msegirl · 3 months
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msegirl · 4 months
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Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark The Hunger Games Series (2012-2015) Costume Designers: Judianna Makovsky, Trish Summerville, Kurt Swanson and Bart Mueller
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msegirl · 4 months
Catching Fire is a very funny book
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msegirl · 4 months
i think one of the things that makes the hunger games as good at it is is the amount of consistency. it’s not just that there aren’t plot holes; the whole series feels so thought out that it’s real, like someone is telling it start to finish after it’s all happened.
the specific thing i noticed is how katniss describes her interaction with peeta on trackerjacker venom as him sparkling and in book three after his hijacking he says the hijacked memories where shiny
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msegirl · 4 months
(Peeta Mellark x Reader)
Summary: You and Peeta have not talked much since the Games. Things became awkward between you guys when you confessed that the whole “Star-crossed-lovers” thing was just an act, and you didn’t really know how you felt about him… but today he comes knocking at your door.
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It’s been 6 months since Peeta and I won the Games. These days I mostly keep to myself. I don’t like all the attention. I only go out when necessary, and that’s to get essentials I need, to go hunting, and to make sure Haymitch hasn’t drank himself to death.
I sit in front of the fireplace, a mug of hot tea cupped in my hands. I feel myself dozing off, so I set my mug down on the table next to me.
Just as I start to fall asleep however, I hear a knock at my door.
“Who could that be?”, I think to myself. Not many people come to visit me. Not anyone besides Haymitch and Effie anyway.
I sigh and get up from my chair. I walk over to the door and open it.
My eyes meet the gaze of a familiar face, but one I haven’t spoken to in some time.
Peeta stands at my door, a small grin on his face, and Buttercup in his arms.
“Hey. Missing something?” He hands Buttercup to me.
I take Buttercup in my arms.
“Oh, thanks. He must have slipped out when I went over to Haymitch’s.”
I give Peeta a half-smile and start to close the door, but he puts his foot in to stop it.
I look at him with a puzzled expression on my face.
“Can I talk to you? …Please?”
I sigh and open the door. I gesture for him to come in.
I lead him to the couch, while I sit in the arm chair.
After a few moments of awkward silence, he speaks.
“How long are we going to keep doing this?”
I stare at the floor.
“Doing what?”
“Ignoring each other.”
I keep my gaze pointed to the floor.
“I don’t know what you want me to say, Peeta.”
“Look at me please.”
I look at him.
“Anything. Say anything.”
I look him dead in the eyes.
He looks at me like I just told him the world was about to end.
“Why?” I miss your voice. I miss your laugh… I miss everything about you.”
I soften my gaze a little.
“There’s nothing to miss about me, Peeta. We pretty much only knew each other for a few weeks. We were acting.”
He scoffs.
“Yes, I know that we haven’t known each other long, and yes, I know that you were acting…. but that doesn’t mean I can’t miss you. Those few weeks we spent together made me realize how much I truly care about you.”
“I care about you too, Peeta. I’m sorry that things ended weirdly between us.”
He raises his eyebrows a little.
I clear my throat.
“I mean, I miss you too. I care about you, and I want to be on good terms again.”
He softly smiles at me and I softly smile back to him.
He holds out his hand to me.
I take his hand and shake it.
I still don’t exactly know what type of feelings I have towards Peeta, but I’m glad that we are talking again.
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msegirl · 4 months
re-reading the end arena scene in the first hunger games book and i really don't think the movie did it justice. katniss and peeta are literally covered in blood (fresh and dried), and dirt. their hair is matted, peeta can't even stand on his own. they’re both almost skeletons. when they realize the capitols going to make them kill each other peeta throws away his knife but katniss has so much ptsd she almost shoots him without even thinking when she sees him raise a knife, and then panics realizing what shes doing even though peeta is almost begging her to let him die. he's so close to death that he knows even uncovering his wound (which he does) will be letting katniss win. when katniss comes up with the plan to eat the berries the berries are FULLY in their mouths, and they can taste them before the gamekeeper call it off. and peeta gives her a 'very gentle' kiss (in katniss's own words) before they eat the berries. peeta passes out the second they're on the helicopter and katniss is so feral they sedate her from behind after she’s done screaming for peeta
everything about this scene is absolutely tragic and horribly painful.
