mpahri · 2 months
❛ you're the last person i wanted to see, actually. ❜
"Well tough luck, I'm here." Ahri's voice was short but merely propped her shades atop her nose properly. She wasn't even going to go, but the weather was finally for the weather after that winter and spring brought cool winds. The circus was in full swing and while Ahri tried not to get distracted by the variety of booths and activities, it was hard not to.
The circus had hardly come to the island and she never got to go as a kid. Speaking of that, she gazed at Ryul who stuck out like a sore thumb amidst the colorful circus goers. A balloon even drifted by and smacked him at the back of his head.
"Do you remember we always wanted to check out the House of Mirrors?" She abruptly asked as if suddenly remembering the past.
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mpahri · 2 months
Ahri's eyes drift towards Eros' hand and she felt her whole entire body relax. She was not quite sure if it was some powers of his, or it was the wisdom of his words, but she felt it, deep down in her soul.
Her eyes shown with gratitude and places her hand in his, biting her lip as if to stop the tears. But that didn't do much since fat tears started sliding down her cheeks that she could only sniff and swipe her nose with her sleeve.
"I'm sorry," She blubbered, trying to smile. "I don't mean to snot all over you...I'm just.." She hiccupped. "Thank you. I didn't think I needed to hear those words, but when you said it..." She sighed relieved.
"I will try to be better. He deserves better. I didn't even think about how damaging I can be to our own relationship. But Ayden is worth it; I can meet him halfway..." She looked down and reached for her phone scrolling through the contacts until she found the "Ayden's mom" contact.
"He's in Japan right now, and his mom wants me to go with them to meet him. I've been so scared, not wanting to piss him off by agreeing with his god parent. But I'm worried. What he is doing there, if he is safe...I think I should go. I think Ayden needs me." She presses a hand to her chest as if the beat of her heart would press against her ribcage.
She looks to him as if to get permission. "I want to go. Can I?"
Eros had a way of making Ahri feel at ease than nervous and she couldn't help but slowly start to relax. He seemed genuinely interested to hear her, despite her basically stalking him from bushes. So she leaned back on her seat and tried not to look like she was just about to burst into relieved tears.
When he congratulates her on her new relationship, Ahri blushed, her cheeks turning quite red and for a moment she remembered how Ayden first gently reminded her that he had asked for her to be his girlfriend and she had been oblivious.
"Oh, I guess I didn't think of it that way..." Her shyness turning into thoughtfulness. "He did choose me..." Her eyes drifted to her hands on her lap, warmth blooming in her heart.
"I..." She hesitated, her green eyes rising to meet the god's, only to drift back down unto her hands. "Not a lot of people choose me, I suppose." She looked up as the words spilled from her lips. "That's not a pity party again, just fact."
She sighed again. "And yes, I'm..." She bit her lip and her green eyes showed vulnerability. "I am quite scared of "diving in"...but Ayden...he is worth it. I'm just worried he'll look up one day and he'll regret asking his boss out on that date."
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mpahri · 3 months
Ahri's legs gave way as she was running, a loud shriek escaping from her mouth as she flailed. She almost hit face first unto the dirt, her arms reaching forward to catch herself, only to land on her elbows.
"Ryul!" Arms stinging, she tried to look up only to whimper in pain at her legs deep in the earth. "Let me go!" Clawing at the dirt she tried to pull herself out of his control.
"Why do you care if I go there or not?" Though anger still laced her voice, she couldn't help but look nervously at the haunted house where the howling was growing louder.
She huffed, struggling only for a brief moment before slumping. His powers was something she briefly saw before, she never thought he'd actually use them on her.
"I'm not running away from an earth demigod---I'm just running away from you." She huffed, tears lingering in her eyes both in pain and frustration.
"You're such a...a jerk!" She huffed, flailing her legs wildly though it probably did nothing against his grip. Her cheeks were flushed with agitation and fury was making her irrational.
