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A page in my sketchbook. I haven't been drawing much. I need to draw those new trolls.
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Lumberjanes is a blessing.
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An elderly woman plays GTA V
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How to make succulent babies!
Step 1: Pick leaves Gently twist the leaf near the base, it should snap off the plant cleanly. Good cuttings will be slightly rounded at the ends, and have no ‘open’ wound:
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Bad cuttings will not grow, you need to make sure the whole leaf comes off in one go. Bad leaves are jagged, torn, or cut:
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Step 2: Lay all cuttings inside on a piece of cloth. I usually put a piece of old scrap material down on my desk and lie all the leaves out in rows. I try not to pile up the leaves, as this tends to promote rot. Do not water at all. AKA no misting the leaves, no watering the leaves, nothing. Everything the baby succulent needs to grow is stored in the mother leaf, watering may rot the leaf before the new plant is big enough to survive on its own! Make sure the leaves aren’t in direct sun, as they will wither before they form new plants. Filtered light from a window is strong enough!
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Step 3: Waiting After about 4 weeks you will start to see the first signs of life. The leaf may send out roots first, it may start to grow with no roots. Both are okay! 
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Step 4: Planting (Start watering once a week at this stage) After 6-8 weeks the baby succulents will be big enough to plant outside! I do this by placing the leaves on top of loose, sandy soil that has not been compacted. I do not bother burying the leaves, as it tends to do more harm than good (you may snap roots/damage new shoots in the process):
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I place all the plants together, they don’t really seem to mind! These is how they look after about 10 weeks:
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When the plants are big enough, the mother leaf will shrivel up and start to die off:
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TADA! You’ve created baby succulents :)
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@ppl who are getting top surgery
I’m not going to make a long masterpost of dos and don'ts about post-op care for top surgery, there’s plenty of those, but I will say this:
it’s not that expensive, you can find it bottled in the beauty department or in capsules by the vitamins.
What does it do? It softens your skin. After surgery, your skin is pulled extremely tight, painfully so, even a week after I couldn’t raise my arms very high because it pulled at the incisions. It prevents stretch marks, softens your skin, and helps reduce scarring
I finally got some today and it was instant relief, it’s just a thick oil and you can put on drops or puncture capsules to cover your skin in it, this is the most pain-free I’ve been since before the surgery
So just, if you’re getting that (or really any surgery that’ll result in really tight stitches or incisions), get some vitamin E
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Sorry for not posting much, I'm in a tough situation. Enjoy the improvement though. This is Doug, my icon rn.
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For my good friend @spacesheep606 have a bad doodle of you. Ur a good frond.
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 They are good
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i spent my night playing this, and i did not regret it.
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it’s my b-day
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                                TRIGGER WARNING: SUICIDE
I lay in my bedroom, my eyes puffy from the last 4 hour of crying. Everything has been taken away from me. My friends, my family, my stuff, and most of all my freedom. I don’t know what i did to deserve this. I try to be nice to everyone and everything. I do my very best to be nice and help everyone in life. supporting others opinions and helping my friends with math at school. But it is all gone now.
The times i’ve had will never be the same, i am never going to be happy again. My life is coming to a close and i am only 20. The only thing left for me before was my dog but my mother took away the privilege to own him and ‘got rid of him.’ I knew what that meant when she said that.
She has controlled my life since my dad died. She never liked me to begin with but my dad kept her happy. I don’t know how she did that, and i wish i could have adopted that skill. I would have made my life tons better.
But here i am now, laying on my floor. crying. No more of a life left to live. all my life i have heard the ‘go kill yourself comments’ I was always depressed but never thought about it. But, but now it was clear that was the only thing that would relieve me of my pain life was becoming too much. It's not like anybody will miss me.
Miss me.
Would anybody miss me. All the random people in high school that i said hi to every day, do they remember me? Or was i just a background figure in their lives. Never once playing an importance in the grand scheme of their lives. The thought of nobody missing me never bothered me before a few years ago. But since then things have changed.
I was hopeful back then. thinking when i was an adult i would be free. Apparently life doesn’t work like that. My mind's made up, i decide im going to do it. I pathetically crawl over to the closet. I rip up the floorboard where i have a gun hidden. I have always had it there ever since i startend staying home alone when both my parents worked.
I hear a small scratch at the window but i ignore it. I continue to pull out the gun. Reminiscing over all the old good memories. My mind flashing to all of the past. I know what i am throwing away.
Another batch of scratching distracts me from the task at hand. I look over at the window. I remember i had the window open so i could put more food in my hanging bird feeder outside. I decide it is probably just the screen part of the window and pull up the gun. Sobbing softly put my hand on the trigger.
I hear another loud scratching noise, this one is louder than the rest and i drop the gun and turn around to see a squirrel running at me. It looks determined and it slams right into the gun. The squirrel hooked the gun right in it’s mouth and ran over to the window. It looked me right in the eye as it dropped the gun.
I stared. Shocked at what just happened. My puffy, watery eyes hardly seeing what just happened. The squirrel ran back over to me and snuggled against my leg. It was very warm, and nice i almost felt happy. I started sobbing again, just realized how much i would have regretted pulling the trigger. I lifted my hand slowly as to not startle the squirrel and i started petting the thing. It seemed to relax and it just felt more warm against my leg.
After a while it stopped and looked up to me. As if allowing me to ask questions. I didn’t really want to beforehand, i was just enjoying its company, but now i had tons of questions. Why did this squirrel save me? How did the squirrel know? What did i do to deserve this?
I look down at the squirrel in it’s eyes “W-why did you,” I tried to swallow the lump in my throat “why did you save me?” The squirrel ran over to a discarded small car. It was a small car that i had gotten for a school project a 2 years ago.
The squirrel picked it up and rolled it over itself.
“I ran over you?” i ask quietly. The squirrel shaked it’s head as a no. “Did i not run over you?” I ask again getting confused. The squirrel shook its head yes.
“So i didn’t run over you, and you saved me because i saved you?” The squirrel head nodded vigorously. I was kinda stunned for a second. Trying to remember when I did this. Thinkinging back I did remember.
“You’re the one that I swerved around last week right? That was a bad night for me but it always makes me feel better when I save an animal or prevent the death of one. Every one of you animals are important and i feel better when you are alive.” The squirrel looked me straight in the eye with a knowing look, and did a brief short nod.
That was the moment when everything dawned on me. My life importance doesn’t have to be big. Maybe my life isn’t good right now, or not maybe ever, But if i can exist to help other to the best of my abilities, then i exist for a reason. Even if it is to swerve around a squirrel, a life is a life and is is important and should be protected.
I started crying again, but this time they were good tears. I found my importance, even if it was small, it was enough. Every moment of my life i saw in a new light, and this moment was her darkest hour, but now thanks to the squirrel it was the brightest.
“Thank you, so very much little squirrel, I don’t think you know how much what you did helped me. I will be sure to keep moving forward from now on and hope you do too.” I thanked the squirrel. I realized how weird this situation was but continued to pet the squirrel who just saved my life.
It just snuggled closer.
You swerve to avoid a squirrel. Unknown to you, the squirrel pledges a life debt to you. In your darkest hour, the squirrel arrives.
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Made these for fun, feel free to use them separately or not!!
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