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msegirl · 4 months
I know I’ve said this before but the movies did give us a couple of glorious additions to the series, one of which is Peeta’s line at the Quell reaping: “You can’t stop me. Let go.”
Like. The way he says it. That’s Peeta.
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msegirl · 4 months
I smile like an idiot when I see my man, who’s not my man, on my television screen.
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msegirl · 4 months
Where Is She?
The Maze Runner Oneshot
(fem reader x thomas)
Summary: Your friend, Thomas, can’t find you, and the rest of the Gladers are afraid to tell them what’s happened to you.
Notes: In this case, you arrived to the Glade before Thomas. You are a runner, and he’s isn’t one yet.
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Y/N’s POV:
As the walls to the maze opened, I looked back to Thomas and waved. Then I went in.
Today was just supposed to be the normal routine. Enter the maze, explore, map, try to look for the way out and then head back. As I jogged with Minho, I started to hear a mechanical whirring sound. A Griever. Just as I was about to nudge Minho, he pulled me to the side of the wall and put a finger to his mouth. I looked around, but couldn’t find where the sound was actually coming from. Just as I turned my head to my left to check another section of the maze, a huge alien looking face was staring right at me.
Just as I was about to scream, it grabbed me with one of its mechanical arms. I watched as Minho sprung into action and grabbed his weapon. While he poked and prodded at the giant monster, I tried my best to squirm free from its grasp. I was fighting for my life, and it was draining the energy from me. Fast. I was so tired, and decided it wasn’t worth it anymore. As sad as I would be to leave my friends in the Glade, I’d finally be free from this shithole of a world. I go limp, and that’s when I feel it. A large prick. Like a giant needle had poked me. And that’s where I lost consciousness.
Thomas’s POV:
After eating breakfast and doing my chores, I decided to take a nap in my cot. There wasn’t much to do around the Glade today, so there wouldn’t be any harm done. (Y/N) and Minho wouldn’t be back till later, so there really wasn’t much point in staying awake. Especially since I was so tired. I barely got any sleep last night. It’s hard to sleep knowing you live within a maze filled with monsters.
I must have been asleep for hours, because it’s almost dark by the time I wake up. I yawn, stretch and get up. Everyone is still milling around the Glade, but not Newt and Alby. Chuck comes up to me, probably ready to start bugging me about something stupid, but he has a grim look on his face.
“What’s up Chuck?”, I ask.
“Newt and Alby told me to get you up. They want you in the Homestead. They called a Gathering or something”, he shrugs.
I start to walk towards the Homestead, before looking back to Chuck.
“You coming?”, I ask.
He shakes his head.
I shrug, and head over to the Homestead.
As soon as I enter through the door, I’m met with the eyes of many faces.
I walk over to Newt.
“What’s going on?”
Gally answers instead.
“Sit down, Greenie.”
I shoot him a glare and sit down.
As soon as I sit down, I see Minho. I’m about to ask him why he’s back so early, when Alby enters the room.
“Listen up.”
At the sound of Alby’s voice, all eyes leave me, and start to watch him.
Alby picks something up off the table and holds it in front of his body. I can’t tell what it is, and by the looks of it, neither can anybody else.
“This was brought back by Minho. If you can’t tell what is is, it’s a Griever stinger.”
I look over to Minho again, and this time notice he’s got blood on his face and hands, and what appear to be small wounds on his arms.
He looks back at me, with a grim expression on his face.
That’s when I realize that (Y/N) isn’t in the room.
I turn back to Alby.
“Where’s (Y/N)?”
“I’m getting to that, Thomas, just hold o-.”
“No, Alby. I won’t hold on. Where is she?”
Newt exchanges a look with both Alby and Minho, and then sighs, and looks at me.”
“Relax, Tommy. She’ll be okay.”
At those words, my stomach drops.”
