mrswinstonsnotebook · 7 years
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I mean why not? What’s the worst that can happen? No regrets
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mrswinstonsnotebook · 7 years
I know i may have been away for a while but i finally have a bit of free time on my hands . . . so if anyone wants me to try this, go ahead and request.
Drabble Challenge: 1-150
Rules: Followers send a number to your ask and you write a drabble using that sentence/prompt in your piece. Try to keep up! Expect a TON of requests!
“The skirt is supposed to be this short.”
“How long have you been standing there?”
“I may be an idiot, but I’m not stupid.”
“Who gave you that black eye?”
“You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?”
“I just like proving you wrong.”
“Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
“Forget it. You fucking suck.”
“Quit it or I’ll bite.”
“If you use up all the hot water again, I swear to god! You’re on the couch for a month!!”
“If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.”
“Take. It. Off.”
“Well, you’re coming home with me whether you like it or not.”
“I’ll kick his ass if you want me to.”
“Stop it! It tickles!”
“It’s okay to cry…”
“And that’s how you ruin a life. Congratulations.”
“D..did you just make that noise?”
“He’s a bad kisser.”
“You can scream if you want.”
“I didn’t know we were keeping track.”
“We’re playing checkers. If you don’t like it, leave.”
“One of them’s missing.”
“Save some for me.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“You’re still mad?”
“Come over here and make me.”
“You better watch yourself.”
“Eat your lunch and you wouldn’t be hungry.”
“Why did we have to have kids?”
“Call on Line 1”
“He creeped me out. I’m not gonna lie.”
“I’m done! You can fix it!”
“Can we just watch a movie and fall asleep on the couch?”
“Where did he go?”
“You leave whenever you feel like it.”
“I forgot I was a single parent.”
“Don’t apologize if you don’t mean it.”
“You’re going out dressed like that?”
“For the hundredth time, I’m not your babysitter.”  
“Frost the damn cupcakes.”
“Well that’s the second biggest news I’ve heard all day.”
“You look pretty hot in plaid.”  
“I thought you were dead!”
“I thought it was a one-night-stand…and now we’re married…”
“We’ve become the clingy couple that you used to complain about.”
“Quit touching me. Your feet are cold.”
“You know you want it, sweetheart.”
“I’m your husband. It’s my job.”  
“You just wanted them because the light up.”
“That wasn’t very subtle.”
“He thinks he’s a mind reader.”  
“It’s just you and me tonight. I was thinking we could have a little fun.”
“I don’t do hugs.”
“Don’t talk anymore.”
“I’m just a guy with a wife, two kids, and a Harley.”
“How do I even put up with you?”
“I said get rid of it.”
“They didn’t just find out. They already knew!”
“You’re not as quiet as you think you are.”
“Can you just man up and change his diaper?”
“Just don’t buy a goat. I don’t care what you do, just no goats.”
“I have a secret.”
“I won’t let you get hurt.”
“You’re strong, baby. You have to be.”
“He’s four years old!!”
“I’ve had enough! I want to be alone!”
“I can’t stand seeing you like this.”
“Me and the boys will handle it.”
“You’re competitive and so am I, and it’s going to lead to a fight.”
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
“You’re a dork, just like your father.”
“Mind if I join you?”
“I lost our child.”
“That’s my shirt. So is that..wait?”
“My name isn’t Leslie…who’s Leslie?”
“There’s a surprise upstairs for you.”
“I’ll take care of it.”
“I’m not your boss? Well then who is?”
“You can’t eat solids, only liquids until Thursday.”
“Come on, baby, up to bed.”
“They got you a present. Isn’t it sweet?”
“Am I scaring you?”
“Run! You said you’d work out with me!”
“After everything…I’d still choose you.”
“And when did you plan on telling me about this?”
“Trust me.”
“Scoot over a little bit, please.”
“You’re so clingy, I love it.”
“You didn’t just wake me up at 2am because you were ‘in the mood’.”
“Did they hurt you?”
“You’re cute when you’re all worried.”
“Stop being grumpy. It’s lame.”
“I don’t need a hero, I need a husband.”
“Don’t shut me out.”
“You got a cute butt.”
“I just got out of the shower, I can’t dance. What if my towel falls off?”
“Don’t be an asshole. Asshole.”
“Do you really think I could ever replace you?”
“Sharing is caring. Now give me your fries.”
“…or we can chill in our underwear.”
“You can’t make up for it by giving me a tic-tac.”
“Keep pedaling and don’t stop, okay?”
“You, me, popcorn, two liter Dr. Pepper, and a movie. You in?”
“Have you seen my contacts?”
“Life is a highway, and I’m always drunk. So I’m not driving.”
“Quit stalling. Where’s your father?”
“You can’t just hug me and think everything’s okay.”
“Is he coming home?”
“I prefer blondes.”
“No more dogs. How hard it it to understand?”
“I let you win.”
“I broke your nose, and I’m sorry for that. But what you’re doing isn’t fair.”
“Can I do your hair?”
“Your favorite superhero can’t be a villain.”
“I told you not to jump on the bed!”
“He’s pampering me, let him be.”
“Ready or not, here I come.”
“I’m worried about losing my job!”
“Oh, did I scare you, big boy?”
“Happy new year!”
“Quit moving, I’m trying to sleep. Wait…are you…what?!”
“You nap, I’ll stay awake.”
“It’s turbulence. It’s normal.”
“Don’t touch me. We’re fighting.”
“I’ll give you a massage.”
“You fell asleep in the tub?!”
“Are you doodling?”
“We’re not playing strip poker. I don’t care what I said when I was drunk.”
“Slushies aren’t just for kids, fuck society.”
“Are you scared…Then why won’t you look at the screen?”
“Enough with the pillow talk, I’m tired.”
