mrmcman · 7 days
Roblox but die
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mrmcman · 7 days
I set the poll time too short
Epik fight poll!!!1!1!
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No, sledge queen does not have the decimator, it’s how it works in the gameplay and it’s how it works here
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mrmcman · 8 days
Epik fight poll!!!1!1!
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No, sledge queen does not have the decimator, it’s how it works in the gameplay and it’s how it works here
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mrmcman · 17 days
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Smile sweet sister sadistic
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mrmcman · 23 days
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mrmcman · 23 days
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mrmcman · 1 month
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mrmcman · 1 month
Pav: Hey Hobie?
Hobie: Ya mate?
Pav: Would you still love me if i was a worm
Hobie: Are ya mental bruv??
Pav: W-wha-
Pav: *starts crying*
Hobie: *also crying but in a punk way*
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mrmcman · 1 month
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my beyond the spiderverse predictions ☝️ (find my other spiderverse shit here)
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mrmcman · 1 month
Symbiote-Peni Idea elaboration:
Based on this post
More elaboration below since this post may be getting a bit long
TW for mentions of self harm & suicidal thoughts in paragraph (6). Not explicit or in detail, but it is mentioned.
(1) This takes place around 8 months after Peni's canon event(The death of Aunt May & Addy Brock) and while Peni is in the Spider Society.
(2) The story would start in Peni's universe, Earth - 14512. The SP//DR Program ran by Oscorp had some issues with Peni. Lately, she's been piloting SP//DR, patrolling the city every moment she wasn't in school, and not even taking breaks. She almost never got a full nights of sleep,. How could she rest, when she forced herself to patrol the City for ten hours at at time and spend the nights patrolling from the stroke of midnight to 4am? How could she rest when she didn't want to? Uncle Ben had tried to convince her to rest, but she quickly shut that down. If she rested for a single moment, who knows how many people could get hurt!?
(3) Or die
(4) Because of her
(5) Others had noticed how much more active SP//DR was, Uncle Ben in particular voiced his concerns for her. But she couldn't stop, stopping meant more people would die. She wouldn't let herself settle for a mere moment unless the weight of exhaustion crushed her, and even she wouldn't let the weight win. It should all be okay in Ben's book. She had started to fully committed all of her time to being SP//DR, and this was a responsibility that needed full commitment, Sure, Uncle Ben may argue that this wasn't healthy, but his definition of “Healthy” wouldn't keep the city safe. Heck, she herself wasn't even able to keep Aunt May and Addy safe. If she was more SP//DR and less Peni, maybe they would...they would still be here.
(6) Whatever. It's a change that she'll be accustomed to soon enough. Sure, she still had night terrors about VEN#M, and she could hear Uncle Ben knocking hard on her locked door begging to see if she was okay. She or coursed lied, never having the heart to tell him the truth. To tell him that she knew she was too pathetic to be SP//DR, to tell him that it should've been her instead of Aunt May and Addy, to tell him that she had scars. Some from fighting, some emotionally, and some...self inflicted.
(7) But scars were what made you Spiderman, at least that's what Miguel always told her whenever she questioned him about canon. Being SP//DR was her responsibility, and it was something that would stay that way until termination. That was what she had signed up for. And no matter how tired and tired and Tired she was, she would keep pushing. She would bare the weight. Nobody in the city needed to know that SP//DR was falling a part. No one did, and it would stay that way
(8) At least, that was what she thought.
(9) Norman Osborn had sent out an email to meet him in the Oscorp building at 3am. The meeting involved herself, but Osborn didn't want anyone else to know anything about it and as such, only had her show up. She had tried to ask details about it on the way, but Norman claimed that this was information that shouldn't be exchanged until she gets to the building and meet him in the proper room. Suspicion bubbled within her and mini-SP//DR, but she reluctantly agreed to the terms and arrived at the building. If she didn't show up tonight, he would bug her every night until he got a “Yes” out of her.
(10) Upon meeting him in the room, Osborn discussed a finalized project he was working on to help Peni, a little friend to help her achieve what she cannot.
(11) Without wasting a moment, Osborn quickly lead Peni into following him. They had to go through multiple clearance areas, and some of them were one she had never seen before. They finally reach the main room. A large terrarium could be seen at the center of a lone desk with a strange green spider inside, about the size of a tarantula, and more than big enough to dwarf Peni's own spider.