"It was only to take a few pictures..." She protested as she tried to turn back towards the house when he let her go only to stop short as a sharp scream pierced the night.
"What..?" Eyes wide Ahri looked around widely, noting that the scream probably came from the so-called haunted house and she hesitated for a beat before running towards it, ignoring the fuming earth demigod behind her.
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mpahri · 3 months
Ahri held on to Ayden, watching the emotions flit about his handsome face, and wanted nothing more than give him comfort. She didn't want to invalidate his feelings, especially since she knew first hand how difficult it was to face that part of your past. So she kept quiet, just offering silent comfort if he needed it.
Squeezing his hand apologetically for mentioning his mom, Ahri just wanted to make sure that Ayden's mom wouldn't make things difficult for him too. Some of Ayden's words made her hesitate, blinking.
Get his hands dirty...did he mean literally or figuratively? "Just please..." Her words were a murmur, not wanting to stress him out again. "Be safe? And I'll let Lio know as well. To not let you get into trouble. I mean..I know you're so smart, and you'll be safe. But..but.." She stammered, realizing she was blabbering and her cheeks flushed. While Lio and her relationship didn't get very far, they had managed to reconnect and actually become friends and Ahri was grateful for his friendship. Ayden with Lio was actually reasurring to her.
"I worry," She rested her forehead against his shoulder, the movie now completely out of her attention. When he relented and asked for her help, she gave him a smile, relieved that he asked her.
"Done and done, do you have a passport? a visa? I'll help with arrangements, do you have a preferred airline?" She didn't realize she was rambling, all to reassure Ayden she was in it with him and wouldn't leave him when he needed her the most. The talk with Eros a few weeks ago made her realize that she needed to trust Ayden more than she did her fears. Trust in how she felt for him, and his feelings for her.
"I love you," She blurted at the end of her ramble, her face completely red by now.
[...] She wanted to protest, when he said he preferred for her to stay, and her brow furrowed as he mentioned he had asked Lio for help. She tried to hide the pang of hurt that he had gone to her ex for help first before her, but Ahri knew Lio dealt with a whole other skillset than her own. So she nods, trying not to imagine her ex and her present boyfriend going all gangsta in Japan. "Have you..." She hesitates as if wondering if asking this would also trigger Ayden. But she would rather ask him than the other, and so she cleared her throat, her eyes still meeting his. "Have you asked your mom for help?" She knew better than most how disappointing godly parents could be. But if Ayden was about to go to Japan to confront his past, Ahri was in the opinion that the fox deity could at least accompany him. Especially after abandoning them early in their life. "I...I can at least help you pack? Or book your flights? Please...let me help you, whatever you think I can do for you." She leans her forehead against his, tugging him close to her. "You're not alone anymore, Ayden."
Talking with Ahri about his intentions on his upcoming trip to Japan was stressful, yet at the same time, Ayden found it therapeutic. 
Before deciding to contact Lio, Ayden had guessed how Ahri would react to knowing that her ex would be involved in the plan. The friendship between Lio and him started a while back ago, when Ayden was still in his alcoholic-whore phase and got something going on with Lio’s best friend.
That best friend had left and Ayden was completely over the situationship, yet the friendship with Lio remained. While the son of Sekhmet did not make it show, he did not try hard to hide it either - the fact that his hands were deep in gangster business, that he had enough skills and connections to get things done. If it were not Lio, Ayden would not know anyone suitable to ask for help. 
While he was not sure if Ahri knew what Lio was doing outside the island, Ayden believed she would understand why he contacted the man and not her first.
Ahri did not ask about Lio’s presence in his plan, which was a relief, but there was a more challenging question she posed that he should respond honestly. Reluctantly, Ayden recalled the conversation he had with his parent, finding himself skipping some parts of it, just so his anger would not be re-ignited and therefore hurt his girlfriend. 