“You had a nightmare, tell me what it was about so I can fix it.”
“We need groceries, not just junk food. You’re worse than the kids.”
“Is this our closet? Or your closet?”
“If I win, you do dishes for a week.”
“Fist bumps are cooler than high-fives…”
“Use your words.”
“Hold my hand so he gets jealous.”
“Ew, your hand is sweaty.”
“Get out of my face before I hit you.”
“I don’t care if your 4 or 40, you don’t hit people.”
“You only care about football, beer, and raking leaves.”
“Look! Fireflies!”
“Why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping?”
“I just need ten minutes.”
*Make Your Own*
Happy Writing! Visit @prompt-bank for more prompts!
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mrswinstonsnotebook · 8 years
Attention Seeker - A Tig mini shot
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I know I’ve had a quiet few days! So i thought I’d reward all you lovely, patient followers and readers out there! so, please Enjoy, even if it’s short!
Emily sat at the kitchen table with her head in her hands, piles of paper and opened envelopes surrounding her. She sighed loudly and glanced at her old man, who sat opposite her nose buried in a Harley magazine and a cup of coffee clutched in his hand. "Tig" she tried, holding out the particular bill that was getting to her. Tig made a noise in acknowledgement, but his eyes never lifted from the page in front of him. Emily rolled her eyes and tried getting through to him again. "Alex, you need to have a look at this.""I'm sure it's fine baby." Tig placated, turning another page. *** Emily tried to work through the small print of the bill for a little bit longer, but gave up with a sigh. She watched Tig for a little longer. With a smirk she got up from her chair and pulled her t shirt and bra off. "Tiggy . . ." She cooed, making her way over to her old man, pulling the magazine from his grasp. His eyes opened wide and he grinned reaching out to brush his fingers across the bare flesh of her abdomen. "Well, hello beautiful." He purred, and hooked his finger through her belt loop and pulled her into his lap. He turned her face towards him and captured her lips in a hot, hungry kiss. Emily inwardly grinned, feeling his hardness press into her thigh.
"So you want to pay attention to me now?" She whispered against his lips, tugging gently on the lapels of his kutte. Tig just growled and nipped at the skin of her throat. "Good." She pulled the letter out of her back pocket and pressed it into the palm of his hand. "You need to look at this, it's from Colleen."
He sighed and leant his head back, eyes closed and mouth set in a scowl. "You made it go away! Why would you do that?!" He gestured to his crotch. Emily smiled and kissed the top of his head silently. "Do I get a reward if I read this?" He asked her, with puppy dog eyes, knowing she couldn't deny that face anything. "Maybe."
Tig grumbled and turned his attention to the page. "Tease."
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mrswinstonsnotebook · 8 years
Softie - A Chibs Short
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I felt like writing something for all you Chibs girls out there, it’s short, but i hope you like it!
“Can we really only have one?” Y/N asked as she pushed the door to the rescue centre open. “There will be so many that don’t have anyone to love them.”
Chibs raised and eyebrow and lowered his sunglasses over his eyes. “And where would I sleep lass? You planned enough space for me in tha lil’ scenario?” his lips quirked into a lopsided grin and Y/N could feel his intense gaze boring into her.
“Of course, I have, we’ll need a bigger house though.”
Y/N pouted and leaned into Chibs, fluttering her eyelashes at him and playing with the hem of his leather kutte.
“Don’t give me tha look, darlin’ you know it don’t work.” He took her hand in his and pushed open the door of the pound. “Ya do need a dog, when I’m not around, shit’s getting dangerous.”
They made their way towards the reception desk where a sunny looking lady with a large smile welcomed them and pointed them towards the corridor that lead to the kennels.
“Ya need somethin’ big, something that’ll protect ya.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and pulled away from him, looking into the faces of each pup as she moved from kennel to kennel, Chibs a little way behind her, checking his phone. All the dogs were beautiful and the looks in their eyes tugged on her heart strings, but one in particular caught her eye. Huddled at the back of his kennel half hidden in a blue blanket sat a frightened looking white puppy. He looked up at Y/N with imploring eyes, a pitiful little whine escaping his mouth, he instantly stole her heart.
She glanced over her shoulder and grinned, seeing Chibs had his back to her, speaking into the phone in hushed tones. She slid open the latch and crept into the little room, kneeling on the floor beside the frightened puppy. He sniffed at her as she held her hand out, and he shuffled closer, little pink tongue darting out to lick the tips of her outstretched hands.
“Hey there gorgeous.” Y/N cooed when he got up the nerve to leave his blanket and climb up onto her legs. The furry little animal was warm and his fear seemed to dissipate at the close contact. She picked him up in her arms, there was no way she was leaving the centre without him.
“You ready baby?” Chibs asked, turning around as he ended the phone call. He eyed the small dog for a beat and then looked at Y/N over the top of his sunglasses. “I said a big dog, something to protect ye, not the way around.”
“Oh, Fillip, please? I just can’t leave him.” She practically begged, holding the little puppy out to her old man. The pup gave a little bark, trying to impress the man in black leather that was studying him carefully. Chibs chuckled and tickled the pup under his floppy ear.
“Alright, but you have to look after her, do ye understand?” he asked, addressing the pup who barked in confirmation.
“I love you.” Y/N murmured, throwing her arm around her man, nearly squishing the dog between them. “We love you.”
Chibs took her hand and lead her down the corridor, grumbling about her turning him into a softie.
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mrswinstonsnotebook · 8 years
Feeling the Love!
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Ohhhhh, I can’t believe my little blog has 48 followers! this is insane! I just want to let you know, I love you all and really appreciate the support! You’re all big, twinkly, shiny stars! and please, remember I don’t bite, just drop by for a vitual cup of tea and a biscuit, or let me know what you think, or request anything!
