mrduke · 13 years
The Saddest Sock Puppet in the World
Heard this song, "Exile Vilify by The National, a while ago (since it was made for the game Portal 2). But then Valve held a contest of the user-generated content kind. They asked fans to make a music video for the subdued, brooding and rather depressing tune. The winner is shown below. The video fits the tune in a rather amazing way that made me glad to revisit the song..
The other music videos can be found here. The 1.0000000001th winner should also be checked out.
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mrduke · 13 years
"Decision Tree" Toyota Shopping Site Live! #rappwork
See the full gallery on Posterous
In development for quite some time, we've finally launched a new shopping site that takes into account your lifestyle/needs and then serves up a vehicle recommendation based on your choices. Click through the images to see what it looks like, or check it out yourself.
Congrats to the team who worked so hard on getting it up. Looking forward to version 2.0.
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mrduke · 13 years
Sigor Ros' New 'INNI'
Always manage to capture beauty. Not really sure what INNI is, but I received an email from them today with a link to the video. I believe the translation is "inside" but I have no idea. Probably would be best if it's a new album.
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mrduke · 13 years
July 2011
Posted in: IT Executives
Topic: Cloud | Tag 2 | Tag 3 | Tag 4 | Tag 5
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via h30406.www3.hp.com
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mrduke · 13 years
Behind the Wheel News Relaunch #rappwork
A news hub for Toyota-related content, Behind the Wheel has been around for years without a proper refresh. We've put it up on Wordpress with open graph integration. Congrats to all who worked so hard on it. Check it out, and come back as we start updating the content.
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mrduke · 13 years
Jell-O Pudding's NYC Billboard Is Powered by Twitter
via adweek.com
Pretty sweet. Measures the number of smiley faces and frown-y faces on twitter and then modifies the face depending on the Twitter "Mood" (similar to their website jellopuddingface.com). If people get too sad, JELL-O will start randomly sending out coupons to people. While neat, this is only part of the story. Because it's a real guy's face. And he used to work at CP+B. And he didn't know about it.
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mrduke · 13 years
Diablo 3, besides being potentially awesome, is merging real money and digital loot
via huffingtonpost.com
On the heels of "games" like Zynga and others have been making for Facebook, where users use real money to purchase fake things. Now, Blizzard is going to let users sell their digital items for cash as well. All of that wasted time might actually end up making you money.
That incentive - to make money playing video games - may be all some people need to hole up in their parents' basement and never come out.
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mrduke · 13 years
New NTSF:SD:SUV trailer via Adultswim
via huffingtonpost.com
Before watching this 15 minute procedural, you better think again. Twice.
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mrduke · 13 years
Beastie Boys Music Video "Don't play no game that i cant win" ft. Santogold
via motion.tv
Pretty fun music video in the style of robot chicken.
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mrduke · 13 years
‪This movie looks pretty friggin sweet - Bellflower Movie (2011) Trailer‬‏
via youtube.com
So this trailer pretty much shows nothing about the movie's actual plot, which makes me even more interested in it. Matt, from KCRW's "Matt's Movies", was raving about the writer/director/actor Evan Glodell and I trust a lot of what he says.
I also wish I spent more time building flame-throwers and other weapons in preparation for the coming global apocalypse.
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mrduke · 13 years
Kia Creates World's First Stop-Motion Ads on Fingernails | Adweek
via adweek.com
Going a long way to say something small (PUN INTENDED!). Anyway, I'm impressed by the art here and think this fingernail/smALL idea can be taken a lot farther.
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mrduke · 13 years
Gotta Love Mike Rowe: mikeroweWORKS
via mikeroweworks.com
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mrduke · 13 years
ToyToyota: Backseat Driver App
Pretty cool app that's launched in Japan. Links up with GPS so the environment changes depending on where you are, and there are little goodies and whatnot to collect as you drive. I believe it's available in the app store.
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mrduke · 13 years
Badass Transformer: WRX Rally Car (Toy)
Saw this car sitting around our office. Said, "Hey, that car's pretty bad ass." Then I saw that it's a Transformer. Hell yeah.
The only thing was, it took us forever to get it to transform and then back again.
It's pretty darn difficult but here it is "transformed."
If you want to see a pro do it, check this:
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mrduke · 13 years
Infographic Inspiration: Visual.ly has just launched to public
Visual.ly is a new website that seeks to make all of the data available to us today (and let's face it, sometimes we're on the edge of information overload) and make it more understandable by visualizing it. The infographics will come from a range of partners they have listed on the site as well as from YOU. If you don't have the skills and software right now to make your own visualizations, don't fret. Visual.ly is in the process of making a tool that will make it easy for all of us to make our own infographics.
And if you don't think infographics are a growing field, then you haven't been checking out good.is, Information Is Beautiful, daily infographic, and a bunch more websites. Just google "infographic" you'll see.
And check out this video:
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mrduke · 13 years
Digital Work: parENtalk website & forums #rappwork
ParENtalk is another page we did for our Nestle client. This one is more of a resource page for anyone who is looking for information on Enteral Nutrition. Has some basic information on EN, but it's best feature is a forum where parents who have children who need EN can come together and share stories and suggestions. We'd love to add more functionality and content to the site in the future, but right now it looks pretty good.
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mrduke · 13 years
Digital Work: Boost Kid Essentials Website #rappwork
Check out the BOOST Kid Essentials page - it's a little project we did at RAPP for Nestle along with some content for their Facebook page that you can click through to check out. This is only version 1.0, but the next version should be launching soon with more content and some other IA updates.
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