Releasing a long sigh, he finally replied. “Well, yes, and no. I told Inari about my plan but did not explicitly ask them for help, or to do anything. Inari warned me about getting my hands dirty, but also said they would not stop me.”
He paused shortly, then concluded with a sarcastic chuckle, keeping his voice light so that his pent-up anger would not leak. “If we think about that, they already helped by not preaching on forgiveness, and by not acting like they’ve got nothing to do with why shit happened.”  
Ayden then closed his eyes, taking a few seconds to push all the negative feelings provoked by Inari’s name to the back of his mind. While they got to have a somewhat civil conversation, and Inari did help him out of trouble a few times, it may take more than that to pacify the resentment toward his parent that had rooted in Ayden’s heart and mind. 
Ahri’s gentle voice and their forehead touch quickly pulled him back to calmness. Ayden opened his eyes and leaned back just enough to properly look at her, and found himself easily gave in to her genuine care and enthusiasm to help.
“Alright, then please help me pack and book a one-way flight to Kyoto.” He smiled softly, and quickly explained his request for the flight.
“I can’t be one hundred percent sure about the return date, it may take two weeks more or less, depending on…well, on a lot of things. We’ll try to finish everything as quickly and neatly as possible. I’ll let you know once I book the flight home, okay?”
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mpahri · 3 months
Eros had a way of making Ahri feel at ease than nervous and she couldn't help but slowly start to relax. He seemed genuinely interested to hear her, despite her basically stalking him from bushes. So she leaned back on her seat and tried not to look like she was just about to burst into relieved tears.
When he congratulates her on her new relationship, Ahri blushed, her cheeks turning quite red and for a moment she remembered how Ayden first gently reminded her that he had asked for her to be his girlfriend and she had been oblivious.
"Oh, I guess I didn't think of it that way..." Her shyness turning into thoughtfulness. "He did choose me..." Her eyes drifted to her hands on her lap, warmth blooming in her heart.
"I..." She hesitated, her green eyes rising to meet the god's, only to drift back down unto her hands. "Not a lot of people choose me, I suppose." She looked up as the words spilled from her lips. "That's not a pity party again, just fact."
She sighed again. "And yes, I'm..." She bit her lip and her green eyes showed vulnerability. "I am quite scared of "diving in"...but Ayden...he is worth it. I'm just worried he'll look up one day and he'll regret asking his boss out on that date."
Ahri would not interact with the gods on the island if she could help it. Sure she had featured a deity or so for the Rises, but she had never really gone as far to converse with them casually. She never saw the need to, especially since her own father had such a visceral reaction to her when she was younger that she tried to avoid the immortals if she could help it.
These days however, Ahri was desperate. She didn't want to alarm Ayden about the slow ball of anxiety that had started to form, especially since Ahri was familiar with the emotion.
"Hello," She stammers, visibly relaxing at Eros' demeanor. As far as gods go, she supposed it was a good thing it had to be Eros. Amaterasu was quite protective of her husband, Ahri could tell by the way the goddess listened carefully to her questions about her husband. She couldn't risk offending them both.
"I'm sorry to bother you." She managed to add, shuffling towards the seat, thinking it would be a good idea to follow his order. To make a good impression. She felt the cold sweat drip down her back that made it chillier through the winter air and Ahri hoped she didn't look ill. Eros had caught her, and permitted her to speak after all. Good thing before she lost her nerve she supposed.
"I would say I am a fan of your work, but you probably hear that a lot." She grips the hem of her jacket to center her and to focus on the conversation. She tried meeting Eros' eyes, but almost immediately looked away. "I just wanted to ask you a question, and if you be kind enough to answer, I'll get out of your hair and return to Cornwall." Her eyes drifted towards the book from her homeland.
"I have a boyfriend." She begins, feeling her cheeks redden. This was the first time she had said it aloud about Ayden. He was her coworker at first, then friend and now---it was starting to scare her how much she was relying on him. But the image of Ayden flashed in her mind's eye and with that half-tilted smile like he had a secret he wanted to tell you and she relaxed a bit. "He's great. It's me, I'm not. At least, this is not a pity party. I'm just a little bit out of my depth."