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mrswinstonsnotebook · 8 years
Agreed. I actually shushed one of the guys at work who was trying to talk to me the other day because i was watching the s.3 finale on my break!
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This is definitely me😂
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mrswinstonsnotebook · 8 years
Yay for all us hufflepuffs out there!
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Hufflepuff or Gryffindor?
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mrswinstonsnotebook · 8 years
Linger. Chapter 1 - Equilibrium
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Chapter 1 Equilibrium -
Olivia didn't bother knocking on the white front door, she let her self in using the spare key Donna and Opie had given her. The house was quiet, only a few creaks of footsteps echoed down the stairs. She's shook her head and wandered into the living room, dropping her handbag down onto the sofa and her keys onto the coffee table.
"Fucking stop where you are!" Opie's voice was gruff and heavily lined with sleep, even though the sun has risen hours ago. He hadn't even stepped into the room, but she could see the barrel of a familiar Glock looking around the door frame.
She rolled her eyes. "Ope, it's Wednesday. Must we do this every week." The gun barrel dropped and the giant of a man bumbled around the corner.  
"I keep forgetting Donna got herself a job." Opie grumbled, flopping his bulk down into one of the kitchen chairs. "It's only 2 days a week, Ope. You want breakfast?" Olivia asked pulling the kids' favorite bowls from the crockery cupboard. He grunted in response and she grabbed him a bowl. She glanced at her best friend as she poured cereal into his bowl. He looked tired, hair streaked with dirt and grease, black bags starting to mar the skin below his eyes. "How are you guys doing anyway?"
Opie grimaced and opened his mouth to answer, but a cocophany of footsteps heralded the entrance of the children.
"Hey Oli!!" Kenny charged into her, wrapping his arms around her legs in a tight hug. "Hey buddy, what cereal do you want?" The boy pulled a face and pointed to the box once he'd decided. "Fruit loops." Olivia nodded and filled his bowl full of the colorful circles. "Good choice, my man. Get the milk and sit at the table to eat, you know the rules." She raised a reprimanding eyebrow as she watched him shovel a spoonful straight into his mouth. She did the same for Ellie, briefly kissing the blond girl on the top of her head.
Breakfast continued in a pleasant silence, Opie and his children munching through their breakfast while Oivia leaned against the counter, sipping at her coffee. When they finished, Ellie and Kenny put their bowls in the sink and disappeared up the stairs to get themselves ready for school. Olivia ran a bowl of hot water and began to wash up the empty bowls.
"You know you're not my house keeper right? I can do the washing up." Opie murmured, moving to stand beside her, brows raised into his hairline. Olivia rolled her eyes and flicked some soap bubbles at him, grinning. He smiled and ducked out of the way.
"So, you never answered me."
Opie rubbed a hand over his face wearily. "I just don't know Oli, she blows hot and cold. I'm keeping my promise to Donna, earning straight, but I'm shoveling and chipping wood for ten hours a day and it's still shit pay. I'd make what i earn in a week in only 2 days with the club."
"You're getting by though right? What's more important to you? slogging your guts out for peanuts, but coming home to your loving family? or being with the club? I know it's always been a part of you, hun, and they are your family" she paused, drying her hands on a towel and looking sheepishly up at her best friend. "The club won't cut you out Ope, but Donna won't wait around." she winced, his face had just gotten more lined with anxiety and stress. "Shit, I'm not helping, am I?" Opie just rubbed at his eyes distractedly. "Well, if you need to talk, i'm here, I'll try not to be the world's worst agony aunt, I promise."
Opie pushed himself away from the counter and filling a flask with coffee. He was silent and his shoulders were hunched with tension. Olivia threw her arms around his wast and pressed her face into his back. He grunted in surprise, but placed his big hands over hers affectionately. "I've got a date tonight." She mumbled into the fabric of his shirt, trying to chage the subject. she thought she felt Opie's muscles stiffen momentarily at the words but brushed it off, he was always protective of her. "With that guy from the book store, Tim, he seems sweet."
"The british guy with glasses?" He asked. "He looked a bit ...." He pulled away from her and slung his bag over his shoulder.
"Straight laced?" she asked with a laugh.
"Well yeah."
"I'm sure he's harmless."
"Just be careful."
"Kids!" he yelled, and his children came tumbling down the stairs . Olivia rolled her eyes at him playfully again, as the four of them made their way to the front door.
Ellie and Kenny buckled themselves into the back of her little renault and Olivia stood in her open car doorway, watching Opie get into his truck. "I'll call you later, ok. Have a think." she called to him. He nodded and waved to Olivia and his kids as he backed out of the driveway and onto the road.
Olivia got in the car and put her key in the ignition.
"Dad doesn't smile much anymore." Ellie said quietly, Oliva glanced at her in the rear view mirror. She looked sad, a frown tugging the corners of her lips downwards.
"They've been shouting a lot." Kenny agreed, looking equally downtrodden as his sister. "They shout when they think we're in bed and can't hear them but we do. "
Olivia gave them the best cheery smile she could muster. "It'll get better soon guys, you'll see." She hoped she sounded more sure than she felt. "I tell you what, We'll stop in for ice cream on our way home from school, no telling mum and dad though. that sound good?"
The children nodded eagerly and Olivia started the car. "That's what we'll do then."
Olivia nodded politely along with what her date was saying, as she poured herself yet another glass of wine. It was glass number six, and they were not small glasses. She had been right, Tim was nice, but he was dull. Even the sparkling blue of his eyes or adorable dimples were not enough to make up for the fact that he'd been talking about anteaters for the last hour. She just found herself nodding along and sipping rapidly at her decreasing amount of wine.
"Can I just stop you there, Tim? I just need to nip to the bathroom, that wine is going right through me." Olivia smiled at him apologetically as she excused herself from the table, picking her way through the restaurant to the bathroom.