(12) The glowing sign made itself known to Peni.
(13) She had asked what this was, and Osborn answered
(14) “A new friend for you: Emerald”
(15) Without bothering to turn to her, he reached into the Large container and grabbed the Spider.
(16) He explained what this thing was. It was a Gene Radioactive spider in the process of development in the lab years before she had even begun to pilot the SP//DR for the purpose of helping the pilot should they not be enough. It would be able to amplify her motor skills and even control them should she run out of energy to fight. If the Spider worked properly, it would form a connection to Peni and Mini-SP//DR similar to that of the SP//DR. All of her capabilities with & without the suit would be amplified to several degrees. If Osborn explained all of it's capabilities, they'd be here till the sun rose again. He sums it up by saying it's an extra companion that can modify itself in anyway Peni needed it. If she needed to eat, it would search for all possible meals in a 5 mile radius. If she needed rest, the creature would focus all of it's objectives and modifications on getting Peni a sufficient amount of, well, rest.
(17 ) As he spoke, Emerald kept shifting it's form to a green liquid like substance. It's body stayed firm in Osborn's gloved hand and clinging onto him with tendrils she assumed to just be it's legs.
(18) shapeshifting itself to a cellular level...
(19) Peni showed some reluctance and asks Osborn what about this was so important that he felt the need to keep this from her until now. Osborn explains that while Emerald was in development for years, the final version wasn't finished until a couple months ago, and he didn't find a need for it.
(20) At least, until now
(21) He uttered a single sentence
(22) “I know you're getting weaker”
(23) He continued, telling Peni that he knew she was patrolling the city nearly ever moment her eyes were open . Every fight she's in leaves her more worn out. Peni Parker was wearing herself thin, and one day, she may take a fatal hit that she won't be able to bounce back from. One day, her own exhaustion may end up getting someone hurt, or worst, killed.
(24) Peni didn't like to admit it, but she found herself agreeing with him. Sure, she didn't really mind if she got a little bruised while trying to protect the city, but the people? She was fighting to keep them safe. She couldn't risk people getting hurt, no, killed because her best wasn't good enough.
(25) “Well Peni? Which is it? You have a responsibility to keep everyone safe. Will you accept some extra help or hope your mistakes don't get someone killed?”
(26) With only a small amount of hesitation, she held out her hand for Emerald to crawl on, letting it slowly move from Osborn's hand, onto her own...
(27) And watching as it's fangs clomped down into her wrist.
(28) Peni felt a connection pull herself to Emerald, but it didn't feel the same as Mini-SP//DR. It felt...different, but she couldn't find the words. She watched it shrink it's form before scurrying to her hair.
(29) Osborn tells her that she can leave now. Emerald will do everything in it's power to help her. A hundred questions sprint in her mind, but she's too tired to ask anymore and left the room. She could ask him more about this in the morning.
(30) Emerald glowed slightly with it's purpose shinning brightly
I hope others enjoyed this part. I may plan on formatting and polishing it into a fic sometime so stuff like this can be more properly weaved together into a proper storyline instead of me just dumping all of my ideas onto the floor. I choose Emerald Web as the name since I found it thematically fitting to her canon event.
Also, this symbiote isn't the same as VEN#M. It's a completely unique symbiote which has almost nothing to do with the VEN#M suit. which technically means I just made an OC
Also, I had Peni refer to her spider as mini-SP//DR because it's adorable and you can pry it from my dead hands (please don't actually)
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mrmcman · 1 month
i know for a FACT in the ultrakill universe they were posting cute propaganda videos of v1. like the goddamn boston dynamics dog. on ultrafacebook there's videos of it captioned like "aww cute silly robot does a cute heckin dance!!" and then there's one guy in the comments like "The robot runs on blood. Human blood. It runs on literal human blood. Oh my god why does it run on blood" with 50 dislikes. and then like five months later v1 is just out on the street eating people
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mrmcman · 1 month
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G-d theyre fun to draw
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mrmcman · 1 month
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Beginning of V2's theme is straight from a western, my hand was forced
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mrmcman · 1 month
Noir 100% holds peni like a cat sometimes
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This was supposed to be silly sketches why is this the only work that took me 2 days to finish???