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mpahri · 3 months
Ahri rolled her eyes at her friend, even as she surreptitiously adjusted her outfit. She had liked it the minute she saw it, but now she was having second thoughts of it being date appropriate. It was Valentine's Day, and Ayden had told her this morning they were still on for their date. Her dress complimented the bag he gave her as a gift, so she supposed it was okay?
"You are such a child," She pouted at him even as those thoughts raged inside her mind. "I'm asking for your opinion since you're supposed to be a dress maker."
Fluffing her hair again, she tries to fish for her phone inside the new bag. Maybe Ayden could give her a clue where they were going? She didn't want to be overdressed.
"Oh, like that's the only thing couples do on Valentine's Day." She scoffed at Arwyn as she looked at her phone and saw no text. "I'm surprised you're still here---don't you have to bang your goddess?" Ahri was being crude on purpose to try to get rid of her nerves.
continuing on from here for @mpahri
arwyn watched as ahri continued flipping her hair right in front of his face. his lip curled up further and further by the minute in what seemed to be an expression of sheer disgust at how much she was preening.
"why the fuck are you even asking me such questions?" he whined deeply, shrinking back into his seat the more she asked his opinion on how she looked. "i mean i can give you an answer about it, but it depends. do you want the truth or do you want me to pamper you?"
he squinted up at her as he gave another snort.
"besides, what are you trying so hard to be hot for? gonna seduce him or something? so that you'll both fuck like rabbits for all of valentines' night?"
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mpahri · 3 months
Ahri tried to relax as Eros reassured her both in his body language and his words. She knew she should probably calm down, especially since she had gone out of her way to semi-stalk and now talk to the god. At least she managed to start the reason why she had gone to him for help. Thankfully, he didn't seem to annoyed at the intrusion.
She blinks at him when his question settles in, and her expression suggested she didn't actually think of Ayden choosing her before. In the myriad of overthinking she tended to do, not once did she consider that Ayden had chosen her, just as much as she did in moving their relationship beyond just coworkers and friends.
"Oh," She gives a small nod of realization now. "Yes, I suppose you are right. He is a person of his own mind after all...but.." She hesitated, knowing she will sound like a complete naïve person. "It's good. Being with him is good. I just..." She sighs and tugs at the hem of her coat again.
"I'm worried about the other shoe dropping...if you know what I mean. Knowing me and my history with relationships, it's bound to come from me." She gives a sigh and her eyes drift to her fingers now clenched together.
Ahri would not interact with the gods on the island if she could help it. Sure she had featured a deity or so for the Rises, but she had never really gone as far to converse with them casually. She never saw the need to, especially since her own father had such a visceral reaction to her when she was younger that she tried to avoid the immortals if she could help it.
These days however, Ahri was desperate. She didn't want to alarm Ayden about the slow ball of anxiety that had started to form, especially since Ahri was familiar with the emotion.
"Hello," She stammers, visibly relaxing at Eros' demeanor. As far as gods go, she supposed it was a good thing it had to be Eros. Amaterasu was quite protective of her husband, Ahri could tell by the way the goddess listened carefully to her questions about her husband. She couldn't risk offending them both.
"I'm sorry to bother you." She managed to add, shuffling towards the seat, thinking it would be a good idea to follow his order. To make a good impression. She felt the cold sweat drip down her back that made it chillier through the winter air and Ahri hoped she didn't look ill. Eros had caught her, and permitted her to speak after all. Good thing before she lost her nerve she supposed.
"I would say I am a fan of your work, but you probably hear that a lot." She grips the hem of her jacket to center her and to focus on the conversation. She tried meeting Eros' eyes, but almost immediately looked away. "I just wanted to ask you a question, and if you be kind enough to answer, I'll get out of your hair and return to Cornwall." Her eyes drifted towards the book from her homeland.