When the door closed behind her Olivia beelined for the sink, overwhich hung a large intricate mirror. She looked at her reflection and sighed heavily. She had tried so hard for this date, her hair was knotted into a fishtail plaited twist, she worked so hard on her make up and she'd even splahed out on a new slinky black dress with a matching pair of heels. Now she felt like she'd wasted her evening and had gotten dolled up for nothing.
The alcohol had made her feel a little woozy though, and she could see the effects of it in her rosy pink cheeks. There was no way she should drive home, as well as she knew Unser, there was always a chance she'd get caught drink driving by that upstart Hale, and there wouldn't be much Wayne could do to save her ass. She dug around in her handbag and pulled out her phone, quickly dialing Opie's number. After a couple of rings, he picked up.
"What's up?"
"Hey Ope ..." She examined the polish on the fingernails of her free hand. "You know that date I'm on ..."
"Mmmm" he gruffed in reply. She could hear a creaking as he pulled himself out of his chair.
"Well, i need to get out of here, He's so boring, and the only solace i've found is in the wine, they do a really good zinfrandel here, it's super fruity ..." She went off on a tangent, as she tended to when alcohol started to take over her brain.
"You want me to come and rescue you?"
"I'm not a damsel in distress, I can handle it ..."
"Then why are you calling me?" She could picture his grin in her head.
"I ..." she started, looking for something clever to say, but gave up with a sigh. "I need you to rescue me."
He laughed heartily and the phone vibrated in her hand with the volume of it. "right, I'll just tell Donna and I'll be with you in ten. Go back to your date. He's probably suspicious that you've been gone so long."
"Thanks bear! love you!" she used her old childhood nickname for him and threw her phone back into her bag, without waiting for him to reply.
She picked her way back to her table and smiled sweetly at Tim, who was skimming over the dessert menu. "I'm really sorry that took so long, I bumped into someone I've not seen in a long while, you know what it's like."
Tim nodded and folded the menu up. "Yes, i get that quite a lot when I'm working at the college, there's a few biologists that i've worked with on various studies or have joined me when i'm on research ventures. I was in Brazil a couple of months ago, working out of the rainforest and staying in the quiaintest little hotel , well, it was more of a bed and breakfast really"
Olivia went back to nodding along and sipping at her wine.
"But while i was there, I bumped into an old chum from university! Did I mention I went to Oxford? It was a fantastic university. What part of England did you say you were from?"
"Oh, Southampton, but we've lived here since i was eleven, my dad had a few friends who worked at Oxford though."
"Did he? I'm sure he must have visited the college a few times then? In the summer we would play cricket and drink pimms on the lawn."
Olivia smiled and glanced towards the door where she could see Opie having a bit of a heated conflab with one of the waiters. His arms were folded across his chest and there was a scowl on his face. Eventually he pulled a note out of his pocket and handed it to the waiter who quickly pocketed the bribe and moved aside. Opie gave her a crooked grin, and set his face into a poker straight expression.
"Oli," he greeted as he reached their table, not caring that the blonde man she was with was still talking.
"Opie, what are you ..." she started, this was a familiar bit they often used to get her out of tricky situations.
"We have to go. now. there's been some trouble with the nords ad we're in lockdown we need to get to the clubhouse now."
Olivia pretended to look shocked and made a show of her hands shaking as she reached for her bag, Opie, pulling gently on her arm. She looked at Tim, who was just sitting open mouthed and wide eyed.
"I'm so so sorry Tim, I really have to go." She stood up and started walking away woth Opie looking like he was pulling her along. "I'll call you and explain, I promise."
Opie and Olivia hopped into his truck and she sighed in relief as they headed down the road to TM. She pulled her heels off and wiggled her toes, groaning at her feet's freedom.
"So he's harmless?" Opie asked her, glancing her way out the corner of his eye and grinning broadly.
"Oh he is, he was just so damn boring. I could feel my brain cells dying."
they travelled for a few moments in comfortable silence, until Opie took a deep breath and began to speak, his eyes fixed pointedly on the road. "Jax came to talk to me today, he wants me to do a job for the club."