“What do you mean she’ll ‘be okay’? Shuck, just tell me what happened.”
Minho gets up and walks over to me.
“(Y/N) was stung, but she-“
I don’t even let him finish. As soon as he says “stung”, I’m running to go up the stairs.
Just as I’m about to step onto the first step, Gally steps in front of me.
“Woah there, Greenie. You can’t go up there.”
“Get out of my way, Gally.”
He doesn’t budge. Just keeps staring down at me.
I decide to try and push past him. After several unsuccessful attempts, Newt finally pulls Gally away.
“Just let him.”
I walk up the stairs and into the room (Y/N) is being kept in. As soon as I enter, I’m met with a grisly sight. I see (Y/N), and she’s alive, but she looks awful. She’s pale and has dark veins all along her body. There are cuts and bruises on just about every part of exposed skin that I can see. I also notice that she’s strapped down to the bed.
I want to get a closer look, but Alby and Newt step inside the room and make me leave.
The next few days are agonizing. I’m not allowed back into the room, but we can all hear her shrieks and screams from all across the Glade.
One day, as I’m eating breakfast, Chuck runs up to me with a wide grin on his face.
“She’s awake!”
(Y/N)’s POV:
I open my eyes, and to my surprise, I feel good. My body doesn’t hurt anymore. I start to feel some memories coming back to me, but I try to not let them get in the way right now.
Not even five minutes after I wake up, Thomas runs into the room, which startles me.
I jump a little.
“Hello to you too.”
At this, he relaxes himself a little and sits down next to me.
“Hey”, he says
I smile.
I notice that he is examining my body.
“I look brand new, huh?”
He looks back to me.
“Just a few days ago, you-“
“Yeah, I know. I’ve seen the Changing happen before, Thomas”, I laugh.
He smiles at me.
“How do you feel?”
“Okay”, I shrug.
He frowns a little.
“I was so worried about you.”
I look at him with a look of skepticism in my eyes.
“You were?”
He crinkles his eyebrows.
“Of course I was. Why wouldn’t I be?”
I shrug.
“I mean, we’ve only known each other for a week.”
He looks me in the eyes and says,
“And I’ve grown to care about you during our week together.”
With those words, I lean up on my elbows and lightly kiss him.
After a slight look of suprise in his eyes, he kisses me back.
We pull away, and I smile and say,
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msegirl · 4 months
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msegirl · 4 months
katniss: "hmmm... idk if i like peeta romantically!"
also katniss: literally has to be sedated after thinking abt peeta being tortured
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msegirl · 4 months
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screencap redraw!! Catching Fire 59:29
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msegirl · 4 months
About Me
feel free to submit one shot requests!
i do not write smut!!
fandoms i write for:
-the hunger games
-the maze runner
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msegirl · 4 months
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Newt | Peeta
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msegirl · 4 months
I really do think one of the most endearing things Katniss did in the books was try to mimic her parents when trying to seem loving. It’s hilarious to think that during the growing back together period before they start getting romantic Katniss does something similar where she tries mixing in Peeta’s way of being affectionate with her own. But Peeta is also transparently romantic even when he’s trying not to be so Peeta is getting a mix of
- Katniss hunting and finding cool stuff in the forest to give him and make him happy. Which comes naturally to her based on the goat with Prim and pine needles for Johanna.
- “oh when I needed comfort Peeta hugging me with his lips against my neck helped and felt really good” and she commences doing that causing the boy to almost have a stroke
Katniss tries the verbal route once in a while but takes a lot of breaks because she comes home with stuff like “you have handsome eyelashes”. (Sending Peeta on another spiral because not even his romantic dreams could come up with such an endearingly Katniss-like compliment so he knows it’s real).
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msegirl · 4 months
thinking about how peeta mellark, the calmest and probably the gentlest man ever in the hunger games, only ever went batshit crazy unhinged when katniss everdeen was threatened. even caesar flickerman was gagged.
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msegirl · 4 months
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catching fire (2013) // catching fire chapter 27
katniss's last desperate act to save peeta and keep him unchanged till the very end, just as he intended to.
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