"I have a boyfriend." She begins, feeling her cheeks redden. This was the first time she had said it aloud about Ayden. He was her coworker at first, then friend and now---it was starting to scare her how much she was relying on him. But the image of Ayden flashed in her mind's eye and with that half-tilted smile like he had a secret he wanted to tell you and she relaxed a bit. "He's great. It's me, I'm not. At least, this is not a pity party. I'm just a little bit out of my depth."
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mpahri · 4 months
Ahri knew that Ayden would not stop by the office today after professionally filing for a WFH day. Ahri didn't mind, she had instilled those options for a reason. Though she had been hoping the two of them could work together today. Valentine's Day was a Wednesday---quite a mundane day of the week. Still, she had been excited to celebrate the holiday for the first time with Ayden as her boyfriend, but as always, he found a way to surprise her first.
"Oh, Ayden," Ahri gave a soft dreamy smile as she picked up the card and peered at the gift, feeling her cheeks redden and her hear race that no amount of caffeine could replicate. More than the gift, the letter made her smile and internally squeal---he had really honed in on the fact about her love language. Picking up her phone, she takes a quick selfie with the bag and letter, smiling brightly before sending it off to her boyfriend. She followed it up with a message:
[✉️ >> Ay ❤️ ] Thank you for the present babe! You spoil me and I love you~ For tonight, do you want me to wear nothing but the bag? 🤭
"Dear my Ahri,
Happy Valentine! I kind of wanted to make this more dramatic, but since I know you would not appreciate hearing firecrackers or seeing a floor covered in fresh red roses on a Wednesday, hopefully this would make you smile~
Thank you so much for being a wondrous, magnificent, breathtaking, precious, brilliant part of my life. You may not realize it yet, but you and your love have saved me, Ahri.
I love you to the end of my existence ♥♥
Your Ayden
P/s: Don’t be late for dinner, 7 tonight, my place! And don’t be stressed over what to wear, love, you look stunning even when you don’t wear anything…special :3"
That is the message in the card found inside the big-sized designer bag, wrapped in an elegant off-white gift box. Ayden left the gift on her desk the night before, after he made sure she had come home and there was no one else linger around in the office. During the day, he will be going around the island capturing pictures for the next biweekly issue. He has already asked permission to work from home in the afternoon, and Ahri has all the rights to believe that he is not spending any minutes of that time on office work.  
[The bag in the gift box] 
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mpahri · 4 months
"Dear my Ahri,
Happy Valentine! I kind of wanted to make this more dramatic, but since I know you would not appreciate hearing firecrackers or seeing a floor covered in fresh red roses on a Wednesday, hopefully this would make you smile~
Thank you so much for being a wondrous, magnificent, breathtaking, precious, brilliant part of my life. You may not realize it yet, but you and your love have saved me, Ahri.
I love you to the end of my existence ♥♥
Your Ayden
P/s: Don't be late for dinner, 7 tonight, my place! And don't be stressed over what to wear, love, you look stunning even when you don't wear anything...special :3"
That is the message in the card found inside the big-sized designer bag, wrapped in an elegant off-white gift box. Ayden left the gift on her desk the night before, after he made sure she had come home and there was no one else linger around in the office. During the day, he will be going around the island capturing pictures for the next biweekly issue. He has already asked permission to work from home in the afternoon, and Ahri has all the rights to believe that he is not spending any minutes of that time on office work.  
[The bag in the gift box] 
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mpahri · 4 months
❛ you look ridiculous in that outfit, by the way. ❜
"Then it's good I don't dress up for you," She wrinkled her nose at him as she checked her lip gloss. The office was packing up thankfully and she had dressed up in her office to prepare for much awaited date with Ayden. The dress was something she had purchased precisely for the date, wanting to at least wear something new for her boyfriend.
She fluffed her hair, spinning around in front of her friend. "Come on, be honest, does this dress make me look stupid hot?"