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mrswinstonsnotebook · 8 years
This Valentine's day . . . On bended knee
Seeing as we’re facing the holiday of love, I thought I’d write this little mini imagine! I don’t have a ton of time this week but I had to write something. **** “Opie? Ellie? Kenny?” Y/N called as she stood through the front door. The house was unusually silent. Normally there was some sort of noise, but only the ticking of the kitchen clock could be heard. “Guys?” She asked again, entering the kitchen and dropping her handbag onto the table. A giant smile threatened to split her face, a tall glass vase sat in the middle of the table holding an enormous bouquet of red and white roses. A little card was propped up against the vase. “Meet me at 8, in our place.” The card said in Opie’s chicken scratch handwriting. A little giggle escaped her throat. Y/N looked at her watch, it read 6 30, she had an hour and a half to change and her herself ready. She had no idea what to wear. **** Y/N put her car into park and looked out at Crystal lake as it glittered in the pinkish orange light of the sunset. She straightened her black dress nervously as she climbed out of the car and shrugged on her little, black leather jacket to protect her from the chill February air. “Y/N! Y/N!” Ellie and Kenny called, running up the crest of the hill to meet her, happy smiles on their faces. “You look so pretty!” Ellie ran her fingers over the sequins that decorated the fabric. “Dad said you need to put this on.” Kenny waved a blindfold in the air. Y/N knelt, careful not to damage her dress, and allowed Kenny to tie the material around her eyes. “Come on Y/N, daddy is waiting for you!” Ellie said eagerly, grabbing her hand and leading her down the familiar winding bank to where a little camp fire pit sat along the edge of the lake. “We’re here!” Kenny called out and then both children backed away, leaving Y/N in the clearing. A few weighted seconds passed by, but until she felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist squeezing her against a broad, hard, muscled chest. She could smell Opie as he enveloped her, leather, cigarettes and aftershave. She clenched the sides of his kutte begging him to get as close as possible. “Hey big Bear.” She whispered, tilting her head up to where she thought his face would be. “Hello beautiful.” He murmured, pressing his lips against hers in a passionate kiss that warmed her from their point of contact right down to her toes. He pulled away and kissed the tip of her nose gently. “I’m going to be taking your blind fold off, but I want you to keep your eyes closed until I say so, OK Y/N?” “Okay” He pulled the blindfold away and she squeezed her eyes shut, listening to him shuffling around on the ground. “You can open your eyes, baby.” Y/N opened her eyes, and instantly took a sharp breath. Opie knelt on one knee before her. He looked dapper, his hair pulled back, a neat, white shirt under his kutte, his normally ripped jeans replaced by a pair of smart black trousers. In his hand he held a red rose, a sparkling white gold and diamond ring tired to the stem with a white ribbon. She opened her mouth to a speak, but he silenced her. “Y/N, baby, I’ve had a rough road, and the only thing that has brought light into my dark tunnel is you. You make each day easier and I don’t think I could live without waking up to your face every morning. So, …” He bumbled and fidgeted nervously “will you marry me?” Y/N grinned and knelt beside Opie, throwing her arms around him. Tears of happiness and excitement burning at the back of her eyes. “Of course I will.” “Even with all the danger that comes with being a proper old lady? And the kids, and my pop, we come as a package.” “Bear, I knew straight away I wanted to be your old lady, I’ll just do my best to be a good one. And your family? I love them and you know that, they’ve been my family for a year now, we’ll just be making it official.” “I love you.” Opie murmured, kissing Y/N on her forehead, sliding the ring onto her finger. “I love you too.” “Dad!” The kids called from their hiding place. “What did she say? Did she say yes?” Opie laughed and leaned his forehead against Y/N’s. “She said yes!”
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mrswinstonsnotebook · 8 years
Thank you!
My phone has just been blowing up with notes today! It makes me really happy to see people popping by and liking my stuff! I love you all for it, so thank you all!! Just thought I'd let you know! And please all remember, if you would like an imagine or a one shot, give me a shout! :)
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mrswinstonsnotebook · 8 years
Imagine everyone pretending to forget Juice’s birthday
"keep him away from the kitchen when he gets here." Y/N insisted, eyeing China and Bobby as she passed them, lugging a bag full of cake ingredients through the club house to the kitchen. "And what are we supposed to do lass? The him up?" Chibs chuckled, watching her over the top of his sunglasses, as he poured cream into his coffee. "I don't think he'd let us do that again, not after last time." Bobby smirked. "He was well and truly off his face""Just passed out in the yard with a bottle of tequila clutched in his hand.""T'was like taking candy from a slightly retarded baby." Y/N cleared her throat, cutting through the friends' walk down memory lane of Juice's drunken predicaments. She stood with her hands on her hips. "I don't care what you do, just don't let him in there. And remember, you don't know what day it is today." She paused and checked her watch, "I left him a note when I got out of bed telling him I had an early class. I'd imagine he'll probably be in at around ten. Think you guys can keep him distracted until the party? Gem and I will do the rest." "Oh I think we can manage that, baby girl." Tig offered, winking at Y/N as he joined his brothers at the bar. Y/N raised an eyebrow and sighed. "Fine, just don't get him arrested, I've got a cake to bake." And she disappeared into the kitchen, closing the door behind her.
Juice's eyes were still bleary when he staggered into the club house. He was a bit put out that Y/N had already left when he woke up. She hadn't even made him the special birthday breakfast she'd promised to make him a couple of weeks ago.
The lot of Teller-Morrow and the club house itself were already buzzing with activity. Jax, Opie and Chibs were reclining on the sofas, Thier voices kept low in a hushed conversation that abruptly stopped when he neared them. "Morning guys" he greeted. "Morning" they all replied and Juice waited for them to wish him happy birthday, but none of them did. He furrowed his brow, a little disappointed. "What?" Jax asked seeing his expression change. Juice fidgeted, uncomfortable in the light of Jax's steely eyes. "Do you know what day it is?" He asked, feeling dumb for making a fuss, but juice always liked birthdays. "It's Thursday right?" Opie asked, placing a cigarette between his lips and offering the packet out to his brothers. "Yup. It's Darby day." Chibs nodded. "It's what?" Juice asked. "Darby set up a new hot house on the other side of the river. We need to , uh, liberate his stash." Tig said, wandering over and clapping his hand on juice's back. "Might be a full day-er never know what that rat bastard is up to.""I can't do all day, I have plans with Y/N.""Well you'll just have to cancel them won't you, I'm sure you can get your end away another night."
