mrsweems · 6 years
Not good at blogging 11/03/2018
I haven’t made a post in 6 months. Zachary is 9 months almost standing, can cruise around hit crib/along the couch. I really need to lose weight. I have gotten back to my highest weight and I don’t want to go higher. Any tips on losing weight while breastfeeding?
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mrsweems · 6 years
Can’t believe it is already May. I am trying to connect with my best friend again. She is very difficult to make plans with as she makes plans hours before something, and I like to have at least a day but preferably a week. We have a date night planned and spending time with family for a Derby party. Zachary is 3 months old and is so big now. He does more and more everyday.
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mrsweems · 6 years
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mrsweems · 6 years
Yesterday I took little Zachary to Nashville with my mother to visit my grandmother who had back surgery. He got to meet my extended family away from their cigarette smoke infested houses. He was so good on the trip. I also learned don’t pack bottles for a long trip without bringing a manual pump I was hurting so much for most of the day. Yesterday I also got my nexplanon replaced. Sore arm but here’s to hoping I actually get 3 years baby free.
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mrsweems · 6 years
Zach had his two month appointment today. He is now 13lbs and 23.5 inches tall. His head also grew an inch. He rolled unexpectedly from his stomach to back. He did not like his vaccines but he took them like a champ.
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mrsweems · 6 years
Happy Easter All!!! We went to my in-laws yesterday for Easter and Zachary got to meet extended family for the first time and his cousin (2wks younger) I just have to brag on my baby he was so good. He slept just like normal and was his happy self when he was awake. Plus no one gave me any sort of grief for nursing when needed. It was a really great family function.
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mrsweems · 6 years
I had a rough week. Had a breakdown or two. Boyfriend was sick so to keep Zachary from getting sick he kept his distance. Plus I am battling a migraine going on 12 hours. Thankfully Zachary is a good baby and isn’t fussy most of the time.
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mrsweems · 7 years
Okay ladies I have a question. Outside of keeping the house what do you do with your time when your little ones are sleeping? I need to find something to do besides watching Netflix.
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mrsweems · 7 years
Had my 6wk postpartum check up today. My incision is healing great. I have lost 20lbs from my weight at his birth. It is a little crazy to think I have lost so much so fast.
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mrsweems · 7 years
Zach had an ultrasound of his spine today. The pediatrician ordered it as a precaution and Zach did so well for the entire appointment. Pop (paternal grandfather) also came into town. We went out to eat and Zach did great at the restaurant too.
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mrsweems · 7 years
My boyfriend surprised me with a package from amazon recently too. He bought mace for me to keep on my keychain. 😂
My husband sent me a surprise today. By sent I mean he secretly ordered something on amazon and had them delivered to the house while he was at work today, surprising me. He said he knew I had been extra stressed lately and needed some “me” time and good relaxation. Bath bombs and face masks! And then came home with a bottle of strawberry margarita.
What have I done to deserve this. I’m currently relaxing in the tub with a tea tree face mask, lavender bath bomb and a glass of Jose Cuervo. It’s so fuckin nice.
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mrsweems · 7 years
Monday Zach had his one month appointment. He is 10 lbs 1.5oz. The pediatrician ordered an ultrasound of his Spine because he has a v at the top of his butt crack and just wants to be sure there isn’t a tethered cord. We read books to him nightly now. We gave him a bath today which ended in me being popped on. I love my little one. Also went grocery shopping with J (boyfriend and Zach’s father) and Zach. Never again taking J he picked up so many things not on the list.
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mrsweems · 7 years
We took Zach to fellowship for the first time since he was born. They all loved him so much. I will be having my first baby shower next week at fellowship, and even though we have the essentials I am super excited.
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mrsweems · 7 years
Zach found his hair today, he grabbed a fistful and made himself cry. Yesterday he turned one month old and I had a lot of fun having a photo shoot. Zach was not a fan of me changing his outfit so much. My mother came by with my nephew and we bought some books that he can read to Zach.
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mrsweems · 7 years
Glad I have this with my mom. Hopefully Zach will have this with me.
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mrsweems · 7 years
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mrsweems · 7 years
Yes a million times yes
making fun of people for having no money is the stupidest fucking thing. treating someone like theyre beneath you bc they wear thrifted clothes/generic shoes/have an old phone is the stupidest fucking thing. being poor is not a choice. stop deciding a persons value based on whats in their bank account
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