mrimm · 7 months
are you really in love if you and your partner don't tell each other about every dog you see in a day?
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mrimm · 7 months
If you are a terf in the locked tomb fandom, the fandom for the series that invented its own gender binary and then made a character who was transgender in the context of that binary*, the fandom for the series that has Pyrrha "Daddy's own treasures" Dve and Palamedes "very irritating wife" Sextus in it, the fandom for the series where those two characters literally pilot bodies belonging to someone of the "opposite" gender, you are a fucking rube and a dipshit even for a terf, and given that the terf movement as a whole thinks it's saving women from patriarchy by allying with fascists, that's saying something. *yes coronabeth is a trans cav and that is an identity I've decided exists in the context of the series. If you're wondering what a trans necromancer is, it's Harrow Nova
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mrimm · 8 months
can you please tell me to continue writing whatever the hell i am writing, because currently it seems like i'm writing nonsense
thank you
You too? Absolutely. You keep going and I'll keep going too.
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mrimm · 8 months
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mrimm · 8 months
Born to play Baldur's Gate III forced to go to work 😔
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mrimm · 8 months
a story with that cyberpunk theme of “are you really human if you modify your body to gain power“, except the body modification is just strength training.
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mrimm · 8 months
Just blocked my first TERF since sneaking back to this site
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mrimm · 8 months
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Keeping this quote to my grave
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mrimm · 8 months
reblog to cast level 5 spell: everyone who reads this gets a full night sleep
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mrimm · 8 months
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lydia davis
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mrimm · 8 months
if you are at a computer rn google katamari and press the little ball in the corner. right now
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mrimm · 8 months
do i ship these characters or do i want them to form a sketch comedy duo
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mrimm · 8 months
I don’t think people give enough weight to the fact that Nona is chronically-to-terminally ill in NtN, either—the reason she needs help taking care of herself, by the end of the book, is because her soul is eating her body and her body is dying. Every time she has a “tantrum”, or accesses Alecto, she uses up Harrow’s body in huge gulps—that’s why she gets sick or passes out after them. She spends most of her time in the early book thinking wistfully about how lucky she is to just have what she has and how much she wants to be useful and it’s a meditation on her awareness of her own death. Like.
Yeah, of course she needs other people to help her take care of herself. She’s disabled and actively dying.
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mrimm · 8 months
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mrimm · 8 months
Your name is Ianthe.
You have a sister. "I love you," she says.
"I love you," you say, and you are happy.
You have parents. "Love me," you say.
"Your sister is so beautiful," they say.
You are a necromancer. You have a talent, a real talent. Your sister does not.
"They won't love me now," she cries.
"I love you," you say. You can be enough necromancer for both of you. You have a talent. Your parents are pleased.
"Love me?" you ask.
"Your sister is so gifted," they say.
God summons you to be his hand. You are patient. You are diligent. You are so fucking talented. You are the first to find the way.
"Eat me", your sister begs.
"But I love you!" you refuse.
"You don't love me," she cries.
There's another girl. Quiet. Avoidant. As talented as you. She learns from your example. She finds the way.
"Eat me," her cavalier demands.
"But I love you," she refuses.
"Love me," you whisper.
She tells you to shatter her mind.
You are with God. You passed His tests. You claimed His power. You did it all by yourself. "Love me," you demand.
"Would you like some tea, Harrowhark?" he says.
She's still with you. Her mind is broken. Her talent is spent. Her power is failing. She has destroyed herself for her love. Love me, you think.
The end approaches. Her doom is nigh. You can survive. You can save her. "Love me," you beg.
"I could never love you," she spits.
The end comes, and then goes. God lives by your intervention alone. His other hands are dead. He is broken. All his power is yours. The entire universe spreads out before you, ripe for the taking.
"Love me!" you scream.
"Love me," you sob.
Love me.
Your name is Ianthe. And you are alone.
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mrimm · 8 months
but it only works if 4 people are having sex lol
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mrimm · 8 months
the point of art is not to be great but to make it transparently obvious that there is something wrong with you
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