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mpahri · 4 months
❛ i'm sorry i can't turn off my feelings as easily as you. ❜
"Huh?" Ahri whipped her head around, ponytail flying as she heard the words, thinking she was being spoken too. To her relief at least it seemed the other person was having an emphatic phone call, and she had happened to be in earshot.
"Oh thank goodness," She murmured, only to meet the other person's eyes. "I wasn't eavesdropping on purpose!"
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mpahri · 4 months
"You're such a...a jerk!" She huffed, flailing her legs wildly though it probably did nothing against his grip. Her cheeks were flushed with agitation and fury was making her irrational.
"It was only to take a few pictures..." She protested as she tried to turn back towards the house when he let her go only to stop short as a sharp scream pierced the night.
"What..?" Eyes wide Ahri looked around widely, noting that the scream probably came from the so-called haunted house and she hesitated for a beat before running towards it, ignoring the fuming earth demigod behind her.
peek-a-boo: ahri + ryul
continued from here with @mpryul
Ahri felt her spine locking in faint indignation as she saw Ryul's eyes go over her spy outfit. Well it was not like she was a spy, but the black jeans and turtleneck always made her feel like some secret agent. So she almost always wore it when she was out doing footwork when traditional means didn't cut it. It's what got her into Phoenix Rises, she never saw a reason to stop.
And she still hadn't, despite Ryul's obvious disapproval. "What are you even doing here?" She murmured in a low voice, eyes squinting in suspicion. She didn't tell anybody where she was going, not after the last time she told Arwyn he got injured and Hel hadn't been impressed with either of them. So this time she figured she would go alone.
She followed his gaze and the imposing look of the house made her grip her DLSR harder, mouth set in a firm line. She wanted to get photos, how often did they actually have haunted houses on the island?
"Well fell free to stay here," She said in a would be cheery voice, hand shooting out as if she made to bow at him, only to scoot backwards and towards the dark house.
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mpahri · 4 months
❛ i don't have time for distractions right now. ❜
"So you confirm?" Ahri's voice barely contained the satisfaction. "You do have feelings for a deity on the island? I mean, sure that's your taste after all." The editor-in-chief was in full reporter mode, and it had taken several instances but she was able to find a time to talk with Mount Phoenix's Oracle.
As a principle she had tried not to put too much stock in fortunes or prophecies. It was a prophecy that had created her after all and Ahri knew just how vindictive gods could be when the prophecy didn't align to their wishes. But the opportunity to speak with the island's source of all things was too good to pass up. That was why she had not done her usual stalking but had requested for a meeting and had brought treats, things Ahri was sure the Oracle would like.
"Just a few more questions, I promise." She gives a soft pleading look.
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mpahri · 4 months
Ahri stayed quiet, letting Ayden process her words and his thoughts in response. She was patient, and her arms wrapped around him tighter, almost wishing she could do more than just hug or reassure him with his words.
She blushes at his words about her remaining gorgeous...Ayden's flattery had a way of disorienting her, like she didn't quite know what to do with the praise. She brushes her lips against his cheek, if only to hide the warmth of her cheeks. "Easy on the rizz there, Hwang." She murmured, but settled in their embrace even deeper.
She wanted to protest, when he said he preferred for her to stay, and her brow furrowed as he mentioned he had asked Lio for help. She tried to hide the pang of hurt that he had gone to her ex for help first before her, but Ahri knew Lio dealt with a whole other skillset than her own. So she nods, trying not to imagine her ex and her present boyfriend going all gangsta in Japan.
"Have you..." She hesitates as if wondering if asking this would also trigger Ayden. But she would rather ask him than the other, and so she cleared her throat, her eyes still meeting his. "Have you asked your mom for help?"
She knew better than most how disappointing godly parents could be. But if Ayden was about to go to Japan to confront his past, Ahri was in the opinion that the fox deity could at least accompany him. Especially after abandoning them early in their life.
