest finding out Keith’s part-Galra after the Blade of Marmora thing, then she’s kinda uncertain how to feel about him being Galtean, and I think at some point there’s a fight between Voltron and Lotor and both Keith and Shiro end up siding with Lotor? Maybe they all become a team and it’s a Good Ending... with a nice Galra Empire and no Lotor going crazy...
Well, that’s probably more than anyone wanted to know. e.e
You can ask more (or less) details if you want, or anything really, I love talking about my WIPs! ❤
Thanks for asking!!! ❤❤❤
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mousou-note · 6 years
WIP meme
Ok, so this is the original rules, which I’m going to abide by:
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Pick out the title that most intrigues you, or interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!!
But yes, I have posted this before, and have decided to post again periodically just to… organise my WIPs.
+In English+
⋆ Forsaken ⋆ MADRAGON ⋆ #ml teacher AU ⋆ Heaven & Hell ⋆ Asteria_fragments ⋆ Vongola XI ⋆ #ml genderbend ⋆ AC: Family ⋆ Totally Spies Reich AU ⋆ Ibara no Kiva ⋆ DNAngel AU/extension fic_fragments ⋆ Red Lights_fragments ⋆ Sir Kaye ⋆ Of Snakes and Precious Stones ⋆ Dragon Blood ⋆ Drabbles ⋆ HUNTERS ⋆ Heaven & Hell ⋆ Enchanted Rose ⋆ General Keith AU ⋆ The Legend of Zelda: Broken Sword ⋆ The Princess and the Dragon ⋆ Back Again ⋆ @lordzuuko AUs
+In Portuguese+
⋆ Koujin Sentai TENKAIGER ⋆ Red Lights ⋆ The Miragene ⋆ A 7ª Chave ⋆ Babylon ⋆ The Luck Stealer ⋆ Destiny ⋆ A Lenda do duque de Asteri ⋆ [fic]Kingdom Hearts - Three Keys One Heart [Final Mix] ⋆ [fic]Kingdom Hearts - Dawn & Dusk ⋆ [fic]Kingdom Hearts - Into Oblivion ⋆ vol II - Fairy Tails
There are also the WIPs That Shall Not Be Named, or the shit I started writing when I was like 13. We don’t talk about them. Not until/unless I decide that the idea is actually good and rewriting might be worth it.
Tagging @yami-scribbleyard​ so he’ll tell me to stop being useless and go write... and @lasersheith because I’m shameless and maybe it’ll be useful for you?
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mousou-note · 6 years
SO... I wrote another thing for the Keith Holt AU I’ve been annoying @lasersheith about... I won’t really attest for the quality since I have a pretty bad block going on, but I woke up with Keith & Pidge bro feels so there you have it!
OH! I think some credit is owed to @happysheith too? Thanks!
Based on this, Keith Holt AU, GEN, 877 words.
Katie was twelve when her parents told her she’d be getting another older brother, and she didn’t really know how to feel about it. Honestly, Matt was enough for her.
So, as the rest of the family tried hard to talk to their new member and make him feel at home, Katie observed.
Keith was small. Almost as small as her, even though he was two years older, all skinny arms and legs like a baby deer. Skittish like one, too, always treading carefully and looking around and trying to make himself look smaller.
He was also quiet. He did what they asked of him, and seemed genuinely surprised (and a little wary) at every little thing - getting second (and third) helpings of food without asking, a room to himself or new clothes, being called to watch something or play with them, as if he had been expecting to be thrown into a cupboard under their stairs and forced to do child labour and be grateful for it. As if he expected that their kindness would run out at any moment.
Katie started doing it more often out of spite, partially. She told her parents he needed to eat more meat because he was too skinny, her mom agreed fervently, and he looked like no one had ever told him to eat before. She made him take part in her and Matt’s game marathons, and saw him smile for the first time when she cheered after he beat Matt for the tenth time in his favourite fighting game. She told him he could use her bike because she wasn’t too fond of the outdoors anyway, and he looked shocked, then started giving her rides to school. She helped him with homework, and he gave her a look stuck between awe and disbelief, like it was amazing that she could help, and unbelievable that she would. She decided that she genuinely liked him when they went out for fast food and he offered her his fries without a word (she gave him a chicken nugget as means of equivalent exchange, because she still thought he needed more protein).
She started considering him her brother, just a bit.
Even after the Holts had been feeding him properly, and he had grown a few inches and evolved from a baby deer to a young cheetah (still 68% leg, give or take, but a bit more filled out), Keith was still smaller than most of the boys in Katie’s class, not to mention his own.
Katie knew he was much stronger than he looked - even though he was the second smallest Holt, he had quietly picked up all the heavy lifting in the house -, but that was only something she knew in the back of her head, stored there with the fact that he could outrun literally anyone and had been labeled a problem child in the system because he used to get into fights for no apparent reason.
Another thing Katie knew was that she’d just about had enough of the bullying. Matt’s pep talk about how she could get into the Galaxy Garrison too if she kept studying had helped a lot, and she had stopped trying to look less smart than she was, but the bullying had only gotten worse since then.
It comes to a head when the biggest bully in her class takes her favourite book from her, a rare edition her parents had gotten for her birthday, and throws it in the fountain just because he can, and she can do nothing to stop him. She scrambles to try and get it back, getting wet and dirty in the process, and she wants to cry but she can’t cry because that would give the bully power over her and she doesn’t want that, so she clutches the book to her chest with trembling hands under the sneer of a stupid boy that is easily twice her size and mocks her for being a nerd and-
Keith was fast and strong, abnormally so, and those were things she knew, but she only really got to know them now, when one moment she was trying not to cry and the next Keith was standing in front of her, and her bully was on the ground, scrambling to get up with a hand trying to cover a bruise forming around his eye.
Get up he did, looking easily twice Keith’s total mass, even two years younger, and he must have registered that on some level because he looked affronted rather than intimidated and swung at the older boy, again and again, missing more than hitting until he was the one covered in bruises, a few teeth scattered on the ground, held up by the collar of his shirt by a furious Keith, teeth a little too sharp as he snarled at the younger kid.
“Apologise to my sister,” he growled, indigo eyes narrowed and dangerous.
Katie had never seen someone scramble so fast to comply to a command before, mumbling a litany of “I’m sorry I’m sorry I swear I won’t do it again I promise sorry-”
Then the teacher arrived.
As both boys were taken to the principal’s office, Katie belatedly realised that had been the first time Keith called her sister.
-To be continued (or not) ❤
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mousou-note · 6 years
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by ghost‏
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mousou-note · 6 years
If you ever feel like giving up on your writing, just remind yourself of all the times you inflicted half coherent rants onto your friends. Don’t make their sacrifice worthless
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