* * *
Juice looked glumly out of the window of the SUV, the house they'd been given Intel on turned out to be a total dud. Just an old empty house with a big, grinning smiley drawn on the wall in spray paint. The sun was beginning to set as the sons made their way back to the clubhouse, and Juice couldn't help but feel a little but and disappointed. He wasn't expecting a big party or anything, but just a 'happy birthday' from his patched brothers would have been nice. He pulled his phone from his pocket and glanced at the screen, not even a text from Y/N, she was probably mad at him for cancelling their plans, again, for the club. "Cheer up lad, you've got a face like a slapped are." Chibs said, lighting a cigarette and offering him one from the packet. Juice accepted. "We're nearly back now anyway. Maybe you can make it up to your lady with what's left of the night." The Scot wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, and Juice couldn't help but laugh. There were more cars and bikes parked in the lot than he expected when they arrived at the clubhouse, but Juice paid it no mind. Clay was probably just meeting with the Tacoma charter, seeing he'd been doing that a lot lately. He climbed out of the van and made his way towards the door, not even turning to acknowledge Tig's shout of "you go on, we'll catch you up.""Whatever man," he grumbled just loud enough for his brothers to hear. Juice raised his eyebrows as he pushed the door open and stepped into the club house, everything was dark, only a sliver of light beamed from the kitchen doorway and across the bar. "Hello? What's going on?" Silence. "This isn't funny you assholes . . ." With a very loud bang and a flurry of colorful steamers the lights came on and everyone leapt from their hiding places, with a ear splitting chorus of 'Surprise!' "Holy fuck." Juice stated around at the crowd in front of him. Every brother from every near by charter was there, and stood in the middle of it all, between Gemma and Clay stood Y/N, her eyes sparkling and a smile on her face. "Happy birthday baby!" Y/N stepped forward and kissed juice on the cheek. "I made you chocolate fudge cake!"Juice pulled away from her. "I thought you'd all forgotten.""I could never forget your birthday baby."
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mrswinstonsnotebook · 8 years
Linger - Prologue
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Linger - Prologue
To kick start my new blog I feel I should start by posting the first chapter of my Opie Fan Fiction - Linger. I Think the big man needs all the love he can get in the world! Please let me know what people think, or if there is anything you readers think that Opie and Olivia need o come up against in future chapters!
p.s the gif is not mine, I just think it’s adorable, Kudos to it’s maker.
Linger - Prologue
June 1988
Olivia Heyes gripped her mother's hand and squeezed her eyes as tight shut as she could, as the plane bumped down onto the runway in the California sun. The rays were being through the windows, and the heat made the cabin stuffy. It was a far cry from the unusually cold temperatures they'd been experiencing in England.
"Come on honey, grab your bag, it's time to get off the plane." Her mother coaxed. She offered her a encouraging smile, and Olivia grabbed the little rucksack full of toys and colouring books. "Here baby, let me take that for you." Her father said, taking her bag from her and slinging it over her shoulder.
Olivia had never even moved house before, but her parents had been talking about moving for a while. Her dad had been offered a job in California, but they were unsure about uprooting Olivia and moving her half way across the world at such a young age. The decision,however, was made for them when her mother's health began to deteriorate and the hospital that offered her father the job, also offered them the health care her mother needed so badly.
So the three of them stepped off of the plane, into the blistering California sun to begin their new lives.
* * * Jax and Opie were playing on the lawn outside Gemma and John's house when the moving van and a small, white family car pulled into the driveway of the vacant house next door. They'd heard that someone had bought it, Charming was a small town and any changes, no matter how tiny, became big news. They stopped what they were doing and watched as the little family climbed out of the car. A petite, homely looking lady with mousey brown hair got out first, followed by a stocky man with brown hair, glasses and a beard. The man started unloading suitcases from the boot of the car, while the lady opened the back door.
A girl of about their age hopped down from the back seat. Her chestnut hair was long and pulled into an elaborate French plait, and she wore a pair of dark blue dungarees with matching trainers. Perched on her nose was a pair of stylish, rectangular glasses. She looked around and spotted Jax and Opie watching her. She grinned cheekily and waved.
They both waved back and watched as she disappeared into the house after her parents.
Movers continued to bustle about the yard, lugging in bits of furniture, but the girl was no where to be seen until evening started to settle in and Gemma was about to call the boys in for dinner. She came and stood beside the fence separating the houses, her arms crossed on top of the posts. "Hi." She said shyly, her fingers nervously toying with the bottom of her plait. "Hi." Opie and Jax said in unison, putting down the ball they had been playing with and making your way over to the fence. "Do you live here?" The girl asked, looking between the two boys. "I do," Jax said, "I'm Jax by the way, and this is Opie, my best friend, he lives just down the street." Opie nodded at her wordlessly. He was already on the large side for a boy of twelve, standing half a head taller than the other two. "I'm Olivia." She rolled her head to look up at Opie. "Opie, that's a strange name." It wasn't a question, but he felt as though he needed to answer her. "It's a nickname. I'm Harry, but everyone calls me Opie."
Olivia nodded, seeming to be deep in thought. "I see. That makes sense"
It was then that Gemma appeared in the door way. She watched curiously as her son and Opie spoke to the little girl. "It's time for dinner boys, say goodnight to your friend, I'm sure you'll see her again soon."
Jax glanced at Olivia, his blue eyes pleading, "Will we?"
Olivia shrugged and turned back towards her own front door. "I suppose so, as this is my home now. Bye Jax." She paused and waved at Opie with a soft smile, "bye Opie."
and with that she was gone, darting back into her own front door.
"She seems nice." Gemma said as the boys scrambled into their seats at the kitchen table.
May 1989
The little glowing clock on her bedside table had only just clicked over to show 2 am when bellowed shouts, metallic crashes and the rumble of a car engine cut through the sleepy silence of the night. Olivia crossed her bedroom and leaned out of the window, searching for the source of the noise.
Light poured out of every window of the Winston House and the three family members were out in the yard. Mary was dragging two suitcases behind her, and trying to stuff them into the boot of her truck.
"I am not doing it any more Piney! im not going to sit here and wait to see if you come back after another job, only to get the same shit. And im not watching you turn our boy into you! He already cares too much about that damn MC!" The angry blonde woman screamed in her husband's face when he approached her. The shouting continued between the adults, waking up most of the neighbourhood, but Olivia's eyes were drawn to Opie as he sagged against the steps, fearful wide eyes watching his parents' gestures and wincing at every word, but he made no move to get between them.