"I...I can at least help you pack? Or book your flights? Please...let me help you, whatever you think I can do for you." She leans her forehead against his, tugging him close to her. "You're not alone anymore, Ayden."
Braveheart | ayri (ayden + ahri)
continued from here with @mpxayden
Ahri leaned back against Ayden's chest, burrowing deeper into his embrace. She could tell that what he had just spoken aloud had been difficult him, even to her and she had gotten to know him over the years. The thing about magical families, Ahri believed there will always be pain from the gods. While she was thankfully spared from the kind of childhood Ayden's twin had---(something he only mentioned was bad as it was not his story to tell) Ahri knew how deep wounds like that could go.
She turns a bit now so she can meet his eyes, so Ayden would know that what she spoke next was the truth. "I think you are very brave." She reaches to place a hand on his chiseled cheek. They were still ensconced in her favorite flannel blanket--remnants of their takeout lingered at the coffee table. And the bright and cheery TV show hardly contributed the gravity of their conversation. But Ahri pressed on, having a feeling that Ayden needed her. For all the patience he had bestowed upon her and their newfound relationship, she hadn't gotten a chance yet to offer anything in return.
"I don't think you're a bad guy." She continued, voice soft. She reached out to stroke a few of his locks away from his head. Her boyfriend was devastatingly handsome--she had noticed this the first time he joined the Rises, but rather than be intimidated by him then, Ahri felt a kinship. She was just oblivious to the other feelings he had for her until that night. "You are doing what you think is right; even if it isn't to others--you must do what you must right? You would never be satisfied otherwise. And why should I blame you for those choices? You can't get rid of me that easily."
She smiles gently then. Her circle of friends resembled Ayden's stance on doing what was necessary. She hadn't grown up with Irelia to not realize that sometimes, violence was the answer. But even if it was, one could still be gentle and kind amidst that, like Arwyn was every fight. Even Lio had been the same. So yes, she understood.
"How can I help?" She leans her forehead against his, her hand drifting down to settle on his chest above his heartbeat.
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mpahri · 4 months
&. 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬 (𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬?) 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  various  dialogue  prompts  to  send  to  your  worst  enemy  (affectionate).  feel  free  to  change  how  you  seem  fit.  )
❛ oh great, it's you again. ❜
❛ you? kill me? that's funny. ❜
❛ for being someone you hate, i'm sure on your mind a lot. ❜
❛ you're the last person i wanted to see, actually. ❜
❛ do us both a favor. stay away from me. ❜
❛ you really are an asshole, you know that? ❜
❛ i'm the asshole? what does that make you then? ❜
❛ sometimes i think you must hate me. ❜
❛ i thought you said you never wanted to see me again. ❜
❛ if you want me to go, then you have to tell me to leave. ❜
❛ well, someone's cranky today. ❜
❛ well, someone needs to shut the fuck up. ❜
❛ just stay out of my way. ❜
❛ of all the idiots in the world, i'm stuck with you. ❜
❛ what is it you want this time? ❜
❛ sometimes i wonder if you're in love with me. ❜
❛ do you honestly think this is easy for me? ❜
❛ why would i ever want to be friends with you? ❜
❛ can we please just talk? ❜
❛ there is nothing for us to talk about. ❜
❛ you can yell at me later. just let me help you. ❜
❛ touch me, and you're dead. ❜
❛ oh, so now you care? ❜
❛ there is something deeply wrong with you. ❜
❛ i know i'm the last person you probably want to see, but... ❜
❛ you don't think we could be friends, do you? ❜
❛ i'm tired of fighting against you. ❜
❛ don't pretend you give a shit about me. ❜
❛ you're an idiot, but... i trust you. ❜
❛ oh, don't be cute. ❜
❛ wait, did you just say that i'm cute? ❜
❛ we're not good for each other. ❜
❛ if i say yes, will you shut up? ❜
❛ don't you have to be stupid somewhere else? ❜
❛ maybe we should kiss just to break the tension. ❜
❛ i'm sorry i can't turn off my feelings as easily as you. ❜
❛ maybe there's a universe out there where we're friends. ❜
❛ how can you be so smart yet so dumb at the same time? ❜
❛ don't think this changes anything between us. ❜
❛ you look ridiculous in that outfit, by the way. ❜
❛ if you die, i'll kill you. ❜
❛ is that a challenge? ❜
❛ ah, so you're not heartless after all. ❜
❛ i don't think i've ever seen you smile. ❜
❛ you never cared about me, so why now? ❜
❛ why didn't you kill me when you had the chance? ❜
❛ i don't even remember why we started fighting. ❜
❛ i don't have time for distractions right now. ❜
❛ you're not as bad as everyone says you are. ❜
❛ enemies make the best lovers, you know. ❜
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mpahri · 5 months
She rolled her eyes at him, once again Arwyn severly underestimated the wrath his goddess-girlfriend was fully capable of exacting. It wouldn't surprise her if the Norse deity just popped up in her living room demanding that she take care of her precious Arwyn.