Yeah that's an OKKO reference, deal with it
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mrmcman · 1 month
ive thoughts abt the b team
ik i already posted abt this but i wanna elab more.
so yall know how in itsv miles throws a bagel at j. ohn, and he becomes the spot, right? and in a deleted scene olivia says "the power of the multiverse in the palm of my hand" in ref to doc oc in spoderman 2. and guess who says that line in spiderverse 2? spot! why am i bringing this up? im using it as an example of the bonkers foreshadowing in spiderverse. Things often go from cameos and gags to something BIG. Like how miguel ended up being the secondary antagonist in spoderverse. He went from popping up at the end in a gag cameo scene, to being the antagonist of the second half of the second act and the entirety of the third act. My point is little things matter here.
That brings me to my next point. Now, I love the B Team, and I jus want to see more of them in the next one so this may be a little biased.
In ATSV, at the start of the third act when Miguel is explaining canon events to Miles, Peni pops up, and is given a single line. Now, most people dont/didnt think of this as more than a cameo. But I am not most people mon frer. They could've done this with anyone else, literally anyone else from the B Team, or just a random Spider-person. They couldve easily replaced her scene with the crowd of Spider People looking at him disappointed. But they didnt. They draw attention to her, they have miles EXPLICITLY Notice Her and even say her name. They show off her new mech and let the cam linger on her face more.
And then, in the third act, when Miles is running through Earth 42's nyc, we see in the reflection of a building he runs past, specifically, Noir, Ham and Peni. Specifically them, even thought they arent plot relevant. You even hear Porker saying "You cant save everyone,", his line from the first film. My question is. Why. Them. The producers couldve easily shown Gwen, Peter, and Miguel, or hell, His Mom, Dad and Uncle Aaron, hell maybe kingpin and doc oc and the spot! They couldve easily replaced Hams line with Uncle Aarons Keep Going line, or Peters Leap Of Faith line that im p sure shows up idk my memories fuzzy, But no. It was specifically *those three. * and That One Line.
And then at the end, when we see Gwens Spider-gang, we see Peni in her crossed arms pose behind Hobie, and Noir / Ham right behind Gwen in front of Margo. And in that very scene, just seconds before, we see Peni, and we see her smirking back at the camera from the corner of her eye. Now why did they specifically decide to give Peni this knowing look? It would've made sense for Hobie, as hes the one who helped Miles get free from Miguels cage, but why Peni. Last time we saw her she looked depressed, she looked tired.
Now, here is the crux of my theory. I believe, that just like in ITSV, BTSV is gonna come full circle, and make the B-Team extremely plot relevant. I feel like the producers are dropping little breadcrumbs relating to the plot, but not making it so obvious we immediately catch on. Much like The Spot and The Bagel Incident and Miguel and Miles' Spider and the constant showings-up of the number 42.
In ITSV, Peni is literally the one that gets them all to their home dimensions, she is the one that made the new goober, and got them all home. So I feel like she will play a big role in defeating The Spot. And call me crazy, but I feel like her standing behind Hobie at the end might mean that she works with him to create something that will defeat Spot, or make something that will help, most likely relating to the collider, since Hobie did make their watches.
And, vis-a-vis, Ham and Noir (along with Peni and SP//dr's dismembered arm), play a part in defeating Scorpion and Tombstone, and while they werent extremely important to the Plot, they where part of the Sinister 6, and they where the antagonists of ITSV after all. Next to King Pin, that is. All three of them also took out the alchemax employees (Gwen got sidetracked seeing Miles come back tho), and since Miguel is more a man of hand-to-hand and melee combat unlike spot and his portal fuckery, I feel as though they will be pretty instrumental to defeating Miguel, and maybe, his Migbot (cuz of the concept art that got leaked recently).
(Another thing i wanna discuss is the possibility of doc oc making a comeback in BTSV cuz last we saw of her she did get hit by a truck, but in a deleted scene it shows her throwing herself into the collider, but thats another subject for another time.)
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mrmcman · 1 month
Spider-Man: Through the Spider-Verse Out of Context Part 6
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(Like and reblog, otherwise bald Miguel will show up in your room at 3 am)💀
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mrmcman · 1 month
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Happy screenshot saturday ! We’ve been working on berry many sprites lately, including a new face you’ve never seen before! I wonder who this student is? 👀
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