The fight continued for what felt like hours, but actually only lasted about thirty minutes. Piney and his son went back into the house, the front door slammed behind them and the lights clicked off. This echoed around the neighbourhood and soon the streets were back to being bathed in darkness. Olivia waited for her parents to return to thier bed, listening for the steady, even breathing that meant they had falllen back asleep, and then followed the route both her and Opie had taken many a night; slipping out of her window, lowering herself onto the lowest branch she could reach on the tree outside her window and using the notches to help her climb down until her feet landed in the soft grass of her front lawn. She looked around, thankfully evryone was sleeping, no one had seen her.
Opie sat on his bed, feeling numb. He didn't know what to think. He'd heard his parents fight, more and more as the months had passed by, he knew it had to come to a head eventually, and he'd convinced himself that when that time came, he'd be ok, but he wasn't. He was far from ok. His chest ached and his throat felt like sand paper from the screaming. Books and his other belongings were strewn across his bedroom floor where he's thrown them in anger. but now his anger had passed, he felt cold, tired and numb, so he just sat there on his bed staring at the wall.
A light tap at his window drew his attention. Olivia was perched on his outside windowsill, her little hands curled at the edges in a monkey grip, keeping her upright. When he didn't move, she tapped the glass again and pressed her nose against the pane, making a face at him. He wanted to laugh, but nothing in him felt like he could laugh. He got up and opened the window just enough for her petite body to slip through the gap.
"What are you doing here, Oli?" he asked without really looking at her. His voice was so gravelly he barely recognised it. She ignored his question and swanned past him, climbing into his bed and pulling the covers up around her. "Oli . . ." he tried again, feeling too weak to argue with her, no matter her answer.
She pulled the other side of the covers back and tapped the mattress. Her hazel eyes looked at him and then to the light pointedly. Sighing he did as she silently asked; switched off the light and climbed into the bed beside her. He turned on his side to face her.
"What are you doing here, Oli?" he tried again, his voice so quiet she could only hear it because of their close proximity.
"Thought you might need a friendly face." She replied softly with a grin, pulling his duvet right up under her chin.
"It's three in the morning, you should be in bed, not crawling into people's houses."
Olivia looked at her feet wiggling around at the end of the bed. "Unless i'm mistaken Ope, I'm in bed."
He managed a small smile. "You're in my bed, not yours."
"I hardly see how that matters. Do you want to talk? or just sleep?"
Opie grimaced and turned onto his back. She wrapped her small hand in his and gave it a little squeeze. "I don't think I can." he admitted sadly, studying the pattern of his ceiling.
"Talk or sleep?"
Olivia shrugged her shoulders and gave a cat like yawn, never letting go of his hand. "Well, if you think you can, I'll be right here."
"You can't just sleep here! your parents will go nuts."
"No, they won't." She cracked one eye open and stared at him defiantly, "And don't even try to tell me Piney would because that's bull and you know it." Piney was used to Olivia being around and it was nothing unusual for her, Jax and Opie to spend the night at each other's bedrooms.
"But ..." he began, but she reached up and put her free hand over his mouth silencing him.
"Nope. you need me. I'm not going anywhere. So don't waste your breath." She removed her hand and snuggled back down into the covers, her fingers still wrapped around Opie's hand.
The minutes passed by sluggishly and Opie felt his stinging eyes starting to droop, and a yawn fought to leave his chest. He listened to Olivia's soft, steady breathing and relaxed, feeling comfortable and cared for.
October 1992
"So, does Piney know you've taken your early birthday present out for a spin?" Olivia asked with a loud laugh when Opie rocked up to the school gate on a shining blue Harley. It was a gift from his dad, and he spent every free minute he could riding it around Charming, He'd even excitedly booked the test for his license at the centre earlier in the week. She hadn't seen him smile so much in a long time.
"Of course he does. Well, he will when he sees it's not in the garage." he shrugged
"So are you here to offer a lady a ride home?" She asked, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. it had been a long day and her book bag was heavy, digging into her shoulder. She was looking forward to not having to walk all the way back home from school with it.
Opie grinned cheekily and looked around her, as if searching for something.
"Just looking for this lady you mentioned."
Olivia laughed and punched his shoulder. "Come on asshole, give me a ride home."
"OW! Ok, fine, whatever, but only because you're a bully." he said playfully, rubbing the spot that she'd punched and shuffled forward so there was space for her on the seat. She slid onto the bike and adjusted the strap on her  bag so it wouldn't get in the way of the back wheels.
"Ready, Oli?" he asked, turnning the handlebars and revving the engine.
She wrapped her arms around his belly, fingers gripping the hem of his new 'prospect' kutte. "Now i am." he nodded and kicked away from pavement, turning his head to watch the flow of traffic. He grinned and waved as Donna walked past him, smiling at him coyly with a whispering group of her friends. He watched until she turned a corner and out of his sight.
"Come on lover boy, you can carry on drooling later, I'm dying for a drink." Opie shook himself out of his stupor and opened the throttle, moving into the road.
He didn't look to his left, he should have done.
That is what he kept repeating to himself when the battered black pick up collided with the side of his bike and both he and Olivia went flying from the vehicle. Screams were heard all around them, as they both hit the tarmac. The road surface flayed the skin from Opie's arms and back as he twisted, trying to protect his best friend from the brunt of their impact. He yelled in pain as his head collided with the road. hot, sticky, blood started to matte his hair and he all he could taste was copper. Everything went black.
"Opie. Opie, talk to me."
"What were you thinking boy? You know you need to check the road! I ought to strip you of that Kutte. you'll never patch if you ride like that. " Opie internally grimaced at his father's harsh, angry words, but his face remained passive, being that he was unconcious. he wanted to talk, to defend himself, but he couldn't force his body to co operate.
"It was my fault Piney. . . I lost my balance as he pulled out, I grabbed him and we just swayed into the car." Olivia lied, pleading with the older man because she knew  how much the club meant to him. He could feel her hand touching his and wanted to squeeze it, but again, his body was having none of it.
"Everyone makes mistakes Piney. Do I need to remind you of all the shit you did when we were younger?" JT laughed. Silence followed and Jax's father laughed again. "That's a no then."
a comfortable silence flowed between the room's concious inhabitants for a few moments.
"You gonna get that foot looked at, baby girl? It's not looking so good."
"It's fine, Opie needs me more right now. I need to be here when he wakes up. I need to tell him what an idiot he was."
"I think he knows that. Come on, that's not a healthy angle. We'll come straight back after we get someone to look at it, alright?" That was Jax, a concerned wobble in his voice.
Opie heard her sigh loudly, and felt a piece of her hair ticleing the skin of his cheek, as she bent and whispered in his ear. "I'll be right back Ope. Don't you go anywhere. When you wake up, we have to have a little chat.
July 1997
Olivia beamed as she stood in front of Opie, straightening his tie and smoothing out the collar of his white silk shirt. Little pin pricks of tears of happiness brewed in the corners of her eyes as she looked at him. The hot summer sun was flooding through the open french windows of the hotel room. His hair was styled back, a few curls tipping up at the nape of his neck.
"Who would have thought you'd brush up so well, Harry Winston." She commented and took a step back admiring his tuxedo, complete with a white scarf a matching white rose buttonhole. She gave a bit of a sniff as the tears threatened to fall. "I wish my mum could have seen you like this. She would have been like a proud mother hen."
Olivia's mother had succumbed to the liver cancer that had been eating away at her for a decade two months before Opie's big day, and now her seat as surrogate mother in the wedding party stood open. He still had Gemma, but she wasn't the same as Maggie.
"I miss her." Opie gruffed out, nervously fiddling with his cuffs and sniffing back his own tears.
"So do i." He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her shoulder careful to not knock her elaborate french twist or crease her elegant blue dress. "But think how happy she must be watching you right now, the son she never had, about to get married and looking handsome. Donna is a lucky girl."
He smiled softly and pulled away to sit at the foot of the bed. "I think she always secretly hoped that you and I would decide that our friendship was not enough, and that it'd be you walking down that aisle."
"We've been over this, Ope. Many times. it would never have worked. We know each other much too well." her hand trembled a little as she sipped at her glass of champagne.
"I suppose so. we never gave it a chance though."
Olivia sighed and put her glass down, moving to crouch in front of him. "Don't do this, Harry. You're having a little bit of cold feet. You're about to make a massive step in the right direction in your life, with the love of your life. and you can't deny that she's not. I've seen you light up when she walks in the room. You'll be happy. And before you know it there will be little Opies and Donnas running around. Chin up, give me a smile." It wasn't a request. He did as he was told and gave her a grin, knowing as usual, she was right.
"Thank you, Oli, I don't know what I'd do without you."
She stood up and walked back over to the dresser, draining her glass of bubbly and quickly refilling it. "I don't know, but I can tell you, your Champagne bill would be cheaper. This stuff is amazing!"
There was a knock at the door and Jax and Piney appeared in the entrance in matching suits.
"It's time, brother." Jax said with a loving smile. "You ready to do this?"
Opie nodded and stood up following his father and best man out the door.
"Knock 'em dead, gorgeous. Love you." Olivia whispered giving him one last hug.
"Love you too."
"See you out there Darlin'." Jax nodded, walking swiftly away with the groom.
"You ok, baby girl?" Piney asked, fixing his surrogate daughter with what felt like an xray stare.
"Yeah, pops, I'm ok."
December 2003
"You are recieving a call from a California State Penitentary from inmate H. Winston. Do you accept the charges?"
"Yes, I accept." Olivia said with a sigh, holding her phone between her ear and shoulder, emptying a sachet of sugar into her coffee. There were a few long beeps, and then a voice she instantly recognised. It made her smile.
"Hey Sweetheart."
"Hey Ope. To what do I owe the honour of this phone call?"
"I need you to do something for me Oli. Before I went inside, I had a deal going down with the Irish. I can't tell you anything more here, but I need you to get in contact with a man named Moreau. His number should be in the black book in my bedside table. "
"I'm not going in there Ope, there might be naughty things that will scar my innocent brain."
"Don't give me that shit." She could tell he was grinning on the other end of the line. "I told him three years. My three years are up. Tell him I'm in here and I've given you permission to handle my shit. I need you to write him a cheque for $2,000."
"$2,000 is a lot of money Ope."
"I needed it when Ellie was born."
She understood, Ellie had been far from well when she was born and there was no way they could have afforded the medical bills, Olivia knew that $2,000 was probably barely even scratching the surface of the hospital's costs.
"So it's just the money, right Ope?"
"Do you have the $2,000 in the bank, Ope? I thought you guys were running short."
"Donna will have to cope, we have no choice."
Oliva pursed her lips, she knew the Winstons were skirting the poverty line and was trying to help out as much as she could while Opie finished serving his time in Chino.
"Alright, I'll get on it. What would you do without me?"
"I'd have my legs broken." he paused for a second. "Thank you darlin, really. I miss you. You gonna come see me over the holidays?"
There was a loud beeping and the automated voice informed her that the call had been cut off. With a sigh she threw her phone back into her bag and turned on her heel, heading in the direction of her bank. She couldn't watch Opie's wife and children go hungry because of an old debt.
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mrswinstonsnotebook · 8 years
Hello everyone!
Hello everyone! I just want to welcome you all to my new SOA imagines/fan fiction blog! I found so many awesome ones out there, I just felt compelled to join in the community! I have a few imagines I can post to kick everything off, but I am taking requests, so if you want a imagine, don't be afraid to ask, I don't bite!
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