"Will you relax and stop your griping?" She huffed as she snatched the gauze back from his hand. "It's not my fault you tripped and injured yourself," She groused but swiped the pad a bit gentler. "Iri would sit still when being patched up and Ryul..." She trailed off, trying to remember if she had ever given him first aid.
"Why are all men in my life such accident prone babies?" She said with a sigh and looking up at the ceiling as if pleading to an unknown deity. She catches herself a small grin on her face. "Except for Ayden... and oh Iri's chef boyfriend. The scary one."
"Oh come on, you're such a baby," Ahri whine back at Arwyn, unable to help the childish sticking out of her tongue. "We got out of there alive didn't we?" She rolled her eyes before turning her attention back at Arwyn's injury.
At the mention of Hel and Iri losing their respective shit if they knew about the two's escapades, Ahri gives a long-suffering sigh. "Iri wouldn't kill me," She said confidently, swiping Arwyn's injury with a bit of disinfectant. "Hel on the other hand.." She shudders. "It's like she has some sort of sixth sense when it comes to you," Ahri's eyes widen in realization.
"Oh god, she's already on her way isn't she?"
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mpahri · 5 months
"How would you know? You haven't seen ghosts before!" She hissed as she clutched her camera and looked back towards the silent and creepy house. "It would be cool to see them, you never know." She rocked back against her heels.
She rolled her eyes at him. "Okay, dad," She promptly spun around as if to walk only to yelp when the ground under her feet fell as she was swept up into his arm. "What are you---?" She spluttered glaring at him in the dark.
"Why are you such a caveman?" She huffed at him trying to wiggle away. "Not every one can be as tall as you, Ryul. Let go!" She protested, resenting the fact that he was taller than her and easily carried her with his strength.
"Come on, It'll only take a few minutes," She tried a different tack this time, looking at him pleadingly.
peek-a-boo: ahri + ryul
continued from here with @mpryul
Ahri felt her spine locking in faint indignation as she saw Ryul's eyes go over her spy outfit. Well it was not like she was a spy, but the black jeans and turtleneck always made her feel like some secret agent. So she almost always wore it when she was out doing footwork when traditional means didn't cut it. It's what got her into Phoenix Rises, she never saw a reason to stop.
And she still hadn't, despite Ryul's obvious disapproval. "What are you even doing here?" She murmured in a low voice, eyes squinting in suspicion. She didn't tell anybody where she was going, not after the last time she told Arwyn he got injured and Hel hadn't been impressed with either of them. So this time she figured she would go alone.
She followed his gaze and the imposing look of the house made her grip her DLSR harder, mouth set in a firm line. She wanted to get photos, how often did they actually have haunted houses on the island?
"Well fell free to stay here," She said in a would be cheery voice, hand shooting out as if she made to bow at him, only to scoot backwards and towards the dark house.
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