mr-miss-sunny ¡ 7 days
Nobody knows how passionate i am about Snow White
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 8 days
I never realized until now
Catherine in S1:
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Mary in S2:
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 8 days
A World of Ice and Fashion
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these were heavily inspired by Russian and Slavic historical Fashion.I have kokoshiks and heavy furs and fabrics. The first is an everyday
summer dress and then a ceremonial dress and lastly an everyday winter dress.
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 1 month
Satin is just Jon's steward. Satin takes care of Jon, makes sure he eats, asks him whether he's slept and stares longingly at him... Jon spends time teaching him how to fight, worries about his safety, defends him, shakes off the gay rumours, watches him dancing at the wedding, notes how pretty he is at least once a chapter.
Yeah, he's just his steward.
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 1 month
I just re-read the part where Ygritte dies in ASOS and idk why im crying so much, i didnt even shed a tear the first time i read it because i never fucking cry over books. I think my period is coming
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 1 month
I wish I could go on the arya stark tag without seeing vitriolic hatred for sansa. I swear, it’s rare to come across a stan who appreciates them BOTH, as I do myself. It just kills my mood, ugh. This fandom is so incredibly divisive when it comes to fictional characters.
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 1 month
Every time I read fandom posts about fictional characters 'deserving' things I'm struck by how culturally Christian ya'll are without realizing it
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 1 month
I’m having really sad Sandor Clegane feels right now - or maybe it’s the bottle of pinot noir I’m s l o w l y working my way through. Whatevs. Just thinking about how crappy his life must have been after Gregor shoved his face in the coals and what it must do to the psyche of a child, to be so badly disfigured and to know that there’s absolutely no way to escape it. To wake every morning knowing you’ll have to face the looks and the whispers of the people around you and the ones who turn away or can’t even meet your eye. To know that, for whatever reason, the father you once looked to to mete out justice and protect you has chosen instead to ignore the horror inflicted upon you. To realize that all the stories and songs you once adored and believed true are nothing but lies perpetuated to cover for the harsher truth that knights are killers in fancy clothes and fair maidens are the exception rather than the rule. To be slowly consumed by a rage so visceral and so deep that the only way you can find joy is through spilling other men’s blood. To be sworn to protect a child you know has tendencies toward the sadistic and then spend your days wondering if the influence you’ve had on him is in some way responsible for his specific kinks - or if not, if anything you could ever do could change that or might instead cost you your life in the trying.
And then imagine Winterfell and the family you encountered there and how they were a family, as yours should have been but never was. And amongst them a beautiful, innocent girl who believes in those songs and those tales of chivalry and gallantry and even after the horror she lived through in King’s Landing refused to see your truth as the only truth. And you find yourself hating her and wanting to protect her and seeking her out and needing to make her see and instead she twists you around like a leaf on the wind and makes you question everything you’ve come to believe and somewhere deep inside you awakens these feelings you’ve tried so hard to ignore for all these years. And it’s no longer as simple as hate or love or obsession or a need to protect something fragile and beautiful that deserves protecting. It’s none of those things and it’s all of those things.
And then you have to leave her behind and you try to drown all those feelings in wine until one day, by fate or chance, you encounter her sister. And the little she-wolf reminds you of the girl and also of yourself and first she’s an opportunity to get back some of what you’ve lost. But then, day by day, it becomes something more than that and you find yourself protecting her, too, and making choices you might never have made before and risking your own life for hers. But in the end she leaves you as you left the older sister, her anger still too fresh and immediate to be able to look past it. And you find yourself dying on the bank of a river, with absolutely nothing left to you but memories and regrets and the all-consuming pain.
And not once, not once, from anyone else’s recollections or encounters with you, has there been any mention of a single shred of self-pity on your part. Not a one.
Imagine being Sandor Clegane. And cry for him, because he will not shed a tear for himself, but only for the man he could have been.
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 1 month
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die
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How you dying 👀
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 1 month
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She’d had so many names. Had she only dreamed Arya Stark?
Day 14: Identities - Names
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 1 month
There is no stronger community than Ao3 readers when the site goes down
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 1 month
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still love the way grrm decided to write this so damn much. other than the obvious romantic undertones of it all the “so he did” is so terse and simple and blunt as if it is the most straightforward and obvious thing in the world for him. jumping unarmed into a pit with a live bear to try save this woman is the most sound thing in the world. wanting her is the most sound thing in the world. doing the right thing is the most sound thing in the world. there is no justification for even a blink of hesitation. so he did.
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 1 month
feeling absolutely fucking feral about a man who is canonically like a foot and a half taller than me and also completely morally reprehensible
i want to bite him
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 2 months
Does anyone have good fic recs of the Starks just living in Winterfell before everything and being happy and loving and together? I’m in dire need.
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 2 months
“I forgot, you’ve been hiding under a rock. The northern girl. Winterfell’s daughter. We heard she killed the king with a spell, and afterward changed into a wolf with big leather wings like a bat, and flew out a tower window. But she left the dwarf behind and Cersei means to have his head.” … "The Hound poured a cup of wine for Arya and another for himself, and drank it down while staring at the hearthfire. “The little bird flew away, did she? Well, bloody good for her. She shit on the Imp’s head and flew off.” (Arya XIII, ASOS)
this is funny. sandor hears that tyrion and sansa murdered the actual king together at his own wedding and that sansa then peaced out and left her husband to die and sandor's response to all this is "good for her" lol. we know that things didn't happen as described here but i just love that sandor is a supporter of sansa's rights and wrongs.
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 2 months
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Thinkin' about this Sandor tidbit from an earlier draft of ASOS. Found by redditor u/gsteff at the Cushing Library.
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mr-miss-sunny ¡ 2 months
Everyday I wake happy and then everyday I remember Jonsa shippers and people who put Arya and Sansa against each other